Cicada Moving

Chapter 987: battle of wits

Chapter 987: Fighting

Wu Chunyang was very lucky. When he came to the observation window of the Huangjingqiao surveillance point and looked out, the middle-aged man with a sad face was still squatting on the spot selling poultry.

If the other party is really a spy, it can be seen from this that the members of the Special Committee on China are indeed much more cautious than the spies in the special higher education class and special work class of the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai.

“Notify me, keep an eye on this guy, be careful. The other party is a professional intelligence officer. You are allowed to lose the target, but you must not alert the other party.”

Wu Chunyang called a little agent, pointed outside through the observation window and whispered a few instructions, and then continued to observe with his peripheral vision to avoid being noticed by the target.

Whether it is in military textbooks or in daily work, it is not allowed for operators to look directly at targets at close range, as it can easily expose themselves.

This is because it is easy to dress up and put on makeup, but it is difficult to hide eyes. People’s eyes can reveal a lot of information, and experienced field agents can tell who is a colleague at a glance.

 In simpler terms, it is the sixth sense. It cannot be explained by science, but it does exist, especially among some trained personnel.

I don’t know how long it took, but the sun gradually set in the west.

The middle-aged man stood up and put the unsold chickens and ducks into the bamboo basket, picked up the pole, hung it on the bamboo basket and walked towards the northwest, which is the direction of Xinglong Street where Qiu Yuan Yumi lives.

Following his movements, several little spies in different costumes quietly blended into the crowd, conducting close reconnaissance on the target from the front, back, left, and right directions.

However, after walking less than a hundred meters, the middle-aged man suddenly stopped and bought a box of matches from a roadside stall. The spy who was following him didn't seem to notice and continued to move forward at the original speed.

 The kind of following that shown in film and television dramas, following every step, following each other, stopping immediately or buying something when spotted is just the imagination of literati in their spare time.

  Do not treat the enemy as a fool. The Japanese intelligence activities started very early. Most of the spies are extremely professional. If you really do this, you will tell the other party that someone is following you.

At the same time, several vendors and people dressed as refugees walked out of stalls and shops dozens of meters away from the middle-aged man, surrounding him faintly in the middle, making their movements even more subtle.

 The most important thing for close tracking on foot is the preliminary preparations. Choose clothes and outfits based on the background, location and possible destinations of the specific target.

For example, if the other party is traveling together as a couple and may go to movies, parks, or other places where couples hang out, it is best for the tracking personnel to dress up as a couple to facilitate movement.

For another example, if the target is a teacher who often moves around the school and among students, then the operator should dress up as a student and approach the target as low-key as possible.

If the other party is used to traveling at night and often goes to nightclubs like Xu Enzeng, the operatives will have to dress up as gangsters who often hang out on the streets if they want not to arouse suspicion.

 In short, operators must make every effort to integrate themselves naturally into the target's scope of activities and social circles. Alternative and inappropriate clothing is a taboo in surveillance operations.

Compared with the professionalism of military intelligence agents, in the next ten minutes or so, the target also explained the six-character mantra of "look, listen, stop, turn, turn back, and dump" in anti-tracking operations with practical actions.

 The so-called "looking" refers to using tools or actions to look back to see if there are any followers or suspicious persons.

 Listen is to listen for any suspicious movements or unusual sounds from the sound.

 Stop means to stop suddenly while traveling, disrupting the rhythm of possible stalkers and observing suspicious reactions, just like a middle-aged person who has just stopped to buy matches.

  Turn, change the way and route of travel, such as changing means of transportation, or suddenly changing lanes on both sides of the road.

 Back, easy to understand, refers to walking back and wandering back and forth on the route, making it more difficult to track and easier to identify the person following you.

  , a method of suddenly getting rid of an opponent, such as suddenly getting on or off a vehicle or ferry at the moment it starts, etc.

 These six anti-tracking methods are the basic skills of all intelligence personnel. They can be used in combination and are simple but effective. Of course, this is provided that the opponent does not invest a lot of manpower.

The military field officers who carried out the tracking operation today were not only large in number, but also experienced old intelligence officers. They did not notice the tricks of the middle-aged people at all.

The middle-aged man bought the matches and turned around to leave. A secret agent in a ragged robe made a hidden gesture, and someone immediately focused on the owner of the match stall.

At distant surveillance points, there are also agents who take photos and record the target's movements and stay time. These details will eventually be reflected in the case files.

In addition, the target’s path along the way, people met, stopping places, people contacted, things purchased, subtle movements, and time trajectories are also key contents to be tracked.

Middle-aged people carry poles and walk expertly through the alleys of the mountain city, heading toward Xinglong Street in a circuitous way. From time to time they knock on doors to sell the chickens and ducks they sell to residents in the alleys.

The little spies responsible for tracking did not hesitate, did not stop, or naturally turned to other intersections, or passed by as if nothing happened, heading to the predetermined meeting point.

 As a qualified field agent, you must be bold and careful when encountering things. You must make quick judgments about similar sudden situations and never hesitate. The risks of continuing to follow up or stopping the follow-up must be considered. Following up has the risk of exposure, while stopping may miss many important clues. The choice depends on experience.

