Cicada Moving

Chapter 1009: five tasks

 Chapter 1009 Five Tasks

 Time goes back to the day Zheng Shisong was arrested.

The pseudo-agent headquarters at No. 76 Jisi Feier Road is located outside the reception room on the third floor of the courtyard building. Ding Mocun invited Zheng Shisong into the room and talked about the past with a smile.

“Brother Shisong, please, you and I have been separated for several years, but when we meet again today, you are still as charming as ever, haha, don’t worry, this is my territory, brother, don’t worry about safety.”

As he spoke, he walked into the house, pointed at the various luxurious furnishings in the room and introduced them, clearly arranging Zheng Shisong's life in No. 76.

“You are staying here for the time being. Look at the American Simmons, the Chinese toilet, and the British radio. Except that there is no telephone, it is no worse than the hotel in the concession.

I know that you are not used to wearing other people's clothes. I have already asked people to bring all the clothes from your residence and put them in the closet. Someone will come and clean them regularly.

Also, brother, if you need anything, just call the guard. Whether it's wontons from Zhabei, steak from the concession, or women, they will be delivered within half an hour. "

As he spoke, Ding Mocun showed an expression on his face that every man could understand. The little agent on the side closed the curtains and turned on the incandescent light to prevent anyone from prying from the outside.

Zheng Shisong frowned secretly, not knowing what tricks the other party was trying to play, but in this situation, he had no other choice but to agree, so he could only smile and nod.

After the introduction, Ding Mocun lowered his head and looked at his watch, and then said that some old friends from Jinling would come to greet Zheng Shisong in the evening, in the cafeteria at No. 76.

Having said that, he politely left. He neither inquired about the intelligence of Juntong's Shanghai District nor traced the whereabouts of Chen Gongshu and others. Before leaving, he thoughtfully closed the door to the preferential treatment room.

After he left, Zheng Shisong sat down on the soft bed with a gloomy expression. He seemed to know what Ding Mocun was planning, which was to drive a wedge between him and the military commander.

Has Juntong buried nails in No. 76? The answer to this question is yes. What would Shancheng, especially Dai Chunfeng, think if he knew about the hospitality he is accepting now?

He will definitely feel that he has rebelled and cooperates with the Japanese, otherwise he will not enjoy such treatment. After all, people who have been caught by No. 76 are rarely going out alive.

Even if Shancheng saw that it was a divorce plan, and even if the military commander allowed the fake surrender, so what, he did not commit suicide immediately when he was arrested, which already explains a lot.


Thinking that he might be on the military commander's sanctions list, Zheng Shisong gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice. As the person in charge of several assassination operations by the military commander, no one knew better than him how cruel the military commander's treatment of traitors was.

After the Sino-Japanese War broke out, various regional stations under the military command assassinated traitors many times. The only rule of action was that they would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go. Now it was his turn.

 First floor, in the telephone room.

 Ding Mocun put the headset to his ear and smiled slightly after listening to Zheng Shisong's words. They were all old men in the national intelligence system. It would be abnormal if the other party did not see his plan.

But it doesn’t matter if you see it, this is a conspiracy. Shancheng and the military commander cannot gamble on the entire Shanghai intelligence network. You must know that the human heart is the most complex thing in the world and cannot withstand the test.

At this time, not only Ding Mocun was listening in the room, but also Li Shiqun, Osako Tsusada and Hase Ryousuke. Everyone was smiling, obviously satisfied with Zheng Shisong's reaction.

After a long time, Osako Tsusada put down the headphones and resumed his confident manner in the arrest operation. He held out his growing belly and issued a few orders.

“Ding Sang, Tokyo attaches great importance to this matter. To prevent Zheng Shisong from repeating himself, his return route must be cut off so that he cannot turn back and serve the Locust and the Empire wholeheartedly.

 Immediately issue a statement in his name to "respond to the Heping Movement and support the new national government" and publish it in major newspapers in Shanghai. I will see it tomorrow morning, so there must be no mistake.

The "National News", the organ of your "Secret Service Headquarters", must also publish "Insider on Military Reunification" signed by him every day to make Director Dai believe that Zheng Shisong has surrendered.

 Finally, everyone must attend tonight's banquet. There is no need to keep this matter secret. There must be an informant from the Republic of China among No. 76. We can use them to pass information to Shancheng. "

I have to admit that Osako Tsusada was quite capable in becoming the head of the Aoki Agency and the Special Committee on China, and he quickly came up with several insidious tricks to force Zheng Shisong to submit.

 That night, the cafeteria No. 76 was packed with people.

 Senior officials of the Japanese intelligence agencies, including Osako Tosada and Hase Ryosuke, as well as Ding Mocun, Li Shiqun, Ding Sibao, Wan Lilang and other new government officials attended the banquet to welcome Zheng Shisong "anyway".

During the dinner, Zheng Shisong got along very well with the Japanese and the traitors, and he knew everything about sensitive issues. However, such cooperation made Osako Tosada a little unbelievable.

At the same time, the agents under Ding Mo Village were not idle. They colluded with the Concession Patrol Room and collaborated with the Japanese military and police to launch a large-scale search in Shanghai, with screaming sirens everywhere.

Any personnel related to the military control of the Shanghai District were detained, and the intelligence network in the Shanghai District was completely destroyed. Chen Gongshu was expelled by the Japanese and had to change his location three times in one day. He was in such a state of embarrassment. The facts were as predicted by Osako Tsusada. Tongsuo, who attended the banquet, found an opportunity to send the message. However, Hase Ryosuke, who knew the truth, was entangled by Osako and was unable to send out the information.

