Cicada Moving

Chapter 1021: reconstruction

Chapter 1021 Reconstruction

 Shanghai, French Concession.

 Chen Gongshu, the head of Juntong Shanghai District, was hiding in a safe house in a shop called "Wuzhou Pickles". He was drinking sips of wine and looked extremely haggard with his unshaven beard.

 Ever since the Japanese raid in Shanghai District, he had not had a good sleep for many days. Firstly, he did not know how to explain to Lao Dai, and secondly, he was chased too closely by the traitor No. 76.

This group of spies from the Cao Gang have a sense of smell better than that of a dog and have many eyes and ears. They will be targeted by the opponent if they are not careful, and they work harder than the Japanese to arrest their compatriots.

 “Dong dong, dong dong dong dong.”

There were suddenly several knocks on the door. Chen Gongshu, who seemed confused, suddenly regained consciousness. He turned over and hid behind the bunker in the house, raised his gun and pointed it at the door.

A few seconds later, the knocking sounded rhythmically again, and then the door was opened from the outside. A black shadow flashed in. The other person closed the door with his backhand and raised his head slightly to say hello.

 “District Chief Chen.”

 “Deputy Director Zuo?”

Chen Gongshu cried out in surprise. He didn't expect to see Zuo Zhong here. He quickly put the gun back on his waist and walked in front of him, not worrying at all that it was a trap.

The number of Japanese who died in Zuo Zhong's hands was not one thousand, but eight hundred. Anyone could surrender to the Japanese, but the other party couldn't. Even he couldn't compare to him in terms of reliability.

 After shaking hands, Chen Gongshu swept the peanut shells off the table, enthusiastically asked Zuo Zhong to sit down, and then asked Shancheng expectantly if there were any new orders, such as retreat.

To be honest, he is also an old intelligence officer, but he has never encountered such a bad working environment. If possible, he would rather return to Beiping and continue to be his webmaster.

Zuo Zhong smelled the pungent smell of alcohol in the room and sighed deeply. After sitting on the stool, he looked at the other party seriously, breaking Chen Gongshu's fantasy.

“Brother Chen, I may disappoint you. This time I was assigned by the bureau to come to Shanghai. The purpose is to guide the reconstruction of Shanghai District and Jinling District, not to inform you to retreat.

 You are an old man in the bureau. You should know the importance of Shanghai to the national government. How can you give up so easily? As the district chief, you must keep this in mind and cheer up as soon as possible.

Besides, failure once or twice does not mean anything. You must be aware of your shame and then be brave. The bureau and the bureau headquarters will provide all necessary help to Shanghai District. You are not fighting alone. "

 He did not tell Chen Gongshu all of his mission in Shanghai. Although after observation, it was confirmed that the other party had not surrendered to the enemy, but if he did not do so now, it did not mean that he would not do so in the future. It was better to have some reservations.

 Chen Gongshu's head immediately dropped when he heard Zuo Zhong's words. Yes, if it was a retreat, just use the radio to notify himself. Zuo Zhong, the deputy director, would not come to Shanghai in person.

After a moment of silence, he steeled himself to report the losses in Shanghai District to Zuo Zhong.

Due to the early warning from the bureau headquarters, most of the intelligence personnel in Shanghai District evacuated safely. Only deputy district chief Zheng Shisong was captured. Three other agents died in a firefight with the Japanese and No. 76 during the retreat.

From a numerical perspective, the loss of personnel is indeed not large, but intelligence work does not focus on the number of people, but the latent identity of the agent operator is the most important.

After this battle, the intelligence network under the military command in Shanghai was basically paralyzed, all information channels were interrupted, and the Shanghai District became deaf and blind.

At the same time, the Japanese obtained photos of some personnel during the pursuit and posted rewards everywhere. In this case, subsequent intelligence work could not be carried out at all. Once the intelligence personnel were exposed, they basically lost their value. Forcibly using them would only kill the enemy.

 Each piece of bad news made Zuo Zhong frown. He knew that the situation in Shanghai was not good, but he did not expect it to be this bad. It seemed that without a large number of personnel and equipment, it would be difficult for the Shanghai District to resume operations.

The problem is that the Japanese have more and more control over Shanghai. Transferring people from other districts or headquarters are also likely to be discovered by the Japanese. Moreover, the newcomers do not understand the situation in Shanghai, and the risk of exposure is greater.

Major surgery must be performed on the Shanghai District!

Zuo Zhong silently came to a conclusion. He would use conventional means to complete the task assigned to him by Lao Dai. He didn't know how long it would take. The government couldn't wait, and neither could the military situation on the front line.

Confirming this, he knocked on the table lightly. Chen Gongshu, who was in a daze stimulated by the bad news, came back to his senses and immediately heard Zuo Zhong's deep voice.

“District Chief Chen, the organizational structure of Shanghai District must be changed. The complicated and complicated superior-subordinate relationship in the past no longer applies. Otherwise, if one person has a problem, the entire organization will be affected.

Just like this time, as soon as Chen Mingchu rebelled, the Shanghai District was in danger. This phenomenon is abnormal. Of course, this is not all your responsibility, but we still need to pay attention to this loophole. "

Hit Chen Gongshu unceremoniously, Zuo Zhong directly expressed his dissatisfaction with this old friend, and then continued without waiting for the other party to explain.

