Cicada Moving

Chapter 1016: join

 Chapter 1016 Joining the gang

While they were drinking wine, the captain of one of Ozawa's gunboats put down his wine glass, looked at the smiling Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang, and asked curiously.

“Your Majesty, Major, do you know the names of these two gentlemen?”

Ozawakawa's heart tightened, and he pretended to be sorry and patted his forehead, introducing the disguised identities of Zuo Zhong and Zuo Zhong to his subordinates.

“This is Chairman Nan Jiaichiro. He has deep connections in the military and is closely related to the top brass of the North China Front. This person next to him is Nan Jiajun’s assistant.”

Ozawakawa just mentioned Gui Youguang casually. After all, he is a small character and not important. However, he focused on the background of "Minami Kaichiro".

At the same time as he was speaking, Zuo Zhong signaled to Gui Youguang to distribute the famous cards. The famous cards were actually business cards, and the name came from the famous cards in the ancient Republic of China.

The bald man immediately followed the instructions, while Zuo Zhong, with a slight sense of superiority, smiled and said the name and business scope of the "name" club.

“Gentlemen, this is the first time we meet, please take care of me. I am the president of the Osaka Jingdong Association. It is really a pleasure to meet Ozawa-kun and all the imperial warriors in Anqing.

Jingdong Club will soon open several branches in the imperial-occupied areas to engage in the sale of food, hardware, department stores and other commodities. If you need help, please feel free to ask. "


The people present looked at the famous thorns in their hands, and thought of the food that had been delivered to the "Jicheng Front" two days ago. Their eyes immediately lit up, and the corners of their mouths unconsciously raised slightly.

It is almost an open secret that the imperial army is involved in smuggling. Otherwise, how would the families of the brigade commanders and division commanders in the mainland maintain a luxurious life just by relying on military salaries?

 In fact, Tokyo also encourages this kind of behavior. Firstly, it can solve the shortage of military expenditures. Secondly, it can extract precious metals from the Kuomintang-controlled areas and hit the national economy.

  The navy, which is responsible for managing surface transportation in the empire and occupied areas, is even more severely affected. It is said that even an ordinary sailor in Shanghai can make a lot of profits from this.

Since Shanghai has done it, why can’t Anqing do it? Some people have had this idea in the past, but Ozawa was too timid, so they had to give up in the end.

Now a "good friend" who sells food suddenly appears in Ozawa River, and he is contacted about the weird military transportation task. It is obvious that their commander is not as honest as he seems.

The people who were interested looked at each other, clinked glasses with Zuo Zhong enthusiastically, and began to test whether they could help Jingdong Club and make money together.

Ozawa Chuan felt his teeth itching when he heard this. These **** were all living in the sky, long live the locusts, and the slogan of the empire's victory was loudly shouted. Now, seeing the benefits, he has forgotten all about it.

Grapevine spread the fastest, and soon the sailors at other tables also knew the news. Some were itchy, some were disdainful, and some were watching. The atmosphere in the restaurant became even more lively.

Facing the compliments and temptations from everyone, Zuo Zhong felt that it was time, so he took a big gulp of a glass of wine, clapped his hands with his face flushed, and signaled Gui Youguang to do something.

When the bald man saw the code, he immediately stood up and walked to the door of the private room. He pushed open the door and turned around. A low wall made of Japanese yen bills suddenly appeared behind the door.

"This is."


The Japanese who had never seen the world were stunned when they saw this. Some of them didn't even know they were drooling. They sat stupidly on stools and stared at the hundred-yuan banknotes or bank exchange certificates in the room.

 At this time, Japanese banknotes were, strictly speaking, a kind of voucher, which could nominally be exchanged for gold in equal amounts. However, after the financial crisis, this function existed in name only.

But no matter what, seeing so much money at one time was a huge ideological impact for everyone present, shattering long-standing values ​​and worldviews.

 Forget about them, Ozawa, who had already received a large sum of benefits, was also unsettled. He felt that he had missed out on 100 million, and he regretted agreeing to "Minami Kaichiro" too early.

Had he known that the other party was so rich and that a mere suitcase of banknotes was nothing, at least two suitcases, no, three suitcases, would he have agreed to **** the grain ship.

