Cicada Moving

Chapter 1008: new itinerary

 Chapter 1008 New itinerary

  No. 29, Luojiawan, Shancheng.

In the office of the director of the Military Unification Bureau, three deputy directors, Zuo Chong, Zheng Tingbing, and Zhang Yifu, each in charge of a stall, gathered together for a rare occasion. They sat across from Dai Chunfeng without saying a word, looking at their noses and minds.

Next to the four people was Li Qiwu, whose legs were trembling and constantly wiping the cold sweat from his forehead. This secretary-general of the Military Command who showed off his power in normal times was in a very embarrassed state at this time.

In the past two days, the Telecommunications Department had used all means to fail to contact Jinling District. Dai Chunfeng was just about to activate the emergency communication channel when he saw the news in the newspapers of the occupied area.

  "Jinling and Anqing military commanders were wiped out in one sweep", this bold title was like a blow to the head, which made Lao Dai dizzy. Later, someone called him to his official residence and scolded him.

As soon as he returned from Huangshan's official residence, he called the three deputy directors of the General Command and the culprit Li Qiwu to his office, ready to discuss what to do next.


“Li Qiwu, how did you recommend this person? Do you know how much damage the Chen Mingchu you recommended brought to the party and the country and how many brothers were killed, you bastard!”

Dai Chunfeng slammed the coffee table next to him and let out a roar. The teacup on the coffee table fell to the ground with a clang. Zuo Zhong and the other two people, who were wandering in their daze, came back to their senses and glanced at Li Qiwu with interest.

 There is a kind of person in the world who seems to have no temper and is very polite to everyone, but this is not because he really has no temper, but because he has no capital, or not enough capital to be angry.

Once he succeeds, the cage of desire will be opened, like a volcano that has been dormant for many years, erupting in an instant, plummeting thousands of miles, swallowing everything, and the ferocity will exceed everyone's imagination.

 Li Qiwu is a typical representative of this kind of person.

While working as a field worker at Beiping Station, this person pretended to be a grandson and put on a smiling face all day long. He successfully boarded Zheng Tingbing's ship by flattering him and was taken back to the then Secret Service headquarters.

 As soon as he returned to Jinling, he changed his family again, jumped to Dai Chunfeng's side, and betrayed Zheng Tingbing, who was kind to him. He was a complete two-faced villain.

What's even more annoying is that after becoming the chief secretary, Li Qiwu not only bossed around the division chiefs and section chiefs below him, but even Zhang Yifu, the empty-name deputy director, ignored him.

Several times, Zhang Yifu wanted to change the items in the office, but was rejected by the other party. The reason was that Lao Dai had not changed the items and a deputy director was not qualified to do so.

Furthermore, the other party was not willing to just manage the affairs of the bureau. It interfered with intelligence operations many times, took advantage of its position, blackmailed and extorted the property of businessmen and officials, and forced the victims to live in ruins. The methods were extremely despicable.

The person recommended by such a person became a traitor and caused such a big disaster. It would be kind of Zheng Tingbing and Zhang Yifu not to add insult to injury. Do you want them to plead for mercy? nonexistent.

Seeing that no one spoke up for Li Qiwu, Dai Chunfeng felt angry and resentful in his heart. A person who was mixed up in the agency to the point of anger and resentment showed that he had failed as a human being, and he became more and more disappointed with him.

Zuo Zhong watched this scene calmly. After thinking about it, he felt that he still couldn't embarrass Lao Dai so much, so he coughed lightly and calmed things down with an expressionless face.

“No one wants to see a traitor appear in the bureau. Students believe that the focus now is not to hold anyone accountable, but to restore the operations of Shanghai District and Jinling District as soon as possible.

 Especially the Anqing Information Station under Jinling District is an important node of the national government in China. Materials and intelligence must be transmitted through this place. There is no room for loss and must be rebuilt.

Also, why Jinling did not receive the early warning message? It is because there is a problem with the operator or there is a problem with the radio station. If it is the former, the situation may continue to worsen. "

 After clarifying the top priority, he gave two guesses about the failure of Jinling District to receive the telegram in time, and also put forward his own views on the current situation between the enemy and ourselves.

“Besides, we don’t know what the situation is like in Shanghai, Jinling and others. We only know that people in Shanghai District were arrested on a large scale, and there was a big explosion at Wuliangguan in Jinling District.

 However, how many people have been arrested, how many people have died, and the extent of the damage to the intelligence network are all unknown. Only by clarifying the above issues can we proceed with the next step. "

Li Qiwu, who was bowing his head to accept the criticism, heard this and was ready to kill Zuo Zhong. The other party was afraid that he would not die. With all the losses shown, there was no way he could survive.

Sure enough, Dai Chunfeng was so angry that his teeth were itching when he thought about the unknown life and death of so many elites. His sharp eyes were fixed on Li Qiwu's forehead, as if he was hesitating whether to make a hole in it.

 After thinking for a while, Lao Dai gave up this "open-minded" idea and asked Zuo Zhonglao's lurking personnel in Shanghai's intelligence department if they had sent back any useful information.

 After the Battle of Songhu, the intelligence force of the Secret Service in Shanghai was mainly divided into two parts. One part was the Shanghai District formed after the reorganization and merger of local district stations.

 The other part is the second set of intelligence network composed of intelligence department agents directly affiliated with the headquarters, and wounded members of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Action Team who used various social relationships to lurk in factories, stores, and schools after being broken up.

