Cicada Moving

Chapter 964: The fox pretends to be the tiger's power

 Outside Meifeng Bank.

Special agents and police officers surrounded the building. Gu Qi and Bai Wenzhi stood on the side of the road smoking cigarettes, looking at the majestic building, and chatting about everything.

"Lao Bai, I heard that you were scolded by Xu Enzeng for investigating others? When did your brother become so dedicated?" Gu Qi raised his chin towards the bank and asked with a smile.

Don’t others know that he doesn’t know it yet? When he was in Jinling, he was one of the bosses behind the Jinling black market. Now in the mountain city, he has become a crime nemesis.

There must be something that the military commander has not discovered, such as uneven distribution of spoils or market grabbing. Although General Lao Bai humbles himself in front of them, he is a big shot in front of others.

There is also a group of people behind the other party who are making a fortune. If they want to grab food in the mature black market in the mountain city, it is the most appropriate way to use the pretext of investigating the case to knock down a few big businessmen.

Bai Wenzhi's face turned red when he heard the ridicule, and he argued forcefully: "This is wrong. They are destroying the financial order of the government. As the person in charge of the Shancheng Police Department, I naturally have to investigate.

 Chief Director Gu, you don’t know that this group of people colluded with foreigners to illegally buy and sell gold, causing heavy losses to the country. I will handle this in accordance with the law and have no selfish motives.

I can only hate that Xu Enzeng humiliated me for his own benefit. When I was in the army, that **** was still eating bread and drinking milk in the United States! "


 Gu Qi chuckled and said nothing. Making money has become a rule of the government. If you don't take it, how can I take it? If I don't take it, how can the higher-ups take it? If the higher-ups don't take it, how can everyone make progress?

Don’t just ask a department director in vain. Even if the section chiefs, section chiefs, and officers of various agencies are not making a lot of money, if you want to make a name for yourself in the Republic of China, you have to do it even if you don’t want to.

What's going to happen if this continues? How many more years can the government last? He couldn't help but sigh secretly. He was too lazy to tease Lao Bai anymore. He looked deeply into the distance and fell into silence.

“Report to the director, deputy seat orders.”

At this time, a small spy ran to Gu Qi from a distance and handed over a document: "The deputy asked us to enter Meifeng Bank and freeze the account. There is evidence that Xu Enzeng accepted bribes.

If you encounter unreasonable obstruction by U.S. personnel during your operation, I ask you to handle it with restraint and reason. Commander Bai happens to be here. I heard that many foreigners are working illegally in the Republic of China, so I should give you a warning. "

 Evidence of Xu Enzeng’s bribery?

Gu Qi took the document and looked at it in confusion. He found that there was an account number and multiple remittance records written on it. He seemed to understand something. This was probably the transaction details between the person named Xu and the black market personnel.

At the same time, he also heard the implication of the order conveyed by the little agent. Reasonable and orderly became orderly and reasonable. Even though the order was just changed, the meaning was completely different.

What is integrity? It is integrity, national integrity. The deputy director asked him to stand up straight in front of the Americans, his knees should not be weak, and he should reason with the other party and leave the Americans speechless.

 After thinking quickly for a moment, Gu Qi shook off the documents in his hand and stopped Bai Wenzhi who was about to leave quietly: "Old Bai, you know the temper of the deputy director, you can't run away from this matter.

Let's go and meet Big Nose together. I heard that the American named Little Raven has great powers in the mountain city and has close contacts with many high-level officials in the government. You and I will see it today. "

Bai Wenzhi almost knelt down. Little Raven, who is that person? This person chatted and laughed happily with the U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of China. The family behind him also has deep connections in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate.

  Do you follow the reasoning of such a person? Will people listen to your reasoning with a small division director and a department director? If they don't get beaten up by bank guards, they will be given face. Zuo Zhong is crazy.

But thinking about Zuo Zhong's methods, Bai Wenzhi didn't dare to run away. God knows if the smiling tiger would be cruel. If he extended his head, it would be a knife, and if he retracted his head, it would be a knife. He shouldn't come here to join in the fun.

Regardless of what Bai Wenzhi thought, Gu Qi grabbed his arm and walked towards Meifeng Bank. Armed agents followed the two of them, and a group of people entered the bank door aggressively.

“Stop, this is a private place.” A waiter from Luzon in a tuxedo came up to the hall, held his head high and stopped everyone, and said in half-baked Republican dialect.

Just like the British who like to use red-headed asans as servants, Americans also like to use local natives from the Luzon colony to work as waiters because they are obedient and cheap.

Gucci put his hand on the other person's face and pushed hard, causing the other person to stumble. It's hard to offend Americans, but why can't you offend a colonial legion? It's a joke.

He walked past the waiter as if nothing had happened, strode to the middle of the magnificent hall, looked around, and shouted orders to the stunned bank clerks.

“Everyone raise your hands and leave the counter. No small movements are allowed. You work for a living. It’s not worth losing your life for a salary of tens of dollars. Do you understand?”

The bank clerks present, whether they were from the Republic of China or foreigners, raised their hands immediately after hearing the words, and acted uniformly, as if they had rehearsed. There is indeed no shortage of smart people in this world.

"Very good, now please come out one by one, slow down, and don't make any moves that could easily cause misunderstandings, otherwise my guns will not have eyes." Gu Qi reminded kindly.

