Cicada Moving

Chapter 969: Please beg me

Chapter 969 Please beg me

 Late night.

 No. 29, Luojiawan, in the interrogation room of the Detention Center at the Military Command Headquarters, the bruised brother-in-law Xu Enzeng was sitting on a stool, grinning and writing something on the confession paper.

 Gu Qi stood aside with his hands behind his back and looked down. From time to time, he reached out to point out the errors in the writing and asked him to revise it. After everything was written, his brother-in-law made a new copy.

Taking the confession paper in his hand and reviewing it carefully, Gu Qi smiled with satisfaction and glanced at the other party: "Very good, if Xu Enzeng comes to pick you up later, do you know what to say?"

“I know, I know, I just said that I didn’t survive the torture and handed over all my accounts and real estate.” Xu Enzeng’s brother-in-law nodded quickly and answered with a flattering smile.

“Well, it’s good to know. Then let’s sign and stamp it.”

Gu Qi threw the confession on the table and said, and then typed: "As long as you can report Xu Enzeng's every move to us as I said, this confession will not exist.

 You can continue to enjoy a life of debauchery and do whatever you want under the guise of the brother-in-law of the deputy director of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. If not, you should know the crime of having liaison with dissidents. "

He stared closely into the other party's eyes and warned gloomily: "Don't think that everything will be fine if you retract your confession at that time. The government's approach to dealing with underground parties has always been to kill the wrong person rather than let them go.

And you wrote clearly on this that you were the messenger between the underground party and Xu Enzeng, and revealed a lot of information to the northwest. This alone can make your kid die without a burial place.

Once the matter is leaked, not only will you not be able to survive, but your brothers and sisters, parents, wives and children will also suffer the same misfortune, so be smart and report any trouble to anyone named Xu immediately. "

Xu Enzeng's brother-in-law was so frightened that he sweated profusely. He signed his name without hesitation, skillfully rolled his thumb in the ink pad, and placed a bright red fingerprint at the end of the confession.

After doing this, he sold Xu Enzeng outright: "Don't worry, thank you sir for giving me a chance to start a new life. I will definitely report the actions of this corrupt element to your bureau."

Hearing this, Gu Qi nodded slightly, then called a small agent holding a camera, turned to Xu Enzeng's brother-in-law and raised his hand: "Get up, take the confession, and take a picture for you."

A confession alone is not safe, and a group photo must be taken according to the rules. With these two things, Xu Enzeng can't explain it even if he opens a hundred mouths, not to mention that the other party has a criminal record.

Upon hearing this, Mr. Brother-in-law stood up immediately, holding the confession in his hands and holding it in front of him. He bared his white teeth, hunched his head and bent over to look in the direction of the camera, trying to cooperate as much as possible.

Gucci frowned, not smiling while taking a selfie, so he immediately came out to give some guidance. A few minutes later, the flash came on and he photographed a "steady and unyielding" underground party fighter.

After taking the shot, he looked at the other person up and down again. He still felt that something was not quite right. He held his chin and thought for a long time, then suddenly slapped his thigh, picked up the whip and walked over.

"Sir! Sir! I fully cooperate with your work. Don't fight anymore. If you fight again, someone will be killed." Seeing this, Xu Enzeng's brother-in-law was so frightened that he backed away and kept begging for mercy.


The whip whipped in the air, and Gu Qi patiently explained: "No, there are too few scars on your body. Xu Enzeng is an old intelligence officer. He will definitely become suspicious when he sees it. You just have to be patient and it will be quick."

Is this a matter of patience? Just as Mr. Brother-in-law wanted to ensure that he would never be found out, the whip hit him hard, and a sharp pain hit him, making him scream involuntarily.





Hush screams floated out from the transom and reached the courtyard of the Military Command Bureau. The passing agents looked intently. This kind of sound was normal in Luojiawan. It would be strange if it stopped one day.

At the same time, Zuo Zhong saw the disgraced Xu Enzeng in the office. The two shook hands perfunctorily and sat down. Xu Enzeng hesitated for a moment and directly explained the purpose of his visit.

“Deputy Director Zuo, have you received the documents from the Second Office of the Military Command Department? After much thought, Xu still feels that cracking down on the black market is of great importance and should be reconsidered. I was rash before.

Please also give me a face and release the arrested black market personnel to avoid causing turmoil in the mountain city. As for money, fine them as they deserve and let those people remember it for a long time.

 In addition, my wife's brother was invited by your bureau. There must be a misunderstanding. The boy has a bad temper and can't speak. If he has offended Chief Zuo, I apologize on his behalf.

Deputy Director Zuo, I'm not afraid of your jokes. When something happened to him, his sisters...we cried and made trouble. I was forced to do nothing. Brother Zuo, just show your kindness and spare him this time. "

The frowning Xu Enzeng lowered his head and begged, but his eyes hidden in the dark kept flickering. Although Da Chen felt that his brother-in-law would do anything, what if.

In case the other party did not say, that money and real estate would not be kept, but it was a large amount of wealth. Xu Ensheng felt that it was necessary to test one or two, and after speaking, he looked at Zuo Zhong nervously.

Zuo Chong listened lazily to what he said a lot of nonsense, stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and yawned, then slowly sat upright under Xu Enzeng's eager eyes and said three words seriously.

"beg me."


Xu Enzeng's face turned red, and he could no longer hold back the anger in his heart. He slammed the table hard: "Zuo, you are going too far. It is the order of the superior to resolve this matter as soon as possible. How dare you disobey it?"

 “Please beg me.”

Zuo Zhong remained unfazed and said with a slight smile, some people just can't tell the difference between the king and the king. The order must be completed, but a delay of one or two days is normal, right?

