Cicada Moving

Chapter 1032: The intrigues of the devils

Chapter 1032: The intrigues of the devils


In Sogo Hall, the furious Osako Tsusada cursed the quintessence of Japan, and gave Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun, who were standing there with their heads bowed, a slap in the ear.

What he wanted to wait for was the good news that Zuo Zhong was found on the 76th, but what he didn't expect were calls from He Xingjian and Chen Mingchu Zhongfu.

 Dozens of spies and soldiers were killed, and the two most important protection targets died tragically. Their heads were cut off and hung on the most crowded road in the French Concession.

 This matter was undoubtedly done by the military commander to punish the traitors and warn others. This was simply a provocation to him and the Japanese Empire Chi Guoguo!

After finishing the beating, Osako Tsusada put his hands on his hips and took a deep breath of air. His sinister eyes glanced at the two directors of No. 76 and Hase Ryosuke who was sitting next to him one by one.

Since the destruction of Shanghai District, he felt that there was a pair of invisible eyes around him, and all the actions of the Special Committee on China were leaked to the people of the Republic of China.

 Otherwise, his gains would not have been so small, the senior officials of Jinling District would not have had the opportunity to die together, and He Xingjian and Chen Mingchu would not have been ambushed.

You must know that the convoy going to the French Concession from No. 76 was a temporary move. There were very few people who knew the news and had the opportunity to pass it on.

Including himself, everyone in the know is in this room now.

Who is the mole? Osako Tsusada sat back in his seat, frowning and thinking while looking at the "suspects".

  Dingmo Village?

This person has always been ruthless. Whether he was an acquaintance of the underground party in the past or a colleague of the Central Unification Committee later, the other party arrested and killed many of them.

This kind of person cannot be a mole, because once there is no protection from the empire and the new government, people who want to kill each other can line up from Shanghai to Jinling.

 Li Shiqun?

This is possible. The biggest suspicion is that Li Shiqun did not disclose much underground party information when he joined the government.

This shows that he is a duplicitous person who sees different things. If there is really an evil spirit, Li Shiqun is the most likely.

 But because the other party was highly suspicious, the Special Committee on China conducted 24-hour secret surveillance on him and found nothing suspicious.

After thinking for a while, Osako Tosada moved his eyes away from the two traitors and focused his attention on his deputy again.

 Hase Ryosuke.

 The intelligence flower of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has close relations with the Shanghai Navy and the Army, and the relationship network reaches directly to Tokyo.

 Privately, he is poaching the empire, participating in and organizing private activities. Could it be that he is selling out the empire for money?

 It’s just that whether it was monitoring or tracking, Hase Ryosuke behaved normally and showed no signs of surrendering to the enemy.

Osako Tosada was surprised to find that he was the most suspected among the four people.

 One is that he knows all the intelligence and operational details.

 Second, no one is monitoring his words and deeds, and he has the conditions to convey information to the outside world.


Thinking of this, Osako Tossada began to wonder if he was suffering from amnesia and had forgotten about his betrayal of the empire.

He quickly shook his head to drive this ridiculous idea out of his mind, and then coldly asked Dinmo Village about the survivors.

“Director Ding, is Zheng Shisong injured? I heard that it was the other party’s suggestion to go to the Hollywood Cabaret. Do you think so?”

Osako did not finish his words, and his tone was a little uncertain, but his meaning was very clear, that is, he suspected that the ambush was related to Zheng Shisong.

Ding Mocun, covering his cheek, thought carefully for a moment, slowly shook his head, and expressed his opinion.

“Your Excellency Osaka, our surveillance on Zheng Shisong is very tight. Even if he wants to leak secrets, there is no opportunity or way.

Moreover, the murderer was merciless, and in just half a second, the other party would end up like He Xingjian and Chen Mingchu.

 In fact, if he had not reacted in time, even Wan Lilang and Wu Sibao would have been in danger. This is not like a bitter trick. "

Ding Mocun is not a fool. Immediately after the incident, he took control of the three survivors who fled back to No. 76 in panic and conducted questioning.

According to the confessions of Wan Lilang and Wu Sibao, the situation at the scene was very dangerous, and they were sure that Zheng Shisong was fine.

 The plan for suffering meat is not to commit suicide.

At that time, the shell exploded a few meters away from them. Without the protection of the front driver and guards, none of the three of them would have survived.

In this case, who would gamble with their own lives? Even if the military commanders are not afraid of death and are willing to take risks, it makes no sense logically how they can perform their missions after they die.

 Unless the person directing the operation is a madman who doesn't care about the life or death of his companions.

 But if this is the case, who would be willing to sacrifice their life for the military commander? Anyway, both the left and right will die, so it is better to seek refuge with the Japanese and the new government.

 So Zheng Shisong had nothing to do with the ambush. He was also one of the targets of the murderer, but he just escaped with his life due to his quick reaction.

Ding Mocun reported on the relevant situation and suggested that taking this opportunity to intensify efforts to instigate Zheng Shisong might turn bad things into good things. The use value of He Xingjian and Chen Mingchu has been basically squeezed out. If their deaths can make Zheng Shisong completely despair of the government, it will be worthwhile.

Osako Tosada nodded slightly. This is why Tokyo handed over No. 76 to Dinmomura. In addition to the fact that the other party has no way out, it is also because the other party has an overall view.

