Cicada Moving

Chapter 976: Mirage Project

Chapter 976 Mirage Plan


The legendary fish is a ferocious fish that can release mirage and make people see illusions. This is similar to a strategic deception plan. The purpose is to make the opponent hallucinate and take the opportunity to attack.

Wu Jingzhong took a document and walked to the side of the air-raid shelter. He stood in front of the blackboard and looked up at the staff officers who had studied in Germany, as well as underground party traitors and radio operators who were familiar with the communications of the Red Russian military.

Seeing everyone looking at him, he shook the documents in his hands: "Everyone, take a look at the document bag on your desk. There are four pieces of intelligence in it. One is about the personnel, equipment, and deployment status of the Red Russian Far East military.

One is a brief summary of Montenegro's military and political intelligence, and the other is the map, hydrology, terrain, weather, and transportation data of the Nomenkan area, which includes a survey report on the population and resources of nearby cities.

 There is also an observation record of the Japanese army in Nomenkan from the perspective of the Red Russian military, the recent mobilization of the Japanese Kwantung Army and the troops stationed in the Koryo colony, and the number and number of pseudo-mite troops at the border. "

Everyone present was stunned when they heard this. They didn't know what the agent in front of them was going to do. They opened the document bag one by one and took out all the documents. The information inside was exactly as the other party introduced.

But what use is this information, especially the ten staff officers, who have no idea of ​​the military commander's intentions at all. They are just ordinary staff officers. Can they still command these four armies to fight?

With everyone’s doubtful eyes, Wu Jingzhong came to the staff: “Your task is to imagine yourself as a staff member of the Red Russian Far East Army and use this information to formulate a combat plan.

The goal of the operation is to, with the cooperation of the Montenegrin military, eliminate the Japanese and Manchukuo troops in the border areas, occupy all disputed areas, and launch a mechanized attack into the hinterland of the Puppet Manchukuo as appropriate.

 Chief Zhang will be your commander. You must do your best to complete this arduous task by using the Red Russian military's thinking, military strategies, and battlefield doctrine that you learned at the German military academy.

In order to make the plan more realistic, you have to conduct a war game on the blackboard behind me. This operation must be based entirely on actual combat requirements and must not be regarded as a game. "

The staff officers were in an uproar. The military commander actually asked them to pretend to be Red Russian staff officers and formulate a combat plan for the Red Russians. Combined with the conflict in the Nomenkan area, the other side's intentions were obvious.

 Before they could say anything, Wu Jingzhong focused on the radio operators again: "Your task is also very simple. During the operation, you must simulate the Red Russian military radio operators at all levels and send out action-related messages.

For example, report to the headquarters in the rear in the tone of a frontline unit, communicate with superiors in the tone of a reconnaissance unit, or use the identity of a commander to ask for instructions from the Red Russian top brass in Mosk.

Everything in the message must be strictly in accordance with the communication rules of the Red Russian military. In addition to these materials, we will also provide the sending and receiving records of the Red Russian frontline telegraph operators. You must learn from each other's methods.

We are all trained professionals and have been in the military for so many years. It is not a problem to do this. Don’t have any inappropriate thoughts. Our operators will conduct random checks at any time. "

After arranging the tasks of the staff and radio operators, he finally looked at the underground party traitors with a complicated expression: "As for you, you must imitate the Red Russian intelligence personnel in the Northeast and fabricate local intelligence.

 The content is about the situation of the Japanese Kwantung Army, the colonial army stationed in Korea, and the Pseudo Mite Force in the fourth intelligence. You have lived in Red Russia and have received intelligence training, so you know what to do. "

More than a dozen people with different expressions breathed a sigh of relief. Just as Wu Jingzhong said, they were indeed no strangers to Red Russia and intelligence work, and some of them had actually performed missions in the Northeast.

What we have to do now is just to make up the process of obtaining intelligence. Just pick up a few code names and tell a story. It is indeed not difficult, and it is not life-threatening, so I slowly feel relieved.

 But Xu Enzeng’s new love Lixia hid in the crowd and complained secretly. When she was snatched from the bed earlier, she thought it was an underground gang of rapists coming to take revenge, and she was so frightened that she almost wet her pants.

I didn't expect this to be the case. This is a good thing for others, but not for her. With Xu Enzeng here, she can still enjoy the glory and wealth even if she does nothing, so why bother getting involved in this muddy water.

Then the Red Russians and the Japanese are so easy to deceive? If this matter is leaked, everyone involved in the operation will probably be on the list of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the General Staff Headquarters. The military commanders really have no good intentions.

On the other side, Song Minghao was also speaking to staff officers and telegraph staff who had a background in studying in Japan. Their task was exactly the opposite of that of the other side, which was to formulate a plan to attack Red Russia from the perspective of the Japanese army.

The "Japanese Army" plan is much more unrestrained than the "Red Russian" plan. The first step is to eliminate the Mongolian army and the Red Russian Far East troops in Mongolia, completely occupy Mongolia and push the front into the Red Russian territory. .

In the second step, the Kwantung Army will send troops from the borders of Manchukuo and Goryeo to launch a desperate attack on Vladivostok, the core of Red Russia in the Far East, and wipe out the most important stronghold of Red Russia in East Asia.

 The plan may sound a bit crazy, but with the radicalism and gambling spirit of the Japanese, they can definitely pull it off, just like they did decades ago when they fought against Tsarist Russia in the Northeast and Yellow Sea of ​​the Republic of China.

