Cicada Moving

Chapter 995: It’s getting worse (I’ll go get the certificate during the day tomorrow)

Chapter 995 Intensifying (Go to apply for documents during the day tomorrow)

 September 1, 1939.

After the disinformation was delivered, Project Mirage entered its final stage. The air-raid shelters in the secret camps were not out of use and turned into military intelligence and information centers for the Japan-Russia conflict.

 The staff officers participating in the plan, Chief Zhang, and Guo Yizhi began to conduct military research and judgment on the intelligence collected by the military commander from all aspects, and assisted the military commander in making corresponding decisions.

The telegraph operators were not idle either. They used the high-power radio of the Juntong Telecommunications Station to monitor the exchange of messages between the warring parties, and handed the records to the Telecommunications Department for deciphering, although the success rate was not high.

But it doesn’t cost money, why not give it a try? Even if you can’t decipher it, it’s still a good thing to be familiar with the power generation methods of the Red Russian and Japanese military telegraph operators. This can enrich the military commander’s information on signal monitoring.

Don't underestimate this information. For example, if you lock a certain radio operator who belongs to a certain Japanese army, if the army encounters the opponent on the battlefield in the future, there is no need for an intelligence agent to inquire. The opponent's number can be determined by sending a message.

This is similar to the voiceprint records of submarines in later generations. They are both part of signal intelligence. Currently, intelligence agencies in various countries are exploring this aspect, and the military cannot lag behind.

The only useless people are the underground party members, including Xu Enzeng’s young wife Lixia. These people can’t help with anything, and they are very good at eating. They are idle there all day long with nothing to do.

Zuo Zhong stood behind the telegraph operator and glanced at the dog traitors beside him, frowning slightly. If it weren't for the inconvenience, he really wanted to kill all of them to avoid wasting food.


At this time, the communication light of a radio station flashed continuously. The Telecommunications Department agent responsible for copying the message was refreshed. He quickly recorded the coded message, then took out the code book and began to decipher it.

 A few minutes later, the little agent was shocked after reading the contents of the message on the paper. He immediately got up and walked to Zuo Zhong to report an important piece of information.

“Deputy seat, call from the Northeast, there are signs of dispatch of the Kwantung Army water supply unit early this morning. Three fully loaded 5-ton trucks are heading towards Nomenkan. The contents and purpose are to be investigated.”

Zuo Zhong heard the words Kwantung Army Water Supply Corps, and a sneer appeared on his face. When he led his men to blow up the Japanese biological and chemical weapons base in Beiyinhe, he knew that the Japanese would definitely start anew.

The same is true. Xiao Qingmin, a former female Japanese spy, leaned against a pseudo -mite mixed with the water. She had heard the new residence of the water forces for the water forces, but the military was unable to destroy it again.

The Japanese are not fools. They learned the lesson that the last time the support came too slowly, and simply set up the experimental base in the urban area of ​​Harbin. There are several troops around to protect it. Under such circumstances, attacking is tantamount to death.

Even if the lives of the Goryeo Restoration Organization are not valuable, they cannot be wasted like this, so Zuo Zhong only asked Xiao Qingmin to monitor the water supply troops, but he did not expect to discover important situations.

Song Minghao and Wu Jingzhong, who had been paying attention to the situation here, were also shocked when they heard about the water supply team, and quickly came closer to ask how to deal with the matter.

Biological and chemical weapons are no different than other things. A few grams of dose can kill someone. Now there are probably three trucks of 15 tons of biological and chemical weapons hanging around the front line between Japan and Russia. This is too scary.

 out out

Zuo Zhong raised his hand to stop the two of them from continuing. He knew the power of biological and chemical weapons better than anyone else. After thinking for a while, he spoke.

“Old Wu, you have worked there and know how to deal with Red Head. Red Head must also know your current identity. I will give you a task.

You go to the Northwest Office now and tell the other party this information. As for whether the other party does not warn Mosk, that is their business and we have nothing to do with it.

NOTE: If the other party asks you how you know this piece of information, don’t say or answer. Just remember these two points. Do you understand? If you understand, go quickly. "

Wu Jingzhong didn’t expect that the deputy director asked him to go to the underground party. A look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on his old face. Contact with dissidents was like a rat meeting a cat with a fish in its mouth—seeking death.

However, the tasks assigned by the superior must be completed. He does not want to take risks and wants to be promoted. How can such a good thing happen? Maybe this is a test for him by the deputy!

Thinking of this, Wu Jingzhong suddenly realized that he had joined the group halfway, and if he kept talking nonsense, he would completely lose the chance of becoming a confidant, so he no longer hesitated and immediately saluted and walked out.

Song Minghao nodded when he saw this, and smoothed things over with a smile: "Deputy Chairman, don't mind, Lao Wu just loves to think too much. You must have made complete preparations for him to go to the Northwest Office.

I will talk to him when I get back to Beizi. After staying with the brothers for so long, I still don’t understand this matter. It’s very inappropriate. But do you think Northwest will tell Hong Er about this? I don’t think so.

