Cicada Moving

Chapter 1024: Split up

Chapter 1024: Split up

 Late night.

Zuo Zhong and Gui Youguang left No. 75 Jisi Feier Road among the guests, and then took a car to a bar under the arrangement of the businessman "Chang Dao". The two drank and traced their actions while sitting in the corner and talking quietly. .

“Boss, what should we do next? Do we want to find out the whereabouts of Chen Mingchu and Zheng Shisong first?”

“Don’t worry, I have something you need to do, and it involves certain risks.”

Facing Gui Youguang's proposal, Zuo Zhong shook his head and said with a serious face. At the same time, he hesitated a little, whether it was a bit risky to hand over the task to the big bald man.

The other party is good at actions, not intelligence, and his personality is not suitable for carrying out secret missions. If he is unfortunately damaged, he will not be able to handle it in his heart after being an old brother for so many years.

 “Don’t worry, I promise to complete the task.”

Gui Youguang solemnly replied that as an agent, there is no danger in anything he does. If he wanted to be safe, he would not have chosen this career in the first place.

Moreover, the country is in turmoil now. The soldiers are fighting with the Japanese on the front lines and the people are working hard in the rear. No one can stay out.

In the dim light, Zuo Zhong nodded slightly, glanced around, pushed a cigarette box to the other party, and whispered the specific content of the mission.

“Tomorrow morning you will change your identity and go to Jinling and surrounding cities, wake up the remaining people in Jinling District according to the address of the safe house in the cigarette box, and conduct screenings on the way.

The incident has been going on for so long, and it is unknown whether any of them will defect to the enemy. There may be a trap in the safe house. This is where the risk lies. You must be careful when making connections.

 You only have 10 to 13 days. Once the time is up, regardless of success or failure, you must retreat and return immediately, otherwise our false identity on the mail ship will be easily exposed. "

 After speaking, he explained the new structure of Shanghai District again and asked Gui Youguang to follow it, reduce the management level, and achieve flat management.

Gui Youguang listened carefully, kept these contents in mind, and asked relevant questions from time to time to deepen his understanding of the task.

 “There is light.”

 After answering the big bald man’s question, Zuo Zhong called the other person’s name and talked about his new ideas for the reconstruction of Jinling District.

“Jinling District originally had several intelligence stations under its jurisdiction for the purpose of unified command, but now it seems that this method is risky and can easily be followed by the enemy.

 In this reconstruction, I decided to separate these intelligence stations from Jinling District and place them directly under the management of the bureau headquarters to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

 And another advantage of doing this is that it can improve work efficiency, and whoever has the task will be responsible for it, avoiding mutual buck-passing.

For example, Anqing Station, I positioned it to serve material transfers, monitor the Ozawa River group and collect local intelligence, and don't have to worry about other things. "

  Dai Chunfeng had been in charge of the local district and station deployment of the military command. To be honest, the other party's approach was somewhat bureaucratic and idealistic.

 The concealment and efficiency required by intelligence systems, especially intelligence stations behind enemy lines, are the top priority and are related to the lives of all intelligence personnel.

As for Lao Dai, he wants to move all the headquarters to the local area. This is no problem during peacetime, but the problem is that it is wartime now.

Just like Jinling District, Xuancheng Taoist and other high-level officials all live together. Although Wuliang Temple is very hidden, there is no way to escape if something happens.

Gui Youguang went through Zuo Zhong's words in his mind and found that it was indeed as the deputy director said, the local district station must be rectified, otherwise the damage will happen again.

Seeing that the other party understood his intention, he knocked on the table and continued to assign tasks.

“In addition, I need you to find out why Jinling District failed to receive the headquarters’ message in time. The death list of “Tingting” is missing some senior Jinling District personnel. There are two possibilities for this.

 First, these people also died heroically, and member No. 76 happened to not mention them. If this is the case, we will list them as unsung heroes and provide compensation to their families.

More importantly, once it is determined that there is no problem with the person, the problem can only be caused by the communication equipment or password. The specific cause must be found out to prevent this situation from happening again.

Second, these people rebelled, and the Japanese tightly sealed the information. The other side wanted to use their confessions to open a breakthrough to find our other intelligence personnel in enemy-occupied areas.

 If this is the case, the traitors must be punished. I allow you to use all the resources in Jinling District to carry out this task. We will let everyone know the consequences of betraying the country for glory. "

 “Understood, 4 tasks.”

 Gui Youguang understood what he heard, raised four fingers, and briefly summarized Zuo Zhong's order.

 “Wake people up.”

“Adjust the deployment of Jinling District.”

“Find out the reason for the loss of contact.”

 “Sanctions will be imposed depending on the circumstances.”

Zuo Zhong looked at him and nodded in agreement. Having to do so many things in more than ten days was a severe test for Gui Youguang.

However, as long as it can be completed smoothly, it means that the other party has the ability to take charge of its own affairs, and is no longer a mere operative.

The upper limit of operational personnel is limited, and the most is a division chief. Unlike intelligence personnel, it is easier to enter the core business level. In short, doing this job well will be very helpful for Gui Yuguang's future development. Maybe he will be able to get a general title in a few years and be qualified to enter the merit forest for further study.

