Cicada Moving

Chapter 962: Francois Huang

Chapter 962 Francois Huang

Zuo Zhong looked at Francois Huang who was "looking like pear blossoms and raining rain" and smiled slightly, shook hands with him, then came to sit next to the stool, looked at the other person up and down with interest and asked slowly.

"Mr. François, don't you work for a French company in Changcheng? Why did you suddenly come to the mountain city and participate in the black market gold trade? Tsk tsk, this is a major crime that undermines the wartime economy."

As soon as they met and before reminiscing about old times, Zuo Zhong put a big hat on the other person's head. François Huang heard the words and jumped to his side, bending down and explaining with a flattering smile.

“Sir, you don’t know that my house in the French Concession was bombed by the Japanese. If our family had not attended the consulate’s dinner that day, we would all have died in Qicheng.

 Without my house and property, the French not only refused to help me, but also added insult to injury and expelled me from the foreign bank. Fortunately, I had deposited some gold in a British bank before, so I did not starve to death. "

  When mentioning this matter, Francois Huang blushed with anger, and then changed the subject: "Since the French are unreliable, I can only find a way to come to the mountain city and make a living on the black market."

Zuo Zhong glanced at the other party, and said with a half-smile: "Mr. Francois is too humble to make a living. With a capital of several hundred taels of gold, he can be considered a big trader even on the black market.

And why didn't you come to see Zuo when you came to Shancheng? You should know Zuo's identity. I said when we left last time that we can cooperate if necessary in the future. Could it be that you look down on Zuo? "

François Huang Lian shook his head and smiled more humbly: "Sir, sir, you have a high position and I dare not disturb you. It just so happens that Zhongtong has some connections, so they didn't come to see you."

The two chatted for a while, asking questions and answering questions. Zuo Zhong roughly understood Francois Huang’s recent experience. As for the authenticity, it was easy to verify. The strength of the Israeli army’s Tongcheng Station was easy to find out.

He stood up, looked at his watch, and nodded to Wu Chunyang beside him: "You issue a release certificate to Mr. Francois. As for the gold, 30% will be taken according to the rules, and the rest will be returned."

After speaking, he smiled and asked Francois Huang: "My old friend, please understand that this is an official act. I have to explain it to everyone above and below, and I cannot give you all the gold."

 “Understand, understand, I understand.”

François Huang Fei nodded quickly. He was able to get out of the military command completely and get back 70% of the gold. What else could he be dissatisfied about? Didn't you hear someone screaming outside the window?

It was the military commander's special agents who were interrogating black marketeers. In the hands of these murderous agents, it was impossible to get out without peeling off the skin, and it was even more difficult to even think about getting the money back.

Had he not formed a good relationship in Jiacheng, he would definitely have been one of the people being interrogated. François Huang knew this very well and repeatedly thanked Zuo Zhong and Wu Chunyang.

Zuo Zhong waved his hand and replied with a smile: "Haha, okay, you're welcome. After all, we have lived and died together in Qiancheng. Without Mr. Francois's help, we would not have retreated so smoothly.

I just heard from you that your wife and children have also come to the mountain city. It is better to choose a different day than to hit the sun. Zuo and Chief Wu will be unwelcome guests today. How about Mr. Francois? Would you like to welcome Zuo and others to visit? "

 “Welcome, of course.”

François Huang was overjoyed. This reaction was normal. Being able to establish a relationship with the deputy director of the military command was something that many people dreamed of. With the help of the other party, the black market was nothing.

So the three of them walked out of the room chatting and laughing, picked up a suitcase of gold, and got into the car. They drove unsteadily for more than half an hour and arrived near the Li Family Garden in the eastern suburbs of Shancheng City.

After everyone got out of the car, Zuo Zhong looked at the lush woods around him, raised his arms and expanded his chest, took a deep breath of the extremely fresh air, and turned to look at Francois Huang.

“Mr. François has chosen a good place for self-cultivation. Zuo Mou wants to buy a residence here. Although the city is lively, it is too noisy and the air is turbid and tight.

Just living here, starting a black market business may be a bit inconvenient. Is it a bit dangerous for Mr. Francois to take gold to the city every day? The streets have not been stable recently. "

 He seemed to ask a question with concern, but Wu Chunyang, who was responsible for accompanying him, was moved in his heart and cast his eyes covertly at Francois Huang, wanting to hear what the other person would explain.

Francois Huang showed a wry smile and pointed to a small courtyard surrounded by green trees: "Of course it is inconvenient, but the housing prices in Shancheng City are too high. I have limited capital. I can't afford to rent, let alone buy. .

This place is far away from the urban area and has beautiful scenery. It is a suitable place to stay. As for safety, Lijia Garden is close to the Chongqing-Chengdu Highway, and there are many military and police patrols nearby, so safety can be guaranteed. "

Zuo Zhong was noncommittal about this answer and walked slowly along the mountain road towards the house pointed by François Huang. Upon seeing this, Wu Chunyang and the little spy in charge of protection hurriedly followed.

When the group of people slowly came to the entrance of the small courtyard, a young child squatting on the ground and playing with ants with a wooden stick at the door saw Francois Huang with a surprised look on his face, turned around and ran into the courtyard shouting.

“Mother, mother, father is back.” As the child shouted, the sound of objects falling to the ground came from the room, and then an elegant woman in her thirties rushed out of the house and looked up, tears filling her eyes.