So when Dai Chunfeng saw the information from Tongsuo and knew that Zheng Shisong had food, drink and preferential treatment on No. 76, he immediately became furious and called Li Qiwu back to scold him.

Had it not been for the fact that the two were old classmates, and the other had paid to help Lao Dai get into Huangpu, a few slaps would have been necessary. Even so, Lao Dai still suspended the other from his position.

 After cleaning up Li Qiwu, Dai Chunfeng returned to his desk with a gloomy face and sat down. Zheng Shisong was an old man in the military command. He knew a lot of information and knew many people. Compared with him, Chen Mingchu was just a small role.

Although he had confidence in Zheng Shisong and knew that the Japanese might be using counterintuitive tactics, the suspicion in his bones made him have to consider a problem from the worst angle.

 Once the other party rebels and surrenders to the enemy, the military commander's intelligence stations in Beiping, Jinmen, Daocheng and even the entire north will be threatened. This matter must be guarded against, and it is not necessary to impose sanctions.

Lao Dai turned his attention to Zuo Zhong, who was checking the telegram, and immediately had an idea in his mind. Since Shen was going to Shanghai eventually, he might as well leave the matter to the other party. In terms of business, his disciple still had his own way.

Zuo Zhong didn't know that he had another task. After reading the information from Tongsuo, he only had one thought: Zheng Shisong should have faked surrender, or at least he did not reveal too much valuable information.

If this person really rebels or provides important information, the Japanese and No. 76 cannot blatantly host a banquet. Instead, they should do everything possible to hide Zheng Shisong to prevent him from being assassinated.

The Japanese's counterintuitive plan was bad enough, but it was based on the premise that the military commander knew that it was Chen Mingchu who betrayed the Shanghai District. If he didn't know about this, it would be difficult to tell whether it was true or false.

  out out out out of anger, Dai Chunfeng killed Zheng Shisong's family members, and the fake surrender would turn into a real surrender, and if he guessed correctly, the Japanese would splash dirty water on Zheng Shisong.

For example, announcing surrender, publishing a confession, etc. These tactics are not new. If it were him, he would use Zheng Shisong's name to reveal inside information about high-level government officials.

Like the families of Minister Song and Minister Kong who used war to develop the country, it was difficult to make money, and government officials resold military rations. In this way, the other party had only a dead end, and they had to surrender to the enemy if they didn't want to.

Zuo Zhong shook his head and shook the messy thoughts out of his head. It was actually easy to find out whether Zheng Shisong had rebelled. You could just look for an opportunity to generate electricity or ask the "True Listening" team face to face.

At this moment, Dai Chunfeng, who was sitting under a large photo of the founding father, crossed his hands in front of him, raised his head and spoke slowly: "Be careful, you have five main tasks when you go behind enemy lines.

 The first is to restore and rebuild Shanghai District, Jinling District and Anqing Station. The Japanese attention has returned from the Far East to the Pass, and the government needs a steady stream of Japanese military intelligence.

 The second is to find ways to punish Chen Mingchu and He Xingjian. These two traitors should be punished by everyone. As I just said about the former, the matter of transporting cigarettes must not be leaked.

The latter was the first major general-level officer to surrender, and the impact was very bad. The commissioner had already issued a sanctions order, but you were busy with the Mirage Plan, so the sanctions were shelved.

The third is to rescue the captured personnel. Others can be released first. Cai Shengchu, the chief of Anqing Station, tried his best to rescue them. Even if it was just a show, it could not chill the old man who was at the beginning of the establishment of the Secret Service.

The fourth is to investigate whether Zheng Shisong really rebelled and surrendered to the enemy. We cannot let a bad person go, let alone wrongly accuse a good person. We must be responsible for his political future and life.

 Finally, we just want to give the gangsters from the secret service headquarters at No. 76 some color. Now that Shanghai is in the hands of the Japanese, there is no need to worry about the impact. The methods can be more drastic. "

Lao Dai, who became more and more angry as he talked, set out five specific tasks through gritted teeth. His words were summarized in five key words: reconstruction, sanctions, rescue, investigation and revenge.

Zuo Zhong finally understood. He went to the enemy-occupied area this time to help Li Qiwu and Lao Dai wipe their buttocks. But the ancestors said that misfortune lies where blessings rely, and misfortune lies where misfortune lies.

He might not be able to use the Japanese, No. 76 and even the military commander to play a big game and lay a good foundation for the following intelligence operations, so he immediately agreed.

Dai Chunfeng was not surprised at all. The other party has always been so courageous in doing things, unlike some people who peed their pants when they heard about going behind enemy lines and wished they could shoot themselves and pretend to be sick.

 What is loyalty?

 This is loyalty!

 Loyalty is never spoken, but is done bit by bit. Lao Dai looked at Zuo Zhong with great satisfaction, and became even more proud of his trip to the Zhejiang Provincial Police School.

 Then, the master and the apprentice had a good deal of business bragging, and then they said goodbye reluctantly. Zuo Zhong returned to his office full of thoughts, and began to formulate an action plan with reference to maps and intelligence.

This time when he goes to Shanghai, he does not plan to take too many people with him. He only needs to take one Gui Youguang with him. He will be operating under the noses of the Japanese and the puppet government. Timely and rapid response is the key.

 A large team is not easy to hide and wastes manpower. The specific execution personnel can be selected from the backup intelligence network. Only by traveling lightly can you travel far. There are ways to play with less cost.

He lightly drew a circle for "Anqing" on the map, then picked up the phone and spoke a few words to the other person on the phone. After hanging up, he looked at the information about the Japanese garrison in Anqing and fell into thought.

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