I heard from people who came over there that the relationship between the Red Russia and the Northwest is very complicated. The Red Russian military suffered a setback at Nomenkan. I think the underground party was happy to see it. Are you testing the other party by doing this? "

Zuo Zhong glanced at Song Minghao sideways. He really wanted to give him a thumbs up. He was worthy of being an elite member of the Party. All he could think about was holding things back. If the underground party really thought this way, it would not be an underground party. He was too lazy to talk nonsense, sat down on the stool, and said lazily: "Okay, there is no need to shoot the horse. I will report this matter to the committee and the bureau. This is a good thing for us."

If the Red Russians knew that the Japanese were planning to use biological and chemical weapons, Nomenkan would fight even more fiercely. This would be regarded as fulfilling the commission's order for us to continue our efforts, and it would be fine.

There is no need to worry that the underground party will conceal the news. There must be a pattern in looking at the problem. If the Japanese defeat the Red Russians and the Kwantung Army has its hands and feet freed up, the northwest on the northern front will be the first to be unlucky.

By the way, I've finished what I told you before, and I must let the news out that Li Xia is here. My biggest problem is that I have a kind heart, and I can't bear to see others sharing their work. "

Zuo Zhong, who had a look of emotion on his face, said that he believed it. If you want to join the fruit party, being shameless is a basic skill. Besides, the highest level of lying is to lie to yourself, so there is nothing wrong with it.

 “It’s done, everything went well.”

Song Minghao chuckled and patted his chest to assure himself that there would be no problem. Then he thought about it and found that it was really the case. The character of the Red Russians was to retaliate with an eye for an eye.

After all, the man in the Koremlin can kill three of the five marshals of the military. If there is anything he can't do, he is a standard ruthless person. He is decisive in killing things and will definitely deal with it again. The devil had a meal.

The situation was similar to what he thought. After Wu Jingzhong went to the northwest office in Hongyan Village, only three hours had passed. Zhukov, who was directing operations on the front line, received a telegram from Mosk.

In addition to informing the Kwantung Army's water supply unit, the telegram contained only one line: "Kill all the Japanese around Nomenkan as soon as possible, regardless of casualties."

 Zhukov saw that the Japanese wanted to use biological and chemical weapons. Not only was he not worried, but he breathed a sigh of relief and became more confident in winning the war.

  First of all, he had been prepared for it. There were only three ways to poison the battlefield, either by airdrop, or by artillery shells, or from water sources. Now that the Japanese army had lost its air superiority, there were only two ways to poison the battlefield, artillery shells and water sources.

The Red Russian soldiers in this battle were all elite. They were generally equipped with gas masks and had received professional chemical defense and decontamination training. They were not afraid of the Japanese using special artillery shells.

As for poisoning from water sources, the 1st Army laid a large number of water pipelines to transport fresh water from the rear to the front, and would not drink water from the Halaha River and other water sources.

Furthermore, the flow of the Harha River is so large that the biological and chemical weapons of the three trucks will be diluted quickly. Unless poisoning is carried out continuously, the Japanese will have wasted their efforts.

In addition, the use of biological and chemical weapons shows that the Japanese have reached the end of their rope, otherwise the other side would not risk backlash. Don’t forget that Red Russia is not the Republic of China and does not lack certain "gadgets".

Having received the instruction not to count casualties, Zhukov no longer had any worries and issued the final general offensive order to the soldiers of the 1st Regiment under his command. He did not need reasons, excuses, or casualty figures, he only needed news of victory.

At this time, the Japanese army, which was already at the end of its fight, was in great misfortune. It was beaten by the Red Russians and lost its armor. The biological and chemical weapons did not have any effect. Instead, they poisoned more than 1,000 of their own people.

That night, Zuo Zhong received the latest information from the front line. He was so happy that he called Chief Zhang and Guo Yizhi and drank two glasses of wine happily, until a fierce quarrel came from outside.

"Go away! I have an important mission that requires Li Xia's help. I've delayed my errand. Can you afford it?"

Zuo Zhong and the other three who came out after hearing the sound looked around and saw Xu Enzeng shouting and pulling Li Xia into a car and drove away regardless of the obstruction of the guards and military secret agents.

Song Minghao, who was holding the car door open, stumbled and fell to the ground. He watched the car's taillights disappear into the dark night. A few seconds later, Song Minghao's expression changed, and he stood up and ran towards Zuozhong with a smile.

Zuo Zhong, who witnessed all this, was not angry at all. Instead, he pointed at the hurriedly escaping car and joked: "Look, there are already people who take the blame. They are afraid that they won't be able to take the blame."

After speaking, he ordered Song Minghao who came running: "Let the wind go and say that it is Li Xia who ruined the relations between the people and Russia, and let those people who want to use military aid to find trouble with Xu Enzeng. Our military commander will not be involved in these nonsense."

Everyone present laughed. Chief Zhang and Guo Yizhi did not have a good impression of Xu Enzeng, who had a bad reputation. Not many professional soldiers liked spies, especially political spies.

Just when everyone was about to discuss Xu Enzeng’s tidbits, a radio operator rushed out of the air-raid shelter and shouted to the crowd.

“The latest news from Europe, early this morning Berlin time, Germany launched a war against Poland!”

 Everyone’s smiles froze on their faces. Anyone with a little common sense knew what this meant. A war that might affect the entire world was coming, and the Republic of China would not be immune.

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