Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 79: How did the dinosaur disappear?

The pterosaur has always been vigilant about the surroundings, and Shao Xuan, who has been feeding it for these few days, is still a little bit closer, but more is still fearful.

In a few days, this pterosaur has roughly recovered to the state before being frozen. The reaction and perception are quick and many. When the door of the secret room appears, it will detect more than Shao Xuan, and there are more strangers. The breath exists, so it will hide so quickly.

This way of hiding is not to learn bats, but when it used to live in the forest, when it is dangerous, it will hide in the trees, behind the leaves or behind the dense branches. After all, it is small, not like those. The large pterosaurs that dominate the sky are as unscrupulous.

Yes, during this time, Shao Xuan discovered that this pterosaur may have belonged to a small pterosaur. I imagined that the large pterosaurs that can be compared with scorpions are probably invisible.

When Shao Xuan will hide from the pterosaurs under the table, other talents will surround the table and carefully scrutinize this creature from ancient times.

"This is the one you said... pterosaur?" The levy looked at the pterosaur on the table. "It looks really weird, not like a bird, not a bat."

"It really came from a long time ago?" I wanted to reach out and pull its wings, and it was avoided.

It can feel the power of the Yanjiao fire, can feel the similarities of other Yanjiao people, although the look is not the same, but the breath has similarities.


This is its first thought.

Although I don’t understand why these guys are so different in appearance and so much in size, it doesn’t prevent it from understanding how to do it. In the past few days, Shao Xuan has been training it and told it with actual behavior. Those who attack a similar kind of fire are subject to punishment. Therefore, it does not dare to attack, but can only avoid, and the eyes are still vigilantly staring at the people around.

"It's hard to believe that it hasn't been dead for so long. It's just a little something." Dokang raised his hand and made a stroke. Not yet, he gave Shao Xuan the two spiked beasts, which is amazing vitality.

"Since I found one, Axuan, you said, what about other beasts living in that era?" The retired old man swears his own beard, "from the insects and beasts in the ice, and the recovery." Looking at this pterosaur, the beasts of that era are very likely to be very different from today."

"Yes, the beast at that time is indeed different from the present, but I don't know why it disappeared. However, I have a little thought these days." Shao Xuan said.

Yan Yan’s people don’t ask Shao Xuan how to know this, because they don’t think it matters. Even if they ask, Shao Xuan said that the ancestors told them that they would definitely believe that what they think is important is what Shao Xuan said. , not what Shao Xuan learned from.

As soon as Shao Xuan said, the two retired witches all came to the interest, and others looked at Shao Xuan, waiting for Shao Xuan's next words. Shao Xuan said that these savage beasts of pterosaurs may be older than the ancestors of Yanjiao. They are unimaginable. It is even more difficult to imagine what the situation was in that era. What is the position of the people of that era? ?

"You said, why is it, they will disappear?"

"Probably because of the fire." Shao Xuandao.

"Fire?" Others wonder, what is the kind of fire?

"I have found this pterosaur in the past few days. It is very afraid of the flame of fire. On the contrary, the flame of ordinary wood burning, although it will avoid it, does not react so strongly." Trying that special kind of slavery At the time of the method, Shao Xuan discovered this phenomenon, and tried it several times in the next few days, each time with the same result.

"Afraid of fire flames? Other beasts will be considered, but you are not saying, can it recover, or because of the power of fire? And it also has the smell of flaming fire in the body, how can it be afraid?" This is not understood by everyone. People of different tribes will be excluded from the fires of other tribes, but people or beasts with the same fire power in the body should not behave like this. For example, those who have been engraved in the tribe are not afraid of the fire of the horns. .

"For this, I think it should know that the fire that I fired can't hurt it, but the reaction that produces fear is like an instinct. As long as there is a fire flame, it will desperately want to stay away and hide. I guess, before it was frozen, did you see anything about the fire?" Like conditioning, feeling the fire, you will want to avoid it.

"Wait!" The two witches simultaneously took out the pen and the animal skin roll, quickly recorded it, and then on Shao Xuandao, "Continue."

Occupational response, even if retired, the two old people are still very interested in some things related to history, Shao Xuan said, even if they guess, they will record, can not confirm how, how can people after the Yanjiao can Find the answer?

Looking at the records of the two old people, Shao Xuan continued to talk.

"If, I mean, if the pterosaur had seen the fire before it was frozen, and the time was still shortly before the ice, then its reaction would make sense. For a long time, its memory will fade away, but if it was seen not long before the ice seal, it is more likely to have such a reaction after waking up. Generally speaking, the tribe's fire will be placed in the fire pond. After all, in the old age, it should be There has not been a phenomenon of fusion of fires."

