Cicada Moving

Chapter 1023: understand situation

Chapter 1023 Understand the situation

“Sir, what you are seeing now is the living area. All personnel are divided into two groups, taking turns to rest, and monitoring the target 24 hours a day.”

The leader of the "Listen Listening" team stood in front of several bunk beds and introduced Zuo Zhong in a low voice.

Even when they were out in the field, they still maintained good service standards. Everything was just like in the training class, and the bedding was neatly folded.

Zuo Zhong nodded happily. Discipline is the cornerstone of an organization. If the simplest housework cannot be done well, other tasks will probably be difficult to complete.

He touched the quilt on the bed and found that it was a little damp. There was nothing he could do about it. The water content in Shanghai and the ground was too high. Although simple waterproofing had been done during the construction of this place, it still could not prevent the ubiquitous intrusion of water vapor. .

Under such circumstances, it was difficult to keep daily items dry, and the agents could only use their bodies to resist. His clothes were soaked just a few minutes after he came down.

 This is not just because of high humidity, but also because of high temperatures.

The so-called underground is warm in winter and cool in summer, which means that the shallow soil, like the location where "Tingting" is located, remains at about 20 degrees Celsius all year round.

This temperature sounds very comfortable, but with the exhaust gas breathed out by so many people, the body temperature is at least above 30 degrees.

With emotion in his heart for a moment, Zuo Zhong looked around and found no other living facilities, so he couldn't help but ask curiously.

 “How to solve the problems of eating, drinking water and convenience?”

The person in charge turned red, pointed to a small iron window next to the elevator and the wooden toilet under the bed and began to explain.

“It’s difficult to ventilate the food underground, so I can’t cook by myself. The brothers above cook the food and bring it down in buckets, and then hoist the dishes and chopsticks up after eating.

 Use the toilet if it's convenient. We defecate at the specified time every day, and then use a bucket to bring it to the ground. The smell is a bit loud, but it can be kept hidden. "

 “It’s not easy!”

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong sighed and said, no wonder he felt a little difficult to breathe and had a strange smell right away. It turned out to be like this.

 Eating and taking care of yourself rely on a bucket. Even if it is not a container, it is still not acceptable to ordinary people. Only those who have received strict training can persevere.

 The half-year rotation period is a huge test of human physiology and psychology. Judging from the current performance, the members of the "True Listening" team are undoubtedly qualified.

However, humans are not machines after all. Bacteria breed in large numbers in high-humidity and high-temperature environments, which can easily lead to diseases. Living conditions must be improved.

 He slowly turned around, looked at the person in charge and the little agents lining up, and gave praise and suggestions in a solemn tone.

“You are all meritorious officials of the party and state, and I will ask the bureau for credit for everyone.

 In addition, if there is light, try to increase the number or power of exhaust fans. I don’t want to hear about the brothers getting sick. "

Gui Youguang nodded quickly. It was the first time for the military commander to work so deep underground for a long time, so the previous plan must have been ill-considered.

After this on-site inspection, he also discovered its shortcomings, and he will have experience in building such projects in the future.

After checking the living area, Zuo Zhong followed the person in charge into the corridor on the side of the room and walked towards the work area of ​​the "Listen" team.

Several dim explosion-proof lights were hung in the corridor made of cement and steel bars, and a machine gun bunker could be seen in the distance, located at the end of the corridor.

 “Command: Unite!”

 “Reply: unanimous!”

As I was walking, someone behind the machine gun bunker shouted in a low voice. The person in charge immediately replied that this was no joke.

 Once the order is not responded to within the stipulated time, the machine gunner will assume that the area has been exposed and immediately fire to buy time for the personnel behind the work area.

Zuo Zhong watched all this silently, and his memory suddenly returned to the Japs' Baoyinhe base. He didn't come back to his senses until he was led to another room by the person in charge.

What appeared in front of everyone's eyes were dozens of electronic instruments with flashing red and green lights. In front of the instruments sat several agents who were concentrating on recording.

  Under the powerful electromagnetic induction, the hairs on everyone's faces and arms beat slightly, the temperature also increased instantly, and a burning smell assaulted their nostrils.

This is the core working area of ​​the "True Listening" team. Dozens of iron pipes are connected to monitors on one end and to the radios in the ceilings of each room in No. 76 on the other.

Most areas of No. 76 are within the monitoring range. Even if Ding Mo Village and Li Shiqun put a P, they cannot escape the surveillance of the military commander.

Even though this place is not big, the total cost of all the electrical materials and personnel training in the room is enough for the government to build another German Arms Corps.

 “With so many monitoring devices, how to solve the power consumption problem?”

Zuo Zhong asked after reading.

Just as they once used power consumption to find spies, the Japanese can also discover "True Listening" from power consumption. This issue must be taken seriously.

 Electronic equipment during the Republic of China were all tubes, which consumed a lot of power. The power consumption of so many monitors could not be covered by the power consumption of No. 75 alone.

In case the Japanese or No. 76 investigate, the "owner" of No. 75, Nagashima, can't explain it at all. He can't say that he runs a factory at home.

The person in charge heard the deputy director's question, bypassed the working agents, walked to several wires wrapped in natural rubber and gave the answer.

"Sir, this matter was taken into consideration at the beginning of the design. The power consumption of "Tuting" is divided into multiple sources. In addition to No. 75, the nearby No. 71, 73, 77, and 79 are all part of the power supply system.     These residences are large in size and consume a lot of electricity. The electricity consumption of the equipment is not obvious after the flat stalls. The electricians on Jisi Feier Road are our own people. Even if a resident finds something wrong, he can handle it in time. "

 It took me a long time to steal electricity.

