Cicada Moving

Chapter 963: family

Chapter 963 Family

François Huang, under Wu Chunyang’s inquiry, introduced in detail the impact of the black market on mountain cities from the perspective of black market practitioners and ordinary people, as well as the previous government’s crackdown on the black market.

 According to him, the black market existed before the war, but as the current situation changed, the authorities' punishment of black marketeers had traces of the emergency period during the war, and the penalties were very severe.

Since the smuggling of enemy goods floods the rear area and affects the stability of the economic order, last year, the national government formulated the "Regulations on the Prohibition of Japanese Goods" and the "Regulations on the Prohibition of Articles Prohibited by the Enemy".

“If embargoed items are discovered to be privately sold to the enemy, those with solid evidence will be punished by death or life imprisonment, and the goods and fines will be confiscated and fined to comfort the wounded soldiers and refugees.

If a person who implements the ban has connivance or other corruption for personal gain, and if there is solid evidence, he will also be sentenced to death or life imprisonment, and his family property will be confiscated. "

The promulgation of a series of regulations such as the "Measures for the Implementation of Gold Collection" and the circulation of large-denomination promissory notes are also aimed at ensuring the uniqueness of the central bank's listed price standards and curbing the prevailing speculation.

The Central Bank of China also stipulates that all commercial banks, banks, and banks that exchange balances with it must fill their positions on the same day. Otherwise, they will become insolvent and will be declared suspended for liquidation and their licenses will be revoked in accordance with the decree of the Ministry of Finance.

  Many banks went bankrupt based on this, and the general managers and managers were all detained for financial disruption. Officials who provided official protection for the banks were also severely punished. This incident caused a stir at the time.

 A local police officer was charged with extortion of property. After verification by the prosecutor, an opinion was attached, and the case was sent to the Military Justice Department for trial and clarification. He was sentenced to five years in prison and deprived of public rights for five years.

Speaking of this, Francois Huang looked helpless. When doing business in the Republic of China, one had to be exploited by white people, and at the same time, one had to be careful that the other party turned against them and did not recognize them. It was difficult to use their heads on their necks to ask for rewards from the top.

Of course, Zuo Zhong and Wu Chunyang also knew what he said, but the government has always had policies from above and countermeasures from below. The legal provisions are one thing, but how the people below implement them is another.

Take that bailiff as an example. Can a small bailiff protect so many banks? Obviously impossible, this person is just a scapegoat, and the real black hand has already removed him.

Francois Huang's intention in saying this is very simple, that is, he wants to truly connect with the military commander. Compared with local officials, the military commander has greater power and better credibility.

However, Zuo Zhong laughed and did not express his position until François Huang's wife Weng Wenpei informed everyone that they could dine, then he stood up with a smile and walked out of the living room to the dining room.

The restaurant is not large in size. A set of Western-style mahogany tables and chairs looks a bit out of place in a room decorated in Chinese style. The table is filled with southwestern dishes and a bottle of Chinese red wine.

"Sir Zuo, please sit down." Francois Huang opened the chair and respectfully asked Zuo Zhong to sit down. Then he and Wu Chunyang sat down on the left and right sides.

As for Weng Wenpei, according to the rules of the old Republic of China, women and children were not allowed to serve at the table. After serving the food and wine, she took her young child to the kitchen, while other little spies stood vigilantly around the restaurant.

At the dinner table, Francois Huang stood up and poured a glass of red wine for the three of them, said a few words of thanks again, and then drank the red wine in his own glass.

He knew that with the suspicion of an agent, if he did not drink it first, the other party would not drink it. Just like the tea and cigars just now, he would have lost an excellent opportunity...

Sure enough, seeing that he didn't have any unusual reaction after drinking, Zuo Zhong and Wu Chunyang looked at each other and took a brief sip. It was not just the two of them who were relying on each other, but with their status, drinking with a small businessman was already a sign of respect.

If the other party had not helped them when they were in Qicheng, it would be impossible for an intelligence officer to have dinner with an unknown person, especially if it involves a suspect who is investigating a case.

Although the colorless and odorless delayed poison is a fantasy in the storybook, you must be careful to sail the ship for thousands of years. If you don't have even this vigilance in this industry, you will run into trouble sooner or later.

François Huang didn't mind when he saw this. Instead, he picked up the chopsticks and picked up the dishes on the table and put them into his mouth one by one to prove that the food was not poisonous.

Wu Chunyang was still worried, so he picked up a piece of meat before Zuo Zhong and tasted it. After a long time, he pursed his lips, nodded with satisfaction and praised his good workmanship.

The atmosphere suddenly became relaxed. The three of them chatted while eating. Then Francois Huang talked about Xu Enzeng under the guidance of Wu Chunyang. The "banana man" talked angrily about the exploitation of him by the Central President.

“Two sirs, you don’t know that Xu’s hands are very dark. If they want to do business safely in the gold black market, they will take one-third of our profits.

Not only that, we also have to prepare generous gifts for Xu’s birthday, his Gaotang’s birthday, his wife’s birthday, his children’s birthday, and his sister-in-law’s birthday.

 At least half of our hard-earned money went into the other party's pocket. Unexpectedly, he was not satisfied even with this, and actually suggested that the government crack down on the black market, bah! "

Speaking of anger, Francois Huang raised his head again and drank up the red wine. Judging from his expression, if Xu Enzen were here today, he would tear him alive.

Wu Chunyang's heart moved, and he asked pretending not to care: "How did you give money in the past? Xu Enzeng couldn't see you collecting money one by one.

