Cicada Moving

Chapter 970: A cigarette butt

Chapter 970 A cigarette butt

 One day in May 1939, the sun was rising.

There was a faint layer of water mist inside and outside the mountain city. People went out with wooden toilets to dump them, but they were surprised to find that the black market personnel who had disappeared a few days ago appeared again.

Many housewives who had run out of rice oil at home didn't care too much. They threw down the toilet and rushed to the black market sales points, fearing that they would be late and unable to buy the goods they wanted. The streets became lively for a while.

Amid the commotion, at a table by the window on the second floor of a teahouse in Chaotianmen, Francois Huang picked up his hat, bowed slightly to Zuo Zhong on the main seat, and said respectfully.

"Thank you, Sir Zuo. I will start the pharmaceutical business in Shancheng as soon as possible. Please rest assured that Huang will pay attention to the identity of the guest and not cause trouble to you and the military commander."

 “Well, I hope so.”

 Zuo Zhong took a sip of tea as he spoke, and waved his hand lazily to indicate that the other party could leave. It was only a small business of a few thousand dollars a month, so there was no need for him to ask too many questions. He would just collect the money when the time came.

Francois Huang saw this and resigned. He stepped back to the stairs step by step and turned around to walk down. He happened to bump into someone head-on. The two nodded politely and said hello and passed by each other.

Ling Sanping walked up to Zuo Zhong's table with his head held high, stretched his head to look at the busy market outside the window, sat down and leaned on the back of the chair, and asked Zuo Zhong curiously.

"Why did you suddenly think of calling me to drink tea? The mission of combating the black market is over? When I came here, I saw many black market shops open. Could it be that Shangfeng suspended the operation?"

 “Well, yes, it’s over.”

Pouring the other party a cup of tea, Zuo Zhong pointed outside and said: "People's livelihood plans cannot be careless. The black market was only suspended for a few days, and many violent conflicts occurred in the city due to the robbery of supplies.

 In addition, Xu Enzeng reported to the Attendant's Office and the Second Hall of the Military Command, admitting that his previous suggestions were ill-considered and asking for instructions to suspend the strike. Since the initiators have admitted their mistakes, the operation will naturally stop.

The reason I asked you to come over for tea is because everyone else is busy finishing the mission. Why don't you, the kid, have nothing to do in Renxin Hospital? How about the complete test report of penicillin is out? Let's talk about it. "

The sun shone through the window lattice and shone on Zuo Zhong's face. He briefly introduced the current situation and asked a question. At the same time, he raised his hands and stretched, and his bones kept making crunching sounds.

Ling Sanping shrugged and said helplessly: "I knew it was no good if you asked me to come. The experimental report is basically completed. It can be said that the effect is amazing, and it has simply broken the human understanding of fungicides.

Penicillin has excellent performance in osteomyelitis, empyema, respiratory tract infection, tracheitis, pneumonia, back carbuncle, cellulitis and wound infection. It can basically cure the disease.

In the experiment, 7 of 10 seriously wounded soldiers who were injured on the front line and suffered from wound inflammation recovered their consciousness on the second day after taking the medicine, and the infection of the other 3 people was also effectively controlled.

 In the end, only one of these 10 people died of internal organ failure, and the rest were not in danger. The survival rate reached 90%. In the past, it was likely that none of them would survive.

 Except for a small number of people who have allergic reactions, it can be said to be a perfect medicine. By the way, the little spy of Zhongtong who was allergic to high-concentration penicillin powder died two days ago.

 In the actual use of penicillin in the future, the allergy testing process must be strictly implemented, otherwise it will easily cause unnecessary casualties, or ways to improve the purity of the drug must be found. "

 “Let’s do the test.”

Zuo Zhong shook his head and replied casually: "It is the job of American pharmaceutical companies to improve purity. We have no way to intervene. Even if we have the ability to manufacture penicillin, the unit price is also very important.

