Cicada Moving

Chapter 1019: Who is the mole?

Chapter 1019 Who is the mole?


 The residence of the Special Committee on China, Chongguang Hall.

 In a Japanese-style room, Osako Tsusada and Hase Ryosuke sat opposite each other. They drank tea quietly and neither of them spoke. After a long silence, Osako Michusada spoke first.

“Mr. Hase, have you heard about the Anqing attack not long ago? The navy said they were attacked by unknown persons. How credible do you think this is?”

Opposite him, Hase Ryosuke put a plain porcelain tea cup in front of his mouth, took a small sip, showed a satisfied smile on his face, and then replied casually.

“The Intelligence Office of the Special Marine Corps of the Imperial Navy in Shanghai has conducted an investigation and found that there is nothing suspicious about this matter. Some of the Republic of China workers who were released and recaptured did hear the sound of fierce exchanges of fire.

There were many bullet marks on the gunboat that returned to Anqing Pier 1. Several sailors were killed and more than a dozen sailors were injured. Investigators also recovered the remains of some imperial warriors from the river.

In addition, some of the Imperial citizens who witnessed the incident were soldiers in the countryside. They also confirmed that the other party in the crossfire was using non-Imperial equipment. This kind of thing cannot be faked.

 After the incident, the investigation results of the site and surrounding areas confirmed the confession and records of Ozawagawa, the commander of the Imperial Navy in Anqing, that the attack was a fact. "

 Speaking, Hase Ryousuke raised his head and looked at Osako Tsusad, placed the teacup gently on the table, and said a little mockingly.

“Why, has His Excellency Osako doubted the loyalty of the Navy again? I need to remind you that the Special Committee on China is not the Army’s one word.

 The Navy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and even the civil service system all have interests in this. Doing so will bring you huge trouble and even risk your life.

 The soldiers in the frontline troops are not as easy to talk to as I am, and they will remain indifferent even if they are put under house arrest. If they are pushed into a hurry, these people will really kill people. "

Faced with ridicules and threats, Osako Tsusada remained calm and businesslike, and gave his explanation with a serious expression.

“Mr. Hase, don’t get me wrong. The arrests in Shanghai, Jinling and other places are the empire’s top secrets, and internal monitoring is an order from Tokyo.

The many failures of the Imperial Intelligence System in the past prove that there is a non-national within us, and the escape of members of the Shanghai District also proves this. "


Hearing this, Hase Ryosuke seemed to have been greatly insulted. He slammed the low table in front of him, put his hands on the edge of the table, put his head close to Osako Tsusada, and questioned the other party fiercely.

"Did Tokyo's order to you require that I be placed under house arrest? I have shed blood for the empire and I have made meritorious service to the empire. You are persecuting a meritorious official of the empire."

I want to report this matter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Cabinet. The power given to you by His Majesty and the Military Ministry is not a reason for you to exclude dissidents, retaliate, or shirk responsibilities.

Besides, you restricted my movements before the arrest, but in the end, the national agents still escaped. Doesn’t this still prove my innocence? "


 Osako Tsusada didn't know what to say, and he was also very confused about this. Everyone who knew the specific deployment of the arrest operation was under surveillance. It couldn't be that he had leaked the information himself.

Seeing the other party's reaction, Hase Ryosuke sneered. Although he didn't know how "Fat Tiger" knew the information, it didn't stop him from pouring dirty water on Osako's head. Thinking of this, he had a weird attitude.

“Your Excellency Osako, we are the only ones who know all the arrangements. Since I am not the one who betrayed the empire, who do you think the spy is? I request to contact the mainland.”

Hearing this, Osako Tsusada's face turned green, and he thought to himself, you might as well report my name directly. It would be okay if Tokyo knew about this, but Hase must not be allowed to report it to the mainland.

However, the other party is also an agency chief and has people under his command. If this guy is cornered, there is no way to stop him. He can't kill people and silence them. It seems that we have to find another way.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind. Osako Tsusada pretended not to hear what Hase said, took out a file and pushed it to Hase Ryosuke, speaking in a dignified tone.

“The matter of the mole has been taken over by the military police department, so you and I don’t have to worry about it. No matter who it is, anyone who betrays the empire will have to pay a heavy price.

Mr. Hase, please take a look at the Anqing Incident file first. If things are really as recorded by the navy, we will face an extremely difficult opponent this time.

The other party dared to launch such a large-scale attack on Changgao and openly killed dozens of imperial warriors and citizens. Judging from their actions and style, it should be the fault of the military commander.

Based on the cases in recent years, I think the person responsible for this operation is likely to be Zuo Zhong, the deputy director of the military command. This person is cruel and scheming, and has repeatedly undermined the empire's operations.

 You should know him very well. Before the war, only your special high school could successfully lurk in Jinling. Although the loss of personnel was also not small, it was already very difficult.

 It’s a pity that this person is very cautious. At present, we only know that he is from Ningbo, born in the third year of the Republic of China, and graduated from the Zhejiang Provincial Police School. We know nothing else about him. "

 “Nani? Zuo Zhong?”

Hase Ryosuke felt guilty, but he was the old mole after all. On the surface, he opened the file solemnly and checked it quickly.

As a partner, of course he knew Zuo Zhong very well. Just looking at the case file, this attack was indeed in line with Zuo Zhong’s style.

 Go away with one strike.

  What’s more important is not to leave anyone alive. In the past battles, the "Fat Tiger" has always been like this. Hundreds of imperial intelligence personnel died in the hands of the opponent.