Everyone nodded, and Shao Xuan said that they certainly understand that even if it is the sea, the time of fusion fire will not be 100,000, tens of millions or even longer. If it exists at that time, only It can be the state of the original fire.

"Although I don't know what happened at that time, I guess it should be brought by the original fire, or it won't make it so fearful. It looks at the flames of the fire, it is no stranger, but like seeing what is familiar. The same is true of horror.” Shao Xuan could not perceive the idea of ​​the pterosaur consciousness as the sapphire. The special method of slavery is only for the bones, not the consciousness. What the pterosaur is thinking, Shao Xuan is really unclear, can only judge according to some details, to guess.

Shao Xuan’s statement, everyone accepts, in their hearts, fire is the most powerful thing in the world. If there is anything that can make the beasts living in that long-term era disappear, I am afraid that there is only fire, and other reasons are they. Do not accept, is there anything better than the fire? They don't believe it.

"However, guessing is speculation after all, and there are still a lot of things that can't be said, but no one can know what happened at that time, except for it." Shao Xuan pointed to the stone table and watched the surrounding pterosaurs. Said.

Because he used a method of slavery, Shao Xuan did not grasp the enslavement method of the former slavery sapphire and then enslaved it. The two methods of slavery are too different. One careless, this pterosaur will directly explode. In that case, even a bone residue can not be left. Besides, it is a long, long time ago. It is not necessary to understand that they are not archaeological. If you have the energy, you might as well dig the river to build a house.

The people in Yanjiao are only curious for a moment, and there is no need to continue to ask.

"Be sure to take good care of it! If you can't take care of A Xuan, you can let us two old guys come. It has been seen for a long time ago, the fire, the ancient beast that survived earlier than the ancestors! This is alive!" Before leaving the Chamber of Secrets The two widows who have already retired are still reluctantly looking back to the stone table. Among all the people here, except Shao Xuan, the most interested in the pterosaur, probably only the two old people.

According to the meaning of the two witches, the pterosaur is considered to be a tribal mascot. Shao Xuan has no idea. This guy is not big, but his temperament is quite ferocious, but also a mascot? It is good enough not to injure people.

After other people left, Shao Xuan looked at the pterosaur that jumped from the stone table and glided to the ground to find food. According to its performance today, it should be able to take it out in a few days.

Five days later, Shao Xuan took a cage made of new bronze and left the underground secret room.

The cage was covered with a layer of cloth that was not too thick. There were some holes in the cloth. The people outside could not see the cage from the small holes, but there were eyes in the cage that curiously went out from the hole. Hey.

Shao Xuan did not open the cage in Yanhe Fort, but always carried the cage out of the trading area and walked to the Yanjiao headquarters from the Yanhe Bridge.

The Yanhe River is digging the river. The people who participate in the Yanjiao, the Taihe, the Yi tribe, the rain tribe, and some surrounding tribes, can even see a few distant travelers.

It takes labor to dig the river. These labors are not all people in Yanjiao and Taihe. After all, there are things in other places. The Taihe River is newly built. The number of people that can be separated is limited, so only some people can be hired. Some people around the world who are willing to work hard can also use labor to change from Yanjiao to a lot of things. Yanjiao still has two meals a day.

There are other people from the far-off team who want to join, but unfortunately they have taken a step late, and the manpower has already been recruited. Recently, they are starting work.

The stone bridge on the Yanhe River directly intercepts the water surface of the Yanhe River. If you want to go upstream and downstream, it will be quite troublesome. Therefore, after re-planning, a river will be dug, bypassing the petrochemical area from the upstream, connecting the downstream, and the amount of work is not small. But they are not in a hurry.

Once I had dug the artificial lake, Yanjiao had some experience in this area and did not feel trouble.

When Shao Xuan used to be, the other side was digging hot.

Shao Xuan handed over a beast from the trading area to them as food for the meal this morning. I asked about the progress of the river digging and whether there was any problem. I heard that the person in charge said that everything went smoothly. Shao Xuan did not stop too much. He left the cage and went to the Yanhe Bridge.

"What is the big elder's hand holding?" A Yanjiao warrior looked at Shao Xuan's back and asked the companion next to him.

"I don't know, but I can feel the smell of our flaming horns inside. It's weird, is it that the elders have also printed a beast?"

"How big is that cage? The inside is even smaller, can it be a beast?"

"Not what a beast can be? The elders can only be an ordinary beast?"

"That is... oh, I will know later, the elders will definitely release it." Mobile users please visit

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