Cicada Moving

Chapter 986: photo

Chapter 986 Photo

 The time goes back a few hours.

The area around the school entrance is full of houses that were reduced to rubble by Japanese bombers. People with numb expressions dragged out some valuable items from the collapsed houses, and faint cries could be heard.

Ling Sanping, who came here from Renxin Hospital, felt a little heavy. He looked up at the gloomy sky and sighed secretly. He walked towards the wooden goods street, stopping from time to time at the stalls on the roadside to scan behind him.

The reason why he came to Jiaochangkou was very simple, that is, to connect with "Pushtack". Ever since Zuo Zhong jokingly said that he was hiding in the underground party of Juntong, the two had not met for many days.

 After these days of observation, Ling Sanping was sure that he was not being monitored, so he sent out the secret code yesterday. He had several pieces of information related to Nomenkan that he needed to convey to his superiors through "thumbtacks".

As the director of the Military Hospital, the personnel and intelligence he has access to are of a very high level, and many people will not be on guard against him and will always leak some high-level intelligence unknowingly.

For example, the content of the telegrams sent back to the mountain city by intelligence personnel from the Northeast, such as the government’s response to Nomenkan, etc. These are strategic information urgently needed in the Northwest, and the intelligence value is very high.

However, Ling Sanping knew how strict the Guo Party's electronic surveillance was. Not to mention that he didn't have a radio. Even if he did, he couldn't use the radio to send this information. It was very likely that he would be arrested as soon as he sent it.

Therefore, using the traffic officer "Pushpin" and using the traffic station to send the information back to his hometown became the only option. For safety, he also deliberately set the connection point near the densely populated Jiaochangkou.

Having been in the Secret Service and the military for several years, commonly used anti-tracking methods are not unfamiliar to him. He knows very well that the key to anti-tracking lies in environmental interference. The more people there are, the more difficult it is to track.

Ling Sanping squatted on the ground, picked up an ivory folding fan and looked at it carefully. He glanced at the crowd on the left and right sides with his peripheral vision, looking for people with unusual expressions and actions.

"Guest, please see, this is collected from the official who put out the fire."

The hawker immediately started selling his products when he saw the customers. He also secretly revealed the origin of the products to prove that the folding fan had an extraordinary origin. Obviously, these things were also produced by Zhu Jiang and his men.

 “Well, how much money?”

 “Not much, just a piece of ocean, no legal tender required.”

 “If you want it, it’s not expensive and I’ll give it to you.”

Ling Sanping did not bargain, he took out a piece of ocean directly from his pocket and threw it to the other party. Then he suddenly stood up and walked in the direction he came, blending into the crowded crowd.

He calmly passed by pedestrians one by one, carefully observing the expressions, movements, and reactions on their faces to judge whether there was anyone following them.

As a member of the military command, after many years of working together, he is very clear about the operational characteristics and behavior of his "colleagues", and any subtle traces of intelligence training cannot be hidden from his eyes.

 One minute...Two minutes...Ling Sanping turned west from Jiaochangkou and entered the intersection leading to Huangjing Bridge. He had just taken two steps when he heard two mountain sedan calls coming from behind.

Ling Sanping moved his feet and stood on one side of the road, making way for the mountain sedan that was passing by in a hurry. As they passed each other, he glanced at the passengers on the mountain sedan and quickly looked away.

Wearing a Chinese tunic suit, a briefcase and shiny black three-cut leather shoes, this is a government official who can be seen everywhere in the mountain city.

Looking at the marks on his forehead, combined with the many nearby agencies, it is likely that the other person is a member of the Junwei Association and a professional soldier.

These messages flashed through Ling Sanping's mind. Seeing the mountain sedan being submerged in the crowd, he turned around again near Huangjing Bridge and continued his anti-tracking and cleaning work.

More than ten minutes later, just as he was about to head to the meeting point, a familiar figure walked out of an alley and disappeared quickly in front of Ling Sanping, which made his heart skip a beat.

He saw clearly that he was an old man from the Secret Service during the Hong Gong Temple period. He had been to Renxin Hospital due to injury and illness, so he was familiar with him. He was extremely good at surveillance and intelligence operations.

It is working time now. The other party came here without staying at the bureau headquarters. He must be performing a task. Ling Sanping thought quickly for a moment and felt that this matter was not meant for him.

 First of all, if he was monitoring himself, Zuo Zhong would definitely not use familiar headquarters personnel, but would use agents from local districts to ensure the secrecy of the operation.

 Furthermore, the agents who just passed by were experienced field personnel and would never make such a low-level mistake as appearing directly within the visual range of the target.

 Because both parties are well-trained intelligence personnel, perhaps a look or a look at each other will arouse the target's suspicion, thus leading to the exposure of the operation.

However, just because the other party is not staring at him, it does not mean that he is safe. Non-operational personnel are present in the operation area and around the target. Once they are discovered, they must explain clearly. If the explanation is not clear, they will enter the internal screening process.

 Can't go to the joint anymore.

Thinking about this, Ling Sanping immediately took off the hat on his head with his left hand and put it in front of him. He stopped making counter-tracking movements and walked straight towards the meeting point, Bei'an Theatre.

At this time, Francois Huang had already arrived at the dried fruit stall at the entrance of the theater. While selecting melon seeds and peanuts, he carefully looked around, and soon saw Ling Sanping in the crowd.

The next second, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately recalled the warning part of the joint code. Not wearing a hat meant that there was danger, and holding the hat in his left hand meant that he was not exposed.

 In this case, contact should be stopped and there must be no physical or verbal communication. Look for opportunities for contact after safe retreat. Personal safety is more important than anything else.

Francois Huang did not hesitate. After paying the money, he took the dried fruits and walked into the crowded theater. Although the bombing had caused huge damage to the mountain city, at this time, people needed to vent more.

