Cicada Moving

Chapter 1017: delivering

Chapter 1017 In transit

 One day in October 1939.

 The afternoon sun shines on the sparkling water surface, the reeds on the shore are swaying gently in the wind, and a few waterbirds fly past in leaps and bounds, constantly circling in the sky.

Anqing Neihe Pier No. 1 is heavily guarded. Soldiers of the Japanese Special Marine Corps are fully armed and patrolling back and forth in the naval base. From time to time, the barking of wolf dogs can be heard.

Two gunboats and two freighters, one large and one small, were parked beside the trestle in the port. At this time, the freighters had been ignited and boosted, and wisps of black smoke floated out of the chimneys, ready to set sail at any time.

Wang Duzhai led his traitors and a group of laborers tied behind their backs to the gate of the military camp, and negotiated with the sentry with a bowed head and asked to board the ship. The sentry picked up the phone and said a few words, and then pushed away the horse to let them go.

Under tight surveillance, the panicked workers walked to the large cargo ship, and were then driven up the gangway by the Japanese crew like livestock. Some looked back at the hometown they were about to leave and burst into tears.

After this departure, it is very likely that they will never come back alive. This made them who were born and raised here not despair. But looking at the Japanese soldiers with guns not far away, the workers were afraid, lowered their heads and jumped out of the cargo hold as ordered. .

—In order to save transportation capacity and costs, the Japanese naturally cannot use passenger ships to transport "consumables" that are destined to die in the mines, and simply use the loaded cargo holds to transport them away.

As for how long the laborers can survive in the Northeast, it depends on God's will. Anyway, there are many Republic of China people in the occupied areas, and they can just catch them all when they are dead.

Wang Duzhai didn't care much about the tragic experiences of these fellow villagers. Even if he didn't arrest the laborers, others would, so he might as well give him a way to get ahead.

Watching the team of workers being gradually swallowed up by the dark cargo hold, he secretly figured out how much benefit he could get from "Minami Kaichiro" until there was a sound of footsteps behind him.

 “Wang Sang.”

Zuo Zhong, surrounded by a group of Japanese sailors, stopped by the gunboat and greeted Wang Duzhai warmly, while Gui Youguang and Ozawa calmly boarded another gunboat.

Hearing his master's call, Wang Duzhai did not dare to neglect. He quickly ran to Zuo Zhong holding the hem of his robe, took off his hat and bowed, saying all kinds of flattery in his mouth.

Too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy, Zuo Zhong glanced at the old traitor and the dozen cronies behind him, and directly issued an order, asking the other party to bring people on board to **** the laborers.

Wang Duzhai was stunned. He was following the other party's arrangement when he sent the person to the dock today. He didn't want to follow him outside the customs. As the saying goes, people are cheap when they leave their hometown. If something happened in that bitter and cold place, then he would really be in trouble every day. Yes, the ground is no longer working.

Besides, what can the laborers do to **** them? Just lock the door of the cargo hold. Will anyone come to rob them? The laborers are not little girls, so they quickly explained.

"Your Excellency Nanjia, the work of maintaining the association cannot be separated from Wang. If I don't let my brothers go to the northeast, nothing will happen."

 “Haha, Wang Sang, you misunderstood.”

Zuo Chong smiled and shook his head, pointing to the gunboat on the side and said: "Ozawa-kun is going to **** the gendarmerie to Jinling to perform official duties. It just so happens that the Anqing matter has been dealt with, and I am ready to leave with the ship.

 Wang Sang helped me a lot this time, and I must express my gratitude. A friend of mine came to Jinling from the mainland for a business trip. I would like to introduce him to you, which may be beneficial to your future. "

 Oops, from Tokyo to Jinling?

 This must be a big shot!

Wang Duzhai was overjoyed and did not say anything about official matters. He immediately bowed and thanked him again. After receiving permission, he swaggered onto the freighter with his men, preparing for a bright future.

On the other side, the captain of the gunboat respectfully indicated to Zuo Zhong that it was time to board the ship. The gendarmerie convoy would arrive in a moment. If there were unfamiliar faces present, it might cause trouble.

 Zuo Zhong followed his good will and walked through the gangplank into the crew cabin at the back of the gunboat, which was specially used for carrying combat personnel. A sailor was very discerning and brought fresh fruit and hot tea.

However, it was better not to touch the kid’s things. He thanked him with a smile, then put these things aside, looking closely at the direction of the military camp gate.

Not long after, an armored car escorted two trucks and hurriedly arrived. Two detachments of Japanese military police got out of the car and spread their guard. Then several prisoners who were covered in bruises and wearing handcuffs and shackles slowly walked out of the truck.

 Cai Shengchu, director of Anqing Station.

Deputy chief…

 General affairs…

 Leader of the intelligence team…

Zuo Zhong observed the prisoner's facial features and compared them with the image data in his memory. He quickly figured out the prisoner's identity and breathed a sigh of relief.

This sudden attack by the Japanese army almost wiped out all the senior officials at Anqing Station. If these people rebelled, it would be a fatal blow to the military intelligence network in central China.

 There are no absolute secrets in the world, and the same applies to intelligence agencies. Agents who can hold high-level positions in an intelligence station must have certain qualifications and have worked in other places or departments.

