Cicada Moving

Chapter 1022: Neighbor

 Chapter 1022 Neighbors

  No. 76 Jisi Feier Road, the headquarters of the puppet government’s secret agents.

Director Ding Mocun was sitting in his office processing official documents. Without hesitation, he wrote down a group of prisoners suspected of resisting Japan, including many of his old colleagues from the Central Unification Committee.

Although most of Xu Enzeng's men are trash and weaklings, it is undeniable that there are also a group of tough guys who would rather die than surrender to the Japanese and No. 76.

Dingmo Village has never been merciful to such useless people. After tonight, there will be several more unnamed solitary graves on the mass graves beside Huangpu River.

After finishing his official duties quickly, Ding Mocun, who had a thin face and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and looked more like a scholar than an agent, closed his eyes and rested for a while, then picked up the phone and called Wan Lilang, the director of Section 1 of No. 76 and Wu Sibao, captain of the guard brigade.

“How are the tasks assigned by Director Wan, Captain Wu, and Osako Agency going?”

As soon as he saw the two of them, Ding Mocun asked.

Although No. 76 belongs to the new government in name, everyone knows that the Japanese are their food and clothing parents, and the other party's orders must be completed to the letter.

 Once receiving the request from the Special Committee on China to screen those who have recently arrived in Shanghai, No. 76 immediately deployed a large number of personnel to carry out the work, and the persons in charge were Wan Lilang and Wu Sibao.

It is said that one of the two people has a professional background, and the other is an old gangster from the Cao Gang. In this way, they can not only track down the target person from a professional perspective, but also activate the Cao Gang's connections. They "complement each other."

Wan Lilang is fat, has a short haircut, and is wearing a new Chinese tunic suit. He looks very smart. After hearing Ding Mocun's question, he bent down and answered respectfully.

“Director, Captain Wu and I have checked all the people who came to Shanghai after the Anqing incident, and no suspicious people have been found yet. Could it be that Mr. Osako’s guess is wrong?

I have heard that Zuo Zhong has captured many Japanese spies, but he is now the deputy director of the military command. Ordinarily, a mountain city official of this level is unlikely to be personally involved in dangerous situations. "

 “No, this person is different from ordinary Fruit Party officials.”

Ding Mocun shook his head, pressed his hands and asked the two of them to sit down. He briefly introduced Zuo Zhong's resume in a heavy tone, and then looked at Wan Lilang again.

Outsiders say that Wan Lilang has a military background, but he knows that this is just a rumor. Only laymen who don't know the inside story would think so, and insiders would never believe it.

There is only one reason. He was able to become the division chief at the beginning of No. 76's establishment. The opponent cannot be an unknown person within the military system, at least he is a division chief or section chief.

The problem is that there are only so many named senior agents in the military command, and no one has ever heard of Wan Lilang's name. This alone is enough to prove whether this rumor is true or false.

Wan Lilang's true identity is an old man in the intelligence system of the Department of Political Science. He and Zhang Qun, the boss of the Department of Political Science, are both from Sichuan Province. They are considered senior spies in the national intelligence system.

Since the influence of the Political Science Department is mostly in the political circles, the reputation of the other party is not prominent. In addition, there are no such figures among the traitors of the Central Unification, so many people mistakenly think that Wan Lilang is a member of the Military Unification.

 In order to add trouble to Shancheng and Dai Chunfeng, the upper management of No. 76 allowed this matter to spread. Ding Mocun couldn't help but smile when he thought of this, and gave Wan Lilang a warning.

“Your political science department doesn’t have much dealings with military commanders, and you don’t understand Zuo Zhong. It’s normal for you to think so, but this person is definitely a very dangerous opponent.

He is a graduate of the Zhejiang Provincial Police School. He has systematically studied police services. He has a flexible mind and is good at psychological warfare. He has a front-line field experience and is very popular among low-level agents.

 He has led teams to perform field missions many times. The specific content is unknown, but it may include overseas missions, so there is a high chance that he will come to Shanghai.

Before the war, the Japanese suffered repeated setbacks at the hands of the military commander. Only Hase's super-high class could barely compete with them, which shows how powerful Zuo Zhong is.

 You and Captain Wu must remain vigilant and not take it lightly. You saw the last time we arrested members of the military command. These people are all diehards. "

When Wan Lilang and Wu Sibao heard this and recalled the scene of the operation, their faces turned ugly, and they both regretted taking on this fatal mission.

Juntong agents are different from Central Unification agents. They have strong destructive power, superb action skills, and decisive actions. They say they kill people, but they really kill people.

It is said that even the head of the Investigation Section of the Military Police was killed in Jinling. If you are competing against such an opponent, your life will be in danger if you are not careful. No one is afraid.

Ding Mocun pretended not to see their expressions. Didn't he know that the military commander was difficult to deal with? Of course he did.

 But Osako Tongzada forced No. 76 to investigate. What can he do?

As for seizing Zuo Zhong to get promoted and make a fortune, it was not in his plan at all. As an old rival of the military commander, he was well aware of Zuo Zhong's strength and difficulty.

If the other party was really so easy to deal with, he would have died in the hands of the Japanese long ago. How could he still be alive and kicking and become the deputy director of military command?

 What should I do if I just can’t find anyone?

  Rubbing his numb head, Ding Mocun thought hard for a while, and suddenly he had an idea and decided to divert the trouble to the east and leave the job to Li Shiqun.

 With Osako Tsusada blaming him if Zuoshige is not found in the end, the responsibility belongs to the other party and has nothing to do with him.

