Cicada Moving

Chapter 972: hold on

  When Dai Chunfeng heard Zuo Zhong’s conclusion that the war between Red Russia and Japan at Nomenkan would not last long, he still felt a little unwilling to give up, and asked with a hint of hope.

“No way, the Japanese and Tsarist Russia fought in the Northeast and Yellow Sea. They have long had a life-and-death feud. They will definitely go all out to avenge this war.

 In addition, Red Russia had previously supported the government with so many cutting-edge weapons and equipment, which resulted in the Japanese plan in Qicheng falling short. The war should not end hastily. "

Zuo Zhong smiled bitterly to himself, but had no choice but to tell what he was thinking on the way, emphasizing that the key to Red Russia's interests lies in Europe, not the worthless East Asia.

Lao Dai felt disappointed after hearing this. He sat on his chair and sighed in disappointment. He was obviously hit hard by this "bad" news, and he didn't know how to explain it to someone.

Now everyone in the government is celebrating the war between Japan and Russia. If he reveals this matter at this time, not only will he not get any benefits, but he will also be accused of having ulterior motives.

Oh, everyone thinks this is a good thing, but you, Dai Chunfeng, are smart and insist on pouring a basin of cold water on us. This kind of behavior is afraid of the enemy at the least, and disrupts the morale of the army at the worst.

Dai Chunfeng knew what it means to be wise and protect yourself. He was in a dilemma for a while. He didn't know whether he should report it to the superior. If he reported it, he would easily offend others. If he didn't report it, it would be his duty.

Zuo Zhong seemed to have seen the other party's entanglement, and suggested in a low voice: "Teacher, the student feels that no matter how long the Japanese and the Red Russians fight, and how the fight ends, we have to do something.

As you just said, there is a historical dispute between them. This is an opportunity. Can we do something about this to make the war between Japan and Russia last longer? "

He took the opportunity to put forward his idea. If he wanted the military commander to fan the flames, he must get the consent of Dai Chunfeng or a higher level. After all, this was related to the country's overall strategy.

When Dai Chunfeng heard what Zuo Zhong said, he was moved in his heart but did not express his position immediately, because international observation was someone's most important concern. He thought carefully for a long time and shook his head.

“The Red Russians are very important to the national government. Currently, most of the heavy equipment of the Red Russian army is provided by the other side. Once they anger the other side, there will be big problems on the front line. Let’s put this matter aside for now.

 Let's wait and see. If there are signs of a short-term truce between Japan and Russia, I will suggest to the committee that it is not too late to urge all intelligence stations to pay close attention to the war during this period.

The situation in Red Russia is special, and we are beyond our reach. I will not make any demands, but we have deployed a lot of manpower to the Japanese, and the deployment of troops at the regiment level must be mastered. "

 Wait and see, wait and see again.

Then how long do we have to wait? Do we have to wait until the Japanese and the Red Russians reach an agreement, and there is no need to worry about the future, and the Kwantung Army is transferred to the Guanzhong before we take action? By then it will be too late.

Zuo Zhong opened his mouth but did not speak in the end. He saluted and left Dai Chunfeng's office. He knew that it was useless to say anything now and could only wait for the war to develop.

It was late May. Half a month had passed since the Japanese search team entered Mongolia and then retreated. Both the Japanese and Red Russians were ready for another big battle.

The Japanese assembled more than 1,000 men from the 64th Regiment of the 23rd Division, more than 200 men from the search team, 450 cavalrymen from the Xing'an North District Guard Cavalry Regiment, and a small number of aircraft and artillery.

Logically speaking, the Kwantung Army should not only deploy this small number of troops, but after the Zhanggufeng battle, the Japanese army believed that the Red Russian army that had undergone the Great Purge was a bunch of idiots and was simply vulnerable.

The Japanese obviously overestimated their own strength and underestimated the Red Russians' fighting will. The Japanese army always believed that the Red Russian troops on the opposite side were still the same as the Tsarist Russia during the Russo-Japanese War.

 But in fact, even Tsarist Russia had inflicted heavy losses on the Japanese army. What’s more, the Red Russian army they faced this time was a new type of army that was industrialized and possessed of faith.

In addition to being equipped with a large number of fighter planes and artillery, the Red Russian Far Eastern Army also has many medium tanks and armored vehicles, while the Japanese army is equipped with light and micro tanks.

According to intelligence collected by military commanders in the Northeast, the total number of Russian-Mongolian coalition forces after the last conflict reached 57,000, equipped with thousands of armored vehicles and more than 500 artillery pieces of various types.

In contrast, although the Japanese and puppet troops have a strength advantage of more than 75,000, they only have more than 180 tanks and less than 500 artillery pieces, and there are only a dozen miniature tanks on the front line.

On the other hand, the Red Russians were much more cautious. In addition to slowly gathering the elite forces of the Far East Military Region to Mongolia, they also asked the Mongolian Army's 7th Cavalry Division to send rangers to the other side to suppress Japanese activities.

In addition, the natural conditions of the battlefield are also favorable to the Red Russians. The area on the east bank of the Halaha River controlled by the Japanese army is dotted with sand dunes, wind-silt piles and depressions, and is overgrown with weeds and shrubs.

 In some places with undulating terrain, it is difficult for tanks, armored vehicles, and livestock to pass, which invisibly made the Japanese army's logistics transportation system, which was still in the process of mules and horses, miserable.

The west bank controlled by the Red Russians was at least 50 meters higher than the river surface. The Red Russian artillery deployed positions on these platforms, making full use of the commanding heights to violently bombard passing Japanese personnel.