“Ahem, Sir Zuo, this is Zhuo Jing.” Francois Huang introduced the woman sheepishly, then walked quickly to the other party, wiped away his wife’s tears, and spoke in a low voice.

The couple were talking about themselves, and Zuo Zhong and others turned their faces consciously and admired the surrounding scenery. After a long time, Francois Huang returned to the agents and invited everyone into the house.

Zuo Zhong┴ nodded and stepped forward. When passing by the young child hiding behind Francois Huang, he suddenly touched the other man's head. Seeing the angry eyes of the young child, he laughed and walked into the door.

 Enter the courtyard, what you see is an ordinary mountain city people's residence, with winding steps going up, and a tall stone house standing on a flat dam built of stone and mud.

There is a well in the northwest corner of the courtyard. There are traces of long-term use on the edge of the well. There is also a copper basin buckled on the ground. This shows how surprised Francois Huang's wife was just now.

After casually looking at the layout of the yard, everyone entered the living room and sat down under the guidance of Francois Huang. His wife brought a few cups of black tea. The fragrance was fragrant and the color was really beautiful.

"Oh? Ceylon black tea, this is a good thing." Zuo Chong took a look at it and said with a smile, then put down the tea cup. It is a good habit to be suspicious in this business. Who knows if there is poison in the tea.

Smelling the aroma of tea, he took a closer look at François Huang's wife. She was tall, wearing a foreign cloth cheongsam, and her skin was slightly rough but fair, matching the characteristics of a middle-class housewife in trouble.

Zuo Zhong asked with a faint smile: "I don't know what your wife's name is. It's really rude of us to bother you so rashly this time. If we hadn't been asked by Shangfeng to crack down on the black market, I really didn't know that Brother Huang came to the mountain city to make a living."

François Huang’s wife handed the last cup of tea to the little agent and gently announced her name: “Weng Wenpei, Francois just told me that I would like to thank you sir for the rescue this time.

If it weren't for your noble hand, my child and I wouldn't know what we would do. It's a great honor for us to have you come home. You and the other officers will wait a moment while I go to the kitchen to prepare the meal. "

With that said, Weng Wenpei stepped back gracefully and dragged the curious child out of the living room. Francois laughed twice and took the initiative to inquire about the government's crackdown on the black market.

Now people in the black market in the entire mountain city are in panic. No one knows what the government is going to do, how hard it will hit the black market, and whether the top leaders of the Guo Party are really going to throw this pot away.

This can be related to the livelihood of countless people, including the stickman who moves goods, the boatman who transports goods, the landlord who rents a shop, even the man who oversees the venue, as well as the people who rely on the black market to exchange daily necessities.

Mossing the warm tea cup in his hand, Zuo Zhong did not "hide anything" and directly pointed out the joints to the other party. How and when this matter will end depends on Deputy Director Xu of the Central Military Commission.

Their military commander was just a substitute for someone else and was tricked by Xu Enzeng. After all, he was famous for his compassion in the Guo Party and loved the people like his own children, so how could he have any evil intentions.

As long as the Central Military Commission withdraws its proposal to crack down on the black market, the Military Commander-in-Chief promises to stop the action immediately, and those who have been caught can leave after paying fines to ensure the stability of the livelihood of millions of people in the mountain city.

Francois Huang was naturally a boaster, saying that Zuo Zhong was right to the sky. He was simply a Zhuanzhu at that time, and the leader of the Republic of China wanted to leave. By the way, he scolded Xu Enzeng like a dog, and never left his mother.

With the common topic of scolding Lao Xu, the agents suddenly looked at each other more favorably, and the scene gradually became lively. Wu Chunyang also asked him about the situation of the black market and the people at the bottom.

According to François Huang’s statement, since the war began, most prices of various commodities have increased. Recently, this trend has become increasingly apparent, and the lives of refugees and ordinary mountain town residents have become increasingly difficult.

In order to make a profit, profiteers deliberately hoard goods, manipulate hot money, speculate, and raise market prices. Traffic obstructions and insufficient supply of goods have also left people in dire need of daily necessities.

 Various factors are intertwined with each other. Faced with increasingly rising prices, people have deeply felt the strong impact on their daily lives. They feel the pressure of survival and their living conditions are deteriorating.

For example, some men in mountain towns follow their wives to buy meat, and simply cut the pork and take it away. Because if they wait in line, the price of pork will rise again, so they have to grab it.

In the environment that changed drastically during the war, all industry and commerce came to a halt, traffic was jammed, and prices were high. People were very uneasy, and emotions such as anxiety and a sense of injustice pervaded society.

 Some uneducated people and people without specialized skills had no choice but to turn to crime after losing their jobs. Forced by hunger and cold, all kinds of crimes spread and multiplied.

Wu Chunyang looked heavy when he heard this. To be honest, with his current status, military pay, and gray income, he couldn't feel the lack of materials at all, but that was not the case for ordinary people.

So he quickly asked Francois Huang for more information. While answering, Francois Huang took out a box of cigars from the drawer in the living room and distributed them to everyone, and also took out an ashtray.

Zuo Zhong smiled and took the cigar. His eyes glanced at the ashtray inadvertently, but he didn't know what he saw. His pupils shrank suddenly, and then he quietly put away the cigar and listened to the discussion of the two people next to him.

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