The person in charge of commanding the "Japanese Army" was Guo Yizhi. The other party, as the commander of the Kwantung Army, was to lead the "Kwantung Army" to fight against the "Red Russia" over an area of ​​more than hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. Similarly, staff members staying in Japan will conduct war games on the blackboard, using combat elements such as troop strength, battlefields, and rules of engagement in the form of war games to simulate command strategies, offensive and defensive interactions, and random events.

As for simulating the activities of Japanese intelligence personnel in Red Russia, military special agents can do it. No one is more familiar with the operational style of Japanese intelligence personnel than them, so there is no need to find someone specially.

 Chief Zhang, who was watching the entire process, nodded silently after listening to the speeches of Wu Jingzhong and Song Minghao, apparently satisfied with the preparations for military reunification.

Zhuge Liang is a story after all. You cannot be a commander just by relying on an idea. In addition to having extraordinary resourcefulness, a general must also be prepared in advance.

The "One Hundred Chapters of the Classic of War" attaches great importance to the role of strategy and planning. It believes that a war cannot be fought without a plan. If everything is unexpected, the heart will be frightened. If the heart is frightened, it will be hasty and unable to plan, and the expedition will be defeated.

Therefore, it is necessary to plan in advance before the war, so that you can feel at ease, not panic at the right time, and be safe from fatigue. Although these two military "plans" are fake, the preparations cannot be careless.

 Only with more and more preparations can Red Russia and Japan believe that the other side is really going to fight a full-scale war, rather than the small-scale conflict at Nomenkan like now.

However, Commander Zhang also had doubts as to why the military commander did not introduce the commander of the Red Russian Army in Mongolia, Feiklenko, commander of the 57th Army, and Kenkichi Ueda, commander of the Kwantung Army.

You must know that the art of military command is the commander's ability and skills to conduct operations on the battlefield. It is one of the most important components of modern military warfare.

In the battlefield, the commander's command style and execution ability are often directly related to the outcome of the war and the life and death of the soldiers, and they are also very easy to distinguish.

 As the saying goes, in fighting generals, the most important thing in fighting generals is dispatching generals, and the most important thing in dispatching generals is educating generals. The most important thing in being a general is having your own command style. This is the only way for all generals.

Just like every leaf on a big tree is different, one hundred generals have one hundred different thinking personalities and command styles. The more famous a general is, the more unique his personality style is.

 This style is a person's "soul" and a person's "quality". It is difficult for others to imitate. An experienced general can tell who the opponent is through his opponent's formation and counterattack methods.

 Chief Zhang did not hesitate and expressed his doubts, saying that if the military commander did not have information about Feiklenko and Ueda Kenkichi, they could retrieve the battle cases of these two people from the Army University.

Zuo Zhong smiled, picked up a document from Gui Youguang's hand next to him, handed it to the silent Guo Yizhi, and explained it to Chief Zhang.

“Sir Zhang, we have already prepared Ueda Kenkichi’s information. He was born in Osaka, Japan, graduated from the Japanese Army Sergeant School and the Japanese Army University, and has been in the military for a long time.

The command style is tough, resolute, but very calm. The middle-level officers of the Kwantung Army asked for a war with the Red Russians. The other party responded coldly, saying that his subordinates' suggestions were good, but don't say it next time.

 With Kenkichi Ueda around, the success rate of the Mirage Project was low. Fortunately, this man had an old leg disease and returned to his hometown to recuperate last month. The command of the Kwantung Army was handed over to Chief of Staff Tsuji Masanobu. "

 At this point, he motioned to Guo Yizhi to check the document and said: "So what Chief Guo wants to imitate is Tsuji Masanobu. This guy was born in Ishikawa County, Honshu Island. He is only 37 years old this year.

The other party is a standard Japanese staff officer. Like all Japanese staff officers, he studied in Lu Shi and Lu Da, and then became gilded in front-line troops at all levels, and was promoted every two years.

Belonging to the young faction in the Japanese army, they are extremely hostile to the Red Russian side. According to reliable intelligence, the previous Japanese search team's surprise attack on the Mongolian and Red Russian troops was the decision of the other side.

Tsuji Masanobu believed that Ueda Kenkichi was in a high position and could not be promoted to general after reaching the rank of general. He was definitely not willing to go to war with the Red Russians for the sake of "great justice", so he staged a solo drama.

He wrote an order without authorization and stamped it with Ueda Kenkichi's seal of defense. This behavior was tantamount to rebellion and should be severely punished, but the attitude of the top Japanese military officials was ambiguous.

Not only did Tsuji Masanobu not be punished, but Ueda Kenkichi was also required to continue his recuperation. Our intelligence personnel monitored outside the recuperation site for many days, but Ueda Kenkichi showed no sign of leaving to return to Tohoku.

 Mr. Guo, this document contains detailed records of Tsuji Masanobu's life and battles, as well as the other party's coursework and papers during his time as a military scholar and a university student. Please read it carefully to understand the other party. "

Hearing Zuo Zhong’s explanation, Chief Zhang and Guo Yizhi looked at each other. Privately deploying troops is a serious crime in any country. Even ten heads are not enough to chop off. What do the Japanese think?

After being silent for a long time, Commander Zhang remembered the Lieutenant General of the 57th Red Russian Army, Feiklenko, whom he wanted to imitate. He was about to ask, but saw Zuo Zhong shaking his head with a solemn expression.

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