Cicada Moving

Chapter 1003: Twists and turns (1000

Chapter 1003: Twists and turns (it’s 1000 chapters, it’s not easy)

 Zhabei Hunan Provincial Hall.

Wu Sibao, captain of the No. 76 Guard Brigade, sat in front of a square table on the roof of the building. There was a charcoal stove in the middle of the square table. The red flames kept licking the casserole above, making a gurgling sound.

The white soup boils in the pot, and the alluring aroma of fresh shrimps, raw toads, eggs, tender chicken slices, kidneys, squid, fish **** and other ingredients wafts out, attracting the surrounding traitors to swallow their saliva.

 “Dawei, come and eat.”

Wu Sibao, who had a fat head, big ears and a ferocious appearance, smiled and said something to a young man next to him who was not very old and had sharp eyes. He then picked up a piece of fish from the pot with chopsticks and threw it into his mouth to chew.

The young man nodded, casually picked up some food and put it into the bowl. He did not eat it immediately like the other person, but turned his head to look downstairs and frowned.

Wu Sibao seemed to know what he was thinking, and said nonchalantly: "Dawei, don't worry, that guy won't go out for half an hour, we just wait, and we will arrest him as soon as he leaves.

You too, it’s great to be a bodyguard next to the master, there is no danger and there is profit and water. Why are you coming to No. 76? I really don’t know what you think. Come on, let us brothers have a drink. "

 After speaking, he picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, then took the opportunity to glance at the young man. A flash of jealousy quickly flashed in his eyes. He became increasingly dissatisfied with his master Ji Yunqing, and secretly cursed the old man.

They were all Ji Yunqing's apprentices. Some became the director of No. 76, and some became directors and made a lot of money. Wu Sibao became the captain of the security brigade, doing the hardest and most tiring work. Minimal benefits.

That was all. After all, those people had followed Ji Yunqing for a long time, but the young man in front of him had only known Ji Yunqing for a few years. Ji Yunqing recognized his adopted son, named him, and reportedly wanted to support him to become the director of the inspection office of No. 76. This is simply unreasonable.

 Ji Dawei, great achievements, great achievements.

Listen to this name, it is obvious that he wants to raise the other person as his own son. Why? Is it just because the other person saved the old man in the Jinling cell? He is really a very lucky guy.

These thoughts flashed through Wu Sibao's mind. When he put down the wine glass, his fat face returned to its usual "honest" appearance, and he enthusiastically helped the young man pick up some ingredients without any clues.

Ji Dawei, or Tongsuo, smiled and said thank you, but he sneered in his heart. He really made himself a fool. When it comes to backstabbing, you traitors are still very young. I think I was... Forget it, just don’t mention it.

If he hadn't been worried about his identity being exposed, he would have used bombs to send the other party, Ji Yunqing, Ding Mocun and others to the sky. Then Tongsuo reminded Wu Sibao with a few words of concern.

“Brother Sibao, this is a task assigned by the Japanese. You must not be careless, especially since your position as captain is not yet secure. If something goes wrong, it will be terrible.

I didn’t want to say these words at first, but you and I are good friends, so I have to say it. Don’t forget, many senior brothers who have no errands are eagerly waiting for us to make mistakes. "

Facing Tongsuo's "sincere" concern, Wu Sibao paused with his chopsticks while picking up food. He was ruthless in doing things. He who never knew what morality was suddenly felt a little ashamed.

Perhaps it would be a good thing to have Ji Dawei as the director of the inspection office?

The inspection room investigates corruption and internal discipline. If one of our own is the director, it will be easier for him to handle things in the future. The other person is kind and will definitely not be unkind.

Wu Sibao hesitated for a while and felt that he still needed to observe for a while. Although Ji Dawei said it nicely, if he was lied to, he could not trust anyone easily when he was hanging out in the lake.

Seeing that he didn't respond and didn't care, Tongsuo stood up naturally and walked to the window. He looked sideways at the small church across the road. A man in a priest's robe was preaching to passers-by in front of the door.

At this time, the sun was rising higher and higher, and the light shone into the house through the window lattice. Tongsuo glanced at Wu Sibao who was eating a lot and the little agent in charge of the security. He slowly raised his left hand and rubbed his chin, pretending to think.

His wrist turned slightly, and the smooth dial glass kept changing its angle to face the sunlight, forming a faint reflection. After a while, the priest downstairs stopped preaching and walked slowly back into the church.

 Tongsuo relaxed slightly, but did not leave the window immediately. He continued to look at it for a while and then returned to the table to eat casserole with Wu Sibao. Thirty minutes passed quickly.

Seeing that the target did not go out as usual, Wu Sibao sensed something was wrong and ignored the secret arrest. He immediately threw down his chopsticks and brass locks and led people into the church, only to find a tunnel in the confessional.

Unwilling to give up, he sent people to drill into the tunnel. A few minutes later, a dull booby blast not only took away the lives of several traitors, but also declared the complete failure of the arrest operation and triggered chaos among the people.

What frightened Wu Sibao even more was that after searching the church, the agents found several 150mm artillery shell traps under the church floor. Fortunately, the target was in a hurry to escape without hanging a string.