The Japanese army could not see the situation of the Red Russian troops on the platform at all, and could only be beaten passively, forcing the Japanese to retreat their front lines to avoid artillery attacks, which gave the Red Russians an opportunity to take advantage of. Judging from local historical hydrological records, the Halaha River is about 30 to 40 meters wide, about 2 meters deep, and has a flow rate of about 1 meter per second. It is not difficult for troops to cross the river as long as they have the tools to cross the river.

However, the Japanese Kwantung Army was not stupid. In order to prevent the Red Russian army from crossing the river secretly, they deployed some pseudo-cavalry in the vast fighting area to monitor the movements of the Red Russian army on the other side.

Anyway, the person who died in the accident was a pseudo-mite, and Japan didn't have to pay a dime. At most, it gave out one or two steel medals to boost morale. No matter how you look at it, it is a good business that makes sure you make money without losing money.

Of course, the Japanese side is not without its advantages. Most of the lakes on both sides of the Halaha River are saltwater lakes, but the Japanese army has the Holstein River as a water source for the army's water supply, and the water source is sufficient.

The water source in Mengdi is very scarce. The Halaha River is at the center of the war and it is inconvenient to obtain water. Red Russia relies entirely on water wells, and the distance between two wells is even 40 to 50 kilometers.

Furthermore, the supply line of the Red Russia is about 750 kilometers long, while the supply line of the Kwantung Army is only 200 kilometers. The staff of the Kwantung Army judge others by themselves, and believe that when large corps is fighting, the length of land depots should generally not exceed 200 to 250 kilometers.

Therefore, these smart people with Army University graduation certificates on their chests believe that it is unlikely that Red Russia will invest a large number of troops in an exchange of fire in an area 750 kilometers away from the terminal station of the railway line. To put it simply, the advantage lies with us.

But they never thought about what the thousands of trucks in the Red Russian Far East Military District were used for. They could only say that vision determines fate. The French won the last European War with trucks, not to mention the Germans. Today, more than twenty years later.

 May 28th.

When the first ray of sunshine rose on the Mongolian grassland, the 6th Cavalry Division of the Mongolian Army suddenly set up a pontoon bridge on the Halaha River, then rushed across the river through the pontoon bridge and quickly approached the Japanese army.

The Japanese and puppet troops were divided into three fronts and launched a countercharge towards the Sixth Cavalry Division. The men and horses from both sides quickly fought together on the grassland. The Montenegrin cavalry, which was always on horseback, was extremely fierce in combat.

Through precise volleys and the outstanding endurance of the Montenegrin breed, they successfully blocked the Japanese counterattack on the east bank of the Halaha River, and waited for the reinforcements from the Red Russians after preparing for extremely fierce artillery fire.

The Japanese army saw that the situation was not good, and the cavalry regiment and armored vehicle unit of the 23rd Division decided to make a desperate move and went deep into the rear of the Mongolian army's position to surprise the Mongolian army's headquarters, and succeeded very smoothly.

It is a pity that the Japanese commander did not command the troops to evacuate in time, but was instead surrounded by the Red Russian tank troops who came for reinforcements. Once they fought, the Kwantung Army got a taste of the power of the Red Russian army.

The armored vehicles equipped by the Japanese army were not much thicker than tin cans. They were no match for the Red Russian tanks and were quickly beaten into parts.

The Russian and Mongolian troops only dispatched one Spitfire company and one armored car battalion, and easily wiped out this fast Japanese force. Only some Japanese cavalry broke through the encirclement and fled.

Under the attack of multiple Red Russian troops, especially as more and more Red Russian tanks crossed the river, the Japanese and puppet troops soon fell into a rout. The puppet cavalry troops dispersed in a rush, and the search team was completely annihilated.

The 64th Regiment of the 23rd Division successfully broke through, but the casualty rate also reached 20%. From the perspective of Western military science, this unit was equivalent to losing its combat effectiveness.

Through the investigation of Fu Ling's team in Tokyo, we learned that the total strength of the Japanese and puppet troops in this battle was 2,500, and about 1,500 actually participated in the battle. Hundreds of people were killed, hundreds of people were injured, and more than ten people were missing.

What is shocking is that the Red Russians, who had the overall advantage, also suffered a lot of casualties. Even the commander of the 6th Mongolian Cavalry Division and the Chief of the Operations Division of the 9th Red Russian Armored Brigade were killed in the battle.

After this battle, Japan and Red Russia each licked their wounds, and the situation in Northeast China fell into a mysterious silence. The national government, which was expecting both sides to suffer losses, was dumbfounded.

Isn’t it said that the two sides have a deep hatred? How come the war is like this? The war has not escalated. Someone sent multiple telegrams to Mosk to test whether the Red Russians have any intention to expand the scale of the conflict.

As a result, Mosk only responded with a very perfunctory call back, saying nothing about the Nomonkan conflict. He seemed very satisfied with the current situation and was not prepared to completely fall out with the Japanese.

Someone was disappointed and scolded the "weakness" of the Red Russians, even saying that Zhuzi was inadequate and resourceful. At this time, Dai Chunfeng jumped out in time and told Zuo Zhong's plan.

Someone who felt despised by the Red Russians immediately ordered the military commander to do everything possible to drag the Japanese attention to the Northeast. It would be best to let the Red Russians and the Kwantung Army perish together.

To be honest, this idea is a bit whimsical. Mosk and the big shots in Tokyo would not be so stupid, but Dai Chunfeng still agreed with full confidence on the surface.

As soon as he returned to the Luojiawan headquarters, he found Zuo Zhong and reported someone's order, emphasizing that the Military Command Bureau must complete this arduous task no matter what, and passed the responsibility to the proud student.

Zuo Zhong, who had been well prepared, was not surprised at all after hearing this. He pretended to think for a few minutes, raised his head and looked at the frowning teacher, and said eight words: "Hidden the truth! Create something out of nothing!"

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