Cicada Moving

Chapter 1027: I am in Cao camp but my heart is in Han Dynasty

Chapter 1027: I am in Cao Ying but my heart is in Han Dynasty

Zheng Shisong and Li Wanxiu were chatting backstage, and several No. 76 agents stood aside to "protect" them, keeping an eye on the two and other troupe members.

In order to save some face for Zheng Shisong, Wan Lilang, director of the No. 1 Division, and Tang Keming, director of the Intelligence Division, were not present, but were waiting outside the door.

 Chatted for a while.

Li Wanxiu put the fake beard in his hand on the table, and calmly pressed his right hand on a big red invitation.

Zheng Shisong, who was talking endlessly about his joy, noticed this scene, glanced at the invitation from the corner of his eye, and immediately saw a time and an address.

The time is the afternoon after tomorrow, the address is on a small street in the French Concession, and the person signing it is: Cheng He.

 What does this mean? Is it a joint, or is it?

Zheng Shisong's mind was spinning very fast and he quickly ruled out the possibility of a connection. Before he was sure that he was reliable, no one from the headquarters could be so rash.

Moreover, No. 76 was watching so closely that he had no chance to escape from the surveillance personnel and go to the meeting. Forcibly leaving would only arouse the suspicion of the agents.

 Then there is only one possibility left.

 The people from the headquarters want to use this to convey some information. Regardless of the location and time, the key to the information may lie in the signature.

 Cheng He, Chen He.

 Chen may have to be Chen Mingchu, why?

 He Xingjian!

Zheng Shisong immediately thought of the first major general-level officer in the government to surrender. Chen Mingchu's surrender to the enemy and his own arrest were inseparable from the other party.

 Since He Xingjian led his troops to surrender to the Japanese army, the Zhongjiu Army in the Songhu area fell apart and the morale of the army was dispersed, causing extremely bad effects.

For this reason, Dai Chunfeng's nose was so angry that he ordered the Shanghai District to kill He Xingjian at all costs as a warning to others and to stop the unhealthy trend of surrendering to the enemy.

If he is a member of the headquarters and does not know whether a certain person is reliable, the best way is to arrange for the person to perform a dangerous task and submit a certificate of surrender.

Based on the current situation, what could be more suitable as a petition than sanctioning He Xingjian and Chen Mingchu? The content of the invitation is the time and location of the action.

Zheng Shisong thought thoughtfully. As long as he can help Shancheng punish these two people, he can prove his innocence and his family members in Shancheng will be treated fairly.

However, He Xingjian graduated from the second phase of Huangpu and was a protégé of Boss Du, one of the three tycoons in Shanghai. He was not so easy to assassinate.

This person, like Boss Du, is aggressive, playful, and aggressive in fights. He is also resourceful, reclusive, tenacious, and domineering.

Before the war, he had been in and out of both the black and white worlds, navigating the business, military and political circles, and extending his tentacles to finance, industry, journalism, education and many other industries.

The only weakness is that he has a weak personality and likes to dance very much.

It seems that the rest is up to the headquarters operations personnel to find a way to bring Chen Mingchu and He Xingjian to that small street at the specified time, or to pass through that small street.

Thinking of this, Zheng Shisong's mood suddenly brightened, and the smile on his face became a little more sincere. When he ended the conversation, he held Li Wanxiu's hand and made a pun.

“I’m very happy to see Boss Li today. Unfortunately, Zheng has some important things to do and can’t stay long, so I’ll say goodbye.”

While speaking, Zheng Shisong glanced to the side. The agent next to him only paid attention to the movements of the two men's hands and did not see any unusual behavior on his part.

Li Wanxiu felt relieved and shook hands politely to say goodbye without saying any extra words.

The military commander who came to visit in the morning had warned him to just act according to the plan in front of the spies and never make his own decisions.

Even though he has been acting for most of his life, today's performance of "Exploring the Enemy Camp" still frightened him, and he was almost exposed several times.

What he is afraid of is not danger. What he is afraid of is that if he delays national affairs, he will be responsible for his death.

