Cicada Moving

Chapter 1029: "a big surprise"

 Chapter 1029 “Big Surprise”

Two trucks and several cars filled with "Pseudo-Loyal Salvation Army" soldiers drove out of No. 76. He Xingjian and his old friend Chen Mingchu took one, and Zheng Shisong, Wan Lilang and Wu Sibao took the other.

 Compared with Chen and He who had already received the certificate of surrender, Zheng Shisong had not yet fully gained the trust of the traitors, so he naturally had to undergo tighter monitoring.

Zheng Shisong didn't care about this and chatted with Wan Lilang calmly. The motorcade set off from Jisi Feier Road and headed straight for the French Concession.

On the road, several people saw a car with a concession plate driving rampantly, ignoring traffic regulations, and almost hitting ordinary people of the Republic of China who were walking normally several times.

"This is the privilege of imperialism. When Mr. Ji, no, President Ji returns to Jinling, everything will be fine."

Wan Lilang looked out of the car and muttered to himself. Maybe he really felt that way, or maybe he was just looking for a noble excuse for his traitorous pursuit of glory.

 After speaking, he turned his head and looked seriously into Zheng Shisong's eyes. Regardless of whether the other party believed it or not, he talked as if he believed it.

“I hope Mr. Zheng can seize the opportunity. Whether to be buried with the mountain city government or to become a hero in rebuilding the Republic of China, the choice is in your hands.

 Once the new government is formally established, and you surrender at that time, the benefits and positions you can obtain will not be the same as now. Please remember my advice. "

Perhaps with the instruction of Ding Mocun, Wan Lilang still spared no effort to persuade Zheng Shisong to surrender and cooperate, and he kept observing the other party's reaction while speaking.

Zheng Shisong smiled and nodded in agreement, but did not make any substantive statement. He still showed a posture of waiting for a price. He knew how high his value was, and proper reserve could whet the appetite of the Japanese.

Wan Lilang was depressed and wanted to drag Zheng Shisong directly to the interrogation room to "treat" him. However, the Japanese strictly prohibited torture of the other party, so he could only accompany this guy in circles.

At this time, the convoy passed the checkpoint and entered the French Concession smoothly. The lazy French chose to turn a blind eye to the weapons in the hands of the vehicle's occupants.

the reason is simple.

Shanghai, surrounded by the Japanese-occupied areas, has become an isolated island of civilization. The materials needed for the concession are subject to inspection by the Japanese army, and the "tough" French do not dare to fall out with the Japanese.

As the car drove on the gray road in Pingtan, Zheng Shisong secretly breathed a sigh of relief and compared his location with the location of the small street written on the invitation.

 An intersection.

 Two intersections.


These two locations are getting closer and closer. As long as you turn right, the convoy will drive into a possible ambush location. Not far away is the Hollywood Cabaret.

 After receiving the information from Li Wanxiu, the entire trip has been repeated in his mind countless times. Whether the operation can be successful or not depends on the operators at the headquarters.

On the 76th, the information about Zuo Zhong’s visit to Shanghai was kept strictly confidential. Until now, Zheng Shisong still doesn’t know who is coming from Shancheng, let alone that there are only two people coming.

In his imagination, the bureau headquarters should send the most elite action experts. Thinking of this, he suddenly felt uneasy. Bullets on the battlefield do not have eyes.

The convoy was getting closer and closer to the turn. Seeing the first truck containing soldiers turning its right wheel, Zheng Shisong suddenly pointed to the cigar shop on the corner and spoke.

“Director Wan, can I borrow some coins from you? I heard that Deputy Commander He not only likes to dance, but also likes to smoke cigars. Please send someone to buy a few high-end products.

We may become colleagues in the future, working together to make ends meet. You must help with this. Don’t worry, I know the rules. Zheng will never get out of the car. "

Wan Lilang hesitated for a moment, patted the driver's shoulder and signaled to stop. This was Zheng Shisong's first positive response to surrender after his arrest, and he couldn't refuse.

 Besides, if the other party doesn't get out of the car, he can't pass on any information. The person buying the cigars is one of your own, so you don't have to worry about leaking information, so there's no need to be too nervous.

  He whispered a few words, and the guard sitting on the passenger side of the vehicle stretched his hand out of the window and shook it, signaling the vehicles in front and behind to go ahead.

This is the core area of ​​the French Concession, and safety is guaranteed. There is no need to stop all the convoys, as that would make the goal even greater.

As the vehicle stopped, the guard took a few yen from Wan Lilang, got out of the car and ran into the store to buy cigars. Everything seemed normal.


The hands of the watch on Zheng Shisong's wrist kept beating. One minute passed. Just as the guard walked out of the store with a small wooden box, explosions occurred in many remote locations in the French Concession.

The first thing to explode was the lumber factory warehouse where Zuo Zhong and others had stayed. A time bomb detonated the oil barrel next to it, and the abandoned warehouse immediately turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Let alone on-site investigation, even if the Japanese Amaterasu came, they would not be able to find any useful clues from the burned-to-ruins site.

At almost the same time, a garbage bin in the suburbs and two fire hydrants in the downtown area were blown into the sky, but there were no casualties.

 The patrol houses and garrisons across the French Concession heard the sound and had no idea what was happening. They had no choice but to rush to the explosion site.

The rumble of the explosion spread far away. When Wan Lilang heard the sound, he pulled out his gun and put it against Zheng Shisong's waist, then turned to look out the back window.