“I suggest that the intelligence personnel who have not been exposed so far be organized into several teams. The number can be 2 or 3 people. Each team is dedicated to gathering information about a certain target.

For example, a group can be established for No. 76, and all tasks related to No. 76 will be responsible for this group, and the group will be isolated from the source to avoid horizontal connections between the groups.

As for the method of transmitting intelligence, it will all be changed to radio broadcast receiving tasks. After completing the task, the intelligence will be sent through the mailbox. Face-to-face and manpower transmission shall not be used except under urgent circumstances.

In this way, even if a single group is discovered by the Japanese, it will not affect the overall situation. When the time comes, we will cut, we will retreat when we need to retreat, and we will hibernate when we need to hibernate, so as to minimize losses. "

 Chen Gongshu listened and nodded, feeling ashamed at the same time. When the two met a few years ago, one was a police academy student and the other was Dai Chunfeng's attendant. Their identities were very different. As a result, the other party has now become a high-ranking deputy director, and he is still working at the district station. What a blessing.

Zuo Zhong had no time to pay attention to Chen Gongshu's psychological activities. After talking about the arrangements for grassroots personnel, he talked about the reorganization plan for the middle and high-level personnel in Shanghai District.

“In order to command these groups more flexibly, Shanghai District will not set up agency offices in the future. You and others will be broken into pieces and lurk, and will no longer participate in specific business work.

 The allocation of relevant weapons, materials, and funds will be distributed by the General Affairs Office through various channels, and personnel arrangements will be handed over to the Secret Personnel Section. You must travel lightly and minimize intermediate links.

 The newly established intelligence team enjoys a high degree of freedom, allowing them to decide for themselves what intelligence to obtain and how to obtain it. This can train a group of agents who can act independently. "

 Chen Gongshu became anxious when he heard this. Does he still count as a district chief or a mascot like this?

The person named Zuo is too merciless. He is also the other party's guide in intelligence, how can he treat himself like this?

Who is the chief who has no personnel and financial power, who cares about a short boss. Zuo Zhong is going to break the root of the upper and middle -level personnel in the Shanghai district!

Thinking of this, Chen Gongshu could no longer bear it and said quickly.

 “Be careful, I.”

“Brother Gongshu, don’t get me wrong, listen to me.”

He was just about to object when his next words were interrupted. Zuo Zhong waved his hand, changed his title and revealed the specific plan to him.

“This is not to sideline you. In the future, you will still be responsible for the intelligence collection and preliminary analysis of each group, and you will also be responsible for liaison with Shancheng. You are still the district chief of Shanghai District.”

 Isn’t it a fantasy?

 If this is not an arrogance, what is an arrogance?

 Chen Gongshu almost laughed angrily. According to the other party, Chen Gongshu was a radio station director and traffic officer, not even a webmaster.

Suppressing his anger and resentment, he asked with a gloomy face, what if the team needed professional operators, after all, not all agents were proficient in operational techniques.

Facing Chen Gongshu's rebuttal, or questioning, Zuo Zhong smiled slightly and didn't care at all, but gave an explanation in a gentle tone.

“Regarding this matter, I think we should learn from the underground party and build the organization at the grassroots level. The team should be capable and everyone should be both intelligence agents and combatants.

 If your mobility skills are not good enough, practice them. Whoever is born to be a master of mobility can also improve the survival probability of members of Shanghai District when encountering the enemy. Do you think this is true, District Chief Chen? "

Chen Gongshu groaned and said nothing for a long time. There was nothing wrong with Zuo Zhong's words and he had no way to refute.

He can't say that the agents in Shanghai District just can't learn it. They all have two eyes, one nose and one mouth. Why can others do it but they can't.

It is understandable, but it is understandable. A dignified district chief is doing the job of a radio station director, but he still has opinions in his heart. If he doesn't fall out on the spot, he is considered to be in trouble.

Zuo Zhong saw Chen Gongshu's reaction in his eyes and secretly shook his head, feeling that the other party could not see the situation clearly. The old edges and corners were really smoothed by the days in Taiping.

Even though the bureau headquarters had given early warning, Shanghai District still lost the deputy district chief and three elites. As the district chief, didn’t he have any responsibility?

The reason why Lao Dai did not take military action was because of his past friendship. If the other party didn't even realize this, he might as well resign early to avoid compromising other people's lives.

 Fortunately, Chen Gongshu quickly adjusted his mentality and expressed his obedience to the order in a low voice, seizing the time to form an intelligence team and resume operations in Shanghai District.

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong's face that had been sullen since entering finally showed a smile, and then he changed his title again and gave the other party a sweet date.

“Brother Chen, it is impossible for me to stay in the occupied area for a long time, but intelligence activities are changing rapidly, and sometimes decisions need to be made as soon as possible, otherwise it is easy to delay the war opportunity.

 So I decided to suggest to the bureau and committee members that the frontline district chiefs be included as members of the design committee, or even named deputy directors. What do you think? "

 Everything must be done in a certain manner. As the top official of Shanghai District, it is necessary to beat Chen Gongshu, and it is also necessary to win over Chen Gongshu.

 Just hit and pull, there is a way to relax.

Besides, when Chen Gongshu heard Zuo Zhong's "hint", he immediately threw away his previous dissatisfaction, nodded his head quickly and said yes.

He likes the radio station the most. If anyone doesn’t let him be the director of this radio station, he will be in a hurry. It’s useless even if the committee members and bureau chiefs come, he said so!

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