Cicada Moving

Chapter 961: Why did you come?

Chapter 961 Why are you here?


“The foreign exchange and gold black markets were investigated, why didn’t anyone report it to me? This director is asking you something, speak up!”

Xu Enzeng swept all the documents and ornaments on his desk to the floor, then put one hand on his waist and pointed with the other at the backbone of the Central Government who had their heads lowered in front of them and roared angrily.

He had just come out of his sister-in-law's house with a sore back and weak legs. Before he had time to reflect on it, he was shocked by the reports from his subordinates. Neihuang Bank, Foreign Exchange Speculators, Meifeng Bank and Aetifong Insurance were all raided.

This means that all his gray income channels have been cut off. As the saying goes, money is the courage of a hero. Without money, how can he support so many confidants? Without money, how can he win over these confidants.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the crowd and asked fiercely: "That so-and-so reported to me two days ago. Why didn't he mention these things? Is he hiding it on purpose? I'll kill him!"

The heads of the little spies were lowered. The person Xu Enzeng was talking about disappeared yesterday. It is said that he went to another place to perform a secret mission under the order of Director Shen Dongxin. He may have left the mountain city.

But no one dared to say this. The other party was once a close confidant of the deputy director. This time, he suddenly got in touch with director Zhu. The meaning behind it was obvious. This meant that there was a mole around the deputy director again. .

Xu Enzeng was confused by the reactions of his men. He grabbed one person and asked again, but the little agent just shook his head desperately and did not answer. Xu Enzeng pushed the person away and grabbed another person.

He asked for a long time, and finally one of his confidants couldn't bear that his boss was kept in the dark, so he told the matter hesitantly. After hearing this, Xu Enzeng blankly let go of the other person's collar and walked to the desk.

“Vice-in-Chief, please don’t be angry, you are very angry.”

The little agent who answered whispered to persuade, and then he saw Xu Enzeng took out a gun from the drawer and pointed it at him. He looked at the black muzzle of the gun and was so scared that he closed his mouth tightly and raised his hands.

 “Bah, bah, bah!”

Three deafening gunshots rang out in the office. Brown twisted the muzzle of his gun and sprayed out flames. The Central Unification agents fled, rolling and crawling in search of cover, shouting for mercy.

The little spy who was the target did not run away, but light rain began to fall on his crotch. He stood there shaking all over, with tears of regret in his eyes.

Xu Enzeng slowly put down the pistol pointed at the ceiling, and coldly ordered in the smoke: "Assemble the troops and go to the military command. I want to ask Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong what they want to do."

He could tolerate other things, but he couldn't tolerate the loss of his financial resources. This was related to his control over Zhongtong. Without the tiger skin of the deputy director of Zhongtong, those who wanted to kill him could line up from the mountain city to Jinling. .

But before the agents could go out, the phone on his desk suddenly rang. Xu Enzeng impatiently picked up the phone and asked who it was, and then his expression changed again and again.

On the phone, the personable Da Chen roared: "Xu Enzeng, are you crazy? Why are you suggesting that the Second Office of the Military Command Department crack down on the black market? Are you too busy?

If you have nothing to do, just stay at home with your sister-in-law, or go to other women to have a good time. Don't cause trouble for me. Do you know that this matter is going to be big?

Dai Chunfeng’s people arrested all the people working in domestic foreign exchange, foreign exchange, gold and insurance in the black market. Mr. Lei Wen from Meifeng Bank called me, they want your life!

Not only Mr. Lei Wen, but now the black market bosses in the entire mountain city want your life. I can't help you if you want to deal with the military commander, but you must not use the black market as an excuse. Do you understand?

I will only give you one day to deal with this matter immediately, otherwise you should prepare to go to Northeast China or Japan. You will come back when you defeat the Japanese, okay? "

Xu Enzeng panicked immediately when he heard Da Chen's words. He knew his own affairs and wanted to rely on the government's own strength to defeat the Japanese, so he would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

Thinking of his previous trip to the Northeast with Little Wang Ba Dan named Zuo, he swore to Da Chen that he would resolve the matter as soon as possible until the other party hung up the phone with a bang.

Slowly putting the microphone back on the microphone stand, Xu Enzeng sat down on the stool. He was silent for a moment and looked up at his subordinates. He waved his hand and ordered them to go out first.

As for going to the military command to recruit people, he might as well forget it for the time being. He was afraid that he would be beaten to death before he even walked out of the Zhongtong gate, so he could only find a solution from the official side.

  After thinking for a long time, Xu Enzeng spread out the official paper with a dark face, picked up a pen and wrote one line at a time - "Several Suggestions on Suspension of Combating the Black Market"

He knew that as soon as this reneging official document was sent, his face would be stepped into the mud by the military commander, but he had no choice but to do this if he wanted Master and Disciple Dai Chunfeng to let go.

Face, face is not as important as life. The black market in Shancheng is very deep. Maybe someone in the Central Bureau of Statistics wants his head. No, it is not possible, it is certain.

While Xu Enzeng was racking his brains to write a report to the top management, Zuo Zhong was drinking tea in a safe room in the military command and reading the newspaper with his legs crossed, feeling indescribably leisurely and comfortable.

The military commander has finished his moves, and where to go depends on the central commander. To be precise, it depends on how Xu Enzeng chooses. If the military commander chooses to fight, the military commander will not be afraid. If he admits defeat, the military commander will not suffer.

Having so many black marketeers arrested, not to mention the seized assets, the fines alone can make them a small fortune, and Xu Enzeng is also blamed. This kind of good thing is rare. Zuo Zhong was smiling as he flipped through the newspapers airlifted back from enemy-occupied areas, and his eyes accidentally caught a headline, "Mr. Ji arrived in Shanghai, the Japanese troops stationed in Shanghai are on standby, beware of Fruit Party assassins."