Ling Sanping noticed the situation here, and finally relaxed his mind and concentrated on hunting for treasures at street stalls, which increased a lot of sales for Zhu Jiang's subordinates. He wandered around for several hours, until he had too many things in his hands and could no longer carry them. Then he was satisfied and returned, calling a mountain sedan to return to Renxin Hospital in the west of the city.

At the surveillance point of Junweihui not far away, Zuo Zhong slowly put down a stack of photos related to Ling Sanping and put them on the side to be screened. He had no intention of hiding it, and he could not hide this matter.

 The shooting and printing of the photos went through so many procedures, and there were people in the technical room in between. They must know Ling Sanping, and deliberately concealing it would only be self-defeating.

And looking at the photo, if nothing unexpected happens, Ling Sanping may have noticed something was wrong and responded accordingly. The hat placed in front of him may represent a certain meaning.

But this guy must have been too unlucky. He couldn't go anywhere in such a big mountain city, so he had to come to the action area. However, thinking about the flow of people around Jiaochangkou, Zuo Zhong quickly felt relieved.

If they had not taken action here, this place would indeed be a good place to meet. There are many people, many intersections, and the security is chaotic. When in danger, they can easily find a ruin and crawl into it to escape safely.

 Putting aside the matter of Ling Sanping for the time being, Zuo Zhong went through the thick stack of photos, throwing away the ones that were good and putting them together separately if there were any.

In a short period of time, most of the people in the photo were excluded from the scope of suspicious persons, which seems a bit hasty, but this very tests the experience and vision of the screeners.

Without knowing that someone is watching, it is difficult for a spy to remain on high alert at all times, and there is a high possibility that he will make omissions in his movements and facial expressions.

What the screening personnel have to do is to quickly and accurately find these flaws, and then further dig and verify them to identify the real suspicious persons.

Zuo Zhong and Wu Chunyang lowered their heads and silently screened the photos. The photos were reduced one by one. In the end, there were only three left, which were placed in the middle of the table.

The first photo was found by Wu Chunyang. It shows an old man, about fifty or sixty years old, male, with a stooped body and a pair of glasses, and a sneaky look in his eyes.

The second photo was also found by Wu Chunyang. When Qiuyuan Yushi passed by, the young woman in the photo never took her eyes off him and followed the mountain sedan.

The third photo was selected by Zuo Zhongyou. A middle-aged man with a sad face is sitting on the roadside selling poultry. He holds a hookah in his hand and exhales a faint smoke from his mouth.

Wu Chunyang pointed to the third one and asked with some confusion: "Vice-in-charge, I've seen this photo. The other person only glanced at Yumi Akizono when the sedan chair sounded, and didn't pay much attention to the target."


Zuo Zhong put his hands on the table and nodded slightly: "Yes, the first two photos do look very suspicious, but will our opponent show it so obviously?"

He asked Wu Chunyang in return, and then said: "Look at the first photo, the other person's eyes are wandering, and combined with other photos, you can see that this person is eyeing people with gorgeous clothes.

Also, if you take a closer look at the other person’s fingers, they are not only very slender, but one of them is broken. The other person is a pickpocket who has perhaps been caught stealing before and was punished.

As for the second picture, this woman is wearing a mourning handkerchief on her arm, with a sad expression, and the knees of her pants are badly worn. Someone in her family must have died recently, and she was a close relative.

 Judging from her age, she was most likely married. It was a bit strange for a married woman to show up at this time. I guessed that the person who died was probably the other person's husband.

 She lost the backbone of her family and had no source of livelihood. She came here to find a "connection", and Qiu Yuan Yumi knew at a glance that she was a member of the government, so she was the best person to seek refuge with. "

Zuo Zhong guessed the identity and purpose of the old man and the woman in a few sentences, and then clicked on the middle-aged man in the third photo with Wu Chunyang's suddenly enlightened expression.

“What is really suspicious is this person. Pay attention to the way he blows out smoke. He closes his mouth tightly, pulls the corners of his mouth back slightly, and spits out the smoke bit by bit from both sides of his mouth. Do you find the problem?”

Wu Chunyang was thinking at a high speed, going over all the possibilities. After a while, he slammed the table and shouted excitedly.

"This is the way to smoke in the trenches. He is a soldier! He is also a veteran who has experienced actual combat!"


Zuo Zhong stared at the middle-aged man with a turban on his head in the photo, with no trace of military training on his appearance, and sneered.

“Experienced veterans who smoked in the trenches would slowly spit out the smoke from the corners of their mouths to prevent the smoke from being detected by the enemy and attracting artillery fire.

In addition, this will prevent the smoke from blocking the crosshairs when aiming at an enemy in an emergency. This habit can only be developed after long-term and high-intensity battles.

 But look at his body shape, he doesn’t stand or sit properly, which is very contradictory to trench smoking, so there is only one answer, the other person is pretending! "

After stating the reason why he listed the middle-aged man as a suspicious person, Zuo Zhong immediately ordered: "Search for this person secretly, see if he is still where he was just now, and tell everyone to be careful.

Our friend called and said that the Special Committee on China has a mole lurking in the top levels of the government. Once you find him, don’t arrest him. Monitor him closely and then follow the clues. "

After speaking, he smiled and joked again: "You still have a lot to learn. You need to analyze the problem more comprehensively. Don't let one leaf blind you. Okay, go ahead and don't forget Guanshengyuan."

“Yes, the deputy chairperson’s eyes are as bright as lightning, and I admire him for his humble position.”

Wu Chunyang skillfully delivered a kick, raised his hand in salute and ran out with the photo. Now that he knew his appearance, even if the other party left, he couldn't even think of running away on the military territory!

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