Cicada Moving

Chapter 1011: incite defection?

Chapter 1011: Instigating rebellion?

 October 1939.

The day after Zuo Chong and Gui Youguang arrived in Anqing, they went to the local scenic spot early in the morning. They stood on the Zhenfeng Tower of Yingjiang Temple in Anqing, which is known as the first tower in Changjiang. They looked down at the place where the Anhui River enters Changjiang. Zuo Zhong couldn't help but admire the sight of the rushing water.

 “In Xixi, tens of thousands of people have long been here to seal their throats. It is the first state in the border between Wu and Chu. It is indeed well-deserved.”

Anqing is located in the southwest of Hui Province, on the north bank of the lower reaches of Changjiang. It borders Huangzhou of Hubei Province to the west, Jiuchang of Ganzhou Province to the south, Feicheng and Lu'an to the north, Tongling to the east, and Chizhou across the river to the south. It is of great strategic significance.

 In the middle of last year, the Japanese army dispatched land and sea forces, investing in special marines, multiple warships and a large number of aircraft, just to occupy this place and open a channel into Hubei to attack Qicheng.

After the war, although the Japanese withdrew a large number of troops, they still left a considerable number of garrison troops and two gunboats responsible for guarding Anqing. The Japanese took it so seriously, which shows the importance of Anqing.

Zuo Zhong and Da Baldou were chatting and admiring the magnificence of Changjiao. The time came to noon before they knew it. The two of them walked out of Yingjiao Temple chatting and laughing and walked towards the city, preparing to find a place to worship the five internal organs temple.

Walking on the path paved with bluestones, the bald head glanced sideways and whispered: "President, the Japanese are very defensive. I just took a general look at the situation on the tower. There were 5 patrols in the city at the same time. Team patrols, each patrol team has 13 people and is a complete unit.

The intelligence sent back before the Anqing Station was destroyed showed that the local garrison had a brigade equipped with armored vehicles. The military camp was located in the center of the city. If there was a problem nearby, the Japanese in the military camp could quickly provide support. This did not include the gendarmerie and puppet troops. Police station, traitor armed forces. "

Gui Youguang's brows tightened as he spoke. He was reckless, but not a fool. Not to mention there were only two of them, even 20 or 200 people. In front of the large-caliber machine gun of an armored car, they couldn't safely take Cai Shengchu out. Rescued from the Japanese.

Even if the target is successfully rescued, there are bunker fortifications built by the Japanese in places such as Dapaishan inland Anqing, and there are gunboats in Qianzhong. Japanese fighter jets from nearby Jinling, Feicheng and other places can arrive at the battlefield in half an hour. It can be said that there is no way to heaven and no way to earth.

In this case, the rescue operation was very difficult. Anyway, he could not think of a way. As for pretending that the Japanese spy agency had taken away the target, it was even more impossible. Anqing and Jinling were very close, and the intelligence system was relatively closed. There was a high probability that the personnel on both sides knew each other.

Zuo Zhong smiled after hearing this. He already had a clue about this matter, but the world has a lot to eat. Now their most important task is to fill their stomachs, and then find a "friend". With the help of the other party, they can rescue Cai Shengchu. Not difficult.


Suddenly, there was a scolding from behind the two people, followed by a burst of footsteps from far to near. A dozen traitors wearing various clothes and Japanese army caps hurried over. The leader, an old man, ran the fastest. He almost ran into Gui Youguang's arms.

This man finally stopped and looked at Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang with a pair of triangular eyes for a moment. Then he took out a jiraidian from the gun box on his waist and gestured with it, asking fiercely.

"Who are you and why did you stay in Zhenfeng Tower for so long? Tell me honestly, otherwise I will take you back to the gendarmerie."


Gui Youguang raised his hand and gave the other party a big mouthful. The old man spun around in circles a few times, and several of his back molars were knocked out. He sat down on the ground with his buttocks, and two streams of blood spurted out of his nostrils. .

  The traitors on the side were stunned. After a while, some people reacted and wanted to draw their guns, but were stopped by others. The other person just cursed in Japanese, and they couldn't afford to interfere in this matter.

After beating the man, Gui Youguang took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood on his hand, then threw an ID card into the face of the confused old man and cursed in harsh Republican dialect.

"We are citizens of the Empire. This is President Nanjia Ichiro. You despicable people from the Republic of China dare to treat Mr. Nanjia like this. I want to report this to the Imperial Consulate."

The traitors were shocked. It sounded like the other party was not an ordinary Japanese. The bald man who spoke should be the guard, and the pretty boy who had been silent the whole time was the real owner.

The old man who had been beaten so hard that his eyes were shining with stars came to his senses at this time. He was about to raise his gun while cursing, but his arm was immediately held down by seven or eight hands. The one who did it was none other than his men.

The most important thing when being a traitor is to recognize who the real master is. If you kill Japanese people, especially Japanese people with background, no one present will survive. They don't want to be buried with each other.

Upon seeing this, the old man immediately spit out sweet smells and cursed his subordinates until someone whispered a few words in his ear, and the anger on his face disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The old traitor who just wanted to shoot Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang to death picked up the certificate and looked at it. He stood up with a shudder, handed the certificate back with both hands, and made a 90-degree bow with his chin raised.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I am Wang Duzhai, the president of the local maintenance association. I welcome you two to Anqing. It was Wang who was blind just now."