 Under the title is a large photo, with Mr. Ji and his wife standing in the middle. In the photo, Mr. Ji has an expressionless face, and Mr. Ji’s wife raises her head high, as if they have done something extraordinary.

Next to them were the smiling Chief of the Military Affairs Section of the Japanese Army Ministry, Sugaaki Kagesa, Major General Hikojiro Suga of the Navy Ministry, Recorder of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Secretary of the Koga Academy, Masaki Yano, and Representative Ken Inukai. , Chief of the Special Committee on China, Osaki Tosada.

The information on these people is all in the archives of Juntong. With the help of Hayashi Fuichiro, Juntong has collected a lot of Japanese intelligence, and finally he is not blind to the enemy.

On the left side of the photo, Ryosuke Hase, the adjunct officer of the Special Committee on China, is pointing at the reporter taking the photo, as if to warn him not to take photos, while only half of his face is shown.

On the other side of the photo, Tongsuo, who was dressed in black, was pressed tightly against Ji Yunqing, the leader of the Shanghai Cao Gang who was smiling. The two of them stretched their heads and wanted to get closer, but they were blocked by a group of Japanese soldiers.

 There are enemies, partners, friends, and subordinates in a small photo. Zuo Zhong slowly closed the newspaper, closed his eyes and tapped his thighs with his fingers.

It seems that the Japanese can't hold on any longer and want to use China to control the country. Also, since the war started, the army has not been worthless. Japan's officers above the rank of major have lost hundreds of lives.

For example, during the Battle of Qicheng last year, the plane of Kazuo Ogasawara, attached to the Aviation Technical Headquarters of the General Staff Headquarters, disappeared. This person was also a lieutenant general, huh? Why do you say so? It’s strange~ (A certain Sakamoto gave a like)

In short, a dignified Japanese lieutenant general was not seen alive or dead, and there was a lot of discussion from the outside world. After several days, the Japanese military shyly stated that the opponent was shot down by the Korean air force and had gone to see Meiji.

If we continue to fight like this, I am afraid that more Japanese generals will be "summoned" by the locusts. The Japanese are not stupid, so they will not continue to fight stupidly. Zuo Zhong once again sighed for the failure of the Hanoi operation. It is a pity that the surname was not killed. seasonal.


I don’t know how long it took, Wu Chunyang walked into the room and shouted, and then began to report: "Deputy Chairman, this operation against the black market has been successfully concluded, and all the people involved and the stolen goods have been brought back."

"Yeah." Zuo Zhong kept pointing his fingers and asked calmly: "What about the specific number of people and quantity? Have you found any abnormalities? There is a mixed bag of fish and dragons in the black market. Maybe there are other eyes and ears hidden."

Wu Chunyang immediately replied: "A total of 531 people were arrested, all of whom were well-known figures on the black market. The currency and precious metals seized were equivalent to 800,000 US dollars."

"How many?!"

Zuo Zhong opened his eyes suddenly, stood up and asked in disbelief, even his voice changed. Even in later generations, 800,000 US dollars is still a large amount, let alone in this era.

"It is indeed 800,000 US dollars. The general affairs department has verified it several times." Wu Chunyang was still shocked when he thought of the mountains of property in the vault, and then continued.

“No suspicious circumstances have been found yet. Except for money, no radio stations or dangerous items were found, but I met an acquaintance, Francois Huang, who I met in Qicheng.

 In fact, when I went to Ji Boxian’s safe house last time, I saw him nearby. At that time, I guessed that he came to the mountain city to escape, but I didn’t expect that this person was engaged in black market gold trading. "

 François Huang came to Shancheng?

Has it also appeared around Ji Boxian’s safe house?

Zuo Zhong walked around the room with his hands behind his back and looked at Wu Chunyang: "Why didn't you mention it in the last action report? Where is the person now? Did you not give him any means?"

Wu Chunyang shook his head and explained: "No, I arranged a room for him and came here immediately to report to you. As for the last time, the other party had no intersection with our actions.

Furthermore, according to the requirements of the superiors, there must be no written materials for the destruction of strategic materials and factories in Chicheng to prevent them from being used by the Japanese, so the humble position was not written down. "

After all, blowing up the country's industrial facilities is not a glorious thing. It cannot be written down in black and white. If the Japanese do it, where do you want to put someone's face?

So Wu Chunyang was right not to write this matter in the report. If he had written Francois Huang's name, he would have had to explain how the two parties knew each other, which would be a bit troublesome.

Recalling the banana man with yellow skin and white flesh in his mind, Zuo Zhong narrowed his eyes for some reason, then called Wu Chunyang and walked out.

When the two of them rushed back to the bureau headquarters by car, when they arrived outside an office, they immediately heard someone shouting loudly: "Sir, let me go. I have done meritorious service for you, and I don't want the gold anymore."

Your Majesty, what did I do wrong? My residence in Changcheng was blown to pieces by the Japanese. I finally made it to the mountain city, but was arrested by my own people again. Please forgive me. "

As expected, it was François Huang. The other person’s peculiar accent and **** translator’s accent were hard for most people to imitate. You could tell he was a traitor as soon as you heard it.

Zuo Zhong smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to open the door, and said with a smile: "Ah ha, my friend, we meet again. Why, I heard that your business has reached Shancheng, why don't you come to me."

François Huang, who was handcuffed, burst into tears when he saw an old acquaintance. He rushed to Zuo Zhong, took his hand and said with tears in his eyes: "Sir, why are you here?"

 (End of this chapter)

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