Cicada Moving

Chapter 1015: Pull down the water

 Chapter 1015: Pulling someone into trouble

Ozawakawa was silent for a long time, and wisely gave up the idea of ​​asking Zuo Zhong's true identity, and instead asked what "Minami Kaiichiro" wanted to do.

Although he is the naval commander stationed in Anqing, he only has two small gunboats and dozens of sailors under his command, and he does not know any high-level intelligence.

The other party took such great pains to lure him into the water and made it clear that the goods were entrained. It must not be as simple as transporting prohibited materials.

But no matter what, there are some things that must not be done, such as openly treason and joining the mountain city, then he cannot agree even if he commits hara-kiri.

Since the beginning of the war, only a handful of imperial soldiers and officers have surrendered to the Republic of China. The family members of these people who stayed in the mainland have all been thrown into prison without exception.

 Some people's wives and daughters were even sent to frontline comfort stations to "atone" for their relatives who betrayed the empire and the locusts, and lived a life worse than death.

Rather than having his whole family liquidated like this, it is better to end his life happily. At least his parents and wife will not be implicated, and he can still receive the pitiful pension.

After listening to Ozawachuan's question, Zuo Zhong did not answer immediately. Instead, he poured a glass of wine for the two of them himself, then picked up the wine glass and touched it lightly with him with a smile.

“Ozawa-kun, some time ago, the Anqing Military Police arrested some government intelligence officers. Have you heard anything about this?”

 State intelligence officers?

Ozawakawa's heart sank. Things were still developing in the worst direction. "Minami Kaichiro" couldn't ask this question for no reason. Could it be that the other party wanted to rob the prisoner?

Thinking of this, he raised his head and drank all the wine in the glass. A mouthful of bitter wine fell into his throat. He was addicted to alcohol and had never found the sweet wine in the past so difficult to swallow.

This feeling of being coerced was so uncomfortable. It was all his fault that he was blinded by money and mistakenly trusted his so-called fellow countrymen. After a moment of silence, he looked at Zuo Zhong with red eyes.

“I know this. Before escorting the grain ship to the mountain city, the Anqing Military Police asked me to send a gunboat **** to help them transport the prisoners to Jinling.

I ignored your request and planned to make plans after returning to Anqing, so... all this was planned by you, you wanted to delay the gendarmerie! "

An idea flashed in Ozawakawa's mind. The first cooperation must not go wrong, and the military affairs were delayed. They were all excuses. He lowered his voice in anger.

"Do you want me to save people? I'm sorry, but I can't do it. This is no different from an open defection. I will die after the incident is over. You'd better change your plan."

 “Haha, Ozawa-kun, don’t be excited.”

Zuo Zhong hurriedly patted his arm, the expression on his face did not change, just like an old friend, he comforted the other person with gentle words.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Ozawa, you are more valuable than several prisoners who have been exposed. We will not kill the goose to get the eggs. This is not in our interests.

 What I want to say is that if a ship carrying prisoners is attacked by a large number of armed men during transportation, you and your men fight back but are still defeated.

 As a result, the ship sank, the target escaped, and no one escorted was spared. If this happens, how much responsibility do you need to bear, and whether your life is in danger. "

Ozawakawa was stunned. Shouldn't he reveal his identity and forcefully save people? That would be fine. After thinking about it carefully, he frowned and answered.

“According to the tradition of the empire, the defeated should commit suicide and apologize. However, this mission was led by the army, and the navy was only responsible for cooperating. The main responsibility should be borne by the army.

 Once what you said happens, Mr. Nan Jiajun, the members of the gendarmerie will undoubtedly die. My men and I may be severely reprimanded, but our lives will definitely not be in danger.

The conflict between the Army and the Navy has been going on for a long time, and they have always been incompatible with each other. It is impossible for the top brass of the Navy to punish their own people for the Red Deer mission. I am very sure of this.

I can tell you the **** route, the number of **** personnel, and the weapon configuration. If necessary, I can also mobilize the gunboats to leave you with sufficient time to act.

But this time will not be too long, only five to ten minutes. The rest depends on Nan Jiajun's strength, but please note that once there is a firefight, I will not show mercy. "

For his own safety and to avoid taking responsibility, Ozawachuan took the initiative to help make plans for the rescue operation, but this was not what Zuo Zhong wanted.

 I want to make money but don't want to take responsibility. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world? Zuo Zhong looked at the other party deeply and spoke.

"Hehe, Mr. Ozawa, I can tell you frankly that I do want to rescue the captured national agents, and you play a very important role in my plan."

 “No, I won’t answer…”

Ozawakawa was immediately anxious. He was going to die. He couldn't kill the goose to lay the eggs. It was all lies.

"Shut up, listen to me!" Zuo Zhong patted the table hard. It was now. Ozawa had no other choice. He had to agree or not. There was no need to be too polite to the other party.

When the Japanese attacked Anqing, the Japanese navy's artillery fire killed thousands of civilians, and Ozawa was one of them. It is useless to deal with such people just being gentle.

So he completely gave up his pretense and changed from a amiable businessman who made money back to the powerful deputy director of the Military Command Bureau, issuing threats in a cold voice.

