Cicada Moving

Chapter 966: Submissive

Chapter 966: Submission

For Xu Enzeng, the most important thing now is to get the funds in his bank account back. After all, if his brother-in-law is gone, he can find it again. Even if he dies, it's not a big deal.

Besides, the other party has used his name to make money in recent years. He has long wanted to get rid of the other party, but due to the face of his wife and sister-in-law, it is difficult to do so. This time is a good opportunity.

As for the relationship between husband and wife, Xu Enzeng recently discovered a woman who was more attractive than all his previous women. Thinking of this, Xu Enzeng hardened his heart and pulled out his leg with force.

“Presumptuous, what do you want to do? I have warned you a long time ago, asking your brother not to be arrogant, to do business, and to be low-key as a person, but you just don’t listen.

It's okay now, by the little Wangba egg with the surname Zuo, he seized the opportunity. Not only your younger brother is unlucky, Lao Tzu has to eat and hang up. "

Xu Enzeng spoke very forcefully at this time, pointed at his wife and cursed him, tiptoed out of his residence, made sure there was no one around, got in the car and left.

Before he can get the money back, he must first deal with the crackdown on the black market, otherwise his life will be in danger at any time. The black market has already issued a pursuit order for a certain "treacherous" person.

The only one who can save him is Elder Chen and Er Chen. Having said that, with such a little brother in the stall who is always prone to getting into trouble, the Er Chen brothers have been unlucky for eight lifetimes.

“Xu, you are ruthless and unjust”

Let’s talk about the two women. They had followed Xu Enzheng for many years. They didn’t know that the other party must have a new love. In despair, they sat on the ground crying and shouting, making the surrounding chickens and dogs restless.

A little spy stood in the corner and listened for a while, then sneaked outside an office, looked around, ducked in, and whispered a few words to someone inside.

“Director Shen, this is the situation.”

 “Well, very good, this is your reward, go ahead.”

 After listening to this person’s small report, Shen Dongxin, the Secretary-General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, generously took out a wad of French currency and threw it out. After the other party left with a lot of thanks, he picked up the phone, but then put it down again.

  Sitting there and thinking for a moment, he put on his clothes and walked out of the office as if nothing had happened. He drove out of the Zhongtong compound and merged into the crowded traffic of the mountain city, and soon disappeared.

More than an hour later, Shen Dongxin met the transformed Gucci in a coffee shop. The two whispered in the booth for a few minutes, and then left in a low-key manner.

When Zuo Zhong learned about the affairs between Xu Enzeng and his wife, it was already that night. Recalling the military commander's recent surveillance report on Xu Enzeng, a playful smile appeared on his face.

It is said that Lao Xu has been very close to a woman named Li Xia these days. Her identity is very interesting. She was originally an underground intelligence officer who was infiltrated into the secret service headquarters by the underground party.

This girl is originally from Hubei Province and comes from a scholarly family. She has been smart and studious since she was a child. She has many talents and outstanding appearance. Her eloquence and communication skills are first-rate. She has been a famous figure in the school since she went to school.

 She once studied in Red Russia, where she was influenced by the ideology of the underground party and joined voluntarily. She was able to speak a complete set of underground party theories and also translated many progressive books.

After April 12, Li Xia joined the Special Branch and worked for the underground agencies in Shanghai. She broke into the secret service headquarters by participating in the radio training class held by the secret service headquarters.

During his tenure as a confidential officer of the secret service headquarters, he provided a lot of valuable intelligence to the underground party and saved the lives of many lurking personnel. He can be regarded as a meritorious official.

After the arrest of the person in charge of Danteko Gu, he soon led the special agents to sweep through underground transportation stations in Shanghai, Jinling and other places. As a result, Lixia was exposed and arrested and became a prisoner.

Under Gu's hard and soft tactics, Li Xia and others defected to the enemy and extended their butcher's knives to their former comrades. Their hands were covered with blood, and they targeted the underground party even harder.

I don’t know what Xu Enzeng was thinking. A few years later, he suddenly became interested in her. This time, Xu Enzeng used his own body to feed the "enemy".

In the past two months, the two of them often went out to public places together, showing off their affection in various ways, not shying away from others at all, and they seemed like a couple.

Zuo Zhong quickly ran through the information in his mind, and then he seemed to think of something interesting. He smiled and called Gucci to him, and whispered a few instructions.

“Lao Gu, go to Gui Youguang’s house and have a look. If your brother-in-law named Xu hasn’t confessed yet, tell him about this and ask him to call his sister.

We can't just watch Old Xu make mistakes. How can the talented people in the government work together with the traitors from the underground party? We are saving Xu Enzeng. "

"Understood, I'll go now." Gu Qi, who also had a smile on his face, nodded and couldn't wait to walk out of the office. It can be seen that the secret agent also has a heart for gossip.

 After arranging the big gift for Xu Enzeng, Zuo Zhong held his chin in his hands, guessing how his brother-in-law would react when he found out that his two sisters were ruthlessly abandoned by Xu Enzeng. The other party can either break the pot and take all the blame on himself, in exchange for Xu Enzeng's kindness to his sisters, sacrificing himself, and making the whole family happy.

