Cicada Moving

Chapter 999: sell

Chapter 999 Betrayal

  “My young man,

 Leave home and go to Nanyang,

 We parted,

 At most no more than two.”

On the stage of the Casanova Ballroom, a singer stood in front of the microphone and sang softly. In the soft singing, the guests on the dance floor danced. War seemed to be a distant term here.

 Chen Mingchu, who was in the booth, tapped the table with his hands to keep in tune with the rhythm. From time to time, he turned his head to whisper to the woman next to him and laughed. He didn't care about the surrounding environment and the people coming and going. He completely lost the vigilance of an intelligence officer.

"Mingchu, I have taken a fancy to a piece of jewelry. It is said to be a new style from France. It costs several hundred copper coins. Can you buy it for me?"

 “Okay, okay, buy~”

While the two were talking, the woman leaned on his shoulder and made a request coquettishly. Chen Mingchu waved his hand unusually boldly, not caring about a few hundred yen at all.

The Yamashiro Military Reunification Headquarters is very generous to the Shanghai District and provides sufficient funds for activities. As the personnel specialist responsible for the welfare of personnel, he can receive tens of thousands of yen in public funds every month. This amount of money is considered. What.

As for Welfare, working at the heart of the enemy, it is normal to be delayed by one or two months occasionally. Chen Mingchu is not afraid of the people below him making trouble. After all, this is the territory of the Japanese.

 “Haha, Mr. Chen really cares about women.”

Just when Chen Mingchu couldn't extricate himself in the gentle countryside, a voice came from next to him. Chen Mingchu paused, and the next second his hand went to his ankle, where his pocket pistol for self-defense was placed.

As an old man from the local military command station, although he does not receive regular training like the headquarters staff, he has received complete operational technical training, and his movements of drawing a gun are extremely vigorous.

"Mr. Chen, don't be afraid. You and I must not be rude to the beautiful people."

 Chen Mingchu moved quickly, and Li Shiqun, who had studied at the Red Russian spy school, moved even faster. His right hand grabbed the opponent's arm and pushed it down hard, and said lightly at the same time.

  After saying that, he and Hase Ryosuke, who was watching the theater, sat down on the left and right sides, filling the four-seater seats. Seeing this, the waiter in the ballroom thought that the four of them were old acquaintances, and quickly brought soda water.

After the waiter left, Li Shiqun, who was fighting Chen Mingchu under the table, suddenly let go and allowed the other party to draw his gun. This confused Chen Mingchu, and he hesitated for a while before finally taking out the gun.

No matter who the visitor is, once he shows off in a public place like a dance hall, he will definitely attract the attention of Japanese and French patrolmen. Then it will be troublesome, and let’s see what the other party is going to do.

As if he had guessed what Chen Mingchu was thinking, Li Shiqun glanced around and said straight to the point: "Mr. Chen, let me meet you. I am Li Shiqun, the deputy director of the New National Secret Service Headquarters.

Next to this lady is His Excellency Ryosuke Hase, the head of Japan's Hase Agency and the adjunct officer of the Special Committee on China. I hope you can forgive me for the hasty nature of this visit. "

  Traitors and Japanese!

 Chen Mingchu's head buzzed. Li Shiqun certainly knew that the senior agents at the old agent headquarters were cruel and ruthless. Recently, many Central Unification agents were captured and executed by the other side.

He is also familiar with Ryosuke Hase. He is a powerful figure in the Japanese intelligence agency. He does a lot of business and has a good relationship with the concession. He is the only Japanese intelligence officer who can compete with Deputy Director Zuo without suffering a big loss.

Being blocked here by these two people, Chen Mingchu was afraid of danger. Thinking of the various tortures in the anti-torture training, Chen Mingchu's body instantly lost all strength, and he collapsed on the sofa in fear.

Seeing him like this, Li Shiqun knew in his heart that he was safe this time. A fearful intelligence agent couldn't keep a secret, and the other party was indeed a good breakthrough point.

 Hase Ryosuke also smiled, but secretly tensed up his nerves. He held the pistol in his pocket with his right hand and stared at Chen Mingchu's expression with both eyes, ready to shoot at any time.

If there is anything wrong with the other party's reaction, then I'm sorry. Only one of the four people present today can get out alive. I hope the new ID hidden in the safe house will not be used.

The woman brought by Chen Mingchu was trembling there. Although she did not know Chen Mingchu's true identity, in today's Shanghai, if a person is approached by the Japanese, he is not far from death.

I was just looking for someone to take advantage of, and I was going to make a fortune, so why did this happen to me? I wanted to leave but my legs were weak, so I had to hold back my fear and lower my head deeply, praying that both parties would let her go as a prank.

 Tick tock…tick tock…tick tock…

 At this time, in Chen Mingchu's ears, everything around him seemed to have stopped, except for the leisurely beating sound of the Swiss gold watch on his wrist. After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly realized something.

If the Japanese and Li Shiqun wanted to arrest him, they would have arrested him long ago. Just now, he didn't care about the situation around him at all. The other party could control him easily, so why didn't the other party do this?

There is only one answer. The Japanese wanted to instigate him and were not prepared to arrest him in public. Perhaps they wanted to follow the clues to find more members of the Shanghai District of the Military Command. Only then would Li Shiqun have this reaction.

Knowing that his life was not in danger for the time being, Chen Mingchu quickly calmed down. The blood suddenly returned to his brain, and the noise around him suddenly returned.

As for whether he should accept the instigation of rebellion, the answer is yes. In a situation where people are at odds with each other, and he commits suicide for the sake of the government and the party, he asks himself that he does not have the courage.

It is said that the older Zhang Hu gets, the less courageous he becomes. He is used to living a life of luxury and entertainment, and he is reluctant to leave this colorful world so soon. However, cooperation is cooperation, and the extent of cooperation depends on the price offered by the Japanese. The top-secret information in his hands is not one or two, and he must see enough benefits.

In addition, the Japanese may not know his position in Shanghai District. They only know his name and identity as a military commander. They have to find a way to test him and reflect his value.

After thinking clearly, Chen Mingchu quickly sat up straight, bent slightly, greeted Li Shiqun and Hase Ryosuke with a smile, and then pretended to be confused and asked them about their purpose.

“Mr. Changgu, Mr. Li, I have heard about these two famous names in Shanghai for a long time. It is a great blessing to meet you today. I don’t know why you two came to see Chen.

 Chen is just an ordinary businessman. If Director Li wants banknotes, I will immediately raise a batch of cash and send it to you. You don’t have to pay it back. Let’s just make friends. "

Li Shiqun chuckled lightly and without saying much, he took out a neatly stacked piece of information from his pocket and threw it on the table, motioning for Chen Mingchu to open it and take a look.

 Chen Mingchu made a smile at first, and then carefully unfolded the document and found that it contained his detailed resume and past experience, which was probably more detailed than what his immediate boss, Shanghai District Mayor Chen Gongshu, knew.

With such a piece of information, no matter what he said, it was useless. The Japanese could easily find out the relevant information by following the map. At this time, he saw a record of his own in the bookstore, and suddenly remembered a person in his mind.

 He Xingjian!

 The discipline of the military commander is very strict. Except for Dai Chunfeng and mission needs, no one is prepared to get married and fall in love during the war, including the officers at the headquarters.

  Not even getting married, let alone going to a place like a bookstore. He never told his colleagues in Shanghai District about this, and only played with He Xingjian from the Zhongjiu Army a few times.

He Xingjian was born in Caobang. He was very familiar with the smoke and willow land in Shanghai and was generous in his dealings. Therefore, the two hit it off and went to various book houses in the city together many times to have fun.

The other party must have obtained his identity and address at that time. A few months ago, the other party led people to surrender to the Japanese, so he sold himself as a fellow person!

The more Chen Mingchu thought about it, the more he regretted it. Knowing that He Xingjian surrendered, he should give up his disguise and evacuate Shanghai. He should not take chances. Now, the Japanese came to his door.

 After feeling annoyed for a while, he gave Li Shiqun a wry smile: "It seems that Chen underestimated the Secret Service Headquarters. Well, I am Chen Mingchu, the personnel commissioner of the Military Command in Shanghai, and I am willing to cooperate.

I just ask you two to send someone to protect me. If the military commander knows about this, he will definitely send sanctions personnel. My life and death are not important. It will be bad if it delays the important affairs of the empire. "

The shameless Chen Mingchu has even called out the empire now. He has no choice. As a member of the military commander, he knows very well that Dai Chunfeng has only one way to deal with traitors, and that is to kill!

If he wants to survive, he must hold on to the Japanese's thighs, otherwise once the news leaks out, the Shanghai District's action team will retaliate against him in less than 24 hours.


 Hase Ryosuke, who was watching with cold eyes, didn't notice anything unusual about Chen Mingchu. A big stone finally fell to the ground. Then he clapped gently, showed a false smile and said something.

“Yo Xi, it’s a great thing that Chen Sang is willing to surrender and cooperate with the empire. On behalf of the empire, I welcome your surrender. Please rest assured that we will protect your safety.

If necessary, Li Sang's secret service headquarters and even the elite garrison of the empire can be dispatched. As long as the gunmen of the military command dare to appear, the only fate waiting for them is death.

However, Li Sang, I am a businessman and I pay attention to costs when doing things. How much high-level intelligence you can disclose determines the level of protection you can receive. Do you understand? "

Li Shiqun nodded in agreement. The intelligence industry is like this. There is only one criterion to measure the value of a person - the quantity and importance of intelligence.

No. 76 is not a charity organization, and will not make great efforts to protect every defector. In that case, they would simply stop working. After all, every one of No. 76 is a defector.

 Chen Mingchu immediately became anxious when he heard their response, secretly cursing that the Japanese were really nothing, but in order to show their value, he had to tell all the information he knew.

“I said, I have a roster of people from Shanghai District. They all came to Shanghai from other places after the 26th year of the Republic of China. The reason is that the headquarters is worried that the former Shanghai Station personnel are too familiar with the Caogang, which is not conducive to confidentiality.

I am also familiar with the middle- and upper-class people in Jinling District, as well as Anqing. Stationmaster Cai of Anqing Station is a good friend of mine. I once went to Anqing Station to deliver a piece of information, and I still remember the address.

In addition, I can help you catch Zheng Shisong, the deputy district chief of Shanghai District. I have a good relationship with him and know where he lives. I have never told anyone about this. "

 The military controlled Shanghai District.

 Jinling District.

 Anqing Station.

These three district stations are important nodes for military control in the lower reaches of Changjiang. Once destroyed, the government will lose its intelligence control over this large area, and the consequences will be disastrous.

In turn, this is a great good thing for the Japanese and No. 76. Li Shiqun nodded lightly to Hase Ryosuke, and then glanced at the woman on the table indifferently.

This matter is of great importance, and no fourth person can know about it except Chen Mingchu. He was about to notify his men to deal with the other party, but before he could get up, he saw people from Ding Mocun walking in.

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