Cicada Moving

Chapter 988: Fish hooks and bait (modified version)

 Military intelligence.

Since the emergence of the country and the emergence of war as a violent tool, war-related military intelligence personnel have also emerged, and they appeared very early.

The earliest intelligence activities recorded in the literature of the Republic of China can be traced back to the Xia Dynasty in 2000 BC. In modern times, the importance of military intelligence work has become even higher.

Since military intelligence serves the military and must meet the needs of war, it has special requirements in terms of intelligence content, acquisition methods, and processing procedures.

 Such as purpose, accuracy, timeliness, and continuity.

 The most important of these are accuracy and continuity. These two points are directly related to the success or failure of the war. They are also the basic requirements for intelligence by most national intelligence agencies.

 Accuracy is easy to understand. Although all types of intelligence require accuracy, military intelligence has particularly high requirements for accuracy. A slight deviation or a thousand miles of error is even more prominent in the military.

Inaccurate intelligence not only cannot bring benefits to the war, but can also cause serious consequences. In history, there have been more than one defeats due to intelligence errors.

 Continuity, also known as uninterruptedness, how to ensure the continuity and accuracy of intelligence can be summed up in six elements, namely source, time, location, plot, cause and result.

 The more complete the elements of intelligence and the more detailed the content, the higher the quality of the intelligence and the greater its value, especially the source of intelligence, which is the top priority.

 There is a saying in the Republic of China that "listening to both sides will lead to enlightenment, and partial belief will lead to darkness." This is also true for intelligence operations. Only by cross-comparing intelligence from multiple sources can the authenticity of intelligence be ensured.

 Because of this, the intelligence agencies of all countries have specialized intelligence research and judgment departments. Research and judgment means one is research and the other is judgment. They will not arbitrarily believe a piece of information, even if it comes from their own system.

 Specifically speaking of the "Mirage Plan", in order to make the Japanese completely believe in the "Red Russia" combat plan, the military commander needs to release false information from different channels.

 Hase Ryosuke and "Matsuko" are the first one, and the Special Committee on China is the second one. The two corroborate each other and can greatly improve the credibility of the intelligence.

In addition, this can ensure the safety of Changgu. The Japanese are not stupid. When the war in Nomenkan ends and Japan and Russia start peace talks, they will definitely find someone fanning the flames.

If "Matsuko" is the only channel to convey the "battle plan", Hase Ryosuke will inevitably be suspected afterwards. Don't underestimate the Japanese's sensitivity to intelligence.

However, if the Special Committee on China provides the same information, the Japanese will only think that this is a large-scale strategic deception operation by the national government, and will not focus on Hase.

As the highest-ranking and most critical mole placed by the government in the Japanese intelligence system, Ryosuke Hase must not let anything happen, otherwise Zuo Shige would rather stop the "Mirage Project."

The reason is very simple. The war between the government and the Japanese still has to be fought. It is not cost-effective to sacrifice such important lurking personnel just for the sake of fighting.

—Ryosuke Hase has collected so many yen replicas. Wouldn’t it be a pity not to squeeze him out? Replicas also have costs, right?

The first task of the military commander now is to find the mole of the Special Committee on China, and then hand over the Red Russian "combat plan" to the other party, so that Japanese senior officials and the military will make wrong judgments.

Of course, the appearance of Mole, the special committee member for China, was just an accident. Even if he hadn't, Zuo Zhong would have found other ways to deliver the "battle plan" to the top brass of the Japanese.

 After all, mountain cities lack everything except traitors.

In order to achieve Zuo Zhong's purpose, military personnel worked day and night to conduct strict surveillance, background investigations, and time and space tracing around Yumi Akizono and "Hong Dachuan".

Two days after Hong Dachuan's identity was found out, a mysterious figure appeared in the sight of the agents, shocking all those involved in the operation into a cold sweat.

 After receiving the report, Wu Chunyang immediately came to the secret camp where the "Mirage Plan" was formulated. He stood behind the sentry cordon and paced back and forth with an anxious look on his face.

 The military elites at the sentry post who were hired by Lao Dai to protect the strategic deception operators put their fingers on the trigger guard vigilantly, ready to fire at any time.

 “Chunyang, what’s going on?”

 After a while, Zuo Zhong walked out of the camp quickly and asked in a deep voice. He knew that something big must have happened, otherwise the other party would not find this place.

 Where he is, only a few people within the military command know. Wu Chunyang must have important information to report during this trip. Could it be that the mole has found it?

As expected, when Wu Chunyang saw Zuo Zhong, he immediately leaned into his ear and introduced the latest situation, his voice trembling a little when he spoke.

“Deputy Chairman, this morning, the target went to the South Bank area and stayed in a village for ten minutes. Half an hour ago, the secretary of President Kong of the Executive Yuan appeared nearby.

This person changed into refugee clothes and made a simple disguise on his face. If the brother who was performing the mission didn't happen to know the other person, he would have been fooled by this guy.

Since this person's identity is too important, I am afraid that it would be unsafe to report on the phone, so I came here specially. Please give me your instructions whether to arrest the person or report to the top. ”     The secretary of the President of the Executive Yuan was involved in espionage. This is an earth-shattering event.