A group of small spies were standing outside the circular counter with pistols and submachine guns, their guns pointed at the employees motionlessly, and their sharp eyes staring at each other's every move. The clerks, either calmly or nervously, lined up and walked out of the counter. Under the leadership of the American clerks, they squatted on the ground consciously. If not saying that robbing banks is a fine tradition in the United States, they all learned to answer questions.

Gu Qi nodded with satisfaction and stood in front of the crowd and introduced himself: "We are the military commander. Some of you may or may not have heard of it, but I want to remind you."

Speaking of this, he emphasized his tone: "The cases we are investigating all involve espionage cases, and we have the right to deal with them first, so what I just said was not a threat, but a statement of facts.

 Now, I want to ask you a question, who among you is responsible for remittances and who is responsible for keeping records? Don’t try to hide it. With so many people here, there are always one or two friends who are willing to cooperate. "

The staff who were squatting on the ground looked at each other. Finally, a man and a woman slowly raised their hands. The woman was young and from the Republic of China. Her tears could not stop flowing and her whole body was shaking.

Men are better, at least they don’t react as badly as women. This may have something to do with the fact that he is an American. Although he dare not resist the agents face to face, he can still do it by staying calm.

 After all, the government’s attitude towards foreigners, especially citizens of powerful European and American countries, is extremely humble. Even if there are life-related lawsuits, the most they can do is to repatriate them without risking their lives.

“Sir, I am responsible for the accounting records, and the lady is responsible for the remittance. I wonder what your requirements are.” The man stood up slowly, and what he said was an authentic mountain city dialect.

No wonder the other party, as a foreigner, is so knowledgeable. He is obviously a Republican who has been in the Republic of China for many years. He knows that county magistrates are not as good as current officials, and he also knows that military commanders are not easy to mess with.

Seeing the staff's cooperation, Gu Qi's stern face showed a faint smile: "Well, there is nothing big going on here this time. It's just that one of your bank's accounts is involved in the espionage case, and we need to freeze it.

This is the account. Sir, please take out the ledger and bottom ledger. After we check, please seal the account. In the future, the transfer and withdrawal of funds from this account must have the order of the military commander. Can this be done? "

Made his request, he reported a series of figures to the other party without handing over the documents. This American can be responsible for the balance sheet at Meifeng Bank. This memory should be good.

 “No problem, it’s easy.”

The male clerk carefully wrote down the numbers and immediately gave a guarantee. Then, under the surveillance of the secret agent, he called the female clerk who was so frightened that her legs were weak. The two went to the counter and rummaged for a while and took out two account books.

“Sir, this is the account you need. According to the records, the account currently contains 50,000 legal currency, 40,000 US dollars and 1,000 pounds sterling. Congratulations, you must have caught a big fish.”

The man gave a general introduction to the account, handed over the account book respectfully, and said a few auspicious words. In fact, he was frightened and realized that he was in big trouble today.

As the person in charge of the accounts of Meifeng Bank, the moment Gu Qi reported the account, he knew who the owner of the account was. All espionage cases were false, and this group of people from the Republic of China were fighting among themselves again.

Gu Qi looked at the account book in the other person's hand and raised the corner of his mouth, ready to take it. As long as he had this thing in hand, Xu Enzeng would have to shed his skin this time, but he didn't want to hear two voices next to him.

 “Assholes, what are you doing!”

“Little Mr. Raven is here, who dares to make a mistake?”

Two people came down the stairs on one side of the hall. One was Little Raven, the actual controller of the bank, and the other was a gesticulating Republican from the Republic of China. He looked like he was pretending to be powerful.

 Gu Qi frowned, reached for the account book and stuffed it into his inner pocket. He didn't believe that a businessman dared to search him, the intelligence chief. That would not be a simple economic issue.

The sinister-looking little Raven stopped when he saw this, adjusted his single-frame glasses on his aquiline nose, stood on the high stairs, and asked Gu Qi coldly from a high position.

“Gentlemen, I need a reasonable explanation. I am a citizen of the United States of America. What authority do you have to arrest my employees, inspect the account books, and view trade secrets?

Let me give you a suggestion. If you hand over your account books and leave now, I will pretend that nothing happened. Otherwise, I don’t mind raising a protest to your chairman. "

Following Little Raven's warning, the Republican man next to him straightened his suit and looked at the military agents with a half-smile, just like a dog baring its teeth and claws around its master.

Gu Qi raised his head, squinted his eyes and said calmly: "Sorry, as far as I know, there are no American citizens among the shareholders of Meifeng Bank. Please get out of the way, sir, and don't delay us from performing our official duties."

Then he pointed at the people from the Republic of China on the stairs and shouted: "Come here, arrest this bastard. MD, I will let you know today what official law is like a furnace!"

“Yes!” The little secret agent, who had been holding back his anger for a long time, rushed towards the opponent with a ferocious smile. He dared to show his teeth to the military commander. How many heads did the opponent have? He really didn’t think he was a big shot.

Furthermore, when the Republic of China man heard Gu Qi’s order, he immediately broke out in a cold sweat and yelled at the top of his lungs: “How dare you, Deputy Director Xu of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is my brother-in-law, who of you dares to arrest me!”

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