Cicada Moving

Chapter 971: Start fighting

Chapter 971 The fight begins

Not long after Ling Sanping left, a rush of footsteps sounded in the teahouse. Gu Qi quickly ran to the second floor. Without enough time to wipe the sweat off his head, he reported a shocking news to Zuo Zhong.

“Deputy Chairman, Northeast Top Secret Telegram, at nine o’clock two days ago, a Japanese search team secretly sneaked into Nomenkan, which is more than 200 kilometers away from the Red-Russian border, and launched a sneak attack on the Mongolian army.

This search team belongs to the 23rd Division of the Kwantung Army that entered Hailar in July last year. It has 104 cavalry and 90 armored soldiers. The name of the commander is temporarily unknown.

  Yesterday, five Japanese aircraft participated in combat operations today and attacked the Mongolian army east of the Halaha River. With a sudden attack and ground and air superiority, the Japanese won.

After suffering more than 30 soldier casualties, the Mongolian army voluntarily withdrew to the area west of the Halaha River. According to credible intelligence, the Red Russians have begun mobilizing troops in accordance with the "Russian-Mongolian Mutual Assistance Agreement." "

The Japanese and the Red Russians are fighting!

Hearing the news, Zuo Zhong stood up suddenly. This was a big event and he had to quickly return to the bureau headquarters to wait for orders from the top management. As he walked out, he asked Gu Qi.

“Do you have any specific deployment of Red Russia?”

“Yes, the 11th Tank Brigade of the Red Russian Far Eastern Force and the 36th Motorized Infantry Division stationed in Ulan-Ude began to move towards Nomenkan, and our intelligence personnel took photos of the march.

In addition, the 57th Red Russian Far East Command deployed in Ulaanbaatar was also transferred to Tamtsag Prague, 125 kilometers away from Nomenkan, in order to command the battle in Nomenkan. "

 Gu Qi whispered the intelligence that the general had collected so far, his face full of excitement. The Japanese attack on Red Russia was good news for the government, because the Republic of China was no longer fighting alone.

Zuo Zhong is not as blindly optimistic as he is. The contradiction between Japan and Red Russia has been around for a long time. Due to geopolitical and ideological conflicts, the two countries have had many frictions in the Far East.

In 1904, in order to compete for the sphere of influence in the Northeast of the Republic of China, the Russo-Japanese War broke out. In the war, the decadent Tsarist Russian Far East Army was no match for the Japanese Kwantung Army, which had more advanced combat ideas.

 Japan won a complete victory in this battle, and the Northeast of the Republic of China became Japan's sphere of influence. Tsarist Russia was also forced to cede the southern part of Sakhalin Island to Japan, losing the face of its old imperialism.

In addition to winning on land, Japan also won a victory against Russia on the sea. In the Battle of the Yellow Sea, the Taiping Yangtze Fleet deployed by Tsarist Russia in Lushun Port was completely annihilated by the Japanese navy.

At this point, Tsarist Russia completely lost its qualification to fight for interests with Japan in the Far East, and its military strategy shifted to all-out defense. Japan was the only plotter left in the entire northern part of the Republic of China.

 Japan, which finally achieved complete victory in the Russo-Japanese War, has become more and more hungry, and even has the ambition to dominate the world. It started from cannibalization to launch a criminal plan of comprehensive invasion of China.

It was also after this war that the Japanese began to despise Tsarist Russia, a large northern country. Even after the establishment of Red Russia, most Japanese officers continued to despise Red Russia without knowing anything about it.

When Japan completely embarked on the monarchist route of foreign aggression, in order to continuously obtain the benefits of aggression, two voices emerged among the think tanks and cabinet officials of Japan's Tokyo base camp.

One is the northward route that the Japanese Army insists on, taking the land route to once again provoke a war against the Red Russia, seizing the vast strategic depth of Montenegro and Siberia, and occupying the vulnerable Republic of China along the way.

 In this way, not only can we obtain the rich mineral deposits, oil and natural gas in northern Red Russia and Montenegro, but we can also recreate the vast territory of the Yuan Dynasty and become the world's leading power.

Due to the impact of the last war, the Japanese Army optimistically believed that the Red Russian army was fragile. It even boasted that one Japanese division was worth three Red Russian divisions. I don’t know where they got the courage.

Another voice is the southward route proposed by the Japanese navy, which uses the powerful force of the Japanese combined fleet to go south to Southeast Asia and wipe out the colonial forces of European and American countries in southern Asia.

 With the abundant rubber and non-ferrous metal resources in hand, and the complete blockade of the Republic of China's coastline, we can also cross the Pacific Ocean to the east and attack the hateful American monsters.

 These two routes are very attractive to the Japanese base camp. Regarding this, the frantic Japanese military and Tianhao said: Only children can make choices, and of course adults want them all!

Since the southern route is mainly based on the navy, the manufacturing cycle of technical equipment and personnel training is relatively long, so the preparation time is slightly longer. The Japanese base camp decided to follow the army first.

Since the establishment of the Pseudo-Japanese Army in 1932, Japan and Red Russia have been in constant conflict. Since 1935, the increasingly fledgling Kwantung Army has become increasingly disdainful of the "incompetent" Red Russian troops, and has become increasingly bold.

The Japanese troops stationed in Hailar used the border issue as an excuse to continuously intensify the border conflicts between Russia, Japan and Mongolia, testing the military strength of Red Russia and Mongolia, and gradually escalating the scale.

The Kwantung Army deployed in the Northeast began to gather little by little toward the Red Russian border. The Japanese security forces remaining in the Pseudo-Russian territory were reorganized into new divisions and began to march toward the border areas.

