Cicada Moving

Chapter 968: Chunfeng Tower

Chapter 968 Chunfeng Tower

 “Didi Didi~”

More than ten kilometers away from the Queen's Dance Hall, several car horns sounded in front of a villa in Nanquan Town, South Bank area. Heavily armed guards pushed open the wrought iron gate, and several cars filed in.

This place was originally the residence of the Ruan family, a wealthy businessman in the mountain city. After the government moved south, the Erchen brothers forcibly expropriated the place and used it as a place for office, reception, rest and residence in Pingshi.

 The entire building complex is a brick column and civil structure, facing south to north, covering an area of ​​380 square meters, a building area of ​​250 square meters, and a total height of 11.7 meters. There are 14 large and small halls in total.

The roof is a mixture of single-eaves gable-style and pointed roof, with small green tile roof, multiple dormer windows on the top, one floor on the first floor, and external corridors on the front and east walls. The shape is very novel.

The reason why Er Chen chose this place as his official residence is simple. The new campus of the Central Political Science Institute is not far from here, making it convenient for them to find students and teachers at any time for advice.

 Besides, there are hot springs and mountains nearby, the air is fresh, and it is far away from the city. There is no need to worry about Japanese bombings. Many government officials such as Mr. Lin have private residences here for vacation.

 Interestingly, for some unknown reason, Erchen gave this villa the nickname "Chunfeng Tower", which means Chunfeng, Chunfeng. I don't know if it means Chunfeng in its connotation.

Looking at the car entering the gate, passing through the cement road, and stopping outside the villa, Xu Enzeng, a well-oiled man with a pink face, got out of the car, raised his glasses, adjusted his expression, and hurriedly walked in.

 “It’s not good! Something bad is going to happen!”

As soon as he entered the door, Xu Enzeng yelled and looked around the villa for traces of Er Chen. The servants and guards in the villa rolled their eyes secretly, thinking that this guy was here again.

These people have followed Er Chen for many years and worked in the Chen family when they were in Jinling. They are no strangers to Xu Enzeng. They know that if this person gets into trouble outside, he will come to the Chen family for help.

This kind of thing happened not once or twice. If the other party hadn't been a relative of Er Chen, they wouldn't have even opened the door. With such a subordinate in the stall, the two ministers Chen didn't know what evil they had done in their previous lives.

 “Xu Enzeng, what is your name!”

At this time, Xiao Chen, the second Chen, walked down from the second floor in pajamas and shouted, after losing his position as director of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics, he was transferred to the Ministry of Education as minister, and he suffered from insomnia due to anger. disease.

 He finally fell asleep just now, but was woken up by Xu Enzeng's cries and howls. Naturally, he was not in a good mood. He stared at the other person with a dark face, wishing to beat this unsatisfactory **** to death.

 Xu Enzeng was complaining in his heart, pretending not to know anything on the surface, strode up to Xiao Chen, bravely leaned into Xiao Chen's ear, and started chirping.

"Minister Chen, no, cousin, something serious has happened. Dai Chunfeng and the military commander are eyeing our account. Where is the elder brother? We need to discuss a countermeasure. We must not let Dai go further."

He hurriedly broke a shocking news. It was impossible for Erchen to help him wipe his **** again and again based on family ties alone. Only interests are the strongest relationships in this world.

The outside world thinks that Er Chen, especially Da Chen, is as clean as water, but they have never thought about it. Without money, how can Da Chen win over people's hearts? If he relies on his passion, then he is not a Fruit Party.

On the other side, Xiao Chen put on the waistcoat handed over by the servant, shook his shoulders, waved his hands to let the people around him leave, and lectured him without hesitation: "Why panic, the sky won't fall, just follow me."

He said not to panic, but Xiao Chen was not slow in his steps. He led Xu Enzeng through the living room and the back door, and walked to the backyard of Chunfeng Building. Da Chen was standing under the light with a bowl of raw meat to feed the dog.

A piece of meat filled with oil and water flew high into the air. The tall German wolfhound jumped up and took the piece of meat into his mouth. After falling to the ground, it remained motionless. When Da Chen nodded, he swallowed the piece of meat in one gulp.

“Brother, Enzeng is here, and the military commander is checking his account with the black market.” Xiao Chen frowned while looking at the sharp teeth of the wolf dog, and bypassed the other party to briefly introduce the situation to his brother.

Da Chen touched the dog's head without saying a word, and the wolfhound licked his hand excitedly. Feeling the warmth of his palm, he smiled sincerely, and then glanced at Xu Enzeng who was aside.

"Why are you here again? If it weren't for my aunt's sake, do you think you can still stand here? You can solve your problems yourself. I, Chen, can't compare to you, a good cousin."

As for the account books, I will explain to the committee members that when the government was newly established and various agencies lacked office funds, it was only a temporary solution to raise funds from people and businessmen in Qiaohu, and it might as well be discontinued now.

Dai Chunfeng can investigate if he wants. Everyone says that we are not as good as the underground party if we are a party, so let the military commander lift the cover and take out the dirt inside to dry it out. "

 After saying that, he placed the small bowl heavily on the table beside him, picked up the tea cup and took a sip. It was obvious that he was going to serve the tea to see the guests off. This behavior frightened Xu Enzeng so much that he rushed directly towards Da Chen.

