Cicada Moving

Chapter 1020: Entry

Chapter 1020 Entry

In the 1920s and 1930s, international airlines used airships to transport passengers around the world. The airships mentioned here were not airships, but large seaplanes.

Pan Am Airways' Martin M-130 airship departs from San Francisco every Wednesday, passing through Honolulu, Midway, Wake Island, Guam, Manila, Macao and Hong Kong, and then returns to the United States.

This plane crosses half the world in a few days and can carry 8 passengers at a time. The ticket price is high, but its convenience and high speed make it popular among businessmen and wealthy people.

 After completing the mission in Anqing, Zuo Chong and Gui Youguang quickly rushed to Yangcheng with the help of military transportation stations. They entered the British colonial port city through the port, where they changed their identities and took the M-130 airship straight to Honolulu.

This is the most important base for the Americans in the Pacific Ocean. All ships heading from the Americas to Asia will be resupplied here.

On the day Zuo and Chong arrived, they again used fake passports to board the "Yankee" cruise ship bound for Shanghai from San Francisco.

 Name a behemoth ship of tens of thousands of tons as "Hillbilly". It has to be said that when it comes to self-defeat, Uncle Sam ranks second and no one dares to rank first.

It is worth noting that in the cruise ship's registration form, Zuo Zhong, whose pseudonym was Tomdin, and an indigenous servant who did not deserve his name had already boarded the ship in San Francisco, and were still cruise ship staff.

Money can bring magic, let alone a captain in a capitalist country. As long as the other party gives enough money, the other party is even willing to sell the captain's name.

Zuo Zhong lay in the sun and drank the orange juice in one gulp, leisurely watching the seagulls flying around the cruise ship. After fighting with the Japanese in Anqing for so long, he could finally enjoy himself.

 “Hi, Tom.”

At this moment, a bearded man in a sailor's uniform came over with his arms around the woman and greeted her warmly. Then he threw his fat body onto the couch next to him. The poor couch immediately groaned in pain.

 “Good afternoon, Mr. Captain.”

Seeing the other person, Zuo Zhong put his right hand in front of his forehead and waved it in an American military salute. He greeted him in English with a California accent and glanced at the woman next to him.

There is a kind of professional courtesan on a transoceanic cruise ship. They travel around the world and develop relationships beyond friendship with first-class passengers, captains and first mates. This is the standard "Queen of the Sea".

The gray-haired captain wiped the sweat from his forehead and complained for a while about the weather on the Taiping Ocean. Then he drove away the gorgeous Ms. Haihou and approached Zuo Zhong and said furtively.

“Ding, do you really not need to be a captain? I don’t know who you are or who you are avoiding, but no one dares to be rude to an American captain.

 Don't worry, my boys are very obedient and strict with their mouths. Even if the **** Hoover is in front of them, they can still keep your secrets, God is my witness. "

He raised his hands seriously and swore an oath that even he didn't believe. If the FBI director really showed up here, I'm afraid he wouldn't even tell the truth about how old he was when he wet the bed.

Zuo Zhong was too lazy to watch this guy's performance, and waved his hands lazily, rejecting the other person's "kindness".

"No need, Mr. Captain, the identity of the third officer is enough. I'm not worried about you and your crew revealing information. After all, the checks in your hands still need my confirmation, don't they."

Not getting what he wanted, the captain shrugged his shoulders, took out a check with $10,000 written on it and looked at the sun, with a look of suspicion on his fat face, and asked uncertainly what the check would be. No problem.

"Of course not, my captain. Although the check can only be exchanged for US dollars in cash at the Left Bank in San Francisco, there are also branches of the Left Bank in Shanghai. Mr. Captain can verify the authenticity by himself."

Zuo Zhong solemnly gave his assurance, with a look of care when he spoke, as if he was offended by the captain's words, and then he gave the other party another reassurance.

"Besides, after this is over, I will leave the country on a cruise ship. If there is something wrong with the check, you can refuse me to board the ship. Compared with precious life, money is just a meaningless number, isn't it?"

The captain laughed dryly and carefully put the check back into his pocket. He took off his pocket watch and looked at it. He said that in another 24 hours, the "Yankee" would arrive at the public concession pier in Shanghai. At that time, the patrol house would board the ship for inspection.

He vaguely reminded Zuo Chong that according to past practice, patrol officers would check documents, registration forms and luggage to prevent the entry of prohibited items, such as weapons and radios.

If they have these items in their luggage, he is willing to provide additional concealment services, of course, for a fee, which is only $500.

Facing this American who was desperate for money, Zuo Chong still gave a negative answer. After the Anqing operation, they left the weapons they snatched to the military commanders who responded.

As for the radio station, whether it is in Shanghai District or the backup intelligence network, there is no need to carry such a dangerous item with you. If the patrol room and the Japanese discover it, your identity will only be exposed.

 Besides, in a civilized society, wisdom and money are the best tools.

 In the end, the captain, who had gained nothing, muttered and left. He finally met a big client and failed to squeeze out his wallet. This made him very unwilling, but he couldn't buy or sell by force.

Out of business ethics, before leaving, he told Zuo Zhong that the "Yankee" would only stay in Shanghai for half a month. Once the departure time passed, he would not stay for one more minute unless he added money.