 Japan's domestic tanks and artillery units are also beginning to prepare intensively. Although the Japanese despise the Red Russians, they are not stupid. They know that firepower projection is the key to fighting in the Far East, where Tsubohara is the main force.

Eventually, the first armed conflict broke out between the two countries last year, in July 1938, in the Zhanggufeng area on the left bank of the Tumen River, at the junction of the border between the Republic of China and Goryeo. At that time, the Red Russian army built fortifications at Zhanggufeng and Shacaofeng to the north. Japan dispatched its colonial troops stationed in Goryeo and the Kwantung Army to launch an attack and once occupied the area.

In early August, the Red Russian army counterattacked and attacked the Japanese army from the south and north in the Tumen River and Hassan Lake areas. After several days of fighting, the Japanese army suffered a disastrous defeat with 1,400 casualties. The Red Russian army took the opportunity to occupy the Zhanggufeng area.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the Japanese government requested a ceasefire, and the two sides signed an armistice agreement. This war dealt a heavy blow to Japan's plan to invade Red Russia in the north, but it also made the Japanese feel that Red Russia was a powerful foreign force.

The reason is that the total number of Japanese troops participating in this battle was nearly 7,000 and 37 artillery pieces, while the Red Russians assembled more than 15,000 men, 237 artillery pieces, 285 tanks, and 250 aircraft in the operation area.

With superior weapons, equipment and numbers, the Red Russians actually suffered more than 4,000 casualties. If the Red Russians had not used their air force superiority to bomb Goryeo and made the Japanese take advantage of them, the outcome would have been hard to say.

This is the entire process of the conflict between Japan and Red Russia. It can be said that the Battle of Nomenkan is the inevitable result of Japan's military aggression, and it is also an inevitable battle between Japan and Red Russia for hegemony in the Far East.

But regardless of whether they go north or south, the Japanese have unified opinions on invading the Republic of China. Even if Japan really fights the Red Russia, it will not relax its military, political, and economic pressure on the country.

To forge iron, you need to be strong yourself. If you want to drive away the Japanese, you still have to rely on yourself. Moreover, the Japanese do not know what kind of opponent they have provoked. No one knows the terror of Red Russia better than Zuo Zhong.

 According to public information, Red Russia currently has more than 5 million troops, nearly 20,000 aircraft, 15,000 tanks, tens of thousands of artillery pieces, and an unknown number of "shadow troops."

Each unit of the Red Russian Army has several deputies for each position. It was indeed a bit bloated during the peace period, but during the war, the troops can be rapidly expanded without losing much combat effectiveness.

The Japanese will soon know the fear of being dominated by the torrent of steel. The Japanese army was arrogant on the battlefield of the Republic of China and was a standard younger brother in front of the more modernly equipped Red Russian army.

So this war won't last long, and Red Russia's strategic focus is still on Europe. After teaching the little devil a lesson, Red Russia will definitely give up and focus more on a certain beard.

Based on the above situation, as the intelligence chief of the national government, Zuo Zhong should now consider how to make the fight between Red Russia and Japan last longer. Only in this way can we buy more time for the Republic of China.

This is not unethical. There is no real friendship between countries. There are only practical interests. Don’t forget one thing. Whether it was Zhang Gufeng or Nomenkan, whose land was originally theirs.

Hong Kong's support for the government was also to drag Japan's military forces into the Republic of China to avoid being attacked by Germany and Japan from both sides. Everyone was just taking advantage of it. Why couldn't the Republic of China use Red Russia.

 Zuo Zhong quickly figured out the stakes, and took a car with Gu Qi back to the headquarters of the Military Command Bureau. At this time, No. 29 Luojiawan was already a mess, with piercing phone ringing and running spies everywhere.

“Hey, hey, will Jun Wei know? I am the military commander here, and the situation is not clear yet.”

"Hurry and help me pick up the attendant's room. The military commander has an emergency to report."

With such a big incident, it is natural to ask the military commander for information in all aspects. In terms of military intelligence, the military commander is undoubtedly the most influential. As for the central commander, who doesn’t know that he is a loser?

Amidst the chaos, Zuo Zhong walked through the crowd with a sullen face. The staff members who came and went saluted quickly. Before he could nod in response, he was dragged to the director's office by Dai Chunfeng's secretary Li Wei.

 “Shen Zhong, you know the situation, okay, the situation is great!”

Lao Dai, who was pacing back and forth in the room, saw Zuo Zhong and immediately waved his arms and said with a smile. It seemed that the other person, like Gucci, was optimistic about the conflict between Red Russia and Japan.

Left Point nodded and responded with a slight smile: "Yes, teacher, the students have heard that the Japanese are too arrogant and the Red Russians are not something they can deal with. Mosk will probably take action soon.

As the situation in Europe becomes increasingly tense, the Red Russians will definitely teach the Japanese a profound lesson as soon as possible to prevent the Japanese from attacking the interior of Red Russia from the Far East when changes occur in Europe. "

Dai Chunfeng frowned when he heard this, and the smile gradually solidified on his face. He heard the implication of his student's words. The Russo-Japanese War was about the Red Russians teaching the Japanese, not a full-scale war between the two.

This is different from what he and the senior government officials thought. Everyone believed that as soon as Japan and Russia started a war, the Japanese army fighting on two fronts would definitely reduce its troops in the Republic of China, and even withdraw its troops from the land of the Republic of China.

Zuo Zhong noticed the change of expression on the cheap teacher's face and sighed secretly. If the Party has always been like this, pinning its destiny and future on other countries, wouldn't it be wise to seek for others rather than seek for yourself?

 (End of this chapter)

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