Cicada Moving

Chapter 960: I want him to die!

 Chapter 960 I want him to die!

 “Bang bang.”

At the shooting range at the Luojiawan headquarters of the military commander, Zuo Zhong put down the Walter pistol in his right hand, raised his head and looked at the target in the distance, removed the magazine from his hand and pulled the sleeve to empty the bullets in the gun.

Upon seeing this, the agent at the shooting range raised his fists to his waist, trotted to the target, looked at it for a moment, turned around and reported the target loudly: "Report, nine rings, nine rings, ten rings."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang, who came from outside the shooting range, shouted together: "Second-seat shooter!" Then they respectfully stood a few meters away and saluted, straightening their chests and waiting for orders.

“You guys, come on, go sit there.” Zuo Zhong pointed to the rest area and shook his head. He was quite confident in his marksmanship. After several years of training, he was indeed much better than the average spy.

But to say that he is a marksman is a bit exaggerated. If others don't say it, at least Gui Youguang's marksmanship surpasses him. But it sounds good, everyone likes to hear it, Zuo Zhong showed a faint smile on his face.

He sat on the stool, picked up the orange juice on the table and took a sip. He looked at the two people who were sitting separately and asked: "How is it? Is the mountain city in chaos now? What is Xu Enzeng's reaction?"

 Gu Qi lowered his head slightly and answered Zuo Zhong's question: "Yes, Deputy Director, since our action yesterday morning, the Shancheng Neihui black market has fallen into chaos and all transactions have stopped.

Many people asked us about when the operation would end and the general guidelines for handling it. I told them clearly that this matter was not the military commander’s idea, and how it ended was up to Deputy Director Xu.

As for Xu Enzeng, according to our people in Zhongtong, he was with his sister-in-law yesterday, had not been out, and seemed to be unaware of what was going on outside. The reason is unknown. "

Wu Chunyang also nodded and told the news he received: "The person named Xu thought that we only raided Hecheng Bank, but he didn't know that more than a dozen other small commercial banks were also investigated.

He seems to want to wait until things get serious and let these shareholders deal with us. Deputy Chairman, I think the foreign exchange, gold and insurance black markets can take action. Xu Enzeng cannot be given time to react. "

Zuo Zhong put the cup on the table, crossed his fingers in front of his lower abdomen and thought about it for a while. He felt that what Wu Chunyang said was right. If Xu Enzeng could react, things might change in other ways.

No wonder they say Wenrou Township is the Tomb of Heroes. Xu Enzeng is not a hero, but he is not a simple person either. He lost his sensitivity because of his beauty at such a critical moment. This is something to be vigilant about.

After thinking about it, he knocked on the table and nodded to the two of them with a smile: "Go ahead and give you one day to clean up the black market of foreign exchange, gold and insurance.

However, it should be noted that part of the actual equity of Meifeng Bank is in the hands of Americans. When foreigners are involved, we still need to be cautious to avoid being blamed by the commission.

I think this way, for targets involving foreigners and foreign-funded companies, we may not arrest people for the time being, but we must conduct high-intensity surveillance of business premises.

The black market is always shady. Let the brothers reveal the guy and his identity, and then call Lao Bai's men to patrol the entrance of Meifeng Bank 24 hours a day.

I don’t believe that those bullies who speculate in gold still dare to trade. If they really dare to go, catch them one by one. Their funds and gold will be confiscated. You can go now. "

 Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang stood up and said yes, and then quickly left the shooting range. Once they left, the mountain city was probably going to explode, and they didn't know how many phone calls were going to come in.

Zuo Zhong felt that he could no longer stay at the bureau headquarters. Thinking of this, he came to Dai Chunfeng's office and reported to Teacher Jianyi. After hearing this, Lao Dai neither objected nor agreed.

Cracking down on the black market was someone's order. As the number one scoundrel, Dai Chunfeng couldn't have any objections. However, there were so many important people involved in this matter, so the method adopted by Zuo Zhong and others was very appropriate.

So the master and the apprentice whispered to each other for a while and then drove away in a car. No one knew where the chief and deputy director of the military command had gone. Only Zheng Tingbing was stupidly reading documents in the office.

 A few hours later, the unsuspecting Zheng Tingbing also received accountability calls from three ministers, five lieutenant generals, two generals, and more than a dozen party elders.

On the phone, these people greeted Lao Zheng's ancestors in local dialects, and strictly ordered the military commander to immediately release the arrested foreign exchange and gold speculators, and lift the surveillance and seizure of Meifeng Bank and Antai Feng Insurance Company.

Zheng Tingbing had no idea what was going on. He almost fainted when he inquired carefully. One of his banks, three foreign exchange shops, and two gold shops were also investigated.

Deputy Director Zheng was almost in tears. In order to avoid conflicts with Dai and Zuo, he had been trying his best to give in. He pushed aside official duties as much as possible and concentrated on doing some "small business" outside.

As a result, this pair of despicable masters and disciples did not even spare their own people. This was simply too much bullying. Zheng Tingbing became angry and bold, and angrily prepared to find trouble for the two of them.

