Cicada Moving

Chapter 1004: A strange combination of circumstances

Chapter 1004 A strange combination of circumstances

 tens of minutes ago.

Just when Osako Tongzheng witnessed Liu Gang leaping off the Tiebian Bridge, Zheng Shisong, deputy director of Juntong Shanghai District, stepped off the tram in the French Concession and walked calmly towards his residence.

Different from ordinary military agents, Zheng Shisong has regular features and fair skin. He wears a suit, a high-collared white shirt, a silk flower tie, square-toed shoes, and a standard Koehler look.

At a glance, you can tell that he is a well-paid person working in a foreign company or concession, or a young man from a wealthy family. He is very gentlemanly. Many women along the way are secretly sizing him up.

 Such dressing is obviously inappropriate and dangerous for an intelligence officer, but from another perspective, it is a good disguise. After all, who would have thought that an agent would be so high-profile.

Zheng Shisong kept walking and looked around slowly. As a veteran of the Secret Service and the military commander, this was a habit he had developed over the years, and it had saved him many times.

 Since he met Dai Chunfeng and joined intelligence work in the 20th year of the Republic of China, he has encountered countless dangers. It is only because of this caution that he survives until now. Otherwise, he would have been on the Memorial Wall to the Unknown Heroes.

At that time, he went to Jinmen alone and established an intelligence station under the noses of the Japanese garrison and concession patrol house. He accidentally leaked his whereabouts. If he had not discovered the enemy's deployment in advance, he would have died.

Glancing at the people coming and going, Zheng Shisong couldn't help but sigh when he thought about his identity. After so many years, he was still a deputy district chief and field agent, and he was the only one in the national intelligence system.

But there was no other way. In the 23rd year of the Republic of China, he and a group of brothers from Jinmen Station went to Beiping Bada Hutong to have fun. As a result, after getting drunk, they had a dispute with several guests.

At that time, most of the operational staff at Jinmen Station were from gangs, and many of them used their status as spies to run rampant. During conflicts, they got drunk and beat one of the guests to death on the spot in a rage.

In order to cover up the crime, he panicked and ordered people to pack the body into boxes and secretly transport it in a rickshaw from the back door of the technical courtyard. Then he found a random place to bury it outside the city in the hope of escaping death.

Unexpectedly, the next day, the corpse case in a box in Bada Hutong caused a sensation in the whole city. Major newspapers published the incident one after another, causing an earth-shattering commotion. In the end, even Jinling and the top officials of the government knew about it.

The senior management was furious and killed all the agents involved. If it weren't for Dai Chunfeng's plea, he would have died. In the end, he was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment and spent several years in Beiping prison.

 After the war between China and Japan, Dai Chunfeng was eager to use people to release him from prison. He first asked him to form the North China Zhongjiu Army, and then sent him to Shanghai to assist Chen Gongshu in leading the work of Shanghai District.

So to some extent, he has to thank the Japanese, otherwise he would still have to count lice in the cell. After such an experience, it is normal for him, a veteran military commander, to be in this situation.

Memories flashed through Zheng Shisong's mind like a revolving lantern. Finally, he sighed again and quickened his pace, arriving at the gate of a Shikumen house.

Just as he was about to open the door, from the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw an advertisement on the telephone pole at the corner of the street. There were some random advertisements printed on it, and the colors were very eye-catching.

Zheng Shisong's pupils shrank suddenly, and the right hand that he originally put into his pocket to get the key continued to rummage around, then he shook his head in annoyance and turned back, as if he had forgotten to bring the key.

His cover identity in Shanghai is that of the owner of a chess and card parlor. He is open at night and rests during the day. This identity facilitates contact with people from all walks of life and facilitates intelligence operations.

At this moment, Zheng Shisong's whole body was tense, and he walked step by step to the tram stop at the entrance of the alley. He stood in line behind several passengers. He turned his head left and right, seemingly bored, and quickly observed the people and vehicles within his sight. .

 The place where he lives is in a busy city and not far from the tram station. Naturally, it is impossible for him to remember all the people nearby like Liu Gang. We can only rely on experience to judge whether there are any suspicious signs.

After a while, Zheng Shisong's eyes stopped on the second floor of a grocery store across the road. The climate in Shanghai is humid. If it wasn't raining, most citizens would open their windows to get some air in the morning. In the past, this grocery store did the same, but today the windows were open. Close tightly.

What’s even more suspicious is that the window is closed, and the curtains behind the window are also drawn. This is not the summer when it is extremely hot and requires shade, so there is only one answer. There is someone in the house who does not want to be seen by outsiders.

Zheng Shisong withdrew his gaze, put his hands in his pockets and looked up at the sky, thinking quickly about countermeasures in his mind. In this situation, neither his residence nor the chess and card club could return, and he had to evacuate immediately.

That advertisement was a signal. It meant that the situation had reached its worst point and he could leave without asking for permission. Combined with the abnormality in the grocery store, he was sure that he had been targeted.