Zuo Zhong on the side smiled slightly. Since the concept of currency was born in human society, it means that everything has a corresponding price. It is just a matter of how much.

The most indispensable thing for the military commander is money, especially Japanese yen. The money printing machine in the secret camp in the mountain city is running at full speed. Banknotes are printed out one by one, and then exchanged for supplies through various channels, or deposited into banks in various countries in various ways. account.

 He did not believe that after seeing these yen, Ozawagawa's men could still maintain their absolute loyalty to the Locust. Human beings have selfish desires. This is human nature, and it is an iron law that no one can change.

 The hints I made at the wine table earlier have already brought out the greed of these Japanese people. The yen in the private room will quickly amplify this greed and disrupt their thinking.

However, fortunately, Anqing is not far from Jinling, and I made an appointment in advance when withdrawing money last time. Otherwise, the Zhengjin Bank in Anqing would not be able to provide such a large amount of cash.

At this time, the lobby was extremely quiet. After a long time, someone finally came to his senses. Resisting the greed and excitement in his heart, he turned his head and cautiously asked Zuo Zhong a question.

“Your Excellency Nanjia, what are you doing?”

Everyone pricked up their ears and wanted to hear "Nan Jiaichiro's" answer. No one was a fool. The other party was definitely not showing off his wealth like this, so there was only one possibility. The other party wanted to bribe them.

Zuo Zhong walked to the banknotes with a smile, put his hands on the low wall, looked up at the red-faced Japs, chuckled lightly and then slowly spoke.

 “This money belongs to you.”

  Everyone present was stunned. After a few seconds, they started cheering wildly. Wine glasses, bowls and chopsticks all flew into the sky. Everyone was dazzled by the sudden wealth, and no one asked the other party the reason for giving the money.

 Reason, is it important?

  It doesn’t matter at all.

With so much money, let alone transporting some contraband to the Kuomintang-controlled areas, even if the two gunboats of the Anqing garrison are sold to the Republic of China, it is not impossible to consider that there will always be losses in combat, right?

Looking at the ecstatic Japanese soldiers, Zuo Zhong kept smiling and raised his hand and pressed down. The cheers disappeared instantly. Look, the Japanese army is an "elite division" and it is indeed prohibited.

While the sailors looked at him expectantly, he closed the door of the private room with his backhand to block the money, and then began to draw the cake skillfully without waiting for the crowd to make a fuss.

"Okay, don't get excited. Mr. Ozawa and I will have a private conversation with everyone. After the conversation, the money will be distributed one by one according to military rank and number of people. This is just the beginning. Jingdong Club will give it to everyone in the future. Everyone will bring more benefits, and when the war is over and the warriors retire, I will provide them with a decent job.”

 After saying that, he took Ozawakawa and the captain of one of the gunboats to the back hall. Gui Youguang immediately stood at the door of the private room, with his right hand under the hem of his clothes to prevent anyone from taking risks.

As we all know, the moral bottom line of the Japanese has always been relatively low. Who knows if there are people who don’t want to work but also want money. In short, we cannot give the Japanese a chance to take advantage of others.

Moreover, the three Zuo Chong people walked through the corridor and came to a room to sit down. The wall blocked the noise outside. The gunboat captain looked at the sponsor and boss in front of him with some anxiety. He could neither sit nor stand.

 “Haha, don’t be nervous.”

Zuo Zhong comforted the man and chatted for a while. After the other person slowly relaxed, he got to the point. He did not go around in circles and directly revealed that there were inclusions in the supplies shipped a few days ago.

At the same time, it is stated that this is a very profitable business. The last time you do it is worth more than ten years of military salary, and you will never default on the settlement in cash. However, if you want to join, you must first submit a letter of nomination.

The surrender letter was none other than a national intelligence officer in the hands of the Anqing Gendarmerie. However, he also made it clear that he would definitely kill people and silence him, and no witnesses would be left.

The gunboat captain's reaction was much calmer than Ozawagawa's. He didn't yell or clamor to report. He agreed as quickly as possible, leaving Zuo Zhong a little at a loss.

 In fact, this is normal. The smarter people are, the more they understand the nature of Japan's war. The senior officials have made a lot of money with the help of the war. Why can't they?