The millions of drugs distributed to the army are an astronomical figure. The lower the unit price, the higher the penetration rate. Testing is nothing more than a waste of time. The superiors will not agree to spend more funds for purity. "

He rejected Ling Sanping’s second suggestion without hesitation. Not to mention now, even in future generations, penicillin without allergic reactions can only be manufactured in a few countries and the cost is high.

Ling Sanping thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. Now the government doesn't even know how to make penicillin. It's really too early to say this, so he won't mention this topic anymore.

The two of them just sat in the sun, drinking tea and chatting. When they got excited, Zuo Zhong took out his cigarette case and took out a cigarette and handed it over. Ling Sanping took it smoothly and pinched the cigarette holder in his hand.

Zuo Zhong glanced at him and said with a smile: "Doctor Ling, this is not a good habit of yours. This action of pinching the cigarette holder can easily expose you. It's better to quit in the future.

Although you are not a professional intelligence officer, you are still a member of our military commander. If you go to lurk behind enemy lines in the future, Zuo will not want to see your name in the newspaper, right? "

Ling Sanping paused for a moment, then waved his hand nonchalantly: "Don't look for me anymore about lurking. I went to the Northeast and almost lost my life there. I'd better concentrate on treating the disease."

 “Hahaha, you are blaming me.”

Zuo Zhong laughed a few times, and then his smile suddenly disappeared and he stared into the other person's eyes: "It's impossible to say for sure. Maybe you, Ling Sanping, are the underground party's informant hidden in the military command."

The second floor of the tea house suddenly became quiet. The little spies who were on alert around them were so frightened that they did not dare to breathe. Dissidents were a taboo topic in the Fruit Party. They were not allowed to even mention it in the face of death. Ling Sanping didn't care at all, and rolled his eyes at Zuo Zhong: "If I were an underground party, I should have poisoned you to death when I was in the Central Hospital, and the dissidents would definitely give me a medal. "

With these words, Zuo Zhong, who was originally expressionless, suddenly laughed again. He fell forward and backward with laughter. Finally, he flicked the tears from the corners of his eyes with his fingers and responded to Ling Ping's joke out of breath.

“Is the person on my left worth a medal, plus at least a hundred thousand oceans? Okay, okay, no kidding, if you are not careful in our profession, you won’t be able to dance on the tip of the knife.

 No matter where you are or what the occasion is, you must treat yourself as if you are behind enemy lines, otherwise you will not only harm yourself, but also others. Sanping, just remember this. "

Speaking of the 100,000 yuan, Zuo Zhong was quite proud. This was the reward given to him by the Japanese. It was second only to Lao Dai’s 200,000 yuan in the national intelligence system. As for Xu Enzeng, he didn’t get a dime.

The Japanese are not stupid either. They know very well what kind of person Xu Enzeng is. It is no wonder that there were no military commanders who surrendered after the war started, but the number is very small and the level is very low.

The Zhongtong was different. Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun, who had stayed in Jinling on lurking missions, defected to the enemy one after another. These two people not only knew the internal situation of the Zhongtong, but were also familiar with the Zhongtong spies.

 Under their auspices and organization, a large number of CCTV agents who were greedy for life and feared death surrendered to the Japanese and became traitors, such as the former commander of the Shanghai Operation Brigade of CCTV and the former tax inspector of the Ministry of Finance and Economics of CCTV.

Another example is the former director of the Central Unification Shanghai Special Service Office, the district chief of the Shanghai Special District, and the director of the Shanghai Party Affairs Investigation Office. Most of the members of the Central Unification Shanghai Special District (Investigation Office) under their management also became traitors.

Because this group of people defected to the enemy and rebelled, the Central Command's spy organization in Shanghai was basically disintegrated, and the Central Command's intelligence personnel for the Japanese and puppets became tools for the Japanese and puppets.

Moreover, according to the surveillance of various district stations of the military command, not only the leaders in Shanghai, but also the leaders in Hankou, Beiping, Jinmen and other places of the Central Command are also colluding with the Japanese. I am afraid that they will surrender soon.

In this case, the Japanese may know more secrets of the Central Military Commission than Xu Enzeng, and they are too lazy to offer a reward to the other party. If they have the money, they might as well offer rewards to a few more military commanders' intelligence chiefs.

