Cicada Moving

Chapter 985: Monitoring Akizono Yumi

Chapter 985 Monitoring Yumi Akiyuan

“Have the surveillance points been arranged along the way?”

Zuo Zhong watched as the mountain sedan carrying Qiu Yuan Yumi gradually disappeared. He glanced around the street and turned to ask Wu Chunyang.

 “Everything has been arranged according to your requirements.”

Wu Chunyang nodded, unfolded a map of Shancheng City in his hand, and made two gestures on it to introduce the surveillance plan.

“It is 2 kilometers from Junweihui to Xinglong Street. According to the regular route, we have to pass through Jiaochangkou, Huangjing Bridge, Tonggutai, and Civil Hospital.

If the target takes a detour or performs counter-tracking, it must also pass through the water plant and Qixing Gang. There are a total of 6 key locations that need attention.

Our people have established multiple surveillance points in these places. They are all old people who worked in the Secret Service and are absolutely reliable in terms of professional skills and background.

 Surveillance points are equipped with new German-made cameras and telescopes to take photos of suspicious persons who have been in contact with the target or may be monitoring the target. "

"Yea, very good."

Zuo Zhong withdrew his gaze, walked to the chair and sat down: "Go ahead and tell everyone to pay attention to counter-surveillance. Our opponent this time is not easy.

·The people appearing around the target are likely to be operatives of the Special Committee on China. This is a new organization, and we have not yet grasped many situations.

For example, the opponent's action characteristics and tracking methods are all unknown. We must remain cautious about this unknown enemy.

 Without my order, everyone can only conduct surveillance at the surveillance point and is not allowed to conduct close investigations. Anyone who alerts Japanese spies will be punished for leaking secrets. "

After speaking, he pointed to the phone again: "Let them report anything directly through the field phone, and I will wait for their news here.

 When they encounter undecidable or unexpected situations during action, they are allowed to make improvised decisions as long as they are not exposed. "

Wu Chunyang saluted, picked up the phone and conveyed the order, not worrying at all whether his subordinates could complete the deputy director's order.

Long-distance surveillance is a basic skill for intelligence officers, and they are operating on their own territory. If there are problems with this, then don’t do it.

Following a few of his phone calls, secret surveillance points at six key locations began to operate. The agents widened their eyes and waited for the arrival of the target.

 Huangjing Bridge.

 Located in the urban area of ​​Shancheng, there are many residential houses nearby, with a large population and narrow streets. There are wooden two-story buildings on both sides of the road.

This place survived the Japanese bombing at the beginning of last month. Many refugees and people who lost their homes gathered here, forming an alternative prosperity.

People selling broken furniture, bedding, and even children and women blocked the Huangjing Bridge, and pedestrians passed each other one after another.

A mountain sedan squeezed out from the crowd. The bearer in front shouted, "People are walking across the bridge," and the bearer in the back replied, "The water is flowing to the East China Sea."

 Hearing the mountain sedan's chant unique to the mountain city, the people moved out of the way one after another, and the mountain sedan briskly crossed the Huangjing Bridge and continued towards the Tonggu Tower.

At this time, in a room not far away, a small agent with a telescope in his hand whispered: "Found the target, ten meters southeast, on a mountain sedan, take pictures."

Hearing this, the little agent on the other side immediately turned the camera and quickly found the target. He looked at the passengers on the mountain sedan in the view frame and quickly pressed the shutter with his hand.


The Leica III(A) camera, which costs hundreds of dollars each, kept making crisp noises and clearly captured Akizono Yumi's face.

This kind of camera is equipped with a separate slow shutter setting dial, which can set the shutter speed up to 1/1000, and can shoot moving objects.

In addition, its rangefinder is also equipped with an eyepiece adjustment wrench, which can adjust the rangefinder according to visual inspection to ensure image clarity.

Therefore, it is very suitable for intelligence operations. Many intelligence agencies in various countries have purchased it, and military commanders are no exception, spending huge sums of money to purchase more than a dozen units.

 In the past, old-fashioned cameras had great limitations when collecting evidence. The environment was too dark or too bright, and the distance was too far or too close, which would affect the effect of the photo.

Sometimes intelligence officers finally manage to take a photo of a target, but when they go back and clean the film, they find that the photo is so blurry that it cannot be used as evidence.

This is the first actual use of this type of camera. If the effect is as good as Leica's advertisement, the military will purchase it on a large scale.

The birth of any new technology will directly affect the intelligence industry. If you want to not fall behind, you must always remain sensitive to new technologies.

Looking at the little agent operating the camera, he skillfully adjusted the rangefinder and easily locked on the pedestrians and vehicles passing by the target and took pictures.

The next roll of film was taken at high speed, and the little spy put on a new camera and continued to take photos of suspicious persons. Qiuyuan Yushi didn't know all this. Sitting on the rickety mountain sedan, he carefully turned his head and looked behind him with his peripheral vision.

 The refugees with sad faces, the proud patrolmen, the smiling businessmen, and the bowed clerks all seemed to be no different from usual.

After confirming that there was no stalker through standard procedures, Qiu Yuan Yumi leaned back in his chair with a sigh of relief and leisurely looked at the people of the Republic of China around him.