Li Shiqun has to agree to this matter even if he doesn't agree. Who makes him the director and the person named Li is only the deputy director.

With a smile on his face, Ding Mocun was about to call Li Shiqun over. After being crushed to death by a senior official, he was finally able to hand over this hot potato.

 “Didi Didi~~”

Just as he picked up the phone, several piercing whistles came from outside the window.

The grumpy Wu Sibao frowned, cursed, pushed open the window and leaned out to curse, and then retracted smoothly the next second. Who dares to blow the whistle in front of Gate No. 76 and scare Wu Sibao like this?

Ding Mocun curiously put down the phone and went to the window to look outside. He saw several high-end cars with plaster flags in front of them driving into No. 75 Jisi Feier Road on the opposite side.

Looking at this scene, he was stunned. Since moving to Jisi Feier Road, he has never seen his neighbor. He only knew that there was a Japanese living there.

“Director Wan, do you know the details of our neighbor? And what the original owner of that yard did.”

Looking at the disappearing taillights, Ding Mocun asked. It was not that he found something suspicious, but it was just a habit.

Those who work in intelligence have the urge to get to the bottom of everything they see or hear. Without this kind of curiosity, it is difficult to be a spy.

Wan Lilang did not hesitate and dictated the other party's information directly. It was obvious that he had done enough research.

“The previous landlord of No. 75 was a British man who lived in Europe all year round. There was only one caretaker, and his identity was not suspicious. He had no background in the Kuomintang or the underground party.

Two years before the war started, Nagashima, a native of Osaka, bought No. 75. This man sold in-demand supplies between the Republic of China and Japan and had a close relationship with the Japanese navy.

According to our preliminary investigation, Nagashima Tsubaki rarely talks about politics and military affairs. He is relatively low-key and looks like an ordinary Japanese businessman in all respects. "

 Ding Mocun nodded. It turned out that he moved in two years ago, so there would be no problem.

The other party cannot predict the future. Not only can they guess that the new government will be established, but they can also predict that No. 76 will be stationed here. This is ridiculous.

 If this is really the case, they might as well surrender.

With all his suspicion gone, Ding Mocun raised his hand to close the window, no longer paying attention to the movement outside, and concentrated on preparing the blame for Li Shiqun.

In addition, although he had no hope of catching Zuo Zhong, Ding Mocun still had some extravagant hopes deep down in his heart.

 Out out out of nowhere, if the target was careless or caught by mistake like Zheng Shisong did, then No. 76 would be issued to the deputy director of the military command? This is a huge credit.

The people on No. 76 took Chen Mingchu and Zheng Shisong out several times these days, trying to use these two people as bait to catch the big fish Zuo Zhong.

At this moment, he had long forgotten that he had promised to protect Chen Mingchu's safety. For a spy, integrity is a luxury, and no good person can be an intelligence agent.

 At the same time, at the door of the bungalow in No. 75 Courtyard.

Businessman Nagadao greeted Japanese military and political officials stationed in Shanghai. Two men in servant clothes took the opportunity to walk into the courtyard from the street and entered the foreign-style building as if nothing had happened.

The two walked around the building in a familiar way, and finally stopped in front of an elevator to look around. Then they lowered their heads and walked in, closing the wooden door and iron grille.

Standing in the elevator, one of them took out a key and put it into the keyhole next to the button and turned it gently. After the buzzing sound of electricity, the elevator trembled slightly and began to run slowly.

“Passenger seat, this is a special elevator. It can only move upwards. It is no different from an ordinary elevator. Once you use the key, you can go directly to Listening.”

The person who took out the key was none other than Gui Youguang. He pointed to the elevator at his feet and introduced it to Zuo Zhong in a low voice with a very solemn expression.

A few years ago, he received an order from Zuo Zhong to dig a secret tunnel at No. 75 to monitor No. 76. How to ensure the safety of the entrance and exit became a problem.

In the end, it was the elevator at the East Asia Club that inspired him. The same thing about both of them is that they cannot use buttons to reach the designated floor and need a key as a switch.

 The difference is that one is upward and the other is downward.

 Zuo Zhong on the side nodded slightly as he listened to the other party's introduction. This arrangement is indeed a good one. The best way to hide an item is not to dig a hole and bury it, but to use other items as cover.

 It’s not easy for a bald man to eat his brain. He must be praised. He patted Gui Youguang on the shoulder and said a few words. Gui Youguang immediately bared his teeth and was as happy as a dog’s tail flower.

As he spoke, the elevator shook and stopped descending, and the temperature inside the elevator also increased slightly.

Gui Youguang immediately opened the iron grille, and Zuo Zhong walked out slowly. A low room appeared in front of them, with a deep corridor on one side of the room.

In the room at this time, several agents were hiding behind a low cement wall and raising their guns on guard. However, when they saw the two people clearly, they immediately put down their guns and saluted excitedly.

 “Vice seat!”

These people are members of the monitoring team internally codenamed "True Listening". Their mission is to monitor the pseudo-agent headquarters and record, analyze, and transmit important intelligence.

They need to work more than ten meters underground in the dark for a long time. In order to reduce the flow of personnel, they try to ensure concealment and rotate every six months.

It can be said that this is an extremely dangerous and difficult job.

People often use the term "under the enemy's nose" to describe the dangers of intelligence work, but they are actually under the enemy's feet and will be exposed if they are not careful.

Zuo Zhong quickly came to the spies, patted this and that to show his kindness, and then, led by the team leader, he visited the underground space of "Tingting".

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