Gui Youguang was well aware of the benefits of this matter. Knowing that the deputy director was trying to promote himself, he immediately raised his glass and toasted Zuo Zhong.

 After finishing the drink and putting down the cup, he was pleasantly surprised and thought of a serious question, and asked with a slightly worried tone.

 “What are you going to do next? Isn’t it unsafe for you to be alone in Shanghai?”

 “Don’t worry, I have my own arrangements.”

Hearing Gui Youguang's concern, Zuo Zhong shook his head slightly and smiled. He leaned back on the chair and said lightly, then closed his mouth, not wanting to talk more about the mission.

And what the bald man said is not accurate. He is not alone. The military commander's backup intelligence network in Shanghai has developed well in Shanghai and can be activated at any time if needed.

  Among the members of the backup intelligence network, some are gang members, some are remnants of the Kuomintang, and even have underground party backgrounds. They have different identities, but the same thing is that they all have a patriotic heart.

 Don't underestimate these three religions and nine schools. In such a complex situation between ourselves and the enemy in Shanghai, the role of the other side is irreplaceable, and they are more comfortable doing things than professional intelligence personnel.

Besides, he still has Bronze Locks to dispatch. Since he recognized Ji Yunqing as his adoptive father, this guy has become very prosperous in No. 76 and has sent back a lot of high-value information.

In this trip to Shanghai, some of the most important tasks may fall on Tongsuoshen┴. After all, only the other party can provide information related to the internal affairs of No. 76.


 When it comes to worshiping his adoptive father, this boy will not learn a line from a play like before, saying that he has been wandering for half his life and only regrets that he has never met his father. If the father does not abandon him, he will be willing to be his adopted father.

Thinking of this famous scene, Zuo Zhong couldn't help but say "filial piety". He touched the glass again to Gui Youguang, who was still worried, drank the beer in one gulp, threw down a few bills and left quickly.

 Early the next morning.

Zuo Zhong came to a photo studio alone, handed the boss a note, hurriedly walked out of the store and disappeared into the crowd without saying anything, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The boss did not chase after him. He took a look at the content on it, tore up the note, put it in his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it in bites.

After processing the note, the boss took out a blank poster, thought for a while and wrote a few lines on it with a red pen, and then hung it in the window.

Not long after, a black car passed by slowly. The copper lock on the driver's seat, or Ji Dawei glanced at the poster, stepped on the accelerator and sped away.

 Turning the steering wheel, he decrypted the contents of the poster according to the code book in his mind. The result was an order requiring him to obtain the recent whereabouts of Chen Mingchu and Zheng Shisong.

After training in a special training class and several years of latent training, the little slick guy who carried bags and picked locks has grown into a qualified intelligence officer.

 Half an hour later, Tongsuo, who was wearing a Chinese tunic suit, got out of the car, closed the door, and walked into the office building at No. 76 with his briefcase. The traitors along the way all called Director Ji flatteringly.

Through Ji Yunqing's operation and Li Shiqun's persistence, the position of director of the inspection office was still taken over by the Caobang group. Tongsuo successfully became one of the "big traitors" at the age of less than 20 years old.


 Tongsuo kept nodding in response to the greeters, walked into the office marked "Inspection Office", came to a desk in front of the window and sat down.

No. 76 was first built, and the area of ​​the station was not large. Naturally, there was no separate office for the department directors. In the entire No. 76, only Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun had this treatment.

But this is good news for Tongsuo. The traitor who came from the Zhongtong and Cao Gang has never known what confidentiality is. Working in a large office is more convenient for him to collect intelligence.

Slowly, there were more and more people in the office, and the agents were not afraid of this kind-hearted little director. They were laughing, passing cigarettes to each other, and chatting, making the office full of smoke.

 The conversations between several of them caught Tongsuo's attention. He pretended to read the newspaper and listened in on the conversation.

“Have you heard that the people named Chen and the people named Zheng are going to the theater again tomorrow night?”

“I heard it, what do you think this is? We managed to capture the person, but we invited two uncles back.”

“Come on, our inspection office is fine, but the first branch and the intelligence office are unlucky. Others are fooled by them.”

"Hearing a show? Bah, I think it's okay to find a woman. The threshold of the brothel in the French Concession is almost trampled by these two bastards."

“Zheng Shisong went to the Golden Grand Theater again? Damn, this kid is strutting around the city all day long, and he’s not afraid of being killed by the military’s unified gun.”

 “Who knows, maybe…”

 “Cough, cough.”

Tongsuo coughed twice and stopped the small conversations among several people. Anyway, it was enough to know three clues: tomorrow night, the French Concession, and the Golden Grand Theater.

Lest these **** talk too much and attract the attention of the Japanese afterwards, even Osako Tsusada dared to put Ryosuke Hase under house arrest, let alone a group of traitors.

At noon, Tongsuo took the unread newspaper and went to a restaurant not far from No. 76 for lunch as usual. He threw the newspaper into the trash can before leaving.

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