 Otherwise, no one present would have survived. During the Battle of Songhu, everyone had already seen the destructive power of this kind of artillery shell. One can blast a large crater several meters deep. People within a radius of 20 meters from the center of the explosion will be blown to pieces. People within a radius of 50 meters will have their internal organs severely damaged and have no chance of survival. People within a radius of 150 meters can barely survive.

Tong Suo, who was watching, secretly cried out that it was a pity. He knew that his own people were afraid of accidentally hurting him who reported the news, so he did not activate the trap and wasted the opportunity to catch up with the No. 76 Guard Brigade. Otherwise, he would have paid the money and been promoted at this time tomorrow.

More than ten minutes later, news of the arrest locations came one by one. Except for one arrest target who was discovered while escaping and was killed after exchanging fire with Japanese military police and No. 76 personnel, the rest of the military special agents all escaped.

Moreover, these people set up booby traps before leaving, killing hundreds of spies and dozens of Japanese soldiers on the spot. After learning that so many people had died, the Japanese headquarters in Shanghai had declared martial law.

Wu Sibao also heard that the only national agent who was shot killed seven or eight people with just a pistol. If the bullets had not been exhausted, we don't know how many people would have died.

Even so, the opponent still resolutely fired the grenade after being shot, and even pulled several people on their backs before he died. The scene was full of blood and broken limbs, and it was too tragic to look at.

The decisiveness and ferocity of the military intelligence officers made members of No. 76 with Cao Gang backgrounds frightened, and also reminded many former members of the Secret Service Headquarters of the losses they suffered at the hands of the Secret Service.

This is really a life-threatening job, and it is completely different from bullying the people and fighting in Changhu. Sooner or later something will happen if we continue like this, and many people have given up.

Wu Sibao naturally saw that people's hearts were broken, but he had nothing to do. They were all Japanese who had taken refuge for glory and wealth, and it was impossible for them to really die for the Japanese.

 After hesitating for a long time, he had no choice but to lead his men in disgrace to Tongfu Road to meet up with others before making plans. On the way, Tong Suo lost no time in comforting the other party with a few words of warmth.

This made Wu Sibao very moved. He once again felt that "Ji Dawei" was loyal enough, and he also understood why his master Ji Yunqing valued this person so much. After all, no one wanted to be surrounded by duplicitous people.

The two people hurriedly and slowly arrived at Tongfu Road, and then they saw Osako Tongzhen raising his hand and giving Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun a big slap in the ears while everyone was watching, and roared at the same time.

"Baga! Why did the intelligence of the operation leak? There must be a spy in your No. 76. Immediately detain all members who left the conference room while waiting for the operation and strictly examine them."

These words frightened Agent No. 76 present so much that they felt weak in the knees, mole, and censorship. If these four words came out, it would not be able to end without killing a few people. I just didn’t know who would be unlucky.

Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun clenched their fists tightly. No matter how low their status in the government was, they would never be so disrespectful to Shangfeng. After these two slaps, how could they lead No. 76?

At this time, except for Osako Tsusada's hoarse roar, the scene was eerily quiet. Some of the traitors who had left the meeting room had fierce looks on their eyes and slowly reached for their guns.

These people are all gangsters recruited by Dingmo Village. Their daily job is to kill people and set fires. At that time, they even dared to rob the government and military materials and materials. They can be described as audacious.

Since going back will mean death anyway, it is better to give it a try now, kill this fat Japanese man and report it to the government, and then become an anti-Japanese hero, which is worse than being beaten to death like a dog.

Hase Ryosuke, who noticed this scene, really wanted to call Osako Tosada a loser. He could do nothing but threaten and kill people. No wonder the Aoki Mansion was dismantled. It's a wonder that such an institution would not be disbanded.

Furthermore, if people from the new government get into a fight with them on the street and destroy high-level goodwill plans, no matter what the outcome, he, the special commissioner for China, will be in trouble.

 With this thought, he couldn't help it anymore. He stepped forward and waved his hand with a smile to tell Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun to stay away. Then he came to Osako Tongzada and whispered.

"Your Excellency, Chief of the Agency, you and I have all dealt with the military commanders. It is not easy to kill a member of the military commanders. There is no need to criticize these people of the Republic of China. The empire's strategy requires Mr. Ji and his men.

I think the most important thing now is not to track down the insider, but to wait for news from Jinling and Anqing. As long as the operations in these two places are fruitful, the failure in Shanghai is insignificant. "

After hearing this, Osako Tosada wanted to refute, but reason told him that Hase was right. What Tokyo and the military needed was victory. As for where the victory was won, no one would care.

Just as he was talking, a Japanese spy came to the two of them and whispered a few words into Osako's ear. After listening, Osako's mouth slowly opened wide, and then he let out a laugh like a ghost crying or a wolf howling.

Hase Ryosuke has a good ear and heard the report of the visitor: Zheng Shisong, the deputy district chief of the Shanghai District of Juntong, was arrested, the national intelligence organizations in Jinling and Anqing were uprooted by the local military police, and dozens of people were arrested and killed.

Although I don’t know how the military commander knew the information, since everyone else ran away, Zheng Shisong and the military commanders in Jinling and Anqing should have retreated in time. Why was the loss so huge? What on earth is going on!

 (End of this chapter)

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