Cicada Moving

Chapter 1012: Never betray Locust!

Chapter 1012 Never betray the Locust!

  After the Japanese occupied Anqing in June 1938, they immediately set up a gendarmerie in the city to hunt and kill people of the Republic of China. Anyone caught in the gendarmerie was beaten with whips or bitten by military dogs.

Tortures such as clamping sticks, sitting on the tiger bench, piercing the palms of the hands, and using hot irons were commonplace. Many victims died on the spot under the torture of the Japanese.

But even if they survived the torture, it was useless. The surviving people were either taken outside the city and massacred collectively by the Japanese, or they were transported to Qianzhong by motorboat and used as living targets for new recruits to practice assassination.

In the dead of night, people in the city can often hear bursts of hoarse wailing, yelling, and even gunshots.

This situation became more common after the destruction of Anqing Station. The area around the gendarmerie was like a ghost. Except for the Japanese, even traitors rarely stayed here.

While Zuo Zhong was talking to Wang Duzhai, in the interrogation room of the Japanese Gendarmerie, Anqing Station Chief Cai Shengchu was hung in the air, and the vicious Japanese Gendarmerie raised a steel whip and swung it downwards.

With a whine, the barbed whip fell on his body and took away a piece of flesh and blood. The bright red blood slowly slid down, dripping down Cai Shengchu's toes and soaking into the soil.

A Japanese military police captain next to him watched this scene coldly. After the ground was stained red with blood, he asked a few questions expressionlessly.

“Where are your remaining men, who is in charge of the transportation line from Jinling to Anqing, and what is the secret code for the connection! Tell me quickly!”

But Cai Shengchu closed his eyes and mouth tightly, as if he didn't hear it. From the moment he fell into the hands of the Japanese, he was ready to kill himself.

The pain slowly eroded the nerves, and the wounds became numb little by little. He told himself over and over again that he would never be a traitor, and he would never be the first intelligence station chief to surrender in the military.

The torture continued until Cai Shengchu triggered the body's self-protection mechanism and fell into coma. The executing military policeman panted and put down the steel whip and bowed to the questioning captain.

“Captain, if the fight continues, the other party’s life will be in danger. Do you want a doctor to come in and treat him, or use a confessional agent?”

Hearing this, the captain walked up to Cai Shengchu and felt for his pulse. He found that the pulse had been intermittent. He opened his eyelids and looked at his pupils, and shook his head slightly.

"Confessional agents can easily cause brain damage. Moreover, he is a trained professional agent and has a certain tolerance to drugs. He will not confess easily. Let the doctor come in for treatment. Once the injury is stable, he will be sent directly to Jinling."


The gendarme who was executing the torture bowed and shouted back, turned around and left to call the doctor.

In the dim light, the captain looked at Cai Shengchu and secretly cursed Baga. The inability to pry open the target's mouth meant that the Anqing Military Police had not accomplished all the work and had to give away part of the credit. It was really a pity.

However, if the target dies in Anqing, the trouble will be even greater, so it is better to hand the person over to the Jinling Military Police. After the death of Section Chief Yajima Masao, the other party is very passive and must be happy to take over the interrogation.

 After thinking for a while, the doctor came in to treat Cai Shengchu. The captain walked out of the interrogation room and came to the office to call Jin Ling and report his suggestions.

As expected, the Jinling Military Police agreed immediately and missed the great achievement of arresting the senior military commander of Jinling District. They may be able to find more military commander agents through Cai Shengchu.

 The two sides immediately roughly determined the handover time and handover procedures. Just as Zuo Chong thought, the Japanese chose to send Cai Shengchu away by boat and sent gunboats to **** him.

 At Changjiang today, in addition to Japanese merchant ships, there are also Japanese warships. Water transportation can ensure the safety of targets and **** personnel to the greatest extent.

As for land transportation, forget about land transportation. The mountains and forests around Anqing are full of stragglers from the Fruit Party and the guerrillas of the newly formed Fourth Army. The target may be robbed as soon as it leaves the city.

After discussing with Jinling, the captain hung up the phone and called the navy camp in Anqing, requesting the other party's assistance. The dispute between sea and land was a matter for the big shots and had nothing to do with the lower-level personnel.

They are in an occupied area full of enemies. If they cannot unite as one, they will be driven out of Anqing by the Kuomintang and the underground party sooner or later, and no one will end well by then.

“Moxi, Moxi, I’m in the gendarmerie here. Is Major Ozawa here?”

 “Nani? Are you out?”

“When Major Ozawa comes back, please tell him that the military police need help from the navy.”

The captain said this with a dark face and slammed the microphone back on the pressure spring. Needless to say, that **** guy must have left his post without permission to drink again. Are all naval gendarmes blind? It is really unreasonable!

But this time he really wronged Ozawa. Ozawa, who had not yet sobered up, had just returned to the camp when Wang Duzhai, whose eyes were red and stimulated by the "bright future", invited Zuo Zhong and his wife to the hotel where they lived. It sounds a bit unrealistic for a traitor to invite a Japanese officer, but compared to Japanese army officers, most naval officers are well-educated and have studied abroad, and their attitude towards scoundrels is not as rough as that of the army.

