Cicada Moving

Chapter 1014: idiot! This bastard

Chapter 1014 Baga! This bastard

 Late night four days later.

At the No. 1 Pier on the Anqing Inland River, two Japanese gunboats weighed anchor and slowly moved towards a fleet on the riverbank. Ozawagawa stood on the deck of one of the gunboats and waved goodbye to the shore. Zuo Zhonghe on the shore Gui Youguang waved and communicated in a low voice.

"President, as soon as the grain transport ship passes the Japanese blockade, it will find a shoal to dock and unload. At that time, Ozawa will have gunboats on guard upstream and downstream. I went to the telegraph office to contact Shancheng. Wu Chunyang has already made arrangements. When the time comes, he will personally lead the team to respond, and there will be no problems.”

 “Well, that’s good, let’s go.”

After listening to Gui Youguang's report, Zuo Zhong put on his hat and turned towards the exit of the pier. The Japanese naval soldiers along the way seemed not to have seen them. The two successfully passed the checkpoint and walked out of the naval base gate. It seemed that Ozawa was there. He still has some prestige among his subordinates.

Outside the door, Wang Duzhai, who had been waiting for a long time, saw the two "Gods of Wealth" and his backers coming. He trotted forward quickly, nodding and bending to form a queue. He also saw the grain transport fleet just now, and he was thinking about "Nan Jiaichiro". "I am even more convinced of what I said before.

 During the war, food was hard currency. Being able to raise so much food and send it to Anqing in four days showed the strength of the other party. With the help of such a big shot, his good days were about to come.

In the midst of his flattery, Zuo Chong and Gui Youguang embarked on their way home. From time to time, they encountered military police patrols on the way. Perhaps they saw Wang Duzhai, a big traitor, accompanying them. The patrols did not come forward to inquire. The three of them It didn't take long to get back to the hotel.

After sending the flattering Wang Duzhai away, the two of them returned to the guest rooms. They did not discuss anything related to the mission in the room. Although the room had been cleaned, there was no need for them to take risks. They had to stay awake even when sleeping in the occupied area. One eye.

Lying on the bed, Gui Youguang put his hands behind his head and was full of doubts. He didn't understand why the deputy director gave Ozawagawa so many yen, and he didn't understand why he asked the other party to transport a batch of grain to the mountain city, let alone I don’t know why before they came to Anqing, the General Affairs Department allocated a large sum of money to Tokyo.

But after thinking about it, the bald head fell into sleep. Not to mention that even a heartless person has a high quality of sleep. The room slowly became quiet, the moonlight shined on the floor through the window, the breeze blew through the curtains, and there was a faint sound outside the window. There was the sound of the Japanese patrol's leather boots stepping on the stone road.

 Inside the gendarmerie not far away.

The captain in charge of interrogating Cai Shengchu cursed and put down the phone, slamming the table in front of him. Damn it, Ozawa actually took the gunboat to Qicheng. Didn't the other party know how important their **** mission was?

After greeting Ozawa's family, he sat back on the stool helplessly. Without the **** of the navy, he would never let the target leave the gendarmerie, let alone go to Jinling or Shanghai from land at the risk of death. .

There is only one reason. The government’s new Fourth Army is too rampant.

In September last year, a logistics convoy of more than 80 trucks was ambushed just after leaving the city. More than 50 vehicles were lost, more than 70 people were killed and injured, 21 rifles, more than 700 bullets, more than 20 sets of gas masks, more than 20 compasses, Two piles of documents, two cameras, more than 200 boxes of canned food and other supplies.

The next month, the newly formed Fourth Army destroyed the road from Anqing to Tongcheng. The nearby garrison went to support, but was ambushed again. One squad leader and 28 soldiers were killed, and 28 long guns, 1 pistol, 1 military flag, and military personnel were lost. A batch of supplies and even the radio station accompanying the army were snatched away by the underground party.

What's even more annoying is that not long after, the other party set up an ambush again at the same place, and the empire┴ army once again suffered heavy casualties. He was too lazy to recall the specific losses. Every time he recalled it, his face burned, as if Got slapped.

Being defeated by a bunch of remnant soldiers who didn't even have machine guns or artillery, they lost their troops. This can no longer be explained by underestimating the enemy. The empire did occupy a large area of ​​​​the country, but at the same time, its military strength was also diluted. Outside the city, the empire┴ army was already weak. Control vast rural areas.

Under such circumstances, taking Cai Shengchu to Jinling would be tantamount to handing him over to the underground party, and may cost the lives of several or even dozens of imperial warriors. These are trivial matters. The important thing is that nothing happens to him, otherwise the local people What should the family do?


The captain cursed softly and decided to wait until Ozawa and the gunboat came back. The mission belonged to the empire, and his life was his own. He was not one of those ordinary red deer who were single-minded. He was not cheap enough to work for the empire just for a postcard. The point of devotion.

He closed the file with a snap and left the office slowly. As for Cai Shengchu, there was no need to go to the interrogation. It was just a good time for him to recuperate, so as not to kill him before he got into the hands of the Jinling Military Police. He couldn't bear this responsibility, and he didn't want to burden.

In the next few days, the Anqing Gendarmerie quieted down a lot, and Wang Duzhai and other traitors also kept a low profile. The people of Anqing enjoyed a rare quiet time, and did not have to worry about being caught and thrown into jail or being arrested while walking on the road. They were tied behind their backs and thrown on the roadside, waiting to be sent to the northeast.