After listening to Zuo Zhong's boast, Ling Sanping smiled and nodded in response. The surrounding agents also breathed a sigh of relief, slowly released their guns from their waists, and continued to listen to the two officers chatting.

An hour later, Ling Sanping looked at his watch and stood up to say goodbye. Zuo Zhong smiled as he watched the other person walk down the stairs, then took a cup of tea and basked in the sun with a faint smile on his face.

His mind couldn't help flashing back to the scene where he had just cracked down on the black market a few days ago. In order to avoid being disturbed, he ran to Renxin Hospital to take a break and smoked cigars with Ling Sanping in the office.

  Added to the cigarette **** with a crushed cigarette holder in the ashtray at Francois Huang’s home, many details are connected in this way, and some seemingly normal things in the past have another explanation.

When they were performing the mission at the Liuguo Hotel in Beiping, the operators were conducting corner training. Ling Sanping, a smart man who studied abroad, could not learn it. The other party was hiding his clumsiness.

Also, penicillin had just been sent to Renxin Hospital, and the underground party rented a house near the hospital. Apart from the doctors who participated in the experiment, Ling Sanping was naturally in the best position to leak the secret.

 In fact, as early as during the Ji Boxian case, Zuo Zhong had some doubts that Ling Sanping was one of his own. There were not many people who understood his own way of thinking and were familiar with the contradiction between the central government and the military.

The experiences of people like Wu Chunyang and Gu Qi were clear. Only the other party was a halfway monk and was most likely to be an underground party member. He just found conclusive evidence this time.

It is indeed true that everyone in the world is red. Who would have thought that a doctor with superb medical skills and a promising future in the Central Hospital would go to the local party to join the party while he was not living a good life.

Sometimes Zuo Zhong is also curious about how many underground party lurkers there are in the military command or the central command. It is really difficult to guard against them.

 Xu Enzeng went to arrest some people some time ago and was almost blown up by a cannonball. Some of them must have revealed the specific action plan to the underground party.

However, this matter is very aggressive and different from Ling Sanping's style. This proves that there must be an insider within the Guo Party's intelligence system.

Zuo Zhongdu doubted that in the end, he would be the only "loyal minister of the party and state" left in the military reunification conference room. The dignified deputy director Zuo would eventually be captured under the sentence "I'm sorry, I am an undercover agent".

Or maybe when the military commander holds a meeting, the division chiefs and deputy division chiefs on the stage say seriously to the agents below: There is a Fruit Party agent among us!

Such a magical but very possible scenario makes people speechless just thinking about it. What is even more speechless is that this kind of thing does not only happen in the intelligence system. To say that the government is a sieve is to flatter yourself.

As for whether to identify himself with the opponent, Zuo Zhong has never thought about it. Maintaining the status quo is the best option. As mentioned before, any omission in working at the heart of the enemy will harm others and himself.

Just as he was thinking wildly, Ling Sanping, who had already driven away, turned the steering wheel and glanced at the rearview mirror from time to time to see if there was a follower behind the car. At the same time, his face was ashen.

Is it a coincidence that he met the "thumbtack" that he just took over here a few days ago? Recalling the conversation with Zuo Zhong in the teahouse, he was even more surprised.

  When we met at Thudpin’s house, in order to make the joint more natural, he actually smoked a cigar and pinched the end of the cigar. Could it be that Zuo Zhong discovered something there?

 But what did Zuo Zhong mean when he said you are a spy hiding in the military command? Was it a warning? Is it a test? Thinking about the other party's cunning, Ling Sanping regretted and decided to remain unchanged in response to all changes.

As the director of Renxin Hospital, there is no conclusive evidence. Even Zuo Zhong cannot arrest him directly. More importantly, it was the other party's idea for him to join the army.

 Whether it is public or private, Zuo Zhong will not act rashly. As long as he does not reveal any flaws, there will be no danger for the time being. Ling Sanping's eyes gradually became firm, and he stepped on the accelerator and accelerated away.

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