 After thinking quickly for a while, Hase Ryosuke closed the file, also showing a solemn expression, and after pondering for a moment, he looked at Osako Tosada. “Chief Osako, you are right. It does look very similar to what Zuo Zhong did. The other party may have come for Chen Mingchu and Zheng Shisong. Your plan was successful.

I think that after rescuing Cai Shengchu, Zuo Zhong's next destination should be Shanghai. We must be more vigilant. This person's destructive power cannot be underestimated. "

With a smile in his eyes, Osako Tsusada gave preferential treatment to Zheng Shisong, the deputy district chief of Shanghai District. It was his plan to use counterintuitive tactics. He originally wanted to destroy the relationship between Zheng Shisong and Yamashiro and let him serve the empire. Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected gain. This big fish was caught.

If Zuo Zhong can be captured, this will be the highest honor of his career. He may be able to take the opportunity to be transferred back to the staff headquarters. Although the Republic of China was good, he has had enough.

Not only do I have to endure tremendous pressure every day, but I also have to fight with the underground party, the government, the British, and the Americans. These things should be left to younger people.

He smiled and nodded, stood up, walked to the window and opened it, looked outside for a while with his hands behind his back, then raised his hand and pointed at the city outside the wall and said in a deep voice.

“Mr. Changgu, what you just said is right. Zuo Zhong may have arrived and is hiding somewhere, waiting for the opportunity, ready to bite us hard.

I think it is necessary for us to screen people who have recently come to Shanghai. I am talking about everyone, including imperial military and government staff.

Since the mole can leak information and provide legal documents for Zuo Zhong, we must learn from Shancheng and not let any suspicious elements go.

Whether it is the mainland, Kuomintang-controlled areas, occupied areas, Southeast Asia, or foreigners, they must be investigated. Except for European and American countries, the empire cannot fall out with each other yet.

Zuo Chong would not have been able to detour such a long way. The cross-ocean journey would often take more than a month. The military commander wanted to calm down the situation quickly and there was not so much time to waste.

 In order to ensure that no dead ends are left, Mr. Changgu, please contact the public concession and the French Concession and ask them to transfer recent household registration records within their jurisdiction to No. 76.

 The Caobang has a large number of people in Shanghai. With the help of the Republic of China people on No. 76, we can find the target among the people from Shanghai as quickly as possible. Please. "

 After speaking, Osako Tsusada turned around and looked at Hase Ryousuke, wanting to hear the other person's opinion, or another test. In his eyes, no one was trustworthy.

 Damn guy!

 Hase Ryosuke secretly cursed in his mind that this **** actually wanted to screen all people coming to Shanghai. If "Fat Tiger" was unfortunately arrested, he would not be able to escape.

However, Osako Tosada's reasons are very good, and there are no problems with the deployment. It is useless to object. As the assistant officer of the Special Committee on China, he can only agree.

Resisting the urge to shoot the opponent to death, Changgu pretended to clapped his hands and said "Yoshi", giving an affirmative answer.

“Your Excellency Osako is right. If Zuo Zhong is really in Shanghai, we will be able to find him based on his space trajectory. I will immediately contact the concession authorities and ask them to cooperate with the Locust Army’s actions.”

At this point, all he can do is agree first, and then find a way to notify "Fat Tiger".

The other side was really careless this time. The military commander really shouldn't have made such a big noise in Anqing to attract the attention of the Special Committee on China.

  Osako Tsusada seemed very satisfied with Hase Ryosuke's answer, and his conversation became more cordial. After explaining the details of the screening, he turned to another arrangement.

—While conducting a large-scale screening of people coming to Shanghai, let No. 76 take Chen Mingchu and Zheng Shisong out.

 The military command must hate these two people to the core, and if they want to deal with them quickly, they are likely to impose sanctions. This is the opportunity for the special committee on China.

After hearing this, Ryosuke Hase still had no reason to object. Now that he knew that the target might come to Shanghai, fishing was the most basic means of coping and handling.

 Besides, he is not worried that "Fat Tiger" will be fooled. The other party is a very cautious person and would not miss such a low-level trap.

 After talking about business, Osako Michizada casually chatted for a few words and asked Hase Ryosuke to be sent out, and then called a subordinate to whisper a few words.

As the head of an intelligence agency, Osako Tsusada has always felt that being suspicious is a good habit, so Osako Tsusada does not intend to stop monitoring Hase Ryosuke until the suspicion is completely eliminated.

 If there is a problem with the other party, the wealth gained through smuggling will change its owner.

 If there is no problem, then create problems. After all, returning to your hometown to work requires money.

 He finally understood.

 Without money, without power, nothing.

Just like the student Heiteng he accepted in North China, he just said a few words at the big shot's engagement party and was sent to the county seat. It will be difficult for him to get ahead in his life.

Zuo Zhong didn’t know Osako Tosada’s plan. In order to avoid leaking his whereabouts, he didn’t even have contact with Cai Shengchu. Unexpectedly, the Japanese still saw clues in his behavior.

This is normal. Japanese intelligence officers are not fools. If Osako Tsusada did not have two brushes, he would not be the person in charge of the Aoki Residence, let alone the director of the Special Committee on China.

 But the devil is one foot high and the Tao is one foot high.

Although Zuo Zhong could not predict the future, he knew the Japanese and the cunningness of the Japanese agents. Naturally, he could not foolishly fall into the trap and had taken precautions long ago.

On the Taiping Ocean, hundreds of kilometers away from Shanghai, Zuo Zhong was lying on a deck chair on a cruise ship sunbathing. He held a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in his hand and took a sip.

Wearing a curly wig on his head and dark skin, Gui Youguang stood aside with a dark face and a white towel on his wrist, looking exactly like an indigenous boy.

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