Cicada Moving

Chapter 1030: blood for blood

Chapter 1030 Blood for blood

In the desperate eyes of the traitors, the Sulotong S5-106 20mm anti-aircraft gun adjusted its position and angle, and the shooting hand behind the gun pressed the left grip with the continuous firing mechanism.

The muzzle immediately erupted with orange-red flames, and shells as thick as a small tree were fired at a rate of 220 rounds per minute, tilting the firepower towards convoy No. 76.


 The deafening sound of artillery sounded again in Shanghai. For a moment, blood and flesh were flying everywhere on the scene, and everything in front of the artillery shells was turned into parts.

This anti-aircraft gun is a high-flat dual-purpose automatic artillery developed and manufactured in Switzerland in the 1920s. The gun base can rotate 360 ​​degrees, and the high and low shooting range reaches minus 15 degrees to plus 90 degrees.

 So the anti-aircraft gun ground firing is not a German invention, but the original function of many anti-aircraft guns from the beginning of their design, with the purpose of attacking ground forces.

The matching 20mm artillery shell uses an adjustable collision fuse, so there will be no low-level errors such as the shell hitting an object at close range but failing to explode.

Despite its small caliber, this type of artillery shell is very powerful and can penetrate 30mm thick steel plates at a distance of 500m. Now it is no problem to deal with several cars.

 In addition, the reason why artillery shells are called artillery shells is not only different from bullets in caliber, but also because of the different killing methods.

 Bullet damage mainly depends on penetration, while the damage of artillery shells is achieved by the penetration of shrapnel after explosion. The efficiency and range of damage are greater.

The first truck was only hit by a shell, and the engine compartment and cab in front were reduced to a pile of scrap metal. The entire truck exploded quickly with flames.

  The second shell directly blew the truck into two pieces, revealing the vehicle at the rear. The driver of the "Pseudo-Loyal Salvation Army" who had been left behind in the vehicle disappeared.

It is a true disappearance on the physical level. Only a piece of blood mist blowing in the wind proves that the other party once existed in this world.

This scene made the traitors so horrified that they ran away with their heads in their hands.

Even cars can’t stop artillery shells, and even ordinary buildings and iron trash cans can’t stop them. The only way to survive is to escape.

Several No. 76 agents hiding behind the roadside porch were about to retreat when the roaring shells shattered the door pillars that were dozens of centimeters thick.

The collision fuse was instantly activated and detonated the missile body. Countless sharp shrapnel flew in all directions, harvesting the lives of the surrounding agents like razors.

On the Renault truck, a military agent turned the steering wheel crank desperately. The long barrel of the anti-aircraft gun moved from left to right, and the **** of death began to sweep across the battlefield.

An unfortunate mailbox on the roadside was blown up with a loud bang, and ignited pieces of paper slowly fell from the sky like meteors.

Several other cars in the convoy were also turned into scrap metal one after another. The people in the surrounding houses were trembling with fear and huddled in the corner waiting for the firefight to end.

 “Retreat! Retreat!”

He Xingjian, who was hiding behind the wreckage of the car, shouted frantically and ordered his men to open a breach at the intersection where they came from to cover his evacuation.

But before he finished speaking, the dull sound of anti-aircraft gun fire also sounded from behind. The traitors present suddenly looked desperate, why did another anti-aircraft gun appear?

However, in the unhurried shelling, they soon heard that the other party did not seem to be shooting at the convoy, but in other directions.

 Are reinforcements coming?

There was a glimmer of hope in everyone's heart, and they ran to the rear desperately, trying to attack the reinforcements from inside and outside to find a "way out".

People's desire to survive is strong. Stimulated by adrenaline, the traitors burst out with all their strength and ran towards the "road to survive."

On the hundreds of meters long retreat road, people were blown away by artillery shells from time to time, and then fell heavily to the ground. After struggling for a while, they lost their lives.

The current situation is that the father is dead and the mother is married, and each person takes care of himself. Everyone keeps their heads down and runs for their lives, and no one cares about others.

At the same time, a group of armed men wearing hoods walked out from behind the truck at the intersection ahead. Each member held an automatic fire weapon in his hand.

 “1 minute and 30 seconds, search forward.”

The masked man at the front of the team looked down at his watch, announced the time, then put the **** of his gun on his shoulder and searched forward.

