Cicada Moving

Chapter 965: What a sin!

Chapter 965 What a sin!

When Gu Qi heard that the man from the Republic of China who came with Xiao Leiwen said that he was Xu Enzeng's brother-in-law, he immediately became energetic.

The other party is a shareholder of Antai Feng Insurance. In order to avoid being said to be a personal retaliation, the military commander did not specifically arrest him in the previous arrest operations. Unexpectedly, he encountered him again here.

However, why did the other party come to Meifeng Bank? Could it be that it was for that account, so it would be even more difficult to let him go. Gu Qi thought thoughtfully and waved his hand again to let the spies arrest him directly.

Mr. Brother-in-law, who was pushed to the ground by the secret agent, became anxious. He quickly called for help and begged Little Raven to save him. His groveling look was really disgusting.

But little Raven just watched the other party being dragged away coldly and made no move to stop him. A small partner was not worthy of his own action.

He raised his hands and clapped them together. The empty bank hall kept echoing. After a moment, a dozen guards suddenly ran out from the corner and pointed their guns at everyone.

“Gentlemen, you can take this person away, but please keep the account books. Although my name is not in the shareholder list, there are American citizens among the employees of Meifeng Bank.

If you can step back from the brink and stop this kind of behavior that undermines the diplomatic relations between the two countries, I will let you leave safely, and you must not betray my friendship, otherwise"

Little Raven issued an ultimatum, and he seemed to be sure of victory. He did not believe that public servants of the Democratic Party would dare to shoot at American citizens. This he was sure of.

More than ten years ago, the United States overissued too many U.S. dollars. Since the U.S. implemented the gold standard at that time, U.S. dollars could be exchanged for gold at will, causing Europe to collectively sell U.S. dollars and ask for exchange for gold.

As a result, the value of the U.S. dollar plummeted, which triggered a run. Banks in the United States collapsed due to insufficient gold reserves. 2,000 banks in the United States went bankrupt, and even the Federal Reserve Bank had to temporarily close.

In order to stabilize the value of the U.S. dollar, the United States came up with the idea of ​​using silver reserves to make up for its lack of gold reserves. To this end, the president signed a "Silver Acquisition Act."

 The intention is to attract global silver to flow into the United States by raising the international silver purchase price, increase the United States' silver reserves, and strengthen the value of the U.S. dollar.

 In this context, the international silver price soared from US$0.25 per ounce in 1932 to US$1.29 per ounce in 1934.

 But this act of selfish self-preservation hurt the Republic of China far across the Pacific Ocean. At that time, the Republic of China implemented a silver standard, and the main currency circulating in the market was the silver dollar.

Lured by high prices in the United States, from 1934 to 1935, the Republic of China experienced a huge outflow of silver, and its silver reserves plummeted from approximately 602 million yuan to 288 million yuan.

The massive outflow of silver directly led to a severe financial panic in the Republic of China. First, banks, banks, and industrial and commercial enterprises collapsed on a large scale, and then evolved into a general economic depression in various industries.

Preserving the value of the U.S. dollar by inducing a financial crisis in the Republic of China is only the first step. In order to maintain its export advantage, the United States does not allow the government to devalue its currency without authorization.

In 1935, the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury warned the Republic of China ambassador that for the public and future considerations of "both sides", the best solution for both countries was to peg the silver dollar to the U.S. dollar.

 The two sides maintain a fixed exchange rate, and the government needs the permission of the United States to change the exchange rate, so as to avoid unnecessary "misunderstandings" and affect the good relations between the Republic of China and the United States.

Weak countries have no diplomacy, and the Republic of China ambassador has to agree even if he doesn't agree. In this era where the strong is respected, the government can even compromise if its economic lifeline is controlled, let alone a suspect.

Little Raven looked at Gu Qi with interest, wanting to see how the other party would leave Meifeng Bank in despair. No one understood better than him the virtues of these officials of the Republic of China who bullied the weak and feared the strong.

 Gu Qi glanced at the bank guard with his peripheral vision, and the four words "proper and reasonable" in the deputy director's order rang in his mind. He silently lifted the corner of his clothes, took out his gun and aimed it at little Raven, and ordered coldly.

“Jun Tong was obstructed by unknown persons while performing official duties. In accordance with the Regulations on Punishing Obstruction of Official Affairs, I now order everyone to turn off their insurance and be ready to fire back at any time.”

"you can not"


Gucci interrupted Little Raven with an angry shout. His right thumb pulled the safety on the left side of the Walter pistol slide, and his index finger rested tightly on the trigger, with murderous intent in his eyes.

With a hint of disdain, he said word by word: "Mr. Lei Wen, I also have something to tell you. This is the Republic of China. I have the right to arrest anyone. This is the right given to me by the law.

The one who should step back from the brink is not me, but you. Your government will not go to war with the government because of you, a businessman. If you don't believe it, you can bet on whether my men and I dare to shoot. "

Before he finished speaking, the agents pulled the bolts and sleeves of their guns and took two steps forward without hesitation. There were mountains of military orders, not to mention more than a dozen guards in front of them, and they had to abide by the dangers of swords and fire.

Little Raven's face turned red as he looked at the black muzzle of the gun. He hesitated and didn't speak again. On the one hand, he had his own life and on the other hand, he had his customers. It's an easy decision to make, isn't it?

The bank guards were also in panic. They were armed with short guns. As for other people, they had everything from long guns to short guns, and their number was several times greater. They were not so stupid as to risk their lives for the bank.

