Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 78: Revived ancient beast

In this special process of slavery, Shao Xuan contrasted the situation of the nailed beast and the pterosaur next to it.

In contrast, when you slave a spiked beast, you consume less power and are much simpler. Among them, there are no reasons for self-awareness, but the most crucial thing is the essence.

Although the bones of the nailed beast are relatively high in activity, the quality is not good. In short, its bones cannot accommodate much of the fire. This is just a common beast in a mountain forest. It is in the lower class of the food chain, and its bones cannot withstand too much power.

And the pterosaur, although not big, even smaller than the spiked beast, but in the enslavement, Shao Xuan found that the pterosaur can fuse more powerful than the spiked beast .

The capacity of the bone marrow on the fusion fire is independent of size.

So, is it possible to speculate that the higher the level of the species, the stronger the strength of the person, the greater the strength that can be accommodated?

Shao Xuan decided to sell the fierce beast meat to catch a fierce beast that had just been slaughtered.

I was about to leave. Shao Xuan thought about the pterosaur that was still on the stone table. He turned his head and glanced at it. The pterosaur was twisting his neck and looking at Shao Xuan.

Turning his head, Shao Xuan pulled out the door of the secret room and went out, then pulled the thick stone door of the secret room.

In the next moment of the draw, Shao Xuan lifted the control of the pterosaur, but did not go far, but stood outside the chamber for a while.

Shao Xuan can perceive the movement of the pterosaur inside, as if it is completely projected in his mind. It is not very clear, but it is not a whole body image, but a skeleton, a skeleton that combines the power of fire, even the long tail of its swing. It can also be "seeing" clearly.

After Shao Xuan left, the pterosaur thought to regain his freedom. After turning over, he looked around with vigilance and screamed. He saw that there was no abnormality, and after waiting carefully, he turned to the other side of the table. The nailed beast climbed over.

Its wings are a bit more flexible than when they were just thawed, and they climb faster.

The **** smell of the spiked beast stimulates the speed at which it crawls faster. Almost as soon as it climbs to the beaked beast, it stretches its neck at the same time and opens its mouth and bites it toward the spiked beast. The meat that Shao Xuan gave at first could not solve its hunger problem.

It is still not very strong now. It can only use the teeth to scrape the meat from the spiked beasts little by little. Every time it is scraped down, it is eaten very fast.

After Shao Xuan "looked" for a while at the door of the secret room, he left. There is nothing important in it. Even if the pterosaurs are tossed again, it is useless. It is impossible to directly nail the thick stone walls of the chamber.

At the same time, Shao Xuan also wants to know how much he can effectively control the distance of the pterosaur.

The more I know, Shao Xuan feels that there is a lot of information hidden in it, which can make him know more about the person who invented this special slavery law.

So far, no one knows who the geeks are, or which group. Yi Si said that there is the handwriting of the Yi family, but it is impossible to determine exactly how many people who left the Yi family before the millennium played a role in this.

Shaking his head, Shao Xuan continued to walk outwards, and by the way, he felt the image in his mind. As long as it is within the effective control range, the image of the pterosaur should be there.

Until Shao Xuan walked out of Yanhe Fort, the image in his mind was still clear, and the pterosaur continued to eat.

Going to the place where the beast was selling the fierce beast meat, picking up a fierce beast that had just been slaughtered, and the pterosaur, who was swaying his head and biting the food, heard the movement suddenly shrinking toward the nailed beast.

Shao Xuan ignored it, but placed the beast that came in on the stone table. This beast has been slaughtered, the internal organs have been removed, the blood has been let go, and it has been roughly wiped, with only a small amount of blood flowing to the table.

Smell the smell of blood, the pterosaur hidden behind the nailed beast looked out to Shao Xuan, seems to judge Shao Xuan will not smash it as before, but look at the beast, think about it I didn’t dare to look like before. Obviously, it is interested in the fierce beast. The flesh of the beast is different from the flesh of the ordinary beast, and the attraction to different animals is different.

This pterosaur is obviously more biased towards the beast, but it is only because of Shao Xuan's reason that he dare not go forward.

Shao Xuan used the same method to enslave this beast.

As Shao Xuan guessed, the fire power that can be integrated in the bones of the beast is indeed more than that of the ordinary beast, but it cannot be compared with others. When Shao Xuan was studying the freak, although he could not complete the experiment, he could also speculate about it. Combined with the current attempts, Shao Xuan guessed that compared with the beast, the degree of fusion of the fire was strong. Much more, this may be the reason why people in Yanling choose people instead of desert beasts.