That morning, Zuo Zhong, who was wandering around Pier 1, suddenly heard three long and two short whistles coming from the river in the distance. He immediately looked around after hearing the sound and saw two gunboats heading towards the port in the distance. The grain transport fleet continued down the river and accelerated back to Shanghai.

 “President, Ozawa is back.”

Gui Youguang looked happy and said in a low voice that it seemed that the food delivery went smoothly and there were no accidents.

"Let's go meet him." Zuo Zhong said lightly, but he was not as optimistic as the big bald man. He felt the grenade in the space and strode towards the dock. He could not relax his vigilance at any time. This was There is an iron law in intelligence work. Whoever violates it will not only die but also be tortured endlessly.

The two of them walked to the gate of Pier 1 in a familiar manner, and entered the naval station after being searched by the Japanese troops at the door. Zuo Zhong kept scanning the camps on both sides of the road with his peripheral vision, carefully observing the surrounding situation, and returning home. Youguang came to the dock step by step and watched the gunboat getting closer and closer to the shore.

As the gunboat banged against the tires on the side of the trestle, Ozawa jumped off the boat without waiting for the boat to stop. He laughed and stretched out his right hand towards Zuozhong, looking very excited.

"Nan Jiajun, I haven't seen you for a few days. Is everything okay? Let's go to the restaurant. I'm treating you today." He grabbed Zuo Zhong's hand, shook it, said something loudly, and then came closer and whispered.

"This time it went very smoothly. I have issued a certificate for the grain ship. The navy and inspectors in Shanghai will not doubt it. It doesn't matter if something goes wrong. I have several classmates who work in the navy in Shanghai. As long as they are willing to spend money, All problems are non-problems.”

It's really hard to learn well, but it's only been a few days since he was a bad learner. The former frustrated drunkard, the shame of the Imperial Navy, even learned how to use money to clear the way. Zuo Zhong smiled and said nothing, sighing in his heart that the magic power of capital is indeed huge. Even if he doesn't press, the other party will take the initiative to ask for the next transaction.

 Half an hour later.

It was the same private room as last time. Zuo Zhong, Gui Youguang, and Ozawa were drinking wine while chatting about the experience of their trip. However, no one mentioned who was receiving the goods. This is easy to understand. The Kuomintang District can eat. There is only one person or force who can buy such a large amount of food, and that is the government officials.

But guessing is just guessing. As long as the window paper is not pierced, it will be fine. If something happens in the future, both parties can completely claim ignorance. Intentional and unintentional collusion are two different concepts. Both parties may believe it is true or false. With this tacit understanding, we only talked about gossip and did not talk about sensitive topics.

After chatting for a while, Zuo Zhong put down his chopsticks and winked at Gui Youguang. Gui Youguang immediately got up and walked out of the private room, closed the door, and stood outside to prevent anyone from eavesdropping. This confused Ozawa, and he immediately asked road.

“Nan Jiajun, what happened?”

He felt a little panicked as he said this. The risks of this kind of business were high enough, but the benefits were also high. He didn't want to just do a one-time deal, and who would object to the money?

Hearing what the other party said, Zuo Zhong first sighed heavily, and then showed a look of shame on his face. In his long sigh, he said something that made Ozawa Chuan's heart skip a beat.

"Ozawa-kun, I'm sorry for you. After you left, I found out that there were several radio stations and a large amount of sulfonamides hidden in that batch of food. It is said that there were also several pieces of imperial military intelligence."


Ozawa was so frightened that he stood up and his face suddenly turned pale. Whether it was radio or sulfonamide, they were the highest level of contraband and were never allowed to be transported to the mountain city.

Military intelligence is even more of a red thread. Whoever touches it will die. He just wants to make some money. How could something like this happen? Thinking of this, Ozawa's eyes flashed fiercely and he touched his waist with his hands.

Not many people know about this matter. As long as you kill Kaichiro Minami and his entourage, you will be dead without any evidence. Anyway, you have already got the money. At worst, you can find someone to cooperate with you in the future.

After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he kept paying attention to the other party's reaction. Seeing that he wanted to kill someone and silence him, he did not panic. He picked up the teacup and took a sip of hot tea, looking at Ozawa with a half-smile.

“Ozawa-kun, are you sure you want to do this? My men and I are not the only ones who know about this. There are people from Shanghai and Shancheng involved. It’s useless even if you kill us.”

Hearing this, Ozawa slumped down in his chair. Yes, it was impossible for radio stations, medicines, and intelligence to fly to the ship. Someone must have hidden them in the food. Unless he killed all these people, it would have no effect.

But how did Nan Jiaichiro know that there was inclusion in the grain? Was it revealed by people from the Republic of China? But why did the other party tell Nan Jiaichiro? He raised his head suddenly and said bitterly.

 “Who are you, a businessman who has no access to radio and intelligence!”


Zuo Zhong smiled and clapped his hands, his white teeth shining in the sun: "Ozawa-kun, you are indeed very smart, but are you sure you want to know my identity?"

Ozawakawa was speechless, just like they didn't mention who was the person who received the goods just now. He didn't want to and couldn't know the true identity of "Minami Kaichiro", Baga, this bastard!

 (End of this chapter)

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