"Be brave, Minister Chen has already told you, Director Dai, don't you even give Minister Chen the face? I tell you, be sensible and let me go immediately." "I said, please beg me. me!"

“Bah, Zuo, what do you have to be proud of? Aren’t you just from the same hometown as the chairman of the committee? Aren’t you just a good teacher? Aren’t you just able to solve a few cases?”

 “Haha, please beg me.”

“Zuo Zhong, don’t think that just your little deputy director can clarify Yuyu. Not to mention you alone, not even ten or eight of you can make this turbid world become clear and clear.

Let me ask you, if everyone is as stubborn as you, and you don’t put everyone in the country in danger, and if we don’t want to be officials or dare to be officials, what will you do if you give up the appointment? "

 “Well, please beg me.”

"Shut up, there is no one who doesn't make mistakes. If you catch someone else's slightest mistake, you will punish them to death. People have seven emotions and six desires, which is not a fault. How can you be so stubborn in this officialdom?"

 “It makes sense, so you beg me.”

No matter what Xu Guangdou Enzeng said, Zuo Zhong only replied this sentence. Xu Enzeng was so angry that his eyes went black, he pointed his index finger at the other party and trembled, and finally he trembled and collapsed on the sofa.

He finally saw that Zuo was confident and made up his mind to lower his head. Thinking of the gloomy Da Chen and the expressionless Xiao Chen, he took a deep breath and said vaguely.


“Deputy Director Xu, what are you talking about? Zuo didn’t hear clearly.”

Zuo Zhong picked his ears and shook his head with a smile. If he wanted to muddle through, there was no such thing as a cheap thing. Today, the person named Xu must say those three words clearly.

The expression on Xu Enzeng's face changed. He closed his eyes and calmed down for a while, then opened his eyes and said one word at a time: "I beg you, please Deputy Director Zuo, please let everyone go."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

A loud laugh rang out, and Zuo Zhong was extremely happy at this moment. Ji Boxian's case was originally over, but the other party wanted to cause trouble afterwards to disgust himself and the military commander.

I hope Xu Enzeng can remember today's lesson and use his brain when doing things in the future. How about you and me? How about everyone? What's the point of making both sides suffer?

 Zuo Chong, who looked more and more like a villain, finished laughing, patted his thigh and replied happily: "Okay, since you, Deputy Director Xu, have come forward in person, you must give me this face.

 Besides, Minister Chen has called our bureau. As a subordinate, I naturally have to obey. Lao Xu, why are you so polite? I will let those black marketeers go in a moment.

 But one code equals one code, we will deduct half of the seized cash and precious metals, and the military commander will issue them a receipt. Everything must be in accordance with the rules, okay? "

  “It’s natural.”

Hearing that the military commander could release him, Xu Enzeng slowly loosened his fist. Then he thought of his brother-in-law whose whereabouts were unknown, and quickly asked, but he was still a little unwilling to give up.

Zuo Zhong sneered secretly with a regretful expression on his face: "I'm really sorry. He was very arrogant at Meifeng Bank and insulted the operation staff. He was arrested on the spot.

Sigh, Lao Xu, you know that my subordinates are all a bunch of rough guys, and the people I come into contact with all the time are all Japanese spies. They don’t do anything lightly or seriously, and if I’m not careful, I’ll end up..."

 “Beat to death?”

Xu Enzeng couldn't wait to answer, and he was actually a little happy. It was a good thing that his brother-in-law died. When the account was found, the accounts and properties would still be his.

Zuo Zhong, who probably guessed what he was thinking, suppressed a smile and said seriously: "That's not the case, I'm just a little injured. So be it, Lao Xu, come with me and I'll hand him over to you."

Before he finished speaking, Zuo Zhong got up from the sofa and walked out. The other party's remaining value had been squeezed out, so why not let it go? If he stayed, it would only be a waste of military commander's food.

Disappointed Xu Enzeng twitched his lips and followed him with a dark face. What else could he do? He couldn't tell Zuo Zhong directly: Kill my brother-in-law quickly and silence him.

The two of them walked into the yard one after another. The two little agents who had been waiting for a long time, under the leadership of Gu Qi, threw a **** humanoid object in front of Xu Enzeng.

As soon as he saw Xu Enzeng, the human-shaped object crawled to his feet and burst into tears: "Brother-in-law? Brother-in-law! These **** from the army are not human beings. It hurts me so much when they beat me."

I said anything to survive. Brother-in-law, please don’t blame me. It’s me who deserves to die. For the sake of my two sisters, please spare me this time. "

 Xu Enzeng's chest heaved violently, and he wanted to shoot the other person to death, but thinking that Zuo Zhong was by his side, he quickly waved his hands to the accompanying guards and driver, asking them to get him away. God knows what this **** would say.

After dealing with his brother-in-law, he forced out a smile and reminded Zuo Zhong again not to forget what he had just promised. After receiving a confirmed reply, he led the people away in despair.

Watching the car getting further and further away, Gu Qi came to Zuo Zhong and nodded slightly, indicating that everything had been arranged and that they were about to drive a nail into Xu Enzeng's heart.

 Through this nail, coupled with Xu Enzeng's two wives, the other side has no secrets for the military commander. If someone wants to steal the secret, they will ask you how to guard against it.

At this moment, Wu Chunyang hurriedly walked out of the building and whispered a few words to Zuo Zhong. Zuo Zhong was stunned when he heard the words, and said lightly with a gleam in his eyes.

"Mr. Huang can do whatever he wants. We also need a drug sales channel, but you have to keep an eye on him and don't let him cooperate with random people, otherwise he will be killed without mercy!"

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