Cicada Moving

Chapter 1028: He Xingjian

Chapter 1028 He Xingjian

 The third day arrived in a blink of an eye.

Early that morning, two trucks escorted a car into downtown Shanghai and drove into the heavily guarded No. 76 Jisi Feier Road.

Ding Mocun, Li Shiqun and other traitors greeted him in the courtyard. Chen Mingchu and Zheng Shisong were also among the crowd.

The convoy slowly stopped, and several armed guards jumped from the truck and surrounded the car tightly.

Subsequently, a middle-aged man wearing a military uniform of the Kuomintang army stepped out of the car with a smile. This man was He Xingjian, the deputy commander of the "Pseudo-Loyal Salvation Army".

Upon seeing this, Ding Mocun immediately greeted him with a big smile, shook hands and exchanged pleasantries with him.

Although He Xingjian did not dare to offend No. 76, there was no need for No. 76 to offend the other party. Everyone would carry the sedan chair.

 Chen Mingchu saw the majesty of his old friend, and his eyes were almost red with envy. The complaints against the Japanese at the Golden Grand Theater the day before yesterday had long been forgotten by him.

 No matter what you do, there is no risk. As long as there are enough benefits, no matter how big the risk is, it is worth taking.

Zheng Shisong looked on with cold eyes. Is He really so famous? I'm afraid he doesn't think so.

 If nothing else, let’s just say that the weapons carried by these guards are all old goods, tatters that were unearthed from who knows which warehouse.

The leather shoes on their feet looked very new, but they didn't fit well when they walked. They were obviously put on temporarily.

Taken together the above two points, it means that what He Xingjian is doing now is just trying to make a fool of himself.

The Japanese don't value each other as much as they imagine. The so-called deputy commander is just a cover or the feather on the peacock's butt, which is used to show to others.

Likewise, how could the Japanese safely place an elite force of 50,000 people by their side without any restrictions?

 After all, this unit caused a lot of casualties to the Japanese army not long ago. Even now, some loyal rescuers are still persisting in fighting.

The traitors chatted for a few words in the yard, and then walked together to conference room 76. After sitting down, Ding Mocun began to make introductions.

“Deputy Commander He, you should be very familiar with this person. I just told Chen Mingchu, the personnel commissioner of Shanghai District, our military commander, that you are old friends.”

He pointed at the smiling Chen Mingchu and said something. After speaking, he changed the direction of his fingers and continued.

“As for this one, you should have heard of him. Zheng Shisong, the former head of Jinmen Station of the Military Command and the deputy head of Shanghai District, must be the first time we have met.”

He Xingjian felt nervous. Of course he had heard of Zheng Shisong. After he came to Shanghai, he punished several traitors.

I didn’t expect that even this person was captured by the Japanese, and he seemed to have surrendered. I’m afraid that Yamashiro’s time is running out.

Thinking of this, he first nodded to his old friend Chen Mingchu, then stood up and stretched out his arm to Zheng Shisong, smiling and greeting.

 “Deputy District Chief Zheng, I have long admired your name.”

"Similarly, I have been a close friend of Deputy Commander He for a long time."

Zheng Shisong didn't show off, and quickly grabbed the other person's hand and shook it, his attitude was polite but respectful.

This made Wu Sibao, the captain of the No. 76 Guard Brigade who was watching on the side, breathe a sigh of relief and slowly loosened his gun.

 Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun also nodded slightly. It seemed that Zheng really just wanted to see He Xingjian and didn't want to play any tricks.

 On the other side, Zheng Shisong, Chen Mingchu and He Xingjian were already chatting.

The content of the conversation was nothing more than the treatment after surrender, the new positions after the establishment of the new government, etc., and they were inseparable from the words "fame" and "profit".

He Xingjian's answer to this was very positive. He said whatever sounded good to him, which made the facial muscles of the guard behind him twitch.

 All this was seen by Zheng Shisong.

If he guessed correctly, before the other party came, the Japanese or No. 76 had already said hello and asked the other party to say so.

Of course, he will not expose He Xingjian's "performance", and on the surface he looks as excited as Chen Mingchu.

Under the pie painted by He Xingjian, the atmosphere in the conference room slowly became heated, and many traitors began to dream about the "good life" in the future.

  And at the same time.

A small street in the French Concession was much livelier than usual, and many strange adult men appeared on the streets.

 They were walking together or alone on the street, with their feet walking at the same pace, as if they were measuring something.

 An hour later, these people exited the small street one by one, disappearing around an abandoned lumber factory.

When they appeared again, they were already in the warehouse of the factory. There were also two Renault trucks with canvas-covered carriages parked in the warehouse.

Zuo Zhong stood next to the front of one of the trucks, looking at the concession map on the hood, and drew a cross on a certain location with a red pencil.

 Then, he turned back and looked at the members of the backup intelligence network who came in. He roughly counted the number of people and said in a deep voice.

“You have already seen the location of the operation. The time of this operation must be accurate to seconds, and the space must be accurate to meters. There must be no mistakes.

 Once the operation starts, the patrol house or the French garrison will arrive within 7 minutes at the fastest, so the operation must end within 5 minutes.