Since he came to the Republic of China in his teens, he has repeated the same actions countless times every day. It is this caution that has allowed him to successfully lurk until today.

And those companions who found it troublesome have long since died in state prisons and execution grounds. Doing this job is like dancing on the tip of a knife, and you can't be careless.

Thinking of the top-secret information he had sent back over the years, Akizono Yumi smiled slightly. The military commander with a good reputation was not as scary as the legend said.

It is true that before the 23rd year of the Republic of China, their actions encountered some risks, but after the 23rd year of the Republic of China, the situation changed fundamentally.

To be precise, it was Deputy Minister Hase, no, it was Minister Hase. After taking office, the intelligence activities of the Special High School in the national government suddenly became safe.

This shows how important it is to have a reliable boss. Yumi Akizono can't help but admire Mr. Minister, whom he has never met before.

As long as the Empire defeats the Republic of China, he can return to his homeland as a hero, enjoy the honors he deserves, and even become a senior official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is all thanks to His Excellency Haseya.

Akizono Yumi decided that after the mission was over, he must thank his boss. However, he heard that the boss was never short of money, so it was difficult to thank him.

While he was thinking, it took more than ten minutes for the mountain sedan to slowly walk through the narrow streets and alleys to the Civil Hospital, and then followed the path next to the hospital into Xinglong Street.

Along the way, the little spies at the surveillance points along the way took hundreds of photos, and the rolls of warm film were immediately sent back to the military technical department for development.

Leaving aside for the time being Akizono Yumi, the spy who was sold and still helping Hase Ryosuke to count the money, Zuo Zhong was sitting at the surveillance point opposite the Junwei Association, holding a copy of the document sent by Fu Ling's team from Tokyo. top secret messages.

“Saionji Kōji, reporter Ozaki and German writer Sorge visited Konoe Fumiya yesterday. The content of the conversation is unknown. Konoe sent the two of them off in person, and Saionji Kōji returned alone 30 minutes later.

 That night, Ozaki and Sorge secretly went to the Saionji residence. On the same day, there seemed to be some unusual movements in the Tokyo underground party. Unidentified people were moving near the Japanese Cabinet and General Staff Headquarters, requesting further instructions. "

Looking at the contents of the translated message, Zuo Zhong raised his eyebrows. Asking Fu Ling and the others to monitor Fumiya Konoe, the Prime Minister, was just a casual move. Unexpectedly, there would be unexpected gains.

How did the four people, Fumiya Konoe, Kōji Saionji, Ozaki, and Sorge, get mixed up together? You must know that the positions and beliefs of these four people are in huge conflict.

One of them is the chief culprit of Japan's war of aggression against China, one is an old friend of a certain people in the future, and the other two are underground party fighters who sacrificed their lives for the anti-French cause.

The latter three can be understood when they meet, but adding Fumiya Konoe seems a bit strange, unless... Fumiya Konoe needs to listen to the opinions of the three people on something.

Recalling Sorge's disguised identity as a reporter for the German "Frankfurter Zeitung", Zuo Zhong was thoughtful. This may be related to the intelligence of Zhukov's replacement of Feiklenko.

There are no secrets in this world. He is not the only one who knows about the secret military cooperation between the Germans and the Red Russians. The Japanese are also aware of it.

As a German and a well-informed journalist, Sorge’s opinions and views on the situation in Nomenkan and even the Far East are of certain reference value.

What Konoe Fumiya did was the same as his search for staff officers with a background of studying in German military academies, all to think about the Nomonkan conflict from the perspective of the Red Russians.

I just don’t know how Konoe Fumiya will feel when he finds out that the three people he invited are all related to Hong Russia. I guess he will be similar to someone more than ten years later.

Smiling softly, Zuo Zhong took out a lighter and ignited the secret message. He wrote "Continue to observe" with a pen on the blank message paper, and then asked the little agent who sent the telegram to the Telecommunications Office to send it to Tokyo.

Now that it is confirmed that the Japanese high-level officials know about Zhukov, the Mirage Project should enter the next stage. The risk of this matter is extremely high, and Fu Ling's team cannot be involved.

 After pondering for a moment, Zuo Zhong got up and walked around the room, gradually perfecting the action steps in his mind, until Wu Chunyang's report interrupted his thinking.

“Deputy Officer, all the photos taken at the surveillance point have been sent. Knowing that it was your order, the entire technical room went to work and developed the photos as quickly as possible.”

As he spoke, Wu Chunyang put a heavy suitcase on the table and took out a stack of thick photos. The photos showed faces with different expressions, including men and women, old and young.

This scene reminded Zuo Zhong of the days when he was in Jinling searching for the Nandou Group through photos. He slowly picked up a stack of photos and flipped through them quickly, then looked at Wu Chunyang with a smile.

“Chunyang, do you want to have a show of eyesight and see who of us can find the hidden mouse in these photos first? How about the loser asking the brothers to go to Guansheng Garden?”

 “Yes, deputy seat.”

Wu Chunyang grinned. With his current income, a meal was nothing. As long as he could maintain a relationship with the deputy director, no matter how much money he spent, it was worth it.

After speaking, the two of them began to screen the photos one by one. Unfortunately, after several hours, they still found nothing. However, Zuo Zhong found someone in them who shouldn't be there.

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