Zuo Zhong did not expect that the nails buried by the Japanese in the national government would be so deep. However, personnel in such positions conduct reviews every year. How come no problems were found before?

But the door was not a place to talk. Who knew if the guards had the eyes and ears of the Japanese. He took Wu Chunyang to a dormitory in the camp and asked about his doubts.

Wu Chunyang looked helpless after hearing this, and explained: "The other person was promoted by Dean Kong this year from among the lower-level office staff of the Ministry of Finance. His experience, files, and background during the screening were all fine.

Considering that his position was really critical, Lao Gu sent people to the other party's hometown to conduct external investigations. He checked the information of three generations of family members and found no signs of imposters.

Furthermore, the other party is doing well in the Ministry of Finance. His interpersonal relationships are very simple. He has no wife or children. His only friends are all employees of the Ministry of Finance, and his ideological tendencies are also normal.

This person should have been incited to rebel recently. We are still investigating the methods and people who instigated rebellion. I think it is impossible to escape from the four directions of drinking, **** and wealth. The Japanese only use these tricks. "

Zuo Zhong nodded in agreement. Now that the future of the government is unclear, many people have other ideas. Coupled with the temptation of external things, it is not uncommon for some unsteady Guo Party officials to defect to the enemy and rebel.

After thinking about it, he said to Wu Chunyang: "You must not arrest people. We have to keep this line. I will report to the bureau and committee, so you don't have to worry about it.

I will give you a document later. You have to find a way to let Dean Kong’s secretary see it. Note that the document must be sent in the name of the military. You can think of the specific implementation steps yourself.

If necessary, I will ask the bureau chief to cooperate with you personally. The bureau's eyeliners and connections in Shancheng are at your disposal. Notify me immediately after completion, and I will take synchronized actions.

Also, you are responsible for the delivery and recovery of documents alone, and no one else is allowed to handle it. After the intelligence is delivered, follow up with the other party and try to dig out the intelligence team. "

Wu Chunyang said nothing after hearing this. After getting the documents, he immediately left the secret camp and returned to the bureau headquarters. After some careful investigation and planning, the fishhook and bait were slowly dropped.

 The next morning.

 A purple document bag with a tight seal and the words "Junweihui" printed on it was delivered to the Secret Room of the Executive Yuan. The young officer who delivered the document asked for a receipt and turned around to leave.

Immediately, this document and other documents were loaded into a small cart, someone pushed it to Dean Kong's office, and handed it over to the secretary sitting outside the suite.

Originally, according to the confidentiality code, top-secret documents should be signed by the person himself, and there are prescribed procedures for browsing, sealing, and storage. It is impossible to handle them so casually.

But who is Dean Kong and what is his status? It is easy to say that managing everything on a day-to-day basis is a trivial matter. He has no time to receive documents one by one, and no one is too short-sighted to disturb the other party.

The handsome-looking secretary casually signed his name on the record, waved his hand and dismissed the secret room personnel, and then divided the documents into categories according to confidentiality level, organization, and importance.

After doing this, he looked up at the wall clock and found that it was already past the time when Dean Kong arrived in the office, so he picked up the phone and called the Kong residence.

 As a secretary, he must always pay attention to his boss's schedule. If Dean Kong is delayed for something, he must know where the other person is and whether he may need to accompany him.

After the call was connected, he explained the purpose of the call. The housekeeper of Kong's residence said that Director Dai of the Military Command was coming to visit, and that Dean Kong would arrive at the Executive Yuan later. Everything else was as usual.

The secretary put down the phone, glanced at the document bag next to him and the words "Civilian-Russian Military Cooperation Funding Proposal" on it, took a deep breath, looked at the direction of the door, stood up and gently locked the door.

A few hours later, Dean Kong, who had arrived late, dealt with the official documents in a leisurely manner, and asked the secretary outside the door to retrieve relevant information from time to time. Everything was no different from usual.

The only difference is that the document from the Military Council was sent to the Ministry of Finance as quickly as possible. This is normal. Any military operation cannot be separated from logistical support.

  At six o'clock in the afternoon, it was not completely dark yet. The secretary carried his briefcase and walked out of the gate of the Executive Yuan after being searched by the guard. He followed the crowd of people after get off work into the lively streets.

That night, a wooden fishing boat docked near Chaotianmen silently left the pier and stopped in the middle of Zangmian. After a long time, the fishing boat slowly docked, and a black figure jumped off the boat and disappeared soon.

In the distance, Wu Chunyang lay in the bushes and silently watched this scene. After confirming that the black shadow was gone, he whispered to the little agent beside him: "Notify the deputy director that the letter has been delivered."


The little agent crawled into the darkness, his clothes rustling against the branches and leaves, but was quickly drowned out by the sound of rushing water. In the blink of an eye, he completely disappeared from Wu Chunyang's sight.

Under the dim moonlight, the piercing howl of an electric reconnaissance vehicle could be heard in the distance from the dilapidated city, attracting countless barks and curses. The magical mountain city was like a jungle infested by wild beasts.

In the original version of this chapter, I wrote some of my understanding of intelligence work at the beginning of the article. Except for the dozen or so word-long examples, everything else is original, emphasizing the importance of intelligence sources, which leads to the following paragraph, but since some people think it is Hydrology, then change it.

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