Cicada Moving

Chapter 967: "Private school"

Chapter 967 "Private School"

Mountain city area.

An entertainment venue called the Queen's Cabaret was bustling with activity. Although the neon lights in front of the door could not be turned on due to air defense, bursts of music came from inside through the waist door.

This place is a favorite place for celebrities and military and political officials in the mountain city. It is also a symbol of the nightlife of the capital during the war. It fully illustrates what it means to be tight in the front and tight in the rear.

 In this war-torn era, after experiencing indiscriminate bombings by the Japanese army again and again during the day, many people tried to use the feasting life to relieve their panic and exhaustion.

Men and women danced to the beautiful music, temporarily leaving their worries about life and death behind, and squandered money and lives in the melodious music.

In a private room on the second floor of the singing hall, a person gently pushed open the inner window, looked at the drunken crowd on the dance floor below, shook his head, and whispered to another person opposite.

“Comrade Lin Yuan has arrived safely in the northwest. Several heads of the Ministry of Social Affairs were very satisfied with his latent work in the mountain city and decided that he would be responsible for the security work in the border area.

Last time you went to my home to ask about the upcoming tasks, I also reported the situation. After research by my superiors, I will now convey specific orders to you.

From now on, the "private school" team will be commanded by you, and I will cooperate with your work as a traffic officer. Here are the member contact information, code words, and emergency contact persons. Destroy them immediately after reading them.

 Remember, your code name is "Mr." The team members implement a single-line communication system and use dead mailboxes to communicate. Except for you and me, they do not know each other's identities.

 The issuance of tasks and early warnings will be transmitted through radio broadcasts in your hometown. A special envoy will contact you regarding the broadcast frequency, communication time, and code book.

 In addition, my code name is "Pushpin", and my identity is just as you know, I am a black market gold merchant in the mountain city. If you need money in the future, please contact me in time. "

François Huang, who was fashionably dressed, quickly informed the relevant orders amidst the loud music, and handed a cigarette to "Mr." across the table.

“Mr.” Wearing a wide-brimmed hat, his entire face was hidden in the shadow of the light, making it difficult to see clearly. He took the cigarette, pinched the holder, and took out a piece of paper.

Silently memorizing the contents of the note, "Sir" lit the tobacco and the note together, and chatted with Francois easily while looking at the rising flames.

“I made a note, it’s good that Comrade Lin Yuan is safe. Thanks to his cooperation last time, we were able to get rid of the scum Ji Boxian, otherwise my exposure would be inevitable.

As for money, there is no need for it. You know, people working in the military command will not be short of money. Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong did not treat their subordinates badly in this regard. "

While talking, "Sir" took out a few large yellow croakers from his pocket and handed them to Francois Huang. He explained: "These are the benefits I received before. They are of no use to me. Why don't you give them to me?" You will make your business bigger.

  Don't be polite, the military command is different from the Central Command, it is very professional in counter-espionage, your business must be really started, these will be regarded as the contributions made by Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong to our cause. "

Francois Huang weighed the heavy yellow croaker and replied with a smile: "The military commander is still rich, so thank you. It happened that 30% of the organization's gold was withheld by the military commander.

 Nowadays, rich people don’t believe in legal currency at all, they only believe in gold. With the capital you gave me, I am confident that I can start gold trading while taking advantage of the chaos in the black market in Shancheng.

In this way, not only can the financial pressure on the team be reduced, but also some supplies that are in short supply in our hometown can be supported. The Fruit Party army in the northwest is more attentive to guarding us than the Japanese.

Under the opponent's blockade, the border area is in short supply of everything. Food, equipment, ammunition, and medicine are all in urgent need. We can buy materials from the black market and transport them back after making money.

I will also inform my superiors about this matter. This is a requirement of financial discipline. Well, time is very tight today. Let's discuss the next step of the "Private School Group". "

Different from the philistine and money-grubbing shown, Francois Huang didn't care at all when faced with the golden gold bars. The first thing that came to his mind was whether it would be helpful to the northwest.

"Sir" heard his words and scratched his head a little: "Originally, my organizational relationship was with Teko, and then I lost contact with my superiors. It was not until a few years ago that I regained contact with my contact person.

Pingshi is to provide military command intelligence to his superiors. He is a layman on how to carry out intelligence work. By the way, is the "private school group" just established, or..."

François Huang nodded. The other party was the person in charge of the "Private School Group" and had the right to know this, so he followed the other party's words and began to introduce.

“The group has existed for a long time, and its mission is to raise supplies, especially medicines, for my hometown. However, a comrade in the air defense force was exposed some time ago. I rushed to the mountain city after receiving the news.

Your organizational relationship was also adjusted to the mountain city underground organization at this time. You all know what happened later. Ji Boxian defected to the enemy and rebelled, and your latent identity was almost exposed.