This man is exactly what the rickshaw driver calls Wang Duzhai. He has a sinister look. He was so arrogant in front of the people, but now he is so humble. He is so scared that he doesn't even dare to raise his head.

Gui Youguang snorted coldly, turned to look at Zuo Zhong, and asked for instructions on what to do. He was not impulsive before taking action. The Japanese were so tyrannical in the occupied areas, and it was suspicious to swallow their anger.

Zuo Zhong gently tapped his chin, signaling for him to take the certificate, and then walked slowly to Wang Duzhai. After a moment of silence, he raised his hand in front of the horrified eyes of all the traitors - patted the other person's shoulder and comforted him with a smile. road. "It turns out to be Wang Sang. You have been wronged. You did this for the empire. My men were a little impulsive. I apologize to you on his behalf. You must not mind."

When Wang Duzhai heard the Japanese apologizing to him, his excited bones became lighter. His attitude became even more humble. He kept bowing to show his loyalty and blurted out all kinds of flattery.

"Hai, it is my honor to serve Tian Locust and the empire. I don't know what important matters Nanjia has to come to Anqing. If necessary, Wang is willing to help."


Hearing this, Zuo Zhong nodded and patted the other party's arm hard again: "Then I'm welcome. This time I came to the Republic of China for inspection. I plan to build a commercial branch in a suitable place, and I need friends like Wang Sang."

  After briefly introducing the purpose of his coming to the Republic of China, he asked a question in a low voice: "Wang Sang, I wonder if you are familiar with the imperial officers stationed in the local army, especially the navy."

Wang Duzhai was dumbfounded. He was just saying polite words. Why did the Japanese believe it? What should he do? He was familiar with the gendarmerie and didn't have much dealings with the navy.

After racking his brains for a long time, he saw "Nan Jiaichiro"'s face getting worse and worse. Suddenly, a name suddenly flashed in his mind, and Wang Duzhai's eyes lit up and he shouted immediately.

“Yes, Mr. Wang knows Major Ozawagawa!”

 “Just a major?”

Zuo Zhong frowned and asked in reply, seemingly a little dissatisfied, but in the end he still reluctantly asked the other party's specific situation, showing off his president's posture.

Wang Duzhai saw the other party's behavior and estimated that the Japanese in front of him had always been in contact with senior officers. He was even more excited. He felt that he had met someone noble this time, so he quickly answered.

"Major Ozawa is the naval commander of the Locust Army stationed in Anqing. He has two gunboats under his command and is responsible for inspecting ships passing through Anqing. Wang's maintenance committee has cooperated with several operations and has met Major Ozawa several times. .

It is said that he is a top student at your country's Naval University and is a classmate of many senior military officers. I don't know whether this is true or not, but he has never admitted it himself. You will definitely have no problem cooperating with him, but..."

 “Just what?” Zuo added.

"Major Ozawa has nothing wrong with him. He is just a heavy drinker and likes to pay bills. He is almost ruining the pubs in the city. If you cooperate with him, you will probably have to spend a lot of money on drinks." Wang Duzhai looked a little embarrassed.

Zuo Zhong chuckled and waved his hands, his tone was very heroic: "Wang Sang, I believe in one sentence, that is, any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem, so please recommend to me Major Ozawagawa.

Don't worry, I have some good friends in Tokyo, and I will put in a good word for you when the time comes. I heard that your young master is in Tianjin, and I have close friends at the North China Front Army Headquarters. I will ask someone to take care of him. "

 “Hai, hai.”

Wang Duzhai almost knelt down and kowtowed to Zuo Zhong. This was Tokyo and the North China Front Army Headquarters. His Wang family was about to send a message, so he immediately said he would contact Ozawa as quickly as possible.

Zuo Zhong nodded with satisfaction, asked Gui Youguang to leave the hotel room number, and left with a swagger amidst the greetings of a bunch of traitors. The people passing by showed contempt.

When the two of them walked away, Gui Youguang, who looked puzzled, spoke up: "President, do you want to contact and instigate rebellion against that person named Ozawachuan?"

 “Inciting rebellion? No.”

Zuo Zhong smiled and decided to teach the big bald man a lesson: "We don't have that time, so we might as well pull the opponent into trouble. By the way, you can go to Zhengjin Bank to withdraw some money later.

 Take more, we can't let Mr. Ozawa think that we are insulting him. You must remember one sentence, there is nothing that money can't solve. If there is, then it is not enough. "

 After more than two years of painstaking research and multiple revisions, the yen copied by the military has reached the point where it looks fake and real. Even the employees of the Bank of Japan cannot tell the difference between the real and the fake.

It is quite simple to release counterfeit coins like this. Just send someone to take the cash and deposit it into Japanese banks in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. This can also be considered as helping the devils to stimulate the economy.

On the other side, Gui Youguang, who had no idea what the deputy director was laughing at, scratched his bald forehead and showed an honest smile. Seeing Zuo Zhong walking further and further away, he quickly quickened his pace and followed him.

 (End of this chapter)

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