Cicada Moving

Chapter 1025: Golden Grand Theater

Chapter 1025 Golden Theater

 The cruise ship "Yankee".

 At sunset.

Zuo Zhong hurried back to his cabin from outside the port, immediately locked the door, turned on the light in the cabin, and took out two envelopes from his pocket.

Hand listened to the cabin door for a while, and after making sure everything was normal outside the door, he opened the first envelope and found a newspaper full of stains inside.

Under the bright light, it can be seen that the newspaper is full of news about the concession. Zuo Zhong glanced over it and soon found faint scratches under individual words on different pages.

"French Concession."





He silently read out these words or phrases in his mind, and then rearranged and combined them. A piece of information with time and place emerged in his mind.

“Tomorrow night, French Concession, Golden Grand Theatre.”

Zuo Zhong frowned and openly appeared in public places. Chen Mingchu and Zheng Shisong were seeking death in different ways. I'm afraid there was something Japanese and No. 76 behind this.

  Exposing these two people to the crowd was not only a trap for him personally, but also a conspiracy for the government and the military.

 When carrying out sanctions in crowded places such as theaters, operators can only use personal assassination methods, because it is easy to accidentally injure innocent people around with bombs.

 Would you rather risk an assassination at close range?

 Still don’t worry about other people using bombs?

 This issue was passed to Juntong and Zuo Zhong.

The Japanese would like the military commander to use bombs to blow Chen and Zheng into the sky, so that Shancheng will be at a disadvantage in terms of public opinion, thereby demonstrating the legitimacy of the puppet government.

After thinking for a moment, he crumpled the newspaper into a ball, lit it and put it in the ashtray. He opened the second envelope and a piece of paper gently slid onto the table.

""Listen": The target will go to the Golden Theater in the French Concession tomorrow night, and will be accompanied by No. 76 No. 1 and the Intelligence Division."

Looking at the contents on the note, Zuo Zhong's expression returned to calmness. He raised his hand and placed the note on top of the flame that had not yet been extinguished and ignited it, thinking quickly about countermeasures in his mind.

It is still not 100% certain whether Zheng Shisong has rebelled. From the analysis of "True Listening" monitoring alone, the other party seems more like dealing with the Japanese than surrendering to the enemy, but this requires investigation or testing.

As for Chen Mingchu, he must be punished, otherwise he would be sorry for so many brothers who sacrificed in vain, and the blood debt can only be repaid with blood.

Furthermore, this Wang Ba Dan is the first traitor in the military intelligence system to openly surrender to the enemy. If he is not dealt with, more people will follow his example in the future.

We must use strong means to eliminate traitors and make some unsteady fence-sitters realize one thing, that is - traitors will be killed without mercy!

 The newspapers and slips of paper gradually turned into a mass of black ash.

Zuo Zhong took the ashtray to the porthole, opened the window, and dumped it outside. A strong sea breeze blew away the ashes and blew them into the cabin.

The curtains fluttered in the wind, and the smell of smoke quickly dissipated. He returned to the bed and sat down, tapping his fingers on the table, perfecting a plan bit by bit.

 The sound of knocking echoed in the deserted corridor.

 The stars fade from bright to dim, and the night passes quickly.

When the sun rises again, a large poster, as tall as a person, stands at the entrance of the Golden Theater at the corner of Kaiser Road and Mintini Road in the French Concession.

It clearly says: "At 7 p.m., Li Wanxiu, a famous Peking Opera actor from the North, will perform on stage tonight."

At the same time, major newspapers in Shanghai also reported the news. Peking opera lovers were overjoyed and went to buy tickets one after another. The front door of the Golden Grand Theater was crowded with people.

 Li Wanxiu.

Born in Northeast China, he studied under the Peking Opera master of Beiping when he was young. After graduating, he quickly became famous and formed his own opera troupe. He was quite famous in the Peking Opera circle of the Republic of China.

This time, Li Wanxiu was invited by the Golden Grand Theater from the north to Shanghai. He took the train with his disciples and got off at the South Station, and temporarily stayed at the Pierre Hotel in the French Concession.

 Early in the morning, after Li Wanxiu finished singing in the garden, he went to the restaurant to have some breakfast, and then returned to the room unhurriedly to prepare for the evening performance.

But as soon as he closed the door, he discovered that there was a masked man in the room. The man was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and a pistol in his hand.

 “Friend, if you want money, I have it. All I want is peace and wealth.”

Li Wanxiu has experienced a lot after so many years of wandering around Qinghu Lake. He neither panicked nor shouted, but instead cupped his hands and whispered a test.

 But there was no response from the other party, which made his heart sink. He secretly guessed that this performance had blocked other people's way of making money, and that's why he was approached.

At this time, there were many entanglements between Liyuanxing and gangs, and it was not uncommon to hire thugs to hurt people. However, as long as one party took the initiative to give in, the other party would not kill them all.

 In the final analysis, it was all about money, and it would not be good for both parties if the matter got bigger. Suppressing fear and anger, Li Wanxiu lowered his voice and asked again.

"I wonder who you are working for? If you offend me, Li will take your apprentice away immediately."

After a period of suffocating silence, the person took out an ID card from his pocket, threw it to the ground, and uttered five words.

"Doing business for the country." Li Wanxiu's heart moved, and he quickly bent down to pick up the certificate and looked at it. The full name of the Military Command Bureau was printed on the cover, and the Liyuan master was suddenly surprised.

He had heard about the Military Command Bureau. They eliminated traitors and bombed warehouses in Beiping and Jinmen, killing Japanese people with fear and fear. It was so impressive.