 The remaining 2 minutes are the time left for you to evacuate. The evacuation route must be firmly remembered in your mind. There will be no time for you to hesitate. "


                                                     Agents from the backup intelligence network responded one after another. They had all participated in the Battle of Songhu and walked through a pile of dead people. They were no strangers to battle and were not afraid of it.

 They are just a bunch of traitors. As long as they have enough firepower and take sudden actions, there is absolutely no problem in ending the battle in 5 minutes.

Zuo Chong nodded upon seeing this, picked up a wooden stick and drew an aerial view of the action site on the ground, summoned the others to his side and spoke slowly.

“I am the commander of this operation. During the operation, I can only be called by my code name, but not by my real name or position.

 My codename is Tiger. After you think of your codename, inform each other and start using it immediately to avoid discomfort later. "

 In order to facilitate the operation, he reactivated the code name when he destroyed the Beiyinhe base, then picked up a wooden stick and pointed at the bird's eye view, and began to explain the specific steps of the operation.

 The operators nodded while listening, and raised their hands to ask questions from time to time.

This is not the time to pretend to understand. If something goes wrong, human life will have to be used to make up for it.

 Zuo Zhong gave answers to all their questions, explaining everything from the order of personnel entering, the intervals between firing, etc.

Compared with the operational personnel at the headquarters, these former Jiangsu and Zhejiang action team personnel are not considered professional, so preparations must be sufficient.

 It was not until noon that the pre-operation deployment meeting came to an end, and everyone took out the prepared food and began to eat in silence.

This is not the end yet.

In the afternoon, Zuo Zhong built the terrain of the action site on a reduced scale in the huge warehouse to conduct simulated attack training.

 How everyone should move, when to find a bunker, what to do if they encounter obstacles, and how to deal with the wounded, all must be well prepared.

 After doing this, Zuo Zhong raised his watch and checked the time with everyone, and finally made a cold announcement.

"Set off!"

Following his order, some operators left on foot, while others jumped on two trucks. The vehicles quickly drove out of the warehouse with the sound of beeping engines.

After a while, Zuo Zhong was the only one left in the originally bustling warehouse. After clearing the traces, he dropped a timer and evacuated immediately.

 No one on No. 76 was aware of everything that happened here.

After lunch in the cafeteria, Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun excused themselves on the pretext that they had official business to attend to, allowing Zheng Shisong, Chen Mingchu and He Xingjian to communicate privately.

 On the surface, there was no longer the surveillance of Personnel 76, and the three of them breathed a sigh of relief, but the scope of the conversation was still within the sensitive range.

They dared to bet with their heads that Ding and Li were listening, and there must be someone watching outside the door.

Therefore, He Xingjian continued to preach for the Japanese, hoping that Chen Mingchu, especially Zheng Shisong, would work for the Japanese.

Zheng Shisong did not agree or object, but asked a lot of questions.

This chat lasted for several hours. Seeing that it was getting dark, He Xingjian, who was a little impatient, decided to leave.

 Shanghai has not been very peaceful recently. He has done something wrong, so he is naturally worried about his own safety, so it is better to return to the military camp as soon as possible.

The moment he stood up, Zheng Shisong suddenly said, suggesting that they go out to have dinner together and then sit in the dance hall.

Although the land of the Republic of China is filled with smoke at this moment, and the Japanese have set foot on most of the country, the "isolated island" of Shanghai is showing an abnormal prosperity.

Especially in the entertainment venues in the French Concession and the Public Concession, there is a lot of entertainment, dancing and singing, and some people refer to Hangzhou as Bianzhou.

He Xingjian is a dance fan and likes to dance all night long and is very happy.

 Once you start dancing, you often dance one after another, from Paramount to Mega, without stopping throughout the night.

Sure enough, upon hearing the invitation, He Xingjian's addiction was immediately aroused.

He lived in a military camp in Pingping. Although there were women and he could dance, without the atmosphere of being in a song and dance hall and attracting thousands of people, he had long been itchy.

Thinking of the special status of Zheng Shisong and Chen Mingchu, He Xingjian was a little embarrassed.

 Because whether the other party can go out depends on the decision of Dingmo Village, and he cannot make the decision.

 After thinking for a long time, he asked the orderly to report to No. 76 and prepare to see the situation before talking about it.

As a result, before the orderly left, Ding Mocun, who was busy with "official duties", opened the door and asked with a smile how the three of them were talking.

Zheng Shisong sneered in his heart and told him about his invitation to He Xingjian, his attitude was much more respectful than before.

Ding Mocun laughed, waved his hand indifferently, and agreed to the matter without hesitation.

 It is a good thing for those being incited to rebel to see the feasting and feasting, which corrodes the will and sap the ambition.

However, he also said that he still had things to deal with, so Wan Lilang and Wu Sibao accompanied him to avoid accidents to everyone.

He Xingjian was overjoyed when he heard this and couldn't wait to discuss with Zheng Shisong where to go for fun.

Zheng Shisong thought seriously for a moment, raised his head, showed his neat teeth, and said with a smile.

“Then go to the Hollywood Cabaret in the French Concession. It’s safer there.”

 (End of this chapter)

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