Other masked men followed him, walking in small steps into the center of the firefight in a long snake formation, with their guns pointed in all directions.

"Da da da"

"Da da da"

With each corpse encountered, the masked men pulled the triggers one by one and calmly fired, regardless of the shells whizzing by around them.

Several injured traitors lay on the road, wailing in pain and begging for mercy, but only ruthless bullets were waiting for them.

 The fleeing traitor heard the movement behind him, and his steps quickened a little.

 Fight back?

 What should you use to fight back? Use your head to compare with bullets and cannonballs to see who is harder? How stupid would it be to do such a thing?

 It’s just a “way to live”, is it really a way to live?

Wan Lilang and Wu Sibao would not agree anyway, because at this time they were following Zheng Shisong to escape in embarrassment, and the reason was the truck at the rear of the convoy.

 tens of seconds ago.

The car carrying Wan Lilang and three people had just turned into a small street when they saw a truck blocking the intersection from a distance. Just as the driver was hesitating whether to speed up or slow down, the canvas of the truck compartment was torn open.

Zheng Shisong, who was in the back row, stretched his head and took a look, and immediately saw the anti-aircraft gun slowly aimed at the car. His pupils shrank instantly, his mouth opened slightly, and he wanted to warn the driver loudly, but he randomly gave up the idea.

That's too late.

He is very familiar with this cutting-edge equipment of the Guojun. Its muzzle velocity is as high as a terrifying 830~850 meters per second, which means that once the opponent fires, they will become a pile of minced meat in less than half a second.

I don’t know who came from the headquarters, but he was really ruthless. Even though I knew he was in the convoy, I still had no intention of stopping.

 Could it be that the other party wanted to use a trick to confuse the Japanese and force him to become a double agent? No wonder they asked Li Wanxiu to pass on the message instead of coming forward in person.

 This is because I still don’t believe in myself.

He seemed to have thought of something in the flash of lightning, and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, but these are all things for later. The most important thing now is to escape. The car is not an armored vehicle, and it cannot stop the shells of anti-aircraft guns.

In desperation, Zheng Shisong pushed away Wan Lilang and the pistol on his forehead, grabbed the driver's sleeve and tugged hard, causing the steering wheel to turn to the right. The car immediately lost control and hit the wall on the roadside, stopping sideways. pavement. Almost at the same time, the anti-aircraft artillery opened fire. The shells created a streak of fire and hit the car's original trajectory. It only took a few milliseconds to break the car into parts.

Even so, the exploding shells still caused huge damage to the vehicle, and the flying shrapnel hit the left side of the front seat of the car, making a clanging sound.

With a few pops, the driver and the guard in the front row were hit by several shrapnels. They collapsed on their seats, lifeless, and blood instantly stained the windshield red.

Wan Lilang in the back row was dumbfounded. Before he surrendered to the enemy, he was working in the intelligence system of the Political Science Department. He was dealing with political enemies. He had never seen such a **** and fierce battle.

Wu Sibao on the side was even more unbearable. His crotch was so hot that he peed his pants. Being brave and ruthless does not mean that he is not afraid of death. Killing with a blade and watching his accomplices turn into pulp are two different concepts.

Zheng Shisong, who was sitting between the two of them, had no time to explain. He stretched out his hand to open the right door and pushed the dazed Wan Lilang out. He then dragged Wu Sibao by his collar and threw him under the car. He shouted with red eyes, "Run!"

Wan Lilang and Wu Sibao came to their senses at this moment. No matter their achievements, military command, or left-wing importance, they were not as important as their own lives. They crawled towards the corner of the street.

The gunner on the truck looked at Zheng Shisong's back, fired a few shots at the backs of the three people who were fleeing for their lives, then patted the deputy gunner next to him on the shoulder, indicating to turn the muzzle 180 degrees.

  After receiving the order, the deputy gunner immediately turned the steering gear. The anti-aircraft gun welded firmly in the carriage slowly turned. The dark barrel gradually aimed at the No. 76 agent and the soldiers of the "False Loyal Rescue Army" who had withdrawn from the front.

 “Tiger, you can shoot!”

After adjusting the shooting elements, the deputy shooter covered his ears with one hand to block the loud noise, and shouted at the gunner at the same time.