Not only did he have to evacuate, but he couldn't stay in Shanghai. He didn't know if the enemy in the dark had obtained his image data. If the other party used the photo to issue a reward, it wouldn't take long for him to be dug out.

After thinking about his next move, the tram happened to stop slowly. Zheng Shisong got on the bus among the crowd. After handing the conductor a banknote, he shouted and passed the door that squeezed towards the rear of the tram.

Not long after, the tram started with a clanging clang and drove to the next station along the railway track. Some of the passengers on the car closed their eyes to meditate, some were reading newspapers, and some were looking out the window.

The rickety carriage swayed from side to side, and the speed slowly increased to more than ten kilometers per hour. It didn't sound too fast, but this was in the urban area of ​​Shanghai with a large population and congested traffic, and other means of transportation were even slower. This is why Zheng Shisong chose the tram as his evacuation tool. He didn't want to be stuck in the middle of the road by the morning traffic, and it would be difficult to get out by then. Thinking of this, he closed his eyes and counted quietly.

15 seconds

  25 seconds

  35 seconds…


When he counted to 45 seconds, another trolley bus entered the main road from a branch road and quickly caught up with it. This was a local trolley bus from the French Concession to the Public Settlement. It was faster than ordinary trams. Much more.

Looking at Zheng Shisong in the carriage again, he opened his eyes when the countdown reached 65 seconds, jumped out from the back door, and ran towards the trolleybus following him without looking back.

Several of the passengers were shocked when they saw this situation. They pushed away the person in front of them and rushed to the window. They watched with their own eyes as the person grabbed the handle of the tram behind them and jumped on in a graceful manner.

Before a few people got off the train, the two trams came to a four-way intersection, one going left and one going right. Zheng Shisong, who was out of danger, turned his head and took off his hat elegantly towards them, with a proud look on his face. smile.


Special Agent No. 76, who was performing the surveillance mission, became angry and beat the car body hard, but he could only watch the other party leave. As for getting out of the car and chasing him, it was too late.

Moreover, there are many people and cars here, and pedestrians are everywhere crossing the road. Even the support cars at the rear cannot keep up with the tram in time. This is the French Concession after all, not the public concession and Zhabei area where they can run rampant.

But things are so strange sometimes. Agent No. 76 had already given up the arrest, but unexpectedly the trolley bus carrying Zheng Shisong slowly stopped, and Zheng Shisong's smile froze on his face.

 “Killed someone.”

With the shouts of passers-by, everyone knew what had happened. The traitors grinned ferociously and put their hands under their clothes and surrounded him. As long as Zheng Shisong dared to resist, merciless bullets were waiting for him.

The unarmed Zheng Shisong looked at the approaching enemies and knew that he was really in trouble this time. As for looking for sharp weapons to take hostages around, these traitors didn't care about the lives of other people at all.

Whether to take the initiative to get out of the car to fight the enemy, to kill one's life to serve the party and the country, or to surrender, these two choices kept popping up in his mind. Until the agents took him hostage and got out of the car, Zheng Shisong still made no move.

  In fact, he had already made a choice. A few years ago, he went from the powerful head of Jinmen Station to a prisoner. This huge change in identity made him think about many things, and at the same time, he lost the courage to commit suicide.

Zheng Shisong felt that he had made great contributions to the country through life and death, but just because he beat a common man to death, he became a model of killing others to make a warning to others. He felt a little resentful in his heart, and naturally he was reluctant to give up his life.

Moreover, the military commander has express requirements that if an irreversible situation is encountered, intelligence personnel are allowed to pretend to surrender to protect themselves. As long as they do not reveal important information or confess after other personnel have retreated, it will not be considered a defection to the enemy.

Therefore, after getting out of the car, he took the initiative to raise his hands to indicate that he was willing to cooperate and let the agents check whether there were any dangerous objects on him. He pinched his index finger with his thumb and made a gesture to indicate to possible companions that he was not really surrendering.

The person in charge of leading the team on the 76th was Wan Lilang, the director of the division responsible for dealing with military reunification. When he saw the deputy district chief of Shanghai District falling into his hands, he was immediately overjoyed and quickly had people put handcuffs and feet on him. Shackles.

 Compared to other people on No. 76, Wan Lilang, who has a mysterious background, is indeed very clear about the operational level of military commanders, and knows that military commanders cannot be treated as ordinary prisoners, as that can easily lead to problems.

 After Zheng Shisong was tied into a knot and entered the prison car under the supervision of several people, with no possibility of escape, Wan Lilang hurriedly made a phone call to report the good news to Dingmo Village.

In Jinling and Anqing, hundreds of miles away, the scene was not so "peaceful". The military special agents in Jinling District and Anqing Station proved their loyalty to the country and nation with their lives.

Like Zheng Shisong’s dramatic capture, the failures in these two places were not due to any mistakes made by the local leaders. Mistakes and luck became important factors in determining the success of the intelligence war between China and Japan.

 It all started with an accident. A few days ago, a mysterious man holding a whisk opened the darkroom and took out a few items, then hid the items in his wide sleeves and left leisurely.

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