The black smoke column that shot straight into the sky was extremely conspicuous in the sky. As an experienced intelligence officer, Wan Lilang immediately concluded that it was an explosion caused by military explosives.

If it were a civilian explosive, the smoke column would not form so quickly, and the explosion sound would not spread so far. Only powerful military explosives can do this.     The next second.

While calling the guards to get on the bus quickly, he ordered the driver to catch up with the convoy immediately. No matter what happened elsewhere, they would be safe as long as they were with the large army.

But the reality was different from what he thought. When the explosion sounded, the leading convoy happened to pass through an intersection and entered a section of road that was not too wide.

 The driver of the truck moving out of the way was attracted by the sound of the explosion and curiously looked for the location of the explosion. Unexpectedly, a Renault truck with a cabin covered by a canvas emerged from the intersection in front of him.

 “There is a car!”

The co-pilot shouted when he saw the unfamiliar truck with the crossbar in front of him, and grabbed the driver's seat with both hands to prevent him from being thrown out of the car when he braked suddenly.

The driver turned around after hearing the warning and realized the danger. He stepped on the brakes with all his strength. The "Pseudo-Loyal Rescue Army" soldiers standing in the car were knocked around like bowling balls.


The car with Agent 76 sitting behind him had no time to react and hit the rear of the truck. The vehicles behind him also rear-ended each other one after another, but the situation was not serious.

  Acting in the French Concession, No. 76 was not so arrogant. In addition, the road was narrow, and the speed of the convoy was not high enough to cause the entire convoy to be destroyed.

He Xingjian and Chen Mingchu, who were having a talk in one of the cars, hit their heads **** the front seat. After a few seconds, they were dizzy and raised their heads with their hands on the seats.

When they saw someone blocking the road, the eyes of these two traitors, who relied on betraying their compatriots to please the Japanese, were full of panic, and their legs trembled slightly.

Who will intercept car No. 76 in the French Concession?

 Only military control!

As former members of the military commander, they certainly knew how the military commander dealt with traitors. The two of them shuddered when they thought of those "seniors" who had been cleared by sanctioned personnel.

 “Quick! Reverse quickly!”

He Xingjian, who often prided himself on being a general, had his bangs stuck to his forehead, his face was pale and indescribable embarrassment, and he let out an extremely sharp scream, like a little girl who had been molested.

But this also has its advantages. In the chaos, the driver of the convoy heard the order clearly, quickly shifted into reverse gear, and reversed at high speed one by one in the direction from which they came.

They all know that it is impossible to make a U-turn in this kind of terrain. If they want to survive, they must cooperate tacitly and must not collide, otherwise the convoy will be completely blocked here.

But the drivers soon became desperate. At some point, a Renault truck rushed out of the rear intersection, also covered with canvas, blocking the convoy's retreat.

"get off!"

 “Find a bunker, establish a defense line, and the patrol will be there in a moment!”

As expected of the senior commander of the Zhongjiu Army, He Xingjian quickly regained his composure after a short period of panic, raised his gun and fired a shot into the sky, giving everyone an order, a correct order.

After the Battle of Songhu, the French added a large number of troops to Shanghai to protect the most important concession in East Asia. Even if the war broke out in Europe, they did not stop.

As long as the two trucks are held, it won't take long, at most a few minutes, and the nearby police officers and French garrison will arrive following the sound of gunfire.

He Xingjian feels that this can be accomplished with the presence of Agent 76 and his "elite" men. After all, defense is much simpler than offense.

The traitors woke up after hearing this, climbed out of the car one by one, and tried to use the doorposts and trash cans on the roadside as cover. Some even tried to break into the houses on both sides of the street.

 It is a pity that both the French and the people of the Republic of China became smarter during the war.

As soon as the explosion sounded, the people in the house locked the door and even blocked the cabinet behind the door, so the secret agent had to give up the plan.

From the moment He Xingjian gave the order to reverse the vehicle to the time when the traitors got out of the car and looked for cover, it sounds like a long time. In fact, the whole process only took a few dozen seconds.

 When the traitors on No. 76 and the soldiers of the "Pseudo-Loyal Salvation Army" regained their composure and looked towards the truck ahead, everyone was quickly enveloped in a feeling of despair.

At the end of the Battle of Songhu, the retreat of the Guo army actually turned into a rout. The quartermasters were busy escaping for their lives. Some weapons and equipment, guns and ammunition had no time to be distributed to the combat troops, so they were piled in the open air.

After Zuo Zhong learned the news, in order to avoid antagonizing the enemy, he ordered the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Action Team to transport these things to the Zhabei area, the French Concession and the Public Concession through various channels.

The supplies include multiple 150mm howitzer shells, dozens of boxes of military explosives, hundreds of submachine guns, a large number of accessories and bullets of various calibers.

  The people in Shanghai District were evacuated in an emergency, and the shells used in the traps came from this batch of remaining equipment, which can be considered to be fully used.

But the rarest ones are a few Swiss Sulotton S5-106 20mm anti-aircraft guns. These are cutting-edge weapons purchased by the government at a huge price with real money.

Originally, the military wanted to take advantage of the characteristics of Shanghai's many reinforced concrete buildings and use them to establish urban air defense firepower points. However, the military was defeated too quickly and was not used at all.

At this moment, the Renault truck blocking the path of He Xingjian and Chen Mingchu had taken off its canvas. Under the gaze of the traitors, a Sulotung anti-aircraft gun was creaking and turning.

 (End of this chapter)

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