 To put it simply, what Zuo Zhong gave far exceeded the benefits of being loyal to the Locusts and the Japanese government. Unless they were diehards, no one would refuse this condition.

Of course, Zuo Zhong would not believe the other party easily, so he took out the confession he had prepared a long time ago. There was nothing else in it, it was just a greeting to Tianchu’s family from a legal and physiological perspective.

As long as you sign this fatal thing, whether you are really joining the gang or pretending to be a gang member, the other party will have no other choice but to follow Zuo Zhong and Ozawagawa all the way to the dark side.

  The captain of the gunboat was even more happy about this. He signed his name without hesitation and held it in his hand for a photo. There was no point regretting it after he had already boarded the boat. It was better to just do it.

In addition, like Ozawakawa, the other party did not ask Zuo Zhong's true identity. Having this fig leaf is a good thing for both parties. Those who don't know are not guilty.

 After signing, Zuo Zhong sent Ozawagawa to call the next person in, while the gunboat captain stayed behind. For the newly developed personnel, just signing and taking photos was not enough, they had to have blood on their hands.

 After decades of brainwashing and education, there must be people among those in the lobby who are unwilling to betray Japan. Then it will be the other party’s turn to play a role, and the money cannot be taken in vain.

 Next, the sailors and low-level officers who came to the banquet came to the room one by one. Most of them agreed like the first person without much hesitation, but there were also some who couldn't think of it.

For this group of people, there is no need to take heavy action. Someone will take care of it. The next room will soon be filled with dead bodies. Blocking people's financial path is like killing their parents. No one wants to lose a person because of the hot-headedness of a small group of people. A chance to change your destiny.

By the end of the night, the number of dozens of people who came to the restaurant had been reduced by seven or eight. The remaining people stood in line in front of Zuo Zhong and started to receive money, and there were endless thanksgivings.

 “Thank you, Your Excellency Nanjia.”

“We are willing to do the hard work of dogs and horses.”


 It didn’t take long for Zuo Zhong to hand over the last pile of cash to a grateful Japanese, and then prepared to give these people the final blow to avoid recurrence.

He took out a few telex newspapers from his pocket. The so-called telex newspapers meant that the telegraph office would collect some overseas news and sell them to traveling businessmen at a price of three cents per word.

This is expensive and meaningless to ordinary people, but it is important for businessmen who need to obtain timely information on commodity prices, supply and demand in various places.

After meeting Ozawa yesterday, Gui Youguang went to get some money. Zuo Zhong went to the Anqing Telegraph Bureau and bought some. He held the newspaper upright and read several reports on it slowly.

These reports are without exception. They all tell stories about a poor family in Japan who received remittances from relatives on the front line and thus lived a life of ample food and clothing.

The Japanese government likes it very much and supports newspapers publishing such examples to boost morale and use benefits to lure citizens to support the war against China.

What excited the Japanese at the scene was that the names mentioned in the report were the fathers, mothers or wives of some of them.

 But they did not send money to their families at all. There is only one answer. This was done by the powerful Minami Kaichiro. He was the one who sent money to all the relatives.

This is not only a solicitation, but also a warning. If someone dares to play tricks, not only will he be unlucky, but his family members in the country will also suffer.

Gui Youguang suddenly realized that it turned out that the General Affairs Department allocated funds to Tokyo for this purpose. The deputy director had strangled the opponent's life. Now the Japanese should be completely honest.

Sure enough, several sailors whose family members' names were mentioned knelt down and got out of the standard taxi with a clang, expressing their submission and gratitude to Zuo Zhong.

Zuo Zhong accepted the bow calmly, then kindly helped a few people up, and spoke to all the sailors and officers sincerely.

“I know that some of you are under pressure to join our cause, but I want to say that you should not be hostile to me, this is just a business.

Since it is a business, there are buyers and sellers. From this point of view, you and I are partners on the same side and share common interests.

 So, let us join hands to create a better tomorrow together, become a tycoon together, and return to our hometown gloriously to be cheered by our families! "

The Japs had never heard of this kind of talk. Thinking of the good days ahead, they immediately stared with blood-red eyes, held hands and raised their arms, letting out a deafening howl.



 (End of this chapter)

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