The Japanese can completely screen them based on their confessions and follow the clues to track down other members of the military command. This is a vicious circle and who knows how many people will be implicated. Fortunately, Cai Shengchu and others held on to the bottom line under severe torture, otherwise they would not be wearing weapons at this moment. Compared with the losers of Zhongtong, the members of the military command did not disappoint.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong really wanted to fly to Shanghai and give Hase Ryousuke a big mouth. Since the explosion of Wuliang Temple, there has been no news from the other party and no information has been passed on.

This resulted in the military commander knowing nothing about the personnel losses at Jinling District and Anqing Station. After all, the members of Jinling District who escaped were only low-level personnel and did not understand many things.

Had it not been for the news from Tongsuo that Qi Tongzhen, the head of the Special Committee against China, had implemented strict internal confidentiality measures, he would have really thought that this guy's identity was exposed and he was liquidated by the Japanese.

The dignified flower of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ intelligence work is fine. It’s okay to not do the intelligence work well. He can’t even understand it when he fights in the inner circle. He can’t even defeat a mere Osako Tosada. It’s simply a shame.

 Deduction of money!

Money must be deducted!

 Zuo Zhong secretly cursed Hase Ryosuke, silently averted his eyes and waited patiently for the boat to set off. He felt that maybe after rescuing Cai Shengchu, he could get some news from the other party.

Anqing Station belongs to Jinling District. Cai Shengchu has many contacts with Xuancheng Taoists. He should know some information that the headquarters does not have. This is very helpful for damage assessment and district station reconstruction.


Just as he was thinking about it, the whistle suddenly sounded. The gunboat Zuo Zhong was riding on left the port first amidst the roar of the huge diesel engine, followed by the large freighter carrying laborers, then the small freighter escorting the prisoners, and finally Gui Youguang and Ozawa. Another gunboat aboard Chuan.

Four ships flying plaster flags entered the channel and began to accelerate, moving quickly downstream along the current. Other Japanese ships on the surface got out of the way when they saw the gunboats to avoid provoking the military.

The 25-ton gunboat under the left heavy foot is powered by two diesel engines with a total power of 300 horsepower. It uses dual-shaft propulsion and has a maximum speed of 11 knots. If it goes at full speed, it can quickly throw away the cargo ship.

 But that would lose the meaning of escort. In order to take care of the slow freighter, after traveling for a period of time, the gunboat slowly reduced its speed and kept a distance of two or three kilometers from the large freighter behind.

 Water transportation is different from land transportation. Ships cannot be too close to each other, especially in military operations. The purpose is to avoid being overwhelmed by the enemy and leave sufficient maneuvering water for other ships.

 Half an hour later.

Zuo Zhong was wrapped in a dress in the passenger cabin. It was approaching late autumn, and the cold wind mixed with a strong smell of diesel blew towards him, making the cabin really uncomfortable.

Upon seeing this, the sailor sitting next to him quickly took out a dark blue navy coat, put it on his shoulders diligently, and then bent down to invite him to the cockpit, where the noise was smaller and the air was better.

Zuo Zhong couldn't help but smile, who said that the Japanese are all stubborn and can't flatter others? Look, aren't they very flexible? It can be seen that it is not that the Japanese are too rigid, but that the Locusts have given too little.

 “Yoshi, very good.”

He patted the other party's shoulder lightly, and used the narrow passage to pass through the engine compartment and walked into the fully enclosed cockpit. The cold wind was immediately blocked by the steel plate, and his body temperature recovered a little.

Seeing the food and clothing parents arriving, the captain, who was checking the navigation chart, gave a military salute and then reported to Zuo Zhong the current speed and the straight-line distance between the gunboat and Naoziji.

 After listening to the briefing, Zuo Zhong picked up the compass on the navigation chart and fiddled with it twice. At the same time, he glanced at the long river outside the porthole, raised his head and asked the other party.

 “Are you ready? Once you arrive at Nongziji, act according to the predetermined plan.”

 “Hai, please rest assured, Mr. Nanjia.”

The captain stood at attention and nodded fiercely, showing full confidence. They were still a navy after all, and it was impossible to fail against a group of traitors and military police on the water.

Zuo rubbed his brows. It didn't matter what the little devil thought, but he was still a little worried. He looked at the ships coming and going on the river and gave him another warning.

“The most important thing about this operation is to hide it from the eyes of others, especially the crew members on nearby ships. They must act according to my deployment and must not be careless.”

When the captain heard this, he thought of the action plan the other party told them after joining the gang in the restaurant, which could make money without openly treason, and immediately nodded vigorously.

 Seeing that the other party no longer acted like he was the best in the world, Zuo Zhong was slightly relieved. He lowered his head and looked at his watch. He stood in the cockpit with his arms folded and looked in front of the gunboat without saying anything.

As time goes by, the sun slowly sets in the west, the visibility in the twilight is getting lower and lower, and the fleet is about to enter the most dangerous section of the voyage - the Nuoziji Waterway.

Suddenly, a violent explosion suddenly sounded. The gendarmerie captain who was dozing in the cab of the third small freighter was startled and woke up, and he quickly followed the sound.

I saw a dazzling fire burning in the dusk. Looking at the gunboat at the front, the captain opened his mouth. Could it be that the underground guerrillas dared to ambush even the warship?

 (End of this chapter)

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