 Zuo Zhong looked at the huge back of the American Canadian brother slowly walking away, and shook his head helplessly. If Hase Ryosuke were here, he would have to bow to him.

 “Mr. Third Deputy.”

 Gui Youguang came over at some point. Strangely enough, the big bald man with his curly hair looked indescribably obscene. Under Zuo Zhong's disgusted eyes, he asked a question.

“Do you really want to give that guy $10,000? Do you want me to give him to you when we return?”

As he spoke, he had a fierce look in his eyes and raised his eyebrows. It was obvious that he was preparing to plant the opponent into a lotus.

The sea breeze in the Taiping Ocean is so strong that it is normal for a fat man weighing more than 200 kilograms to be blown away occasionally. Such tragedies have not never happened. Zuo Zhong was angry when he heard this. It was unreasonable for someone to dare to question his noble sentiments. He immediately denounced him angrily.


"Who do you think I am? Who doesn't know how I could do such a treacherous thing? Just keep the information on how to disguise your identity and don't worry about other things."

After scolding the bald man righteously, he secretly thought that Zuo Jun and Miss Cheng Danli had already established a relationship and had the permission of both families.

The Zuo family also cooperated with the Cheng family to develop a gold mine in a primitive jungle somewhere in Southeast Asia. They are lacking enough labor. Is it possible?

Mr. Captain didn’t know that he was about to fulfill his dream of sleeping in gold. After returning from the deck, he checked the passenger and crew registration forms again. After all, he had paid.

More importantly, if the patrolman discovers a problem, he will also have to bear the responsibility. No one wants to spend Christmas in a flea-filled cell in the patrol house in the concession.

after one day.

The "Yankee" slowly docked at the Merchant Pier in the public concession. Before the citizens who came to pick her up could cheer, a group of police officers and a group of Japanese military police rushed over to separate the crowd from the cruise ship.

Zuo Zhong, who had already changed into a crew uniform, was leaning on the fence, smoking a cigarette, and watching the movement below as if nothing had happened. He broke open a piece of bread and threw it to the circling seagulls.

He is now an employee of an American shipping company. He doesn't dare to openly arrest people even if he has eight police officers. Even if he is searched, he still has to smile.

This is also true. When the Chinese patrolman who boarded the ship to inspect found out that Mr. Tomdin was the third mate, the frost on his face melted instantly.

 The rules are for the lower class, how can they be applied to an American gentleman?

 Let it go, let it all go!

Even Gui Youguang, who looked like a native, received preferential treatment. The natives became servants of foreigners. They were no longer ordinary natives. They were dogs with owners, just like those red-headed Asans in the concession.

However, the Japanese are not so easy to talk to. Whether they are crew members or passengers, anyone who disembarks from the ship must be questioned and searched. Even Europeans and Americans are treated equally.

 Since "defeating" the powerful Red Russians at Nomenkan, the Japanese have become more independent and do not even look down upon ghosts and beasts.

Zuo Zhong walked down the gangway calmly, stepped onto the land in Shanghai again, and walked slowly to a table.

There was a Japanese military policeman sitting behind the table, holding a pen in his hand and recording something. The shiny Nanbu pistol was placed on the table.

Seeing that the person coming was an Asian, the Japanese military policeman adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose and looked him up and down with sharp eyes.

 The person then took the passport and compared it with the registration form. After making sure it was correct, he raised his head and started asking in English with a heavy accent.

"Mr. Tomdin, are you the third officer of the Yankee?"

 “Yes, Mr. Officer.”

“You boarded the ship in San Francisco and planned to stay in Shanghai for half a month?”

 “That’s right.”

Hearing this, the military police looked through the voyage log of the "Yankee" and found that the other party's departure time was before the Anqing incident. According to the screening conditions of the Special Committee on China, the other party's suspicion could basically be ruled out.

Unless this Tomdin knows the art of avatar, it is impossible for him to kill people and rob prisoners in Anqing and appear on the sea at the same time.

However, considering that the other person had an Asian face and might have something to do with Shancheng or the underground party, he decided to ask one more question.

“Mr. Tom, I wonder what your job responsibilities are on the cruise ship?”

 After saying that, the military policeman who asked the question stared closely at Zuo Zhong's eyes, as if he wanted to see something from them.

Zuo Zhong frowned and pretended to be unhappy and replied: "In charge of the life-saving and fire-fighting equipment on the cruise ship, responsible for the navigation of the ship and the establishment of the watch order when it is berthed. Mr. Officer, is there something wrong with my ID?"

 “Of course not, it’s just my personal curiosity.”

The military policeman laughed and raised his hand to pick up the entry stamp and prepare to print it on the passport. But at the last moment, he suddenly stopped and asked another question with a smile.

“I heard that the east coast of Dezhou, your country, blows northerly winds in winter and westerly winds in summer. Is this true?”

"No, Mr. Officer, you remembered it wrong. It should be the south wind."

Before he could finish speaking, Zuo Zhong immediately gave the answer. His expression looked very impatient. His eyes wandered around the women in the crowd and he swallowed secretly.

Long-term ocean voyage, if you are not willing to spend money, is indeed a bit difficult for a healthy adult man. The military policeman smiled nonchalantly and stamped the entry stamp with a snap.

 (End of this chapter)

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