You don’t have to be self-effacing. You can flexibly take advantage of the enemy’s contradictions, cleverly get rid of traitors, hide your identity, and make the military commander suffer a dumb loss. This is not something that everyone can do. In the next stage, I think we need to find ways to expand access to drugs. It is best to form solid cooperative relationships directly with major pharmaceutical companies and sell drugs on the black market. "

 “That’s what happened...”

“Sir” muttered to himself to show that he understood, and then shook his head vigorously: “What happened last time was just a coincidence, I just know more about the contradiction between military unification and central unification.

If the internal strife within the party is more cruel than we imagined, these people generally do not have firm beliefs, and their work is nothing more than to please the higher-ups, which gives us an opportunity to take advantage of.

But some people are different, such as Zuo Chong, who was born into a wealthy gentry family in Zhejiang Province and had a close relationship with someone and Dai Chunfeng. He was cruel to his enemies and extremely suspicious.

The military commander internally calls him the Smiling Tiger, which means that this person appears to be very friendly, but in reality he is ruthless. Once he targets us, our team will be in great danger.

I suggest that you take the initiative to apply to the other party to join the drug black market, and do not hide it. He should agree. Firstly, you can take the opportunity to sell penicillin, and secondly, you can make more money.

As far as I know, this person doesn’t like beauty, and he has a low regard for power. He is busy with work every day, and has a fixed schedule. Unless necessary for tasks, he rarely goes to **** places.

 He is only very interested in US dollars, pounds, and gold. If not, I really thought he was my comrade. If that were the case, then our task would be much simpler. "

"Sir" made a joke. He was very familiar with the operating rules of military command, and he also knew Zuo Zhong's daily routine and action style very well.

François Huang also laughed after hearing this. Zuo Zhong's position is too critical. He is the core of the core. If the other party is one of his own, the government will open the door to them.

Thinking about how the secret agents came to visit a few days ago, he couldn't help but sigh: "Yes, Zuo Zhong is indeed in danger. The other party led the director of the Military Unification Division to my residence a few days ago.

This spy actually tested the child twice, once using chicken legs to test whether the child regularly eats meat, in order to verify the daily life of my family.

 The other time was to ask the child if any suspicious person had been to the house. Fortunately, I had told the child a long time ago, otherwise the other party would have discovered the flaw and this person would be really difficult to deal with.

Then according to your suggestion, I will contact Zuo Zhong as soon as possible and ask to join the drug black market. Then the drugs for my hometown will be mixed with the ordinary business, which will be safer. "

"Sir" heard this and felt worried about "Pushtack". Zuo Zhong often thinks about problems from angles that others cannot imagine, and has repeatedly accomplished extraordinary feats. This is how many Japanese spies were exposed.

Sometimes he feels lucky that because the underground party is too poor, Zuo Zhong has little interest in attacking the underground party. Otherwise, given the other party's ability, the consequences will be very serious.

It's not that he destroyed his own prestige and boosted the ambition of others. The corpses hung by the military commander on the gate towers of Jinling and Changcheng have proved how destructive Zuo Zhong was.

On the contrary, what would have been the situation if the organization had been able to contact Zuo Zhong a few years earlier. Not to mention other things, at least the strategic intelligence of the national government would have been one-way transparent to the underground party.

Shaking his head slightly, "Sir" threw some unrealistic thoughts out of his mind. How could Zuo Zhong possibly help them? Then he made another suggestion to Francois Huang.

“The drug black market is very sensitive. At the beginning, you can do business with local warlords, you can also do business with bandits, and you can even have relationships with the Japanese.

But on the surface, you must never have any relationship with your hometown. You must prevent the military commander or other agencies from pretending to be one of your own to test you. If this happens, you should call the police directly.

The enemy is too cunning. The slightest question about our identity will arouse the other party's suspicion and expose our identity. Instead of trying every means to deal with it, it is better to let them bite the dog. "

"Killing with a borrowed knife, that seems like your style, okay, let's do it." Francois Huang had no objection. It was certainly a good thing to be able to draw on the enemy's strength.

“Sir” pressed the brim of his hat, and there was a hint of smile in his voice: “I am also a master of Zuozhong, and the other party is an expert in this field. Xu Enzeng suffered a lot in his hands.

Let's do it. The discipline of the military commander is very strict. I can't disappear for a long time. At the same time, before the superiors assign specific tasks, it is best for you and me and other team members to enter the latent state first.

 Don’t talk casually if there is nothing particularly urgent. I have a hunch that the next mountain town will not be quiet. The wind will blow, and the "private school" group will be easily affected. "

François Huang still had no objection because he felt the same way. The black market in Shancheng was too deep and the military's crackdown would not last long. They wanted to avoid becoming scapegoats.

The two of them said goodbye briefly. One person walked onto the dance floor, and the other person came to the alley near the Queen's Cabaret and quickly left the scene in an American car with military plates.

 (End of this chapter)

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