“I don’t have enough manpower to carry out the rescue operation, so you must help us, otherwise you will still die if the operation fails. If you want to survive, just obey my arrangements, I can guarantee that you will be fine.

 What you are worried about is nothing more than being discovered by your subordinates or others about what you are doing. This can be solved easily. Just turn your subordinates into your own, and then kill all other people who are aware of it.

 As long as you cooperate properly, the most you can get is a scolding. This is what you said yourself. I think you should know how to choose to use a painless scolding in exchange for a fortune that is greater than last time. "

 At this point, Zuo Zhong no longer concealed his murderous intention, and he had the intention to kill someone if the other party did not agree. He once again used money to seduce him, and used both soft and hard tactics to force Ozawakawa to submit.

After hearing this, Ozawakawa secretly cursed the other party as a madman. He had dozens of people under his command. How could he bribe them? Not everyone was as willing to sell out the empire for money as he was.

Besides, the military police responsible for escorting are not fools. They sit there and wait to be killed. As long as a witness escapes, his only fate will be one, and that is to be captured by the military police and then shot.

But before he could say no, Zuo Zhong took out a map of the Changjiang River Basin from his pocket, pointed at Nongziji, more than 80 kilometers downstream of Anqing, and made his first request.

“Ozawa-kun, this is the most dangerous section of the Changjiang Route. It is known for its many turns, narrow channel, and fast currents. It can only accommodate one ship in one direction. I am right.

 In addition to the gendarmerie ships, there will also be cargo ships transporting laborers. I need you to arrange the two **** gunboats at the bow and stern of the fleet when arranging the **** plan. "

As a naval commander stationed in Anqing, Ozawa is naturally very familiar with Naoziji. This waterway is 21 kilometers long and looks like a capital S from the air.

Although the surface of the river is hundreds of meters wide, there are many reefs under the calm surface. The width that can be used by ships is only more than 100 meters. Accidents often occur in the two opposite waterways, and those who fall into the water are either dead or alive.

This is indeed a good place to take action. As long as the gunboats at the front and rear block the channel, the ships in the middle cannot even reach the shore unless they risk the destruction of the ship and the death of people and force the beach.

 But the problem is still the same. His sailors have received complete military training and are not his personal private soldiers. They cannot follow his orders to attack the gendarmerie that is also a friendly force.

Ozawakawa racked his brains and couldn't figure out why freighters were needed to transport workers, so he had to throw out these two questions, hoping to get a reasonable explanation.

In this regard, Zuo Zhong just waved his hand: "None of this is important. We will still be in this restaurant tomorrow night. I need you to invite all members of the two gunboats to be there. You can think of the reasons yourself.

 Remember, it’s everyone, no one less can do it. How to convince them is up to me. Just drink. If you can do it, otherwise I will consider changing a partner. "

Ozawakawa heard what he meant and had no choice but to bite the bullet and ensure that he could do it. The navy was different from the army, which was accustomed to lowering the rank of subordinates to superiors. The internal hierarchy was strict. As long as it did not involve military affairs, few people would dare to refuse the invitation of their superiors.

Left Point nodded, raised his hand to look at his watch and stood up to leave. He was not worried at all that the other party would report him. Once those included radio stations and information were exposed, Ozawakawa would be the first to die.

There is no need to talk about exchanging merit for crime. With the extreme national characteristics of the Japanese, betrayal is betrayal. There is no excuse. It is impossible for Ozawakawa not to know the virtue of his compatriots.

Besides, everyone has a sense of luck. Don’t the spies who were instigated to rebel in later generations know what they are doing? Of course they know, they just think that they will not be caught.

Now Ozawa is facing the same situation. If you cooperate, you may be arrested. If you don't cooperate or surrender, you will definitely be arrested. As long as you are not a madman, you will definitely know how to choose.

  Pushing open the door to the private room, Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang walked out of the restaurant together. The two stood on the roadside and whispered a few words before they separated, one walked to the bank and the other to the Anqing Telegraph Office.

 The evening of the next day.

One by one, the Japanese sailors happily left the barracks and walked towards the restaurant. Major Ozawa, who had always been stingy, treated him to a treat. This was a great event that was rare in a century, and no one wanted to miss it.

However, there are also people who have doubts and worries. How can Fang Pingshi have the money to invite so many people when he doesn’t even have money for drinks? Considering the previous mysterious "military supplies" transportation mission, the answer is about to come out.

The sailors with their own thoughts walked into the restaurant lobby and found that there was no one inside, even the waiters were missing, but the tables were filled with delicious food and drinks.

While everyone was wondering, Ozawachuan led Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang from the back hall of the restaurant to the main table. He motioned for his men to sit down and explained casually.

“Everyone, sit down. These two people next to you are my good friends. I have asked all the people from the Republic of China in the restaurant to leave. It is very safe here. I will not go home until I am drunk today.”

When the boss spoke, all the Japanese soldiers immediately sat down according to their military ranks and positions. Under the stimulation of alcohol, the atmosphere quickly became heated, and some people slowly turned their attention to Ozawa's good "friend".

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