Cicada Moving

Chapter 1001: "Listen carefully"

Chapter 1001 “Listen”

 Resident of Japan’s Special Committee on China.

Only one room in the dark building had the lights on. Chen Mingchu was sitting among a pile of documents, constantly placing the opened documents under the desk lamp to carefully read the photos above.

Except for the district chief Chen Gongshu and the deputy district chief Zheng Shisong, who were never seen before, he only met a few heads of the intelligence team. These old colleagues were his entry point.

 He ​​knew very well that if he could not show value, the Japanese would at best place him in No. 76 as a disgusting agent. As for protection, glory and wealth, there would definitely be no protection.

Even after he loses his use value, he will be treated like the woman and thrown directly into the Huangpu River. The Japanese are famous for turning their backs and not recognizing others, and they have no moral principles.

 Chen Mingchu was fighting for his own life. He sat here and screened the information for several hours, looking through thousands of files of people who came to Shanghai around July 1937.

Just when he was dizzy, a piece of household registration information obtained from the patrol house in the public concession flashed past. Chen Mingchu was stunned for a moment and took back the document that had been put aside.

Under the dim light is a black and white photo of a middle-aged man with short hair and long beard, wearing a pair of round-rimmed glasses and a robe. He looks like a very traditional literati of the Republic of China.

At the same time, Chen Mingchu recalled a certain intelligence team leader he met a few months ago. The other person was dressed in a standard casual dress, with a white face and no beard, and his speech and behavior were very Westernized.

Although the clothing styles and appearances of the two people were completely different, for some reason, he felt that they were similar in some way. After thinking for a moment, he blocked the upper and lower parts of the photo with paper, leaving only a pair of eyes.

 “It’s really the same person!”

 Chen Mingchu said softly, with a look on his face as if it was true. The Secret Service and the military commander have strict requirements on the discipline of communication. Unless there are special requirements, no one is allowed to meet under disguise.

In order to prevent someone from rebelling, the person's appearance and physical characteristics are used to trace the person. However, makeup has limitations after all. For example, the eyes cannot be perfectly concealed.

 In short, he caught this government agent and his life was saved. Chen Mingchu smiled with satisfaction, then put the household registration information aside and speeded up the screening.

As the first intelligence team leader belonging to Shanghai District was successfully identified, Chen Mingchu seemed to have found an idea. Soon, many intelligence officers who had met with him were exposed. It was just getting light.

At the same time, there was a knock on the door outside Zuo Zhong's residence at No. 19 Luojiawan in the mountain city. Zuo Zhong in the bedroom suddenly opened his eyes when he heard the sound. He did not turn on the light immediately, but took one out from the back of the bed and put it on. Browning.

As for why you don’t put the gun under the pillow, firstly, it is easy to injure yourself if it fires, and secondly, in an emergency, you have to raise your hand or turn over to find the gun, which wastes too much time.

Putting the gun on the back of the bed eliminates these worries. It can be reached with your hand, and you can aim and fire in the shortest time. In the intelligence business, there are only a lot of enemies, so there is no harm in making more preparations.

Zuo Zhong was wearing pajamas, and moved quietly to the window. He took a mirror that had been prepared from the bookshelf next to him and looked out the window, using the reflection to observe downstairs.

In the dim morning light, an anxious-looking Wu Chunyang was seen pacing back and forth at the door of the villa, holding a document bag in his hand, and kept looking down at his watch as he walked.

problem occurs!

Moreover, something serious had happened, otherwise the opponent would not have come so early. Zuo Zhong felt a chill in his heart. He didn't have time to change his clothes, so he stuffed the gun into his lower back and walked downstairs downstairs to open the door.

 “Vice-seat, it’s not good!”

As soon as he saw him, Wu Chunyang handed over the document bag and said hurriedly: "Listen to the call. The personnel commissioner of Shanghai District, Chen Mingchu, has rebelled. The roster of personnel in Shanghai District, the address of Deputy District Chief Zheng Shisong, and the situation of middle and high-level personnel in Jinling District." , the director of Anqing Station and his office location were exposed!”

Zuo Zhong's head was buzzing, wondering whether he was a thief or a thief who had mastered important information. The personnel specialist was a key personnel of a district station.

 Normally speaking, in this position, as long as you don't seek death, you won't have a problem becoming a deputy webmaster or webmaster in a few years, and you won't make less money. Why on earth would the other party surrender to the enemy? Isn't it afraid of sanctions?

He opened the document bag with doubts and quickly read the contents inside. His lungs almost exploded because Chen Mingchu, a bastard, surrendered without even entering the interrogation room.

 Shame, this is a huge shame!

When did the members of the military command become like the losers of the Zhongtong gang? They didn’t even have the courage to commit suicide when they were captured by the enemy. Who recommended it? It’s unreasonable that such people can become personnel specialists.

However, the good mentality developed through long-term intelligence work allowed Zuo Zhong to regain his composure instantly. It was too late to say anything now. It was most important to notify Shanghai District, Jinling District and Anqing Station to evacuate as soon as possible.

It's just that this kind of large-scale evacuation and evacuation operation must be authorized by Teacher Xiang, otherwise the field staff will not accept the order, even if he is the deputy director, and even if Chen Gongshu is familiar with him.

 In some later film and television dramas, the protagonist points a gun at strangers in the battlefield and asks other system personnel to give way, and then performs a thrilling plot of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, which makes the audience excited.

 In fact, this kind of thing is simply impossible to happen in reality. Is it true that the state machinery is fake? No matter how corrupt the state government is, there must be no lack of procedures in official affairs, because this is the basis for the operation of the state. At this time, Zuo Zhong didn't care about what was decent or not. Wearing pajamas and slippers, he strode towards Dai Chunfeng's residence next door. On the way, he asked about Chen Mingchu's background.

