Cicada Moving

Chapter 1033: Extremely smart

Chapter 1033 Extremely Smart

 Jinling, Zhonghua Gate in the south of the city.

Two years ago, the Japanese army first opened a breakthrough from here, climbed into the city using rope ladders, and carried out a brutal and inhumane massacre in the city.

 Two years later, this place slowly regained its vitality and is still the starting point for buses from Jinling to southern cities.

 Among them, Nanmenwai Street is the most densely populated area. Countless new restaurants and warehouses have been built. War seems to be a distant term.

 While people were coming and going, a beggar squatted at the door of a store with a daily necessities sign, scanning the crowd with half-closed eyes.

In the residential area opposite the store, several people were sitting or standing on the second floor of a house, holding a secret meeting in a low voice.

“Okay, that’s it.”

Wearing a wig, Gui Youguang adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose and looked at the former team leaders of the Jinling District Intelligence Team with a stern tone.

“Deputy Jun ordered you to serve as the command level of Jinling District from now on. Your mission is to collect information from the dead mailbox and conduct radio contact with the mountain city.

As for who will be the district chief and who will be the deputy district chief, you can discuss it yourself. If it doesn't work out, just make a guessing decision and report it to the bureau headquarters as soon as possible.

 Feicheng, Anqing and other stations formerly affiliated to Jinling District will operate independently in the future, with financial and personnel powers recovered and unified command and dispatch by the headquarters.

 You don’t need to get involved in specific business work. Let each newly formed independent intelligence team act and handle it on their own. Do you understand? "


Group leaders, you looked at me, I looked at you, and then answered in unison, but they were all a little confused.

 After the Wuliang Temple was destroyed, they automatically entered a state of silence, stopped most of their intelligence operations, and waited for orders from the headquarters.

As a result, what awaited was the return of the headquarters to the team leader and the reorganization plan. These people rose to the top in one step and became the senior personnel of the new Jinling District.

Although the subordinate intelligence station in Xinjinling District has been allocated, it is still a district-level organization. It is a bit of a joke to decide personnel appointments by guessing.

 After hesitating for a while, the most senior intelligence team leader among these people licked his lips and asked a question cautiously.

“Sir, how can I solve the problem of the radio station and code book? Jinling is too humid, electrical materials are easily affected by moisture, and spare parts should be kept in reserve.

 There have been problems in this area in the past. The old district chief once told me that the air near Wuliangguan was too humid and the tubes of the radio station were repeatedly damaged.

 You asked the district chief earlier why they failed to receive the warning in time. I personally think it was probably a problem with the radio station, rather than someone defecting to the enemy.

After the accident, I asked the informant of the fake police station. All the people who entered Wuliangguan that day died, and Jinling Hospital did not admit any suspicious injured people.

At the same time, neither the Japanese Military Police nor the Army Intelligence Agency made any unusual movements. If someone really committed treason, it is impossible for the Japanese to take no action at all. "


Gui Youguang did not express his position on this, even though what the other party said was consistent with the results of his secret investigation after arriving in Jinling.

—Jinling District may have lost contact with the headquarters due to communication equipment failure, and therefore did not receive the key early warning message.

 So many carefully selected and rigorously trained agents died because the radio was broken. This result is a bit unacceptable, but this is the most reasonable explanation at present.

  But speculation is still speculation. Before there is conclusive evidence to prove that the loss of contact in Jinling District was not man-made, all possibilities must be considered and conclusions must not be drawn easily.

Once the judgment is wrong, it will cost someone's life. He imitated Zuo Zhong and pondered for a moment, then slowly spoke.

“I will apply for the radio station, