Cicada Moving

Chapter 994: stuck in quagmire

This small-scale battle on July 1st had no results, but it made both Japan and Russia convinced of the intelligence they had. A war of unprecedented scale began to brew in the Far East.

The Japanese troops who retreated to the east bank of the Harha River did not give up and did not intend to withdraw to the traditional "national border". Instead, they built positions on the spot and continued to hold on. They planned to turn Ruomen's threshold into the second Zhang Gufeng and release it bit by bit to the Red Russian army. ┴Blood.

Under the command of Zhukov, the Red Russian army continued to use the speed advantage of the tank cluster to repeatedly attack the Japanese positions and cut off the communication and logistics channels between individual Japanese positions, but failed to break through the Japanese defense lines.

The reason is that the cunning Kwantung Army deployed rapid-fire artillery and mountain artillery at high altitudes to destroy the Red Russian tanks through ground fire. For a while, it actually had a fight with the Red Russian army, which had a large amount of armor.

The whole world's attention is focused on Nomenkan. Once the Red Russia and Japan completely go to war, they will be unable to interfere in Europe. A certain beard began to make moves, and the German troops deployed on the Polish border entered a secret mobilization.

The entire government was overjoyed. The streets of the mountain city were filled with cheering crowds. Someone met Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Chong several times, praised the military commander for their effective strategic deception plan, and asked them to keep up their efforts.

However, when things have reached this point, there is no need for military commanders to do anything more. The first piece of domino has been toppled. Under the premise that there is no external influence, it is only a matter of time before the remaining dominoes fall.

  August 20.

  Red Russia launched a general attack on the Japanese positions in the disputed area on the east bank of the Halaha River.

Zhukov concentrated on using tanks and armored vehicle groups to pass through the ferry and bypass the Japanese solid defense line, make a pincer breakthrough on the Japanese defense empty flanks, and go deep into the rear of the Japanese defense line to complete the encirclement of the Japanese army. The remaining main forces attacked the Japanese army under the cover of heavy artillery. The Japanese army launched a frontal attack.

The Japanese troops recruited from the Japanese mainland, Goryeo, Xiaoliuqiu, Kanto Prefecture, and Guannai immediately began to fight back desperately, but they only resisted for less than a week before they completely collapsed under the huge strength and firepower of the Red Russia.

On August 27, various Japanese units separated by the Red Russian armored forces began to break out on their own at night. The seriously injured soldiers who could not walk during the breakout were all abandoned, and all weapons that could not be taken away were smashed and destroyed. There were many small Japanese units in the dark night. The troops took the wrong route and were surrounded and eliminated.

The Japanese who were stunned finally understood that the Red Russian army was not the White Russian army that had been there for decades. The northward faction gradually lost its market. Suggestions for peace talks were put forward. Everyone felt that if the war continued, the Pseudo-Mite and Korea would definitely not be saved.

In fact, the Red Russia could not hold on anymore. Military transportation on the Xiberian Railway lasted for three months, almost interrupting all other transportation services, and more than 100,000 tons of combat materials transported were also exhausted in the fighting after August 20. .

It’s just that sometimes wars don’t stop when they want to. Generals need meritorious service, soldiers need military exploits, and the military industrial system needs production.…

 Coupled with the two malicious "battle plans", the main militant factions in Red Russia and Japan are still struggling to their death, unwilling to completely give up defeating each other.

One after another fully equipped troops continued to be sent to the battlefield. Japan and Russia fell into a tug-of-war that neither side wanted to get into. The Korean troops in the Guannei battlefield got a rare respite.

 Mountain city, secret camp.

Zuo Zhong stood in the morning sun and stretched, with a relaxed smile on his face. The Japanese and the Red Russians finally had a real fire, and it was not in vain that they had worked hard in the air raid shelter for several months.

Since the war started again on Nomenkan on July 1, the military commander has used various channels, including but not limited to traitors, intelligence personnel from other countries that have been mastered, and the Shanghai intelligence market, to provide several pieces of "top secret" intelligence to Red Russia and Japan.

 The content is also very simple.

For example, tell the Red Russians that Japan is trying to use the peace talks as an excuse to prepare a sneak attack on Zhukov's troops, and then add some intelligence about the Japanese troops mobilizing in the Northeast.

These movements of the Japanese army are no secret to the military commander. After all, who would doubt the Suzuki family's son-in-law Chenglong and Ryosuke Hase, the intelligence elite of the Japanese Empire.

Furthermore, hundreds of thousands of people on the battlefield produce countless messages every day. The Red Russians cannot distinguish between true and false information from so much information, and would rather believe it than believe it.

Even if the Japanese did not conduct a sneak attack afterwards, it can be explained by the fact that the Japanese found out that their actions were discovered, so they suspended the operation, which has nothing to do with intelligence.

It's even simpler for the Japanese. The Japanese, who have always been suspicious, will think too much when they smell something, and they have no doubts about the intelligence about the government's "plan" to train counterattack troops sent back by the traitors.

 Otherwise, even if the Kwantung Army Chief of Staff Tsuji Masanobu and his ilk want to fight again, the Japanese high-level officials will not allow him to mess around. If he wants to defeat the superior, he must have the support of someone from above.

 What will happen if no one supports you? The guys from 226 who are clamoring to punish the country's thieves are an example. They will definitely not end well if they are dismissed from their posts, shot, and their families liquidated.

It can be seen from this that the basis of strategic deception is to understand people's hearts, manipulate them, use people's hearts, and induce the enemy through information differences. Intelligence cannot be said to be unimportant, but it is only an auxiliary.

 “It’s a nice weather today.”

At this moment, Chief Zhang and Guo Yizhi came out of the air-raid shelter and walked slowly to Zuo Zhong's side. Looking at the fiery red sun on the horizon, Chief Zhang looked into the distance and muttered to himself. To be honest, Commander Zhang didn't take it seriously when he was sent by someone to cooperate with the military commander. Soldiers should fight to the death with real swords and guns, so what's the use of making up some false information.

 But reality taught him a profound lesson. Putting aside the casualties of the Red Russians, judging from the information provided by the military commander, so far the Japanese army has killed about 25,000 people, suffered nearly 9,000 battle injuries, and more than 1,000 people are missing.

You must know that this is the elite Kwantung Army. Among the Japanese army, the Kwantung Army has the most advanced weapons, the most rigorous training, and the strongest combat effectiveness. It once reached Vladivostok.

If on the frontal battlefield, how many people must die and how much ammunition must be consumed by the Guo army to achieve this result, the answer is impossible. Chief Zhang knows this very well.

  Shanghai, Jinling, Changcheng, Changcheng, every time they took advantage of the right time, location, people and people to wait for work, but so what, they still failed.

 But now it only took a few dozen people, and it took a while to eliminate so many enemies. Sure enough, the head was more lethal than the gun, he had seen it.

 Intelligence, intelligence, intelligence.

 Chief Zhang recited these words silently three times and kept these two words in his heart. If he had the opportunity to go to the battlefield again in the future, he must not forget the importance of intelligence, otherwise he would die without knowing how.

Thinking of this, he turned to look at Zuo Zhong with admiration. In fact, Zuo Zhong left a deep impression on him during the battle in Shanghai, but now it seems that he still underestimated the opponent.

However, there will always be a day when the war between Japan and Russia will cease. Sooner or later, Red Russia will know the role of the national government in the war. If there is a settlement after the fall, the military commander and the left will bear the greatest responsibility.

The identity of an intelligence officer is so embarrassing. When he succeeds, no one will care. When he fails, he will be pushed out as a scapegoat. Chief Zhang felt that he had to persuade Zuo Zhong.

“Shen Zhi, the military commander has made great achievements this time. You might as well take the opportunity to ask the commission for instructions to move from the intelligence system to the front-line army. With your military rank, you are qualified to be the director of the political training department of the theater or the director of the military law department.

Being a spy is not a long-term solution after all. If I am not wrong, the Red Russians will definitely cut off military aid after the war. You know the commissioner, and the relevant personnel will definitely be dealt with by then to arouse the anger of the Red Russians. "

 Chief Zhang’s words were cryptic, but his meaning was very clear. He clearly told Zuo Zhong that you would be treated as a scapegoat and that he should quickly find an opportunity to escape from the pit of military command and serve in the field army.

Zuo Zhong was a little moved when he heard this. If the other party didn't really mean it to him, he wouldn't have said these words. But escaping wouldn't solve the problem, and the situation was different from what Chief Zhang thought.

After a short pause, he shook his head slightly: "Sir, even without the Mirage Plan, Red Russia will cut off military aid in the near future. This is an inevitable choice in the national interest and will not change according to our will.

As a result, the Germans are taking more and more actions in Poland. The war that was interrupted twenty years ago will start again at any time. The Red Russia itself has to hoard war preparation materials and has no more spare weapons and equipment for the government.

Secondly, for the Red Russia, the interests of Xibei and the Far East are not worth mentioning. Even with our instigation, their war with the Japanese will not last long, and they will not actually attack the Pseudo-Mites and Korea for the time being.

With this premise, if the Japanese guarantee that Red Russia’s interests in the Far East will not be affected in exchange for Red Russia cutting off aid to the government, the Koremlin, which is eager to deal with the situation in Europe, will not refuse to agree.

 So whether we instigate it or not, a tacit agreement between Moscow and Tokyo will definitely happen. After all, there is never any trust between countries. There are only real interests. You don’t have to worry about your humble position. "

Chief Zhang nodded silently, yes, how could the Red Russians give up their own interests for the sake of the Republic of China? He immediately stood there and thought for a while, and then left with Guo Yizhi, who had been silent.

Not long after the two left, Song Minghao sneaked out from nowhere, and the old man quickly ran to Zuo Zhong and said anxiously.

“Deputy Chairman, what Chief Zhang said makes sense. We can’t take the blame for cutting off military aid. The deputy blames others. It’s a big business, and there are countless people who make money from it.

 Otherwise, where did the guns used by bandits, bandits, and wealthy people to guard their homes come from? There are also cars running on the roads in mountain cities, and their gas tanks are filled with gasoline donated by the Red Russians to the government.

Having offended so many agencies and officers, not even the bureau chief can protect us. Otherwise, just listen to Chief Zhang. All responsibilities will be borne by the humble position and have nothing to do with you or the bureau chief. "

Song Minghao actually wanted to take the blame. Even if there was some element of flattery in it, he still had to take a huge risk. It can be said that he was using his life to flatter him.

After hearing this, Zuo Zhong smiled slightly, leaned into the other person's ear and whispered a few words. Song Minghao's expression changed from anxiety to confusion, and then from confusion to surprise. Finally, he slapped his thigh fiercely and turned around to run away.

Watching his back go away, Zuo Zhong clasped his hands behind his back and bathed in the golden sunshine. Looking toward the northeast against the cool early summer breeze, he seemed to smell the **** smell of the battlefield thousands of miles away.

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