"Woo~" Seeing Xu Enzeng's movements, the wolf dog suddenly stood up and arched his body, baring his sharp teeth and growling, ready to give Deputy Director Xu a bite at any time. Xu Enzeng couldn't care about this now. He grabbed Da Chen's arm and begged bitterly: "Cousin, you can't just die without saving me. Back then, Uncle Yingshi died, and the Chen family was made things difficult by the previous dynasty, and they had no food and clothing.

No one dared to care about my relatives and friends in my hometown. Only my mother took the risk to support me and sponsored my two cousins ​​to go to school. A few days ago, she sent someone a telegram to ask how my cousin was doing with his lung disease.

You just need to save me one more time, otherwise those people involved in the black market business will not let me go. I promise to be an honest person in the future and never cause you any trouble. If I do it again, you will shoot me.

I have submitted a report on suspending the crackdown on the black market to the Military Command Department. As long as you say hello, Dai Chunfeng will not dare to violate it. Once the arrested people are released, my cousin and I will be safe. "

He was crying and talking, and he arranged for Da Chen while talking to himself. What he said was also true. Dai Chunfeng might not give face to Xiao Chen, but he would definitely give it to Da Chen.

Xiao Chen on the side didn't want to talk at all, let alone meddle in this nosy matter, but after hearing Xu Enzeng's story, he thought of his aunt's kindness back then, sighed deeply, and had no choice but to plead for her.

“Brother, why don’t you help Enzeng one more time? My aunt is getting older and older. I heard that she was not in good health some time ago. If something happens to Enzeng, she will be sad.

 Besides, the black market involves too many people, so just drying it out as my brother just said will not work. Not only will my cousin live or die, but we will also be affected. "

Compared to the self-proclaimed elder Chen, Xiao Chen is more humane and sophisticated. He knows that once the lid is lifted, the first person to fall out will be the person from the Huangshan Official Residence. This is politics.

There are so many officials in the government who are clean. If you want someone's life, will they wait obediently to die? The other party will definitely find a way to fight back, and even if they die, they will be buried with them.

Da Chen was silent. He knew that his brother was always alert and his speech was always targeted. He would not say this without reason. After thinking for a moment, he gave up the idea of ​​getting to the bottom of it.

Thinking again about his aunt who treated him like his own son, his heart finally softened. He really wanted his aunt to lose her son in her old age. How could his nephew have the face to see the elders in his hometown again?

Aware of this, he suppressed the longing in his heart and said with a cold face: "Xu Enzeng, I tell you, this is the last time. If you cause any trouble in the future, go and ask for help yourself.

 Don’t always use your aunt as a shield. At worst, I will take my aunt to serve me and provide for her until her death. She will pretend that she never gave birth to a son like you. Do you hear me clearly? "

 Help is help, Da Chen doesn’t want to bow to others because of Xu Enzeng. In the entire fruit party, except for those elders, everyone else is his junior, so what’s the point of him always asking for help.

 When Xu Enzeng heard Da Chen relent, he felt as if he had received an amnesty. He nodded repeatedly and made an assurance: "Don't worry, cousin. I have learned a lesson this time and will never take risks again. Don't worry.

By the way, my wife's brother was also arrested by the military commander. He knows that I have a lot of accounts and real estate. These are the family assets that I have accumulated through hard work. I must not let Dai take them away. "

"rest assured?"

Da Chen asked back, with a sarcastic tone: "Do you think I'm worried about you? I'm worried about myself. When my face is sold out, my Chen family will not be far from destruction.

In addition, Dai Chunfeng has been very favored by the committee recently. Just relying on my words, it is difficult to tell whether the other party will agree to release him. To be on the safe side, you must give up something this time.

If I'm not wrong, your brother-in-law won't be able to hold on for long under the military commander, so give those extraneous things to Dai Chunfeng. In this way, you don't have to ask for help, it's just a transaction. "

After speaking, he put down his tea cup and took the dog, and walked into the building without looking back. Through the window, Xu Enzeng and Xiao Chen saw him picking up the phone, probably calling Dai Chunfeng.

Xiao Chen looked at his brother's forced smile and glared at Xu Enzeng fiercely: "Xu, I tell you, you should go to the Military Command Bureau immediately and submit to Dai Chunfeng.

 No matter whether Dai Chunfeng hits or scolds you, please bear with me and make sure to handle all the matters in the shortest possible time. Shouldn't the commission be resolved within three days? I will only give you one day. "

 Xu Enzeng, who was heartbroken about his family property, heard this and wanted to say something else. Unfortunately, Xiao Chen didn't give him a chance to speak, and directly asked his servants to send him away, or drive him out.

Xu Enzeng got into the car in embarrassment and left Nanquan Town as if he was running away. Looking back at the Chunfeng Tower that was slowly disappearing, the frustration on his face fleetingly disappeared, and he became elated again.

As expected, Erchen would not leave him alone as long as his mother was still there. He showed a heartless smile, and then ordered the driver majestically: "Let's go to the Military Command Bureau."

 (End of this chapter)

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