He is also the deputy director, and he is busy with official duties. Besides, it is not convenient for so many people to send money there. Could it be that that guy has a special channel to collect benefits? "

Being passively beaten is not the style of military commanders. This time, throwing the blame for cracking down on the black market on Xu Enzeng’s head is just a defense, and it is just the beginning. Xu must be taught a lesson through this incident.

What would Shangfeng think if he knew that Xu Enzeng was collecting money from the black market and proposing to crack down on the black market? No one would like this kind of double-faced person who can stab his partners at any time.

Zuo Zhong guessed what Wu Chunyang was thinking, and he was happy to see the outcome. After all, dealing with Xu Enzeng was an old tradition of the military, and it was time for Wu Chunyang to learn from it. François Huang patted the table and said with admiration: "Sir, you guessed it right. At the end of every month, we have to go to Meifeng Bank to deposit money into an account and add our names.

Xu Enzeng was very cunning and would occasionally send people to check the accounts. Anyone who dared to conceal his income would be arrested directly. I heard that no less than twenty people were killed because of this alone. "

As he spoke, he took out a stack of notes from his pocket and pushed it to Wu Chunyang: "This is the account and the receipt for each remittance. Sir, I am willing to come forward to report Xu Enzeng.

I also ask you to give me a chance. From now on, I, François, no, Huang, will definitely do the work of a dog and a horse. I know the rules, and I will not lose a single point of benefit.

Don't worry, although Huang has not been in Shancheng for a long time, he has met many friends who have long complained about Zhongtong. I think they will be willing to cooperate with Juntong. "

  This is the time to submit a certificate of investment.

Wu Chunyang was a little undecided. This gift was too big. It would not only turn Xu Enzeng into disgrace, but also steal the financial resources of Zhongtong's subordinates, killing two birds with one stone.

 It’s just that Francois Huang’s background is too complicated. He is from the Republic of China, has a nationality, is a former assistant manager of a foreign bank, and is now a black market businessman. I am afraid that the other person’s background is not clean.

At this moment, Zuo Zhong, who had been listening, suddenly smiled, waved to the gate, and said kindly: "Come here, don't be afraid."

Outside the door, Francois Huang's son was looking inside with his little head stretched out. He hesitated after hearing his words, but still tiptoed in.

Waiting for the child to stand in front of the table, Zuo Zhong picked up a chicken leg from the plate and handed it to the child with a smile: "Uncle and your father don't like chicken, you can eat it."

The young boy looked at his father and saw that François Huang did not stop him. Then he bowed to Zuo Zhong, took the chicken leg, and ate it with relish.

 It can be seen that Francois has a good upbringing. Even though it is difficult to eat meat at this time, the young child still chews it slowly, which also shows that there is no shortage of meat in his life.

 According to past experience, this alone can rule out the possibility that Francois Huang is a dissident. The underground party is not willing to eat meat, even if there are children at home.


Zuo Zhong laughed, took out a handkerchief to wipe the oil stains from the corners of the child's mouth, and Wen Yan asked: "Is it delicious? Uncle asks you a question. If you answer it correctly, uncle will give you another chicken drumstick."

Have any strangers come to your home recently, especially those with strange things? Your school teacher must have taught you that good children must be honest and cannot lie, right? "

Hearing this, Wu Chunyang narrowed his eyes and glanced at François Huang, who was as if nothing had happened. He slowly put down the chopsticks in his hands and stepped **** the ground, ready to explode at any time.

The child on the other side raised his head and nodded innocently: "Yes, there are many uncles who come to the house with shiny gold things to exchange for money. Uncle, are you here to exchange for money too?"

 “You are a little kid but a big kid.” Zuo Chong was happy and touched the other person’s head: “Yes, uncle is here to exchange things this time too, so you don’t have to worry about your father’s safety in the future.”

As the saying goes, children's words are unbridled. After hearing what the child said and the deputy director's hint, Wu Chunyang's tense body slowly relaxed, and after thinking for a moment, he put the piece of paper into his pocket.

Then he seriously warned Francois Huang: "Mr. Huang, as long as you don't cause trouble, the military commander will ensure your safety. Deputy Commander, it's almost time, let's go."

 “Well, let’s go, see you kids.”

Zuo Zhong, who did not express his position throughout the whole process, waved to the young child. He was escorted by Francois Huang to the roadside and got into the car. Then he closed his eyes and stopped paying attention to the child.

After the car started and drove for a certain distance, he slowly opened his eyes: "Chunyang, how are you? Do you think this guy is trustworthy? If there is any problem, deal with it."

Wu Chunyang on the side frowned and replied cautiously: "It seems credible at the moment. Let's observe him for a while. If there is any problem, send him back to his hometown. If there is no problem, it would be better to have another intelligence channel."

"Okay, you make up your mind on this matter." Zuo Zhong neither agreed nor objected, and handed over the power of disposal to the other party. The only way to be a bad guy in the Guo Party is to keep the cause and effect from getting involved.

After finishing speaking, he issued another order: "Isn't Meifeng Bank under our surveillance? Xu Enzeng will definitely not open the account for black market collection with his real name and identity.

Forcibly freeze the account, and say that the transaction is suspicious and involves espionage. You can make the confession, go to the detention center and find a spy to sign and sign, and the whole thing is dealt with. "

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

Wu Chunyang bared his teeth and nodded. The military commander's action was very sudden. The bank or Xu Enzeng had no time to transfer the money. Old Xu was going to bleed heavily now.

While he was gloating about his misfortune, the Huang family was in a different scene. The three members of the Huang family were hugging each other tightly. Weng Wenpei's eyes were full of excitement. Francois Huang smiled and shook his head without saying a word.

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