 Fortunately, I finally lived up to the trust of the government and military commanders and successfully contacted Mr. Zheng who was in Cao Ying but his heart was in Han Dynasty.

However, according to what the military commander said, after the incident is completed, it is best for them to go to the port city or Southeast Asia to avoid the limelight as soon as possible to avoid being implicated.

Looking at the retreating figure of "Mr. Zheng", Li Wanxiu made up his mind and turned to the troupe members and shouted.

“My sons, please be smart with your hands. Let’s leave tonight.”



The apprentices and the extras responded in unison, and then laughed, completely unaware that they had just accomplished a big event.

 Outside the Golden Grand Theater.

Kuang Fuan watched traitor No. 76 get into the car and leave, and immediately led the team back to the public concession. On the way, he frowned and was a little confused.

   Today on the 76th, we prepared such a big battle, and everything turned out to be normal. Not to mention the exchange of fire, there was not even a small theft.

There are only two possibilities for this matter, either the attackers discovered the trap, or the enemy was testing.

 There is nothing to say about the former. Agent 76’s disguise was simply terrible, and it was completely normal for him to be discovered.

  But if it is the latter, it means that No. 76 does not have the accurate whereabouts of the target, and those two people are not important figures. They are specially thrown bait.

As expected of the captain of the red team who has extensive experience in underground intelligence work, he used only the few clues to restore the truth of the matter to a complete conclusion.

 After pondering for a moment, Kuang Fuan decided to report the matter to the underground organizations in Shanghai.

 In case the attacker is one of their own, they must issue a warning to avoid unnecessary casualties.

Even if he is not one of his own, he cannot watch other anti-Japanese forces fall into the trap of the Japanese and traitors. This is not what an underground party should do.

A performance disrupted the muddy waters of Shanghai’s intelligence community.

The Japanese, the new government, and the intelligence forces of the underground party have all been mobilized, and the military's backup intelligence network is also working secretly.

First, two trucks in the Public Settlement and the French Concession were stolen, and then the clerks in many shops and the clerks of foreign companies quietly resigned. Within No. 76.

After Zheng Shisong and Chen Mingchu returned, Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun held a meeting in the auditorium to discuss recent official affairs and intelligence.

No matter how unhappy they were, they still pretended to be close to each other and handed each other a cigarette with a smile.

“Director Ding, Director Oso’s new task is not easy to handle. Why don’t you let Director Wan take over?”

Li Shiqun held a cigarette in his mouth, blew out a puff of smoke, and asked a question.

Not long ago, Ding Mo Village gave him the task of searching for Zuo Zhong. He thought he had changed his temper, but he didn't expect to find anything after several days of searching.

It was only then that he realized that Ding was trying to shift the blame. Thinking about it, how could Zuo Zhong be exposed so easily?

 Ding Mocun smiled. He finally threw the blame away. How could he take it back again? He immediately laughed.

“Deputy Director Li, those who are able should do more work. Director Wan still has to keep an eye on Chen Mingchu and Zheng Shisong, so he doesn’t have time.”

Facing the rogue Ding Mo Village, Li Shiqun was furious but had nothing to say. Being a senior official is not just talk.

 After being silent for a long time, he had no choice but to change the subject and ask if the fishing operation had yielded any results.

Compared with Ding Mocun, Li Shiqun is more ambitious and is not afraid to fight Zuo Zhong. This is determined by his own experience.

As a top student at Shanghai University and having studied at the Red Russian Intelligence School, he looked down upon state agents at all.

No matter how powerful the military commander is, can he be more powerful than the GRU?

 A group of bumpkins who have never seen the world. They were lucky enough to catch a few Japanese spies and moles. There is nothing to be afraid of.

 Li Shiqun felt that with the current strength of No. 76, he was fully capable of capturing Zuo Zhong, provided that all the men were handed over to his command.

 Ding Ding Mocun was not so optimistic, but he was too lazy to explain and lazily recounted the itinerary of Chen Mingchu and Zheng Shisong.