Zuo Zhong touched his nose, but he automatically forgot about it in the blink of an eye. What's wrong with stealing some electricity? This is for the sake of the country and the nation. Those who achieve great things don't stick to trivial matters.

 Besides, those who were able to keep their houses after the Japanese occupied Shanghai were either traitors or foreigners. It was only natural that they should be charged more for electricity.

On the other side, the person in charge gave a brief introduction to the electricity usage, and then opened a small door, revealing a diesel generator, which was obviously a backup power supply.

If there is a problem with the common power supply, there is a backup power supply, which will not affect the normal monitoring work, and the supply of diesel is also relatively easy.

There are black market merchants selling oil everywhere in Shanghai. After buying small oil drums, they can be sent down in buckets, which is very convenient to transport.

 Another advantage of using a diesel generator is that under the same power, diesel engine oil has the lowest oxygen consumption. Don’t forget that this is underground.

 The only disadvantage is that the noise is relatively loud, which affects the monitoring effect.

As for whether the traitors in No. 76 would hear them, the thick layer of soil was not a decoration. It was just habit for the members of the "Listen" team to speak softly.

 Walking around the work area, Zuo Zhong discovered that in addition to the small room containing the diesel engine, there was another small door in the corner, which was very hidden.

The person in charge noticed this scene and stepped forward to say that this was the entrance to the escape passage, which would lead to three different safe houses after entering.

 There are people living in the safe house. These people are not responsible for any intelligence operations. They have only one purpose, to guard and maintain the exit.

 Afterwards, Zuo Zhong asked a few more questions. After hearing the answers from the person in charge, he found no omissions and showed a satisfied smile.

“Very good, you have to be so careful when doing your work. Your existence is of great strategic significance to the national government, so you must be more careful.”

“By the way, do you have any information about the damage in Jinling District? Why did they not receive the early warning message from the headquarters?”

After praising the "Listening Team", Zuo Zhong asked the two questions he was most concerned about, which were related to the cause of the accident and the reconstruction work in Jinling District.

The sacrifices of Taoist Xuancheng and others have caused the military commander to lose all intelligence channels in Jinling. Ji's "return" is just around the corner, and Jinling District must resume operations as soon as possible.

Hearing what Zuo Zhong said, the person in charge immediately walked to a filing cabinet, pulled out a document from it, handed it over with both hands, and reported.

“Deputy Chairman, this is relevant information. Why Jinling District did not receive the early warning message? This issue has not been mentioned by the Japanese or Ding Mocun.

Since this matter is related to the Japanese military police, members of No. 76 rarely discuss the casualties, so we can only analyze it from a few words.

 The results of the analysis are not very good. Most of the high-level officials in Jinling District have died, and some people whose names were not mentioned may also be in danger.

Originally, I planned to find out the whole situation before sending a report to the mountain city, trying not to miss anyone, but I didn’t expect you to come in person. "

Zuo Zhong took the file and opened it and looked at it. The series of death lists made him sigh. A sad look flashed in his eyes, thinking of the old brothers who had followed him.

 Just like what the Japanese wrote in the newspapers, they died heroically for their country at the last moment of their lives, and they died together with the Japanese.

 A snake cannot move without a head, a bird cannot fly without wings.

Without instructions from the middle and high-level, the remaining personnel in Jinling District will automatically enter a dormant state, waiting for the headquarters to be reawakened.

This is also part of the contingency plan, in order to preserve the fire in an emergency. The intelligence network that was finally established cannot be given up just because it is said to be given up.

 Slowly closing the document, Zuo Zhong had a preliminary plan in mind, and then asked the "True Listening" team about the results of Zheng Shisong's monitoring.

Whether the other party has rebelled or not must be clarified.

If Zheng Shisong chooses to rebel and surrender to the enemy, the harm will be very great, and there is only one result waiting for him, and that is death without a burial place.

 But this question seemed to stump the person in charge of “True Listening”. The other person frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head helplessly.

“Judging from the surveillance content alone, it is difficult to judge whether Zheng Shisong has surrendered to the enemy. Although he had a pleasant conversation with the Japanese and the people on No. 76, he did not reveal any substantive intelligence.

It would not be wrong to say that he has no problem. This guy fights fiercely with Chen Mingchu, Ding Mocun, Li Shiqun and others every day, and even goes out to have fun together under the protection of the traitors these days. "

I see.

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly. No wonder "Tingting" has not sent back any information. Whether a person surrenders to the enemy is a serious question and cannot be concluded easily.

If the judgment is wrong, it will not only cause more serious consequences, but also chill our own people who are in the enemy camp and have a heart for Han. It is indeed difficult to make a decision.

However, he was keenly aware that something was wrong. Ding Mocun brought a true traitor and Zheng Shisong through the city. Is this because he was afraid that the other party would die too slowly?

 Perhaps this is a bait?

 Judging from the situation at the dock, the Japanese may have linked the incident in Anqing to him and guessed that he would come to Shanghai next, so they threw Chen and Zheng out.

It’s just that the Japanese underestimated themselves too much. Would someone fall into this kind of trap that can be distinguished at a glance, and really think that he is Xu Enzeng?

Zuo Zhong sneered secretly, and then suddenly seemed to think of something. He subconsciously raised his head and looked above his head, with a look of thinking in his eyes.

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