While the middle-aged man was testing whether there was a follower behind him again and again, new agents would join the action from time to time, monitoring each other's actions at different locations and distances.

 The most important thing for an intelligence officer is to be concealed. Only by concealing yourself can you have a chance. Once the other party realizes that someone is following you, it will be difficult to obtain useful information.

Distance control should also be moderate. If you are far away, you will not be able to see the details clearly, and if you are close, it will be easily exposed. There is no such thing as having your cake and eat it too, distance is all decided by the individual.

To sum up, there are two sentences: adapt to changes and stay calm in times of crisis. It sounds simple, but it is difficult to do. Without long-term practical experience, you cannot achieve these two things.

The little spies, who have worked for an average of five or six years per square foot, patiently walked around the target, neither acting rashly nor straying too far away from losing their field of view. They followed the opponent slowly towards Xinglong Street.

 Messages were sent back to the Huangjingqiao surveillance point from the front line one after another. Wu Chunyang sat calmly on the chair, nodding from time to time while listening to the reports, and was very satisfied with the performance of his men.

 Juntong has had many encounters with Japanese, British, Red Russian, and German intelligence personnel in recent years. This is how the team is trained. It is not a big problem for so many people to keep an eye on one Japanese spy.

In addition to listening to reports from the front, he also arranged for people to be busy with another task, which was to use photos to find the target's cover identity in the mountain city through the Ge Laohui.

 All vendors who set up stalls on the street will make offerings to the local Pao Ge, and after several "friendly exchanges" in the past few months, the Shancheng Ge Lao Association should be willing to help with this.

 Snakes follow their own paths, and rats follow their own paths. It may not be possible to let these people do other things, but it will definitely be no problem to inquire about information and find people. The efficiency is much higher than that of military commanders and police stations.

This is also true. When the agents secretly found the Ge Lao synagogue in Huangjingqiao to hold the flag, the other party immediately found the Pao Ge who was responsible for collecting the money and asked for relevant information in front of the military commander.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Wu Chunyang compiled the intelligence from the two lines and rushed back to the point near Junweihui in casual clothes again, where he met Zuo Zhong who was waiting for news.

 “Vice-seat, there is a harvest.”

Wu Chunyang spoke concisely and directly began to report the tracking and investigation results: "The target's name was found, it is Hong Dachuan, and his identity is a nearby mountain man who escaped from the Japanese bombing a few months ago.

This is an old ID that the other party provided to the police station after moving to the mountain city. The anti-counterfeiting mark is no problem, but the analysts have detected traces of modification. The technique is very clever. You can't find it without careful inspection. You see. "

As he spoke, he took out a certificate and extinguished the oil lamp on the table. The room with the window covered with a thick cotton cloth suddenly fell into darkness. Then he turned on the flashlight and shined it on the surface of the certificate.

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong turned his head and looked sideways, and found that the document seemed a bit thin, and there were slight scratches where the name, age, facial features, fingerprints, and photos were written.

 “Is this a reveal?”

He raised his head and asked, and without waiting for Wu Chunyang's answer, he said to himself: "Yes, it must be the unveiling of the painting, or the most difficult partial unveiling of the painting. Our opponent is very professional."

  Painting is an ancient craft in the calligraphy and painting industry during the Republic of China. In order to repair calligraphy and paintings or to forge them, the painting master will use professional chemicals and methods to peel off a painting layer by layer.

The Japanese ingeniously applied this technology to document forgery. They removed the original content on the document and filled in the new content. Naturally, Lao Bai's bunch of wastes couldn't see it.


Wu Chunyang nodded and took out a registration form again: "This person now lives in a stilt house in the north of Shancheng city. The house is rented and he makes a living by selling chickens and ducks.

We secretly contacted a neighbor of Hong Dachuan. According to the neighbor, he goes out early every morning and often walks around the streets. Occasionally he will go hungry because business is too bad, but he behaves normally.

He just left Huangjing Bridge and took a long detour to Xinglong Street. He was probably checking whether there were any surveillance personnel near Yushi Qiuyuan's residence, and then returned to the north of the city.

 Other situations, such as his relationship with the mole lurking in high-level government officials, have not yet been discovered, but I think he will report the results of today's investigation to the other party soon.

As long as we keep an eye on Hong Dachuan, it is only a matter of time before we find the person behind him. Vice Chairman, counterintelligence is the task of the Second Division. Do you want me to hand over the next work to Lao Gu and the others? "

  “No need.”

Zuo Zhong waved his hand. After the Secret Service was upgraded, many members of the former Bureau of Investigation and Statistics were added to the Second Intelligence Division. The quality of the personnel has declined. In comparison, the team of the First Division is more capable.

This mission is related to a strategic deception operation and must use the most elite and reliable personnel. Once the mole is found, the "Mirage Plan" can enter the final stage.

The four parties, the Red Russians, the Japanese, the underground party, and the fruit party, are now in the chess game. Whoever wins or loses depends on who is more skilled. Zuo Zhong smiled slightly and extinguished his flashlight.

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