The two are independent of each other and do not have horizontal communication. They are intended to be used in emergencies. Now is the time to use these people. The damage must be identified as quickly as possible so that the headquarters can conduct an assessment.

Hearing Lao Dai's question, Zuo Zhong did not hide it. He said that he had issued orders to the lurking personnel in Shanghai to collect relevant intelligence, but it would take some time. No. 76 and the Cao Gang are not difficult to deal with in themselves, but after the two sides worked together, the Japanese control over Shanghai was greatly enhanced, and the military intelligence personnel must be more careful in their actions.

Dai Chunfeng nodded his head in agreement and said nothing more. The most important thing in intelligence collection is safety. If the backup intelligence network is exposed for the purpose of finding out information, the gain will outweigh the loss.

Thinking about it, he let out a long sigh. Taoist Xuancheng and other high-level officials in Jinling District were carefully selected important chess pieces. It was a pity to sacrifice them like this.

Especially the head of the Anqing Station, Cai Shengchu, was an old man from the secret investigation team. He was very qualified, neither corrupt nor taking advantage of himself, and he was loyal to his duties. He had been engaged in intelligence work for more than ten years, but he did not expect to fall into the hands of a traitor.

Thinking of this, Dai Chunfeng looked at Zheng Tingbing and sighed: "Ting Bing, Lao Cai and you are good friends. You should pay more attention to his family affairs. If you need money, you can draw it from the general affairs."

Zheng Tingbing felt a little depressed when he heard this. Cai Shengchu and he were classmates at the National Qiongya Middle School in Guangdong Province, and it was through his recommendation that the other party joined intelligence work.

The two have a very close relationship. Now that the other person's life or death is unknown, how should he explain it to Cai Shengchu's family? After thinking about it, he can only give more money so that the Cai family will not have to worry about life.

 As for myself, the most indispensable thing is money.

 From the time he was in Jinling, he gave up fighting for power and focused on doing business. After so many years, he could not be said to be as rich as the country, and he still had no problem taking care of his old friends and their family.

Zheng Tingbing bent down slightly and expressed his gratitude to Dai Chunfeng for his concern on behalf of Cai Shengchu, and then said that except for the bureau's pension, he could arrange other matters.

Zuo Zhong glanced at Lao Zheng in surprise. He didn't expect this guy to be so loyal. Looking at the cold eyes he looked at Li Qiwu, he knew that Li Qiwu had completely offended Lao Zheng.

Dai Chunfeng was currently involved in a lawsuit, and he didn't care whether Zheng Tingbing was trying to win people's hearts. He waved his hand tiredly and announced that the meeting was dismissed, but asked Zuo Zhong to stay.

After the other three people left, Lao Dai took out a document and handed it to Zuo Zhong. His face was very ugly, and he didn't know what was written in it. Zuo Zhong opened it curiously and looked at it.

Seeing this, Zuo Chong immediately became furious. In fact, after Chen Mingchu surrendered to the enemy, he had a question: Even if the other party had worked in Jinling District, why did he know where the Anqing Station was.

No matter which country it is in, the location of the intelligence station is top secret information. Except for mission needs, not to mention low-level spies, not even Zheng Tingbing and Zhang Yifu know the specific information.

Although the personnel file said that Cai Shengchu had some friendship with Chen Mingchu, this friendship was not enough for an old informant to reveal information about his life to the other party. If Cai Shengchu had been so careless, he would not be alive today.

As for official duties, he checked the military commander's mission records, which did not show any interaction between Chen Mingchu and the Anqing Station, unless this was a secret mission from the top.

Now the document given by Lao Dai answered the question in his mind. Chen Mingchu actually escorted a batch of Indian tobacco and transported it to the mountain city for sale through Anqing Station.

The owner of this batch of cigarettes is none other than some big figures in the national government, who used the intelligence agency to transport the goods. If these people can think of it, they really don't care about making money.

But this is making fun of the life of the latent agent, and using the fate and future of the country as a bargaining chip. Without this incident, the losses at Anqing Station would never have been so great.

 After calming down for a while, Zuo Zhong suppressed his anger and made a decision in his heart. On the surface, he pretended to be curious and asked Lao Dai if he was worried about the leak of the matter.

Dai Chunfeng nodded, then shook his head: "Shen Zhong, don't think too much, this matter was sent directly from above, and I am the only one in the entire military command bureau who knows about it.

Including the actual execution personnel, they only knew that the **** was a wooden box and did not know what was inside, but they were not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, Chen Mingchu must be eliminated.

In addition, the reconstruction tasks of the intelligence systems in Shanghai, Jinling and Anqing are of great importance. I am not confident about sending others there. I want you to lead a field trip. "

Zuo Chong did not hesitate after hearing this, and immediately stood up and saluted. Since Lao Dai said it, it meant that the matter was not negotiable, and it would be better to go to Shanghai to see it.

As a military commander, it would be embarrassing to tell anyone without the experience of fighting No. 76. Besides, so many field personnel died this time, so he must go to the front line in person to avenge his fallen brothers.

 Tit for tat!

 Blood for blood!

 Then, he discussed the itinerary with Dai Chunfeng. Unexpectedly, just after they had said a few words, someone knocked on the door. After the door opened, He Yijun sent a secret telegram from Shanghai.

 Teacher Ziyi was present, so Zuo Zhong naturally wanted to let him check it out first. Unexpectedly, after reading it, Lao Dai became angry again and called Li Qiwu over with a gloomy face, ready to vent his hatred.

 (End of this chapter)

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