The military commander came to see me today. Could it be that he needed help with something?

As an actor who is looked down upon by some people, Li Wanxiu respectfully put his ID back on the coffee table with both hands, then straightened up and replied without hesitation.

 “When the family and country are in trouble, it is our duty to do so!”

Although his voice is not loud, it is extremely firm. Yes, at this time of crisis, who doesn’t want to do his or her part for the country and the nation.

Zuo Zhong on the sofa sighed softly. Chen Mingchu and his like were receiving military pay from the Kuomintang and enjoying generous treatment. Instead of serving the country, they rebelled against the country and surrendered to the enemy.

On the other hand, the other party is a "lower person" who feeds thousands of families, but faces the risk of losing his head without hesitation. The performance of the two is really embarrassing.

 The gap between people is really wider than that between humans and animals.

Zuo Zhong slowly withdrew his pistol, put his ID in his pocket, carefully kept a safe distance, and explained the purpose of his visit today.

 “Okay, Mr. Li”

 Half an hour later, the door opened.

Zuo Zhong calmly walked out of General Li Wanxiu's room, nodded slightly to a waiter at the end of the corridor, turned around and quickly left the Pierre Hotel.

 As time passed, news of Li Wanxiu's performance began to spread in Shanghai. It was hard to get a ticket for the performance that night, and the theater was packed with people.

Of course, no matter how lively it is, there will be no selling tickets as a fat little black man said in later generations.

After all, those who are willing to spend money to listen to Peking Opera at this time, at least the small middle class with a family and business, will definitely not be willing to hang from the ceiling to watch the opera.

In order to avoid accidents, the French Concession Patrol Office sent a large number of police officers to patrol the area. Due to insufficient manpower, they also borrowed a group of people from the public concession.

As the team leader, Kuang Fuan led a team of red-headed Asan and Chinese plainclothes people scattered around the Golden Grand Theater, responsible for monitoring and guiding the crowd.

As the show was about to start, several cars with ointment flags came roaring to a stop at the entrance of the theater, and multiple No. 76 agents surrounded the two people into the theater.

Looking at the traitors passing by out of the corner of his eye, Kuang Fu'an became confused as to why these people came to the theater for nothing, and who were the two people who didn't show up.

 Is he a senior official of the puppet government?

He made the most reasonable guess, because if those two people were Japanese, they would be protected by the Japanese military police and there would be no need for No. 76.

According to the latest information obtained by the organization from the Japanese army and high-level officials of the puppet government, Ji is about to "return the capital" to Jinling. Could it be that these two people are related to this matter?

Thinking of this, Kuang Fu'an felt relieved. He glanced back and forth among the surrounding crowd and found many suspicious people with roe-headed eyes.

 But he soon overturned his previous conjecture. There were too many suspicious persons, and No. 76's actions were not like protection, but like a trap.

Kuang Fuan was extremely calm at the moment. Whether these two people were puppet government officials or had other identities, the traitors must have wanted to use them to lure out certain people.

 As long as they are against the Japanese and traitors, they are friendly forces.

The former captain of the underground red team decided to act according to the situation. If someone really came to assassinate him, he would have to help no matter what.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure walking past. He seemed to have seen him when he was parting with his son "Xiaobao", but when he looked again, the other person had already disappeared.

 Not long after, the lanterns began to light up.

The Golden Grand Theater was filled with theatergoers and local celebrities, low voices buzzed, and the troupe band on the stage arranged their instruments.

Zheng Shisong sat in the middle of the first row, stretching his head and looking towards the backstage, with a smile on his face and his expression looked very excited.

 Chen Mingchu on the side was a little surprised. This was the first time he saw the other party like this. It is really hard to understand that a secret agent is so obsessed with Peking Opera.

Thinking for a moment, and then looking at the dense crowd behind him, he felt that he should advise Zheng Shisong that they should not come to such a place because of their status.

The more Chen Mingchu thought about it, the colder he felt. He always felt that the military sanctions personnel would jump out in the next second, so he quickly tilted his head and whispered.

“Deputy District Chief Zheng, we are all a thorn in Shancheng’s side now, it’s too dangerous for you to do this!”

"Danger? Why do you think No. 76 let us out?"

When Zheng Shisong heard this, the smile on his face faded, he glanced at the other party with a very disdainful tone, and then ignored this idiot.

Wan Lilang, the director of the No. 76 Division 1 responsible for "protecting" the two, and Tang Keming, the intelligence chief, smiled awkwardly and pretended not to hear these words.

But they couldn't help but wonder. Everyone present knew that this was a trap. How did Chen Mingchu become the personnel commissioner? They all said that the military commanders were very well-educated, but at first glance they were nothing more than that.

After a long time, Chen Mingchu finally reacted.

 The Japanese and No. 76 are using him as bait!

 Thinking that he would be beaten into a sieve at any time, Chen Mingchu looked panicked and wanted to run away, but would No. 76 allow it? That was definitely impossible.

He has begun to regret cooperating with the Japanese and protecting his own safety. Bah, he has been protected as a bait. If he continues to be protected, he will be buried sooner or later.

Osako Tosada, Ding Mocun, Li Shiqun, and Hase Ryosuke, none of these four people are good, they are all **** who do not keep their word.

Chen Mingchu, who was mourning for his heir, sat slumped in his seat with a mournful face. The theater gradually became quiet and he didn't even notice that there was an extra person on the stage.

Today, my good friend’s daughter is 10 years old. She had a splitting headache after drinking twice.

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