 At any rate, according to reports from surveillance personnel, these two people did not come into contact with any suspicious persons or engage in any suspicious behavior.

Li Shiqun couldn't help but feel a little disappointed after hearing this. If Zuo Zhong really came to Shanghai, it would be impossible to let the traitor go, and sanctions would definitely be imposed.

 Could it be that Osako Tosada's speculation was wrong and that the other party did not come to Shanghai?

Just as he was thinking about it, Ding Mocun across the street knocked the ashes from his cigarette and said another thing.

“Zheng Shisong just came back and asked to meet He Xingjian the day after tomorrow. Deputy Director Li, do you think you should agree?”

 He Xingjian?

Li Shiqun was stunned. After the enemy surrendered, the Japanese immediately named him the deputy commander-in-chief of the "Pseudo-Loyal Salvation Army", which had nearly 50,000 troops.

 This unit is mainly responsible for maintaining local security in Changnan. The Japanese army stationed in Shanghai provided it with a large number of weapons from the regular army of the original army, which has considerable combat effectiveness.

But why did Zheng Shisong want to see He Xingjian? Is there any problem in it?

What if Zheng Shisong chooses to die together with He Xingjian on the day of the meeting? He expressed his worries about what to do.

“Haha, Deputy Director Li, you are worrying too much.”

 Ding Mocun felt that the other party was a bit unfounded and unfounded, but fortunately this guy figured it out, so he waved his hand and continued.

“Not to mention that our people were accompanying us throughout the whole process, Zheng Shisong had no chance to take action, and even if he had, He Xingjian’s **** was not a vegetarian.

Zheng Shisong told me that he wanted to see He Xingjian just to see if the Locust Army and the New Government were true to their word and treated those who surrendered well.

This matter is understandable. If he and General Chen Mingchu are used as bait these days, the other party will inevitably think too much. I think we can agree to his request. "

 That’s it.

Li Shiqun nodded slightly. This reason was very reasonable. It would be abnormal if Zheng Shisong didn't react at all when being used as bait.

After pondering for a moment, he finally raised no objection and asked Zheng Shisong to see He Xingjian’s current situation.

As the deputy district chief of Shanghai District and the former chief of Jinmen Station, Zheng Shisong knows a lot of top-secret information.

Perhaps this matter can allow it to truly cooperate with No. 76, instead of just pretending to be evasive and avoiding talking about key issues like it is now.

 Now that the matter has been settled, it is not up to him whether He Xingjian is unwilling to come.

 Although the "Pseudo-loyalty Salvation Army" has strong troops and horses, He Xingjian is not Mr. Ji's direct lineage, and he has fallen out with the "seat teacher" Mr. Du.

Once the new government is established, the other party's position will be very embarrassing, and they may be deprived of military power and take a vacant position to retire.

If He Xingjian was a smart person, he would not disobey Order No. 76. After all, this is the most important intelligence agency of the new government.

 After the discussion, Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun stood up and left the meeting room, not taking the matter to heart at all.

  Priority room on the third floor.

Zheng Shisong lay on the bed with his hands behind his head, closing his eyes and recalling the terrain around the address on the invitation.

After being transferred from Jinmen to Shanghai by Dai Chunfeng, the first thing he did was to buy a map and walk around Shanghai a few times.

 As an agent, it is very dangerous if you are not familiar with the city you are in. On the contrary, it can greatly increase your chances of survival when encountering danger.

When No. 76 arrested him, had it not been for the inexplicable car accident, he would have escaped long ago, and why would he have fallen into the hands of the enemy.

He used his memory to restore the alley bit by bit, where there were turns, where there were intersections, where there were the most people, and where there were conditions for setting up an ambush.

Being able to be sent to Jinmen to set up an independent intelligence station when the Secret Service was first established, there is no doubt about Zheng Shisong's ability.

 Hours later, a simple plan began to take shape.

Zheng Shisong opened his eyes and looked at his watch with the help of the faint moonlight. Then he closed his eyes again and his breathing slowly became steady.

 (End of this chapter)

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