Moreover, the reason for Wang Duzhai's invitation was that two friends wanted to treat each other to drinks. Ozawa, who was already extremely poor, agreed without thinking. He was just curious about who the so-called friends were.

He has been serving in the military since graduating from the Naval Academy and has had little contact with the outside world. After being sent to Anqing, he drank and had fun all day long. Who wanted to invite him and what was the purpose.

As a university graduate, Ozawa's IQ was obviously not low, and he soon thought of the possibility that the other party might have taken a fancy to his position and wanted to transport some things, such as contraband, through Changchun. .

The large-scale fighting between China and Japan has temporarily stopped, but the material blockade against the national government has become increasingly strict. In particular, medicines, food, fuel and industrial equipment are all prohibited from flowing to Kuomintang-controlled areas.

This has brought huge profit margins. Many businessmen have used various channels to deliver contraband to mountain cities and made a lot of money. Naturally, some people in the navy are also involved.

But that was someone else. Although he, Ozawa, was sent to a hellish place like Anqing, as a glorious Major of the Imperial Japanese Navy, it was absolutely impossible for him to betray the Locust!

Ozawakawa sat on the sofa in the lobby and made up his mind to drink later and ignore other things. If the other party didn't know what he was doing, he wouldn't mind handing him over to the gendarmerie of the Red Deers.

Just as he was thinking about it, Wang Duzhai, who went to the room to report the news, took Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang down the stairs. Looking at Ozawa, who was wearing a major military uniform, Zuo Zhong showed a kind smile on his face and strode out with a slight bow. bow.

 “Hello, Ozawa-kun, I am Kaichiro Minami, this is the first time we meet, please take care of me.”

 “Hello...Hello, Nan Jiajun.”

Ozawakawa was not a fool. He was wearing an expensive custom-made dress. He had a rosy complexion and an attitude that was neither humble nor arrogant. He looked like he was not an ordinary person. He quickly stood up and returned the greeting.

 Zuo Zhong laughed, turned around and introduced Gui Youguang casually, saying that this was his bodyguard and assistant, and then directly invited him to a restaurant not far from the hotel without waiting for Ozawakawa to speak.

The big bald man and the old traitor Wang Duzhai walked in front to lead the way, followed by Zuo Zhong and Ozawa. The two exchanged greetings while walking, and during the conversation, Ozawa suddenly developed a relationship.

“Ah, Nanjia-kun, your accent sounds like you’re from Osaka. To be honest, I’m from Ikeda, and it’s really nice to meet my fellow villagers here.

 It has been several years since I left my hometown in the blink of an eye. I have never had time to return to my hometown after joining the army. You have just come to the Republic of China from your homeland, so you don’t know whether the changes in your hometown have been big. "

This is a matter of discussion. Zuo Zhong was calm in his heart. On the surface, he smiled and agreed. By the way, he talked about the latest things in and around Osaka. He was very familiar with Osaka.

 It is not only the name, age, place of origin and other information that supports the disguised identity, but also the relevant side information. The more solid the preparations, the less likely it is to be seen through.

Fu Ling's team's intelligence network in Japan has developed very well, and there are lurkers in various places. It is natural to collect information that is not even intelligence.

Ozawakawa was relieved after hearing this. After all, he was just an ordinary officer and had not received professional training. Being able to use clichés to verify his identity was already considered alert.

 After roughly checking the details, he confirmed that the other party was indeed a "fellow countryman". His smile became more sincere and his words became more comfortable, but he was still not prepared to get involved in messy things.

Not long after, the four of them arrived at the private room of the restaurant. The waiter started serving the dishes according to the menu Gui Youguang had ordered in advance. Soon the table was filled with wine and meat, and the door to the room was gently closed.

 “Ozawa-kun, Wang Sang, Dozuo.”

Zuo Zhong raised his hand to signal everyone to raise their chopsticks without saying anything extra. He could see that Ozawa was a little wary, La Liang┴jia... No, you can't rush people into the water, you have to pay attention to methods.

So the four of them ate their meals with concentration, occasionally talking about non-sensitive topics. With the wine in their ears, Ozawa gradually relaxed, and his defensiveness gradually disappeared.

After three rounds of drinking, Wang Duzhai, who was already drunk, began to brag, saying that his son had become the branch chief of the police station in Jinmen, and his Wang family would definitely be rich for generations.

Ozawakawa just smiled and didn't care about this, but when the other party mentioned that "Minami Kaichiro" was related to the North China Front in Tokyo, his expression changed slightly.

Originally, he thought that Minami Kaichiro was just a wealthy businessman, but he didn't expect that there were still two layers of relationships. He underestimated the other person, but he still couldn't do anything that violated the laws of the empire.

Ozawachuan kept this string in his heart and made a few casual remarks without continuing what Wang Duzhai said. He felt that if he stopped talking, the other party would not be able to mention it again.

 But the next second, his eyes straightened, the tightly stretched string was broken, his heart was pounding, his throat was shaking, and he was swallowing saliva.

Zuo Zhong raised his chin at Gui Youguang. The bald man immediately took out a small suitcase from under the table and opened it. A box full of Japanese yen banknotes appeared in front of several people.

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