Cicada Moving

Chapter 975: Action crew gathering

Chapter 975 Action personnel gathering

Zuo Zhong's worries did not come true. Mr. Zhu Jiang was currently serving as the commander-in-chief of the mountain city garrison. He held an important position in the defense of the capital, and he certainly did not have time to cooperate with the military commander's tasks.

And it is indeed unfair to call him the "Huangpu Pig General". At least before the Chang'an incident, the other party also had the reputation of the "Victorious General" during the Eastern Expedition and the Northern Expedition.

But after that, he had no more impressive achievements. He even suffered repeated defeats and ran away on the battlefield. He changed from the prestigious "victorious general" to the "long-legged general".

 The only one to blame is Minister He who has done a lot of harm to others. The Pig General is Minister He's old subordinate. The reason why he won the battle in the early years was because he dared to oppose micro-management, all because of the support of Minister He.

 So after Minister He formed a "rebellion army" against a certain person, General Zhu served as the frontline commander of the revolt army and became the number two figure in the revolt group. For a time, he was unparalleled.

But never expected that the Chang'an matter was finally settled with Ping, and someone would return to Jinling intact. Now he, the second leader of the He faction, became extremely embarrassed.

Subsequently, the Pig General was indeed on someone's blacklist. In order to keep his glory and wealth, he obeyed someone's words and was loyal and obedient. He no longer dared to object to micro-management in the military.

In this way, relying on almost unconditional obedience to someone, the pig will be able to maintain his position under the P stock and not be marginalized. The price he paid is to become a human mouse.

 Someone's level of micro management is obvious to all. A pig who fully implements micro management will naturally be defeated in every battle. What makes people speechless is that the more the opponent loses, the higher his official position will be. It is really strange.

However, no matter how strange things were in the government, Zuo Zhong sighed helplessly and closed his eyes thinking about this. The military command will be very busy in the next few days, so he must take time to rest.

 Three days later.

Gucci's Second Division submitted the screening report of those who participated in the operation. The investigation showed that except for some people who had financial problems, there were no abnormalities in other aspects.

The military command is not the Supervisory Yuan and has no interest in fighting corruption. As long as these people have no problem with their stance, Zuo Zhong dares to use them. He immediately asks the special agents to transfer people with the transfer order given by someone.

At the same time, Lao Dai finally found a suitable office space in the eastern suburbs of the mountain city. It was originally a secret camp of the garrison, with complete fortifications and living facilities.

 These two points are very important. The strategic deception operation is of great importance. To prevent Japan and Red Russia from inquiring about information, confidentiality is the top priority. It is naturally much safer to have fortifications.

In addition, the number of external transfer personnel and military special agents involved in the operation exceeds a hundred. Without stable water, electricity and logistics supplies, everyone may not be able to hold on for a few days.

What's even better is that the camp also has a large air-raid shelter. As long as you guard the entrance, no one can get out after entering. It perfectly meets Zuo Zhong's requirements for an office location.

Working in an air-raid shelter not only makes it easier to control the flow of people, but also provides safety. Even if the Japanese heard the news and bombed, it would be of no avail. This shows that Lao Dai put his heart into it.

 After receiving the news from Dai Chunfeng, Zuo Zhong immediately drove to the secret camp with Wu Jingzhong, the king of Jinju, for on-site inspection to determine whether it was suitable for operatives to station there.

It's not that he doesn't believe in cheap teachers, it's that this matter is too important to make any mistakes. If it is wrong, the Republic of China will completely lose its key strategic initiative.

On the same day, after confirming that everything was as described by Lao Dai, Zuo Zhong handed over daily official duties to Wu Chunyang and Gu Qi, letting them be temporarily responsible for the intelligence work of the military commander.

He himself took Wu Jingzhong, Song Minghao, Gui Youguang and the special operations team into the secret camp to inspect and rearrange the internal buildings and communication equipment of the camp.

 In order to ensure that no information is leaked, all the original telephones in the camp have been dismantled, leaving only one field telephone line, and all calls will be monitored 24 hours a day.

 Anyone who wants to contact the outside world must obtain approval from Zuo Zhong, including Wu Jingzhong and others. If there are no rules, there will be no rule. If you don't follow the rules yourself, how can you get others to follow them.

As for electrical circuits and drinking water, the attentive Wu Jingzhong suggested setting up backup diesel generators and sending people to protect water sources, and Zuo Chong readily agreed.

After the agents finished handling these details, more than a dozen trucks and two cars slowly drove into the secret camp. The selected staff officers, radio operators, underground party traitors and senior officers arrived.

Zuo Zhong quickly straightened his clothes, strode to the first car that had just stopped, stretched out his hand to open the door on the right side of the rear seat, and saw an acquaintance sitting in the car.

The other party was Commander Zhang Wenbai, the former commander of the Ninth Group Army who had cooperated with the Secret Service during the Battle of Shanghai. He immediately stood up straight and saluted: "I have a humble position and have seen Commander Zhang."

 “It turns out to be Major General Zuo.”

Commander Zhang smiled faintly as he got out of the car. Compared with the high-spirited man who was in charge of tens of thousands of troops two years ago, the other party's expression was a little more desolate at this time.

It’s no wonder that at the end of last year, the opponent who had made great achievements in Shanghai served as the supreme military commander of Hunan Province. At the same time as the Battle of Shacheng, someone secretly ordered the city to be broken and set on fire, implementing the "scorched earth policy."