But after searching around, he couldn't even see the shadows of Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong. It was said that they were out on business. Zheng Tingbing, who was feeling angry, had no choice but to go to the offices of the first and second offices.

The monk can't escape from the temple if he escapes. These two departments are directly under Zuo Zhong. If he can't deal with Zuo Zhong, why can't he deal with several department heads and section chiefs?

The problem is that both the first and second offices were equally empty. Zheng Tingbing searched for a long time and finally caught a familiar half-bald fat man in a small office for questioning. Through the other party's explanation, he finally knew the inside story of cracking down on the black market. It turned out that it was not Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong who bullied people too much, but that **** Xu Enzeng's good deeds.

After getting the answer he wanted, Zheng Tingbing left angrily. Song Minghao looked at the other party's back, glanced around furtively, picked up the phone and connected a number.

“Yes, Vice Chairman, Deputy Director Zheng is here.”

“Yes, I told him it was Xu Enzeng’s idea.”

 “Understood, I will continue to monitor.”

A few seconds later, Zuo Zhong, who was in the director's room of Renxin Hospital, put down the phone. After thinking about it for a while, he turned to look at the expressionless Ling Sanping next to him and asked with a slight smile.

"Why, are you still thinking about what happened last time? There is no way, avoidance is the rule in our bureau. Let alone you, even I was almost kicked out of the case investigation by Xu Enzeng for this reason."

Ling Sanping was awakened by his voice. He came to his senses and shook his head: "It has nothing to do with the avoidance matter. Do you still remember that you asked me earlier if the doctors responsible for the penicillin experiment were reliable?"

"Well, remember, what's wrong?" Zuo Zhongqing took out a cigar from Ling Sanping's drawer, cut off the end, and lit it with a lighter.

“One of these people is missing. He left the hospital after get off work two days ago and has not been seen again. The guards just checked his dormitory and found no signs of a fight, but all valuables were missing.”

Ling Sanping said with a frown. After speaking, he also took out a cigar. He did not light it immediately, but pinched one end of the cigar until the tobacco leaves were scattered before putting it in his mouth.

Zuo Zhong was thoughtful when he heard this. It seemed that this was Lin Yuan's "explanation" to himself and the Military Command Bureau. A doctor who participated in the drug experiment was an insider, which was a very reasonable explanation.

As for whether it is true or false, of course it is false, at least not all of it. The underground party cannot have just one person lurking in the military command, but that is not important. What is important is the "explanation."

After thinking for a while, he waved his hand to Ling Sanping: "Just leave, maybe go to Shanghai. In the past year, there have been very few people who have lost confidence and run away.

  It will rain, my mother will get married, and we will not be able to stop her from leaving. It is a good thing to be able to remove the unsteady elements from the organization. "

Perhaps because he has been an officer for a long time, Zuo Zhong blurted out official clichés. He sighed helplessly as he spoke, took a puff of his cigar and blew out a puff of smoke.

Ling Sanping thought about it, so he stopped talking. The two of them just smoked cigars quietly. At the same time, the mountain city outside had turned into a mess.

The vicious spies broke down the doors of foreign exchange and gold speculators one after another and began to arrest people. They took out boxes of banknotes, legal tender and gold from various countries and transported them away in vehicles.

 A few foreign speculators, although their movements were not restricted, had all their assets confiscated. They were crying with the receipts from the military commander, desperately looking for powerful people to make peace with them.

Insurance companies that absorb funds in the black market are also in trouble. Antaifeng, an investment company invested by Xu Enzeng's brother-in-law, fell from being a cleaner to a manager, and all of them were sent to detention centers.

 Finally, as an important target of the operation, the seven-story Meifeng Bank Building was crowded with special agents and police officers. All pedestrians passing by were stopped for questioning and search without exception.

The agents were extremely strict in their inspections and would confiscate any suspicious gold items. In the words of Gu Qi, who led the team, they would rather kill the wrong person than let them go in this operation.

 Speaking of Meifeng Bank, this bank was jointly founded by American businessman Lei Wen and businessmen from the Republic of China. It was registered in the United States in 1922. Its head office is located in Shancheng. It is the first Sino-foreign joint venture bank in Southwest China.

In the same year, Meifeng Bank officially opened in Shancheng New Street, with a rated capital of 2.5 million yuan, of which 52% was from the United States and 48% from the Chinese side. It was one of the commercial banks with the strongest capital in the Southwest.

In 1927, out of consideration of the current situation, the American capital officially transferred all its shares to the Chinese side, making the bank a nominally Chinese-owned bank, but in fact it was still controlled by the Raven family.

On the top floor of the Meifeng Bank building, someone was standing by the window holding a glass of red wine, looking downstairs through the beautifully decorated crystal window. A moment later, the glass was smashed to the ground and shattered.

Expensive Bordeaux red wine flowed freely on the floor, slowly soaking a Persian antique carpet worth a thousand gold, and the red mark was like bright blood.

“Damn the people of the Republic of China, I must make them pay the price. Contact Mr. Chen from the government. I want that Xu to die!” Xiao Leiwen, the new head of the Leiwen family, roared.

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