Either bite back and confess all of Xu Enzeng's crimes, or even use Xu Enzeng's property in his hands to find a way out. As Xu's glove, the other party must know more than just the Meifeng Bank account.

The reason is very simple. Xu Enzeng is the deputy director of the Central Unification Committee, and it is impossible for him to come to discuss business in person. After all, there are only a few people like Zheng Tingbing who are dedicated to doing business.

It is impossible for him to let outsiders manage the family property. After counting, it is the most appropriate choice for half of the family, such as his brother-in-law, who is not related by blood, to manage the property.

 Xu Enzeng has been an official for more than ten years and has accumulated more than one million in ill-gotten wealth. In order to have more funds to attack the Japanese, the military commander could only reluctantly accept it.

Zuo Zhong looked at his watch and waited quietly for the reward. Not long after, Gucci ran back excitedly and reported a piece of great news.

“Vice-in-Chief, you are really amazing. Gui Youguang finished serving the appetizers, but Xu Enzeng’s brother-in-law refused to explain and didn’t say anything. However, he just gave up after making the phone call.

From what he said, as early as when he was in Jinling, Xu Enzeng gave him a sum of money to take care of. The money was stored in several secret accounts, and the amount of money converted into U.S. dollars in various currencies amounted to more than 400,000 yuan.

 In addition, Xu Enzeng owns a large amount of real estate and private land in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the United States, all of which were purchased in his name, and the price cannot be calculated. "

Zuo Zhong took a breath, thinking that the Zuo family had worked hard to "recruit shares" for so long, but they could only get hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash, while Xu Enzeng, a bastard, made it easily.

 No wonder everyone wants to be an official. One year to become a magistrate, and one hundred thousand snowflakes of silver. The ancients honestly did not deceive me. At this moment, Deputy Director Zuo felt that he was simply a role model for the Fruit Party.

 After being intoxicated with himself, Zuo Zhong immediately ordered Gu Qi to have financial personnel go to major banks to transfer the money according to the target description, and send people to change the property rights overseas.

—In order to avoid the military commander being known as a robber and for the sake of Dai Chunfeng's reputation, he had no choice but to suffer some injustice and put those houses in his own name.

Zuo Chong sighed deeply about this: "Well, now that the country is in difficulty and the future is unclear, you and I should be more loyal to the party and the state. What does personal honor and disgrace matter?

I will bear all the infamy. Even if I am criticized or misunderstood by others, I will not be afraid at all. I will not be afraid of being shattered into pieces. I want to leave my innocence in the world, that's all. "

 Zuo Zhong, who had already entered the play, held his head high and recited "Song of Lime", and he just had to carve the words "righteousness and awe-inspiring" on his face. He looked like a strong-willed Deputy Director Zuo who was not afraid of rumors.

Hearing this, Gu Qi laughed twice without hesitation at all, and blurted out all kinds of free and good things. It can be seen that without the ability to call a deer a horse, it is impossible to hang out in the government.

“Hahaha, okay, okay, Lao Gu, we are all our brothers, just keep these words in your heart, okay, you go make arrangements, this matter must be completed as soon as possible.”

 Zuo Zhong pointed to the action report on the table and asserted: "I think Xu Enzeng must also be thinking of ways to get his property back, but he is hampered by the crackdown on the black market and cannot get away.

 So we have to make a time lag and get the money and real estate in hand while this guy has no time to think about it. By then, it will be a done deal and he can only swallow this breath, understand. "

 Gu Qi said nothing, gave a neat military salute, turned around and walked out of the office again to make arrangements and transfer some property. If this could not be done, all his years of intelligence work would be in vain.

Watching Lao Gu leave, Zuo Zhong secretly calculated the amount of Xu Enzeng's family property, lit a cigarette happily, tapped his foot on the table, and hummed an unknown country tune.


Suddenly the phone rang. Zuo Zhong reached for the phone and put it to his ear. The voice of a staff member from the Second Hall of the Military Command Department came from the other side. The other party informed him of two things.

 One, Xu Enzeng formally submitted a report to the Second Office of the Military Command Department, saying that he had failed to consider before and requested to suspend the operation against the black market, and that he would be responsible for all the responsibilities.

Second, the high-level officials were very dissatisfied with the military commanders and central commanders’ frequent disturbances to the people, and gave a three-day deadline to handle the matter properly within three days.

It is not only different opinions on the black market. It is not only in all aspects of the mountain city. Even the Japanese pseudo -newspapers and overseas of the enemy occupied areas have discussions. Some people feel that they have lost their face, so they are furious.

Zuo Chong made some nonsense and sent away the cheap men in the general headquarters. Then he strolled to the military compound, thinking as he walked with his hands behind his back under the dark night.

 Having laid so much groundwork, "that person" should be able to seize the opportunity. If not, it will be difficult to do something in the future. He looked up and stared at the night sky with an uncertain expression.

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