As a result, some Kuomintang officers in the city panicked due to an error in the order transmission, and mistook the "Xinqiang River" where the Japanese troops had arrived, 300 miles away from Shacheng, as the "Xinqiang River" five kilometers outside the city. This group of cowardly guys didn't even verify, and started setting fires everywhere before even seeing the shadow of the Japanese army. The thousand-year-old city of Shacheng suddenly fell into a sea of ​​​​fire.

Because the rhyme of the telegram on that day was "文", and because the fire occurred in the middle of the night, the fire was called the "Wenxi Fire".

The fire raged for five full days and nights. Most of the houses in the city were burned to the ground. More than 20,000 residents were burned to death. There were countless property losses. Public opinion was in an uproar, and people from all walks of life demanded severe punishment for those responsible.

"Informed people" believe that the military's strategic mistakes and the military and political authorities of Hunan Province's disgrace of their duties and harm to the people were the direct causes of this disaster, but they did not mention a word about someone's order.

 Chief Zhang, as the military and political leader of Hunan Province at the time, was also to blame. He was dismissed from his post by the government. He was considered to have taken the blame for someone. He then returned to the mountain city and took a sinecure.

Zuo Zhong knew that the other party was depressed, but he also knew that the other party had just suffered a terrible disaster and would be used sooner or later. He did not dare to be disrespectful at all and replied respectfully,

“It has been a few years since we were separated in Shanghai. Sir Zhang’s demeanor remains the same. He is overjoyed to be able to serve under the old commander again. I am overjoyed at this humble position. If you don’t mind it, just call me cautious in the future.

 This operation is under your command, and it will be a success immediately. My subordinates have prepared a room in the camp. You can go in and take a rest. I will report to you when the personnel for the operation are arranged. "

When the war between China and Japan first started, the Secret Service completed many tasks in cooperation with the Ninth Army. The two sides had some good relations, and there was nothing wrong with Zuo Zhong calling the other party "senior officer".

If you want to get involved in the officialdom, the most important thing is to build connections, and have your back against a big tree so you can enjoy the shade. There is no way around, and if you stand outside the circle, you can't even find the temple gate with a pig's head in your hand. If you want to get promoted, just dream about it.

  Everyone likes to hear good words, and Chief Zhang is no exception. He has experienced the warmth and coldness of human relationships recently, and when he heard Zuo Zhong's compliment, he showed a smile on his stiff face and waved his hand.

“Shen Zhi, there is no need to rest. The commissioner has told me your plan before leaving. It’s very good. It’s rare for you intelligence officers to be so strategically aware. Let’s talk about official business first.

By the way, let me introduce to you. This is Commander Guo Yizhi, the commander of the 50th Army. He has just returned from the front line. This time, the commission ordered the two of us to come and cooperate with your military commander's actions. "

As he spoke, he waved to a slightly fat, middle-aged man wearing the uniform of a Lieutenant General of the Fruit Party who got out of the second car. Upon seeing this, the other man quickened his pace and walked to the two of them.

“Hello, Chief Guo, I’ve heard about his reputation for a long time, but today I saw you are really extraordinary.”

Zuo Zhong saluted and greeted Guo Yizhi, whom Chief Zhang mentioned, warmly. He secretly wondered what someone was planning and why he was sent here.

He thought this not because Guo Yizhi was defeated repeatedly in battles like Zhu Jiang. In fact, Guo Yizhi fought bravely and strategically, and fought back and forth against the Japanese in southern Anhui.

The reason Zuo Zhong felt strange was that the other party had a special identity and was an important surveillance target of the military command. There were special agents closely investigating him at all times, and his every move was under surveillance.

As for why, success is a failure and Guo Yizhi was able to win the battle in southern Anhui all by closely coordinating with the underground party's newly formed Fourth Army to unite in the war of resistance.

What is even more commendable is that the other party ignored the secret order of the high-level government to cause friction and also gave a lot of help to the newly formed Fourth Army. This kind of person naturally became an alien in someone's eyes.

Those who are aliens must be treated specially, so Guo Yizhi was quickly dismissed. Zuo Zhong glanced at the adjutant next to him calmly, and took the initiative to shake hands with Guo Yizhi.

 Guo Yizhi used to serve in the local government and the military. He had heard of Zuo Zhong's name, but he was not familiar with it. He only shook his hand lightly and said nothing more to Zuo Zhong's enthusiasm.

Zuo Zhong didn’t mind either. It was better to have less contact with such a sensitive person. After retracting his hand, he led the two officers and other personnel involved in the operation to the air-raid shelter.

Everyone walked down the long stairs into the cave and saw that the cleaned air-raid shelter was divided into two halves by a screen. There were some tables, chairs, benches and a few blackboards on both sides.

 With everyone's doubtful eyes, Zuo Zhong walked to the crowd and nodded to Chief Zhang. After getting the other party's permission, he turned to look at the many staff officers, radio operators and underground party traitors.

“My name is Zuo Zhong. I think you have heard of this name. I won’t say any more. In the days to come, we will work together for a long time, so we have plenty of time to get to know each other gradually.

Everyone has read their respective transfer orders, right? There is a very important and extremely confidential task that needs to be completed to get you here. I named this task "Mirage Project."

After saying the name he gave to the strategic deception operation, he sneered and warned those present: "Someone will tell you the details of the plan later. Remember, this is top secret information.

So be sure to keep your mouth shut. Once the news leaks out, you all have to go to the interrogation room of our military commander. Whether you live or die depends on your luck. Do you hear me? "

Everyone responded quickly when they heard the threat, and the deafening shouts resounded throughout the air-raid shelter. Then, under the guidance of the little secret agent, they sat down on both sides of the screen according to the division of labor, waiting for further instructions.

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