"Take away!" Seeing the other party's reaction, Gucci uttered two words contemptuously, then pulled out Bai Wenzhi who was hiding aside, and gave the other party an honorable task - to check the passports of the Americans present.

As the saying goes, military commanders come to Meifeng Bank today just to investigate the espionage case and check passports. They have nothing to do with Xu Enzeng and the central commander. No matter who comes, he will give the same answer.

 After a while, Mr. Brother-in-law was stuffed with cloth strips in his mouth, put on a hood and was dragged out. The bank guard seemed not to have seen this scene and continued to "confront" the agents unwilling to be outdone.

Besides, Xiao Leiwen lost his face in front of so many people, and his gaze glanced around the agent, turning around and left the stairs. I don't know if he asked for help from the senior officials of the government.

When something like this happened, Gu Qi felt that just freezing the account was no longer safe. The bank was actually under the control of the Americans, and the other party was fully capable of forcibly unfreezing the account and transferring the funds.

Without any hesitation, he directly ordered the bank staff to wire all the money in the account to the central bank of the country. If his worries came true, the military commander would really have nothing to do with these Americans.

The so-called wire transfer means that after handling the transfer business, the accepting bank will write a notice to the bank where the receiving account is located. After receiving the notice, the receiving bank will contact the accepting bank to increase the balance in the account.

As for cash delivery, generally every quarter, the two parties will take out the receipt and payment slips, calculate the difference, and deliver the required physical cash. Once the accounts are consistent, the transaction is completed.

In order to ensure that the funds were credited to the account, after the wire transfer advice from Meifeng Bank was issued, Gu Qi asked the agent to immediately drive to the Central Bank to handle the business while he watched at Meifeng.

At the same time, he used his own channels to contact the staff of the Central Bank and asked the other party to send someone here to hand over the wire transfer notice immediately, so that he could rest assured that the cash would be in hand.

 Two hours later, the accountant of the Central Bank of China walked out of the vault of Meifeng Bank with several large suitcases and returned under the **** of a team of special agents. Xu Enzeng's small vault was completely emptied.

That's not right either. Gu Qi also left a French currency with the other party, which he was very particular about, and then led the team to leave Meifeng. Bai Wenzhi threw away his passport and fled after him.

The two of them exchanged a few words at the bank gate. The frightened Lao Bai jumped into the car and ran away, fearing that the military commander would ask him and his men to do something that would offend others.

Gu Qi looked at the smoke and dust raised by the police car, and then got into the car and said something to go back to the station. The matter of Xu Enzeng's brother-in-law and little Lei Wen must be reported immediately, especially the latter. The pot was too big for him to carry.

In fact, his guess was accurate. When he arrived at Zuo Zhong's office, Deputy Director Zuo, who had always been strong in his life, was standing in front of his desk, bowing his head and talking to the other end of the phone.

“Yes, Commissioner, we are enforcing the law reasonably.”

 “Yes, yes, it is indeed related to the case.”

 “Okay, I understand my humble duty and I will never do it again in the future.”

Zuo Zhong said all his good things, and then he fooled someone over. After the other person hung up the phone, he sat back on the stool and rubbed his face. He nodded feebly at Gucci with his fingers and asked helplessly.

“Old Gu, I told you to be disciplined and reasonable. Why did you make such a big scene and hold a gun against the Americans? You can’t do this again. The commissioner gave me a good scolding.

If something like this happens again in the future, if there is no one around, then we will deal with it without stopping. Anyway, the security of the mountain city is so chaotic, and Lao Bai will be responsible for it if something goes wrong. "

 Gu Qi leaned forward slightly and replied: "Okay, Deputy Director, it's really that little Lei Wen is too arrogant. Even though he knew our identities, he still let his subordinates block the operation. There is nothing he can do about his humble position.

There was no real conflict at all, and the tasks assigned by you were successfully completed. However, for safety reasons, I asked Meifeng Bank to transfer all the funds in the account to the Central Bank.

 The amount is not small, with a total of 50,000 legal currency, 40,000 U.S. dollars and 1,000 pounds sterling. According to the account book, this is probably just one month's income, and the previous one was transferred by a person named Xu.

The payment is collected using our bureau’s account. No one can touch the money without your permission and that of the bureau chief. In addition, Xu Enzeng’s brother-in-law has been arrested by us. What should we do with him? "

Zuo Zhong had a strange expression. He said that this brother-in-law was also very lucky. The second sister was Xu Enzeng's wife, and the eldest sister was Xu Enzeng's favorite concubine. They were indeed a family, and they were not outsiders at all.

After thinking for a while, he gave the answer: "Leave it to Gui Youguang to deal with it, and get back all the people's money and money collected by the other party. The bureau will recently purchase a batch of radio stations, and it happens to be short of funds.

Taking it from the people and using it for the people should be regarded as the contribution Xu Enzeng and his family made to the anti-Japanese cause. I will ask the committee to take credit for Lao Xu later. I must be kind as a person. "

 After saying that, he and Gu Qi looked at each other and laughed loudly. The office was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere. There is no happier thing in the world than using Zhongtong's money to do military affairs.

While they were happy, Xu Enzeng's head was buzzing, and his main room and outer room were kneeling on the ground on the left and right, grabbing their pants and not letting go, crying and asking them to rescue their younger brother.

Deputy Director Xu had no choice but to leave or not leave now. He could only look up at the ceiling and choked speechlessly. After a long time, he raised his hand to wipe the corners of his eyes and shouted loudly: "What a sin!"

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