Zuo Zhong, who was wearing a hood, showed a ferocious smile, put the crosshair on the many traitors who were running towards him, pressed the trigger with his left hand, and the anti-aircraft gun exploded again.

  In later movies and TV dramas, the protagonists face bombardment several meters away without even messing up their hair. This is impossible to happen on a real battlefield. Modern weapons are far more powerful than people imagine.

Even if the collision fuse hits a human body and will not be triggered to explode, the projectile carrying huge kinetic energy can still easily cut the person in half or break the limbs.

As for whether such a powerful force would accidentally injure Zheng Shisong, Zuo Zhong did not take it into consideration. Whether the opponent would die or live would depend on his own life.

This is not cold-blooded. Intelligence work is full of lies and uncertainty. It is impossible for Zuo Zhong to change his action plan for a person with a doubtful background.

This has nothing to do with personal grudges. The military rules: in order to complete the mission, everything can be sacrificed, including the lives of one's own people.

And Zheng Shisong guessed right, Zuo Zhong really wanted him to reach No. 76, because this was his only way to survive.

—The international intelligence community usually has two methods of dealing with friendly intelligence personnel who have been exposed and cannot be screened.

   Or be silenced.

 Either act as a double agent.

 Double agents are a common tactic and the fastest way to lurk enemy intelligence agencies. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to gain the enemy's trust.

 If you don’t want to be suspected, you can only rely on the trick of suffering.

Since Zheng Shisong wants to clear himself of the suspicion of betrayal, he will use his merit and life to fight and gamble, and prove his innocence with practical actions.

 Therefore, only by personally experiencing the assassination of Juntong can the Japanese and No. 76 not doubt him. Otherwise, once this incident comes out, the other party will be the most suspicious.

It is indeed a bit crazy to do this, but the Sino-Japanese war has been going on so far, and the government has reached the end of its rope. The only way to win is to fight with the Japanese with our lives!

 Look back to the scene.

The Sulothong S5-106 anti-aircraft gun is equipped with a 20-round long magazine. Zuo Zhong only used 5 rounds just now, and he shot out all the remaining 15 rounds in a few seconds.

 The narrow streets suddenly became a **** slaughterhouse. Deep pits were blasted out of the solid cement pavement, which were quickly filled with blood. The ground was covered with fragments of corpses.

This group of traitors who withdrew from the front consisted of about ten people. They were all killed or injured in a matter of seconds, and the "road to life" turned into a road to hell.


A No. 76 agent was lucky enough to escape this round of shooting and stood alone. After seeing the miserable death of his companion, he had a nervous breakdown. He held his head and screamed.

 Zuo Zhong, who had reloaded the magazine, fired again. His screams suddenly stopped, and a smoking arm fell behind the bunker, falling in front of He Xingjian and Chen Mingchu, who were shaking like sieving chaff.

 “2 minutes and 30 seconds.”


 After dealing with most of the traitors, Zuo Zhong jumped out of the truck and waved, and another group of masked men with guns came in for the final cleanup.

 He turned a timed explosive device and threw it into the remaining artillery shells in the carriage, and then joined the action team, pulling the bolt in his hand to load the submachine gun.

"Forgive me…"

 “Bang bang bang.”

 A "Pseudo-Loyal Salvation Army" officer who was seriously injured and lying on the ground stretched out his hand to beg for mercy. Zuo Zhong turned slightly, pointed at the opponent, pulled the trigger and fired three bullets, one in the head and two in the chest.

 This will ensure that no one is left alive, and must give those who have surrendered to the enemy or are preparing to defect to the enemy a profound memory, letting them know what the consequences of treason are.

The two action teams, one in front and one behind, were approaching each other slowly. During this period, gunshots were heard. Some traitors who were trying to make a cold start were shot dead, while others were masked men refilling their guns.

Finally, the two sides met at a bunker. He Xingjian and Chen Mingchu threw away their weapons and knelt on the ground, kowtowing desperately, shouting nonsense like that they were willing to pay them as long as they were not killed.

 These two scoundrels who betrayed their country and nation and harmed their compatriots are still daydreaming about paying for their lives at this time.


Zuo Zhong answered with two bullets. The villain died because he talked too much. There was no need to talk nonsense to the opponent. After taking back the gun, he poked He and Chen's heads with his foot and said coldly.

 “Cut it down and retreat!”

 (End of this chapter)

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