After the verification is completed, Shao Xuan is ready to take out the fierce beast. He just tried the method of enslavement on the beast and combined the power of the fire. After the test, he can continue to eat. Of course, he will not send it out again. Sold on the market, directly to the Yanjiao people in Yanhe Fort, this is a combination of the fierce animal bones of the fire, and the other is not the same.

Before moving, Shao Xuan saw that the pterosaur was still squinting at this side, and he cut a piece of animal meat with a knife, placed it on the stone table, and then moved the beast to leave.

After leaving the Chamber of Secrets, Shao Xuan handed the beast to the people in Yanhe Fort who were planning to start preparing for the morning meal.

"Bone cut the soup, the bone marrow inside can not be wasted, this is the fusion of the bones of the fire." Shao Xuan said.

The Yanjiao warrior who took over the fierce beast looked stunned and looked at the beast in his hand. He always felt strange. I don't understand, the warrior didn't think much about it. According to the words of the elders, I took a few steps, and when I took a shot, the words of the elders summed up a word, not just "eat", he understood!

When I returned to the secret room, Shao Xuan’s fierce beast that had been placed there had been eaten nearly one-third. What Shao Xuan left is similar to the size of the pterosaur. Seeing that it is still in the doldrums, there is no point to stop. I don’t know how much I will eat in the end.

Probably found that Shao Xuan did not attack it twice, the pterosaur was also courageous, mainly in front of food, the courage will be much larger than in the past, but still dare not approach Shao Xuan, look at Shao Xuan The eyes are still full of fear.

Shao Xuan only glanced over there and no longer looked at it. He planned to test the semi-rotted nail-toothed beast. After all, mentioning it here, there is no need to waste it.

When Shao Xuan tried to enslave, he also took care to observe the reaction of the pterosaur. When I was enslaved to the beast, the pterosaur showed horror. Although it was not called, but it was hidden behind the nailed beast, Shao Xuan could still "see" it to tremble.

Now, when Shao Xuan’s hand is on fire, the pterosaurs are not even tempted by the food. They immediately find a place to hide. Under the panic, they directly fall off the stone table. If the wings are not open, then they just The thawed body can't stand a fall, and maybe it will break.

The semi-rotted nail-toothed animal did not consume Shao Xuan for a long time, and it was the fastest one among the three that Shao Xuan tried to enslave. However, under the control of Shao Xuan, the semi-rotted nail-toothed beast was separated by walking a few bones, just like a malfunctioning machine, which could not be precisely controlled.

"It's not good if the activity is low."

It is still the cause of bone activity. It's no wonder that people in Yanling make those weird people. No one is rotten. Although it looks a bit strange, it can be seen that people who have done the treatment and enslaved those weirdos seem to value the quality of those weirdos.

After the secret mysterious desert geeks were cracked by Shao Xuan, Shao Xuan also told everyone about the secrets at the high-level meeting in Yanjiao.

However, not everyone can use this method to enslave a beast that has already died. Except for Shao Xuan, the enthusiasm of the levy and the Dokang, including the two retired veterans, have not been successful. It is because Shaoxing is one of the people who know this secret among the people who know this secret in the Yanjiao tribe.

Knowing that the ancient beasts in the ice that Shao Xuan brought back were actually alive, everyone in Yanjiao was very curious.

The other ice cubes, either melted and then made the insects inside the fertilizer, only a few special, well-preserved, retired two old witches found a mountain cave, said to be reserved for memorial Later, I will leave it to the descendants of Yanjiao. After all, it is a long time ago, and it may even be older than the ancestors.

But now, I heard that one of them has survived, and the two retired veterans can't wait to see the strange little monster that grows like a bird and a bird.

In the past few days, Shao Xuan has been shutting down the pterosaur in the underground secret room. After all, such an ancient beast, even if it is a small size, can not be underestimated. In the past few days, with the rapid recovery of the pterosaurs, Shao Xuan I have seen it fierce. If you arbitrarily let go, it would be bad to attack yourself.

So, when a group of people ran to Yanhe Fort, followed Shao Xuan to the underground secret room, when opening the door, the first thing that smelled was a **** smell and smell.

Shao Xuan also feels that it tastes great, but he can only maintain this way before he is trained.

On the stone table, there was a bitten piece of meat that seemed to have eaten a lot.

The water moonstone on the wall is still lit. There is a rattan-woven birdcage in the corner. The birdcage has no door, it is empty inside, and there is a ripple under the cage.

If only by hearing, they can't know where the pterosaurs are hiding, but with the breath of fire, they can perceive its existence.

Under the table, in the shadows, there is a figure, like a bat, hanging upside down on the edge of the table, because of the angle and the light, it is difficult for people standing at the door to find it. Mobile phone users please visit

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