 When a person dies, he dies, and there is no use regretting it. What they have to do is how to turn an unfavorable situation into a favorable situation. From one point of view, the director of Ding Mo Village is qualified.

 “Okay, Ding Sang, you are responsible for this matter.”

Osako Tsusada seemed to have forgotten that he had just slapped the opponent on the ear, and set out the task with a smile.

Lying on the sofa, Hase Ryosuke unabashedly pursed his lips. He was a dog-like police officer. He could do anything besides beating people. No wonder he was fooled around by "Fat Tiger".

The moment he heard that No. 76 was ambushing in the French Concession, he knew that Zuo Zhong was coming. Among the government intelligence officers, only the other party dared to make such a big noise in the concession.

  Anti-aircraft guns block the road.

 Hang the head.

The craziness of his actions and the sharpness of his methods reminded him of the Six Nations Hotel back then. Osaka still wanted to rely on those wastes on No. 76 and wanted to catch the "Fat Tiger". It was really a daydream.

Just when Hase Ryosuke was laughing at his immediate boss, Li Shiqun, who had a bright red handprint on his face, suddenly spoke, breaking the silence in the room.

“Your Excellency Osako, there are many murderers. They can slow down and approach the scene covertly before taking action, but it is difficult for them to retreat silently.

 It is very likely that there are witnesses who have seen them near the scene, and we can use this to trace the whereabouts of the murderer. If you agree, I would like to take charge of this case personally. "

Hase Ryosuke glanced at Li Shiqun and secretly raised his guard. Chen Mingchu was captured because of this guy. Now the other party wants to track down "Fat Tiger". Baga, isn't this going to be difficult for him?

 It seems that we have to find a way to kill the man named Li, otherwise sooner or later he will be found out. Should we let the navy or the army do it? Your Excellency, the agency director, fell into deep thought.

While he was thinking about it, Osako Tsusada, who had listened to Li Shiqun's report, stood up and walked around the room a few times. Then he unexpectedly forced out a stiff smile and asked Hase Gu's opinion on the matter.

“Senior Colonel Hase, you are a well-known intelligence expert in the empire. What do you think of Deputy Director Li’s suggestion just now? Is this clue worth pursuing?”

 This is the first time Osako has formally addressed Hase Ryousuke. The question he asked is both probing and coaxing. It goes without saying that probing is important. The important thing is coaxing.

After a series of blows such as the failure of the arrest and the killing of important personnel of the new government, Osako Tsusada knew that his position under the buttocks was already unstable.

If Ryosuke Hase cannot be appeased, his transfer and even punishment orders will soon be sent from Tokyo to Shanghai. With so many failed operations, the empire needs a scapegoat.

 So he must change his previous attitude towards Hase Ryosuke, stop being arrogant, and not ask the other party to obey his words, at least not to add insult to injury.

The people present are all smart people, and they have keenly grasped the profound meaning of the change of title. The power structure and strength of the Special Committee on China and No. 76 are also about to change.

Li Shiqun almost laughed out loud. He expressed goodwill to Hase Ryosuke before going to see Chen Mingchu. Later, the other party was forced to stay under house arrest, and the matter was settled.

Who would have thought that Osako Tosada would take the initiative to surrender to Lord Hase. Now, in addition to the Caobang brothers, he can rely on the Caobang brothers on No. 76, and also has the support of Japanese high-level officials. The mere Dinmo Village is not in danger.

 Some people are happy, and some are unhappy.

Ding Mocun had a smile on his face at this time, but in his heart he scolded Osako Tossada so much that it was the first time he had seen an agency chief who couldn't even suppress his subordinates.

Hase Ryosuke was stunned for a moment when he heard Osako Tosada's words, but he was a veteran in the officialdom after all, so he immediately realized that the other party was about to give in.

It’s just that at times like this, he has to keep a low profile and must not be arrogant or aggressive, so he quickly stood up and replied respectfully.

“Your Excellency, what Deputy Director Li said makes sense, and even if it doesn’t succeed, there will be no loss for us, it will just be a waste of manpower.

 But once it succeeds, it will be a good thing for you, the committee and us. I suggest that Director Ding take the lead and Deputy Director Li will be responsible for the specific work.

 In addition, I think it is necessary to conduct a large-scale search of the imperial-controlled areas, the public concession and the French concession. I think Britain and France will agree.

After all, Europe and the United States don’t want to see dangerous weapons like anti-aircraft guns appear in urban areas. Maybe we can use this to force the murderers out. "

 Hase Ryosuke thought very clearly that now is not the time to fall out with Osako Tsusada. He must stabilize his opponent and wait for the opportunity to strike a fatal blow.

 When this **** **** is kicked back to the mainland, not to mention No. 76, the entire empire's intelligence system in central China will fall into his hands.

"Yoshi! Just follow your advice, Mr. Hase."

 Osako Tosada opposite clapped his hands and applauded, and at the same time his eyes were complicated. He was indeed the resourceful Hase-kun. He clearly had the advantage, but he was still so calm. It was really difficult to deal with him.

The Japs were scheming here. Zuo Zhong, who had returned to the Yankee cruise ship, stood in front of the porthole and looked quietly in the direction of Jinling, with a lingering look of worry in his eyebrows.

  (Don’t worry, it’s a big festival, you don’t have a knife)

 (End of this chapter)

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