As a result, Wu Chunyang said a name with a livid face: "Li Qiwu, he was recommended by Li Qiwu. Chen Mingchu joined Beiping Station in the 23rd year of the Republic of China, and met a man named Li there.

After Li Qiwu was brought back to Jinling by Deputy Director Zheng, he used private channels to transfer him to the Jinling field department as a section chief. When the government retreated, Chen Mingchu was ordered to perform lurking missions on the spot.

But after Li Qiwu's operation, within a month he went to Shanghai District to serve as the personnel specialist. I checked the bureau's personnel appointment records, and there was indeed a signature from the bureau chief, alas. "

Wu Chunyang didn't know what to say. According to the internal procedures of the military command, the department or district station should first apply for personnel transfer and appointment, and then Gu Qi's second office would conduct an internal review and background investigation.

Then, depending on the identity, it will be submitted to the Secret Personnel Section or the Public Personnel Section of the Personnel Department for approval. After approval, it will be reported to the deputy director in charge, the deputy director in charge, and finally the director will issue the order.

Zuo Zhong also frowned. Li Qiwu had been very low-key in the past two years. He originally thought that the other party was a good example, but he didn't expect to use a deception trick with him to expand his influence through lower-level personnel.

 To expand your influence, expand your influence. At least find a few reliable people. Putting a weakling in a position of power in personnel affairs will end up harming others and yourself.

While talking, the two of them walked into Dai Chunfeng's villa and saw Lao Dai who was woken up by the servant in the reception room. Zuo Zhong had no time to talk nonsense and told him about the events in Shanghai.

Lao Dai, who was yawning on the sofa, suddenly stood up, his eyes widened like a big frog, an unfilial disciple thought to himself.

“Be careful, hurry up, get in touch with the telecommunications office, and ask them to immediately call Shanghai and Jinling to warn you, and convey it from Jinling to Anqing, ordering all personnel to enter a state of silence, and all previous contact points and dead mailboxes will be invalidated.”

Dai Chunfeng was also the famous "King of Spies" in later generations. He only hesitated for a moment and then realized that no matter what, he wanted to ensure the safety of the personnel first and immediately motioned Zuo Zhong to make a call.

Zuo Zhong did not hesitate, picked up the microphone in the corner of the reception room, and after the call was connected, he conveyed Lao Dai's order to the other party, and then handed the phone to Teacher Biandian.

Lao Dai took the phone and gave a few words of gratitude, and then muttered "Snow Mountains have been cold forever" in a confused manner. This should be an agreed upon authorization code to prevent anyone from imitating Lao Dai's accent or Lao Dai being coerced.

After making the call, Dai Chunfeng sighed with relief and slowly sat down. Then he patted the sofa vigorously and began to curse his old classmate Li Qiwu in uncommon and difficult to understand Zhangshan dialect.

The implication behind the words is that he was deceived by Li Qiwu. If the other party hadn't praised Chen Mingchu so much, he wouldn't have been able to place this person in such an important position.

Zuo Zhong’s mother was also from Shanshan, so she naturally understood what he said. She smiled lightly when she heard what he said. It was just a matter of listening to what he said. If you believed it, it would be a big deal.

At present, Lao Dai's power is the only one in the military system, but it can also be divided into several internal factions. Among them, Zuo Zhong has the greatest influence, not to mention the headquarters intelligence and operational systems, and even other departments and local districts. People who were diverted from the old intelligence department.

These people are highly capable and have the support of the deputy director. In the past few years, they have basically held one and a half positions. It can be said that as long as the top management needs it, Zuo Zhong is fully capable of ousting Dai Chunfeng and taking complete control of the military control bureau.

Even if this possibility is very small, Dai Chunfeng must be on guard. Although he will not specifically target Zuo Zhong, he must definitely deploy a few personnel. This relationship between master and disciple has nothing to do with it, it is entirely political needs.

 It’s understandable that there are checks and balances.

Therefore, Zuo Zhong waited for Lao Dai to finish speaking and then said nonchalantly: "Teacher, you don't have to blame yourself. There are more than 100,000 people in the military command headquarters, local district stations and the Zhongjiu Army. If you want to do everything yourself, you can do it even if you don't sleep. Can't do it.

 You don’t have to blame Director Li. He recommended Chen Mingchu for official reasons, but he was just deceived by the other party. I know Lao Li. His work ability may not be great, but there is no problem with his loyalty. "

Hearing what Zuo Zhong said, Lao Dai's expression changed slightly. Knowing that his proud disciple didn't care about being mixed with sand, he was relieved and gave up asking about "Ting Ting".

The fewer people who know about some special eyes and ears, the safer it is. For example, he has several senior agents who don't even have files in the Military Command Bureau. This is his last trump card and will not be used until critical moments.

The codename "Tingting" is a bit interesting. Tingting is the sacred beast of Ksitigarbha. Living under the Nine Netherworld, it can identify the good and evil of all things in the world by listening to the voice of the heart. It is said to be omniscient.

 Could it be that in addition to Hase Ryosuke, there is also that little guy named Tongsuo, Shen Zhi's person has already penetrated into the top management of No. 76, and can quickly grasp the opponent's movements? Dai Chunfeng guessed silently.

Deputy Director Zuo, who was full of tea, glanced at Dai Chunfeng secretly after stabbing the soft knife, and reported the results of "Operation Mirage" at every opportunity. Lao Dai kept smiling and nodding, and the reception room was filled with a warm scene of master's kindness and disciple's filial piety.

The two of them chatted happily in the mountain city. Chen Gongshu, who was thousands of miles away, wanted to die. After reading the warning message from the headquarters, the old agent turned pale and started an emergency evacuation plan amid uneasiness and fear.

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