Cicada Moving

Chapter 1000: There is not much time left for Shanghai District

Chapter 1000: There is not much time left for Shanghai District

  No. 76, Jisi Feier Road, late at night.

The conference room of the pseudo-agent headquarters was full of people. Heads from eight offices and four rooms gathered together. The traitors asked each other why the meeting was held so late, with more or less worried looks on their faces.

Looking at the situation today, either a big thing happened outside or something big happened internally. No matter what happened, it would not be a good thing for those who defected from the government, and maybe someone would die again.

If something big happens outside, there will inevitably be exchanges of fire and fighting. It's okay if the opponent is the Central Government, but if it comes against the military commander and the underground party, no one present will have the confidence to escape unscathed.

Especially the military commander, whose equipment is no less than that of No. 76, and his action style is extremely ferocious. He punishes traitors without mercy. He will never use guns if he can use bombs, and he will never assassinate if he can openly assassinate.

And unlike the underground party, which has a "lady's kindness", it will not care if it encounters irrelevant people during the operation, and has no scruples. Once it fails to achieve its goal, it will never give up. In the past few months, several people have been arrested in Shanghai. kill.

For example, Mr. Tang, the veteran of Beiyang, and Chen Lu, who is about to serve as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the new government. These are just names, and there are many more who disappeared without a trace without knowing it, and it is not known where they died. .

 And something big happened internally to make it even worse. No. 76 had just been established, and the background of the personnel was complicated. However, the director and deputy director were suspicious in nature. If something went wrong, they would kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, and use this to warn others.

Thinking that they might be regarded as "monkeys", all the traitors had the same expressions as if their mother had died, until Ding Mocun, Li Shiqun, Osako Tosada and Hase Ryosuke walked in together.

 “Stand up.”

 A No. 76 agent shouted, and everyone present stood up. After all, it is a disciplinary organ, and there must be rules. Moreover, Dingmo Village attaches great importance to these appearances.

  After all, he was just an insignificant figure in the government back then, and his official position and status were not as high as some of his current subordinates. If he wanted to completely control No. 76, the more rules and regulations the better, so as to make it easier for others to wear small shoes.

Ding Mocun glanced at the bottom, nodded with satisfaction, asked his master Osako Tsusada and Hase Ryosuke for instructions, and then said softly with a thick Xiang accent, "Sit down."

The traitors sat down one after another, straightening their backs and waiting for instructions. In terms of work ability, they may not be good at work, but when it comes to pretentiousness, one of them can be counted as an expert.

 “Inform a situation.”

“An hour ago, Chen Mingchu, the personnel commissioner of Juntong Shanghai District, surrendered to the empire and the new government and revealed a lot of information, including the roster of all personnel in Juntong Shanghai District.”

After everyone sat down, Ding Mocun, with a smile on his face, said nothing nonsense and proudly told the story about Chen Mingchu. After all, this was the first time that No. 76 had obtained relevant information about the military command.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this and couldn't believe their ears. Since the days of the old Bureau of Investigation and Statistics, the Secret Service Headquarters has not been able to get a single advantage from the Secret Service.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the new special agent headquarters was established, they would instigate such an important figure from their old rival, the Shanghai District Personnel Commissioner. This was a key position. How would such a person surrender to the new government?

Thinking of the opportunity to teach Juntong a lesson, some people were overjoyed, some felt that Dingmo Village was fabricating their military exploits, and some were worried but pretended to be happy on the surface.

“Dawei, do you think this is reliable?”

In the crowd, Wu Sibao, captain of the No. 76 Guard Brigade, asked a young man next to him in a low voice. He seemed not to believe what his immediate superior said.

The young man named Dawei lowered his head and replied nonchalantly: "How do I know? But brother Sibao, our brothers have no enmity with the military commanders. When something happens, let the central commanders go first."

Wu Sibao immediately nodded desperately. He was not a fool. He was a military commander. He was a professional spy who killed people without blinking an eye. He was not absolutely sure. He would only go to that muddy water if he was crazy.

Furthermore, No. 76 is now divided into two major forces, one is Zhongtong, and the other is Caobang. The former’s backer is Director Ding Mocun, and the latter’s backer is Deputy Director Li Shiqun, who has a close relationship with Caobang.

These two forces respectively control several important departments. Under the leadership of Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun, they compete for the control of No. 76. The two sides fight to the death and blood, both wishing that the other party would fall, so how can they help.

So the members of No. 76 did not respond as Ding Mocun imagined, shouting slogans to defeat the military commander. This made Ding Mocun, who was preparing to show off in front of the two Japanese masters, very embarrassed.

 In the end, Li Shiqun raised his hand and clapped vigorously, and the gang members below followed suit. Finally, Dingmo Village was not embarrassed, and the atmosphere in the conference room became subtle.

The scheming Ding Mocun seemed not to be affected by the scene just now. He continued to smile, spoke a few words to everyone and stated the purpose of summoning everyone here.

“This case is being investigated by Deputy Director Li personally, and Chen Mingchu has confessed to the list. The Special Committee on China is looking for ways to screen, and once the identity of the person is confirmed, he will be arrested immediately.

I would like to warn everyone that everyone must unite sincerely. After the operation is successful, the new government and President Ji will not treat the meritorious officials badly, and the Japanese Empire will not forget you.

I now order that no one is allowed to leave the conference room from now on. Even if it is convenient, they must be in groups of three. Violators will be punished as collaborators and await the next order of action. "

 After speaking, he looked at the expressionless Li Shiqun, Osako Tosada, and Hase Ryousuke. Seeing that the three of them had no objections, he announced that the meeting was adjourned. The four of them walked out of the conference room and went to the director's office. "Ding Sang, Li Sang, send someone to keep an eye on member No. 76 in the conference room. Do you understand?"

Osako Tongzada stayed in the Republic of China for more than ten years, and his accent was still half-baked when he spoke. He sat on the main seat and gave orders to Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun without hesitation.

Facing his order, Ding Mocun showed no prestige in the conference room. He nodded and bowed and said: "Hai, please don't worry, Chief Oso, I have arranged for capable personnel to monitor you.

      The external telephone calls and radio stations in No. 76 have been cut off, and there are spies inside and outside the toilet. As long as any of them contacts the outside world, they will be discovered. I swear on my life. "


Hase Ryosuke sneered and mocked Ding Mocun in a nonchalant manner: "Director Ding, if the news is leaked, what's the use of killing you? The empire will still lose its best opportunity to deal with the military commander.

I advise you, if you have time to take pictures of the head of the Dafa agency, it is better to focus on your work than on your colleagues, and send the informants who are arranged around your own people to the people of the Republic of China and the underground party. . "

At this time, Chang Gu was furious. He was originally planning to learn the information about Chen Mingchu and then report it to "Fat Tiger", but no one knew that Dinmo Village suddenly appeared and notified Osako Tosada.

At this time, not to mention the personnel protecting the Shanghai District of Juntong, even he himself was in danger, not to mention not being able to get a benefit that was close at hand, which was even worse than killing him.

Li Shiqun's face turned darker when he heard Chang Gu's words. Although according to Chang Gu, the matter cannot be concealed, there are two different concepts between voluntarily revealing it and being betrayed by his subordinates.

Ding Mocun, who was reprimanded, stood quietly beside Daxue without saying a word. Hase is a Japanese and an assistant officer of the Special Committee on China, and has the power to guide the work of No. 76.

When the other party was furious, it was useless for him to say anything. It was better to let the Japanese deal with the Japanese. As far as he knew, Osako Tsusada had long been dissatisfied with Hase Ryosuke for some reason.

He guessed it right. Seeing his cronies being scolded, Osako Tsusada frowned, with a hint of displeasure on his expression, and turned the topic to the matter of finding out the identities of the members of the Juntong Shanghai District.

“Mr. Changgu, what Ding Sang did was his duty. We should not interfere too much in the internal affairs of the new government. As the director of the secret service headquarters, he has the power to conduct internal surveillance.

In addition, you suggest using the household registration information of urban areas and concession patrol houses to screen the military special agents on the roster. Is it too slow? What if the people of the Republic of China get the news? "

As soon as he saw Dinmo Village at the Casanova Ballroom, Hase Ryosuke knew that the only thing he could do was delay time, and identifying military reunification agents was obviously the best reason.

 In the final analysis, the roster does not represent information. It is impossible for agents to use their real names while lurking. People cannot be caught with just their names. Other clues must be used to compare and find the target.

Thinking of this, he sighed and said in a helpless tone: "Your Excellency Osako, the discipline of military command is very strict. There is one-way communication between different groups and there is no horizontal contact with each other.

 Chen Mingchu only knew the real names of these people, but did not know their disguised identities and addresses in Shanghai. In this case, the list was actually not of much value.

But in his daily work, he once used the dead mailbox to meet with the leaders of various groups and knew their appearance. He also said that most of the people in Shanghai District were transferred from other places after the war. We can screen through this .

As long as the household registrations of people who came to Shanghai around July 1937 were all shown to Chen Mingchu, Chen Mingchu must first find out the leaders of the various intelligence teams he knew and then follow the clues.

Prior to this, No. 76 must not touch Zheng Shisong, the deputy district chief of Juntong Shanghai District, as well as people from Jinling District and Anqing Station, so as not to alert the snake, and just maintain long-distance surveillance. "

 “Yo Xi…”

These words were well-founded. Osako Michizada thought about it seriously and realized that it was indeed the case. Then he sat on the sofa and looked at his watch from time to time, waiting for the results of Chen Mingchu's screening of household registration information.

Although Shanghai has a large population, in the future the time range of Shanghai will be reduced to a month or even half a month. The number of people is not as exaggerated as imagined. It is not impossible to find people from here.

In the seat next to Osako, Hase Ryosuke closed his eyes and thought for a long time, and finally gave up reporting to Yamashiro. He had done everything he could. Now it was up to Shanghai District to find out that Chen Mingchu had defected.

In the conference room on the other side, the young man sitting next to Wu Sibao looked at the armed guards outside the door. He gritted his teeth and prepared to go to the toilet, but stopped the moment he got up.

Time passed by, and the time left for the military to control the Shanghai District was getting less and less. However, out of everyone's sight, a wire in the ceiling of No. 76 passed through a vertical steel pipe and penetrated deep into the ground.

 A few minutes later, a voice faintly sounded in a dark, small, extremely stuffy room: "Notify my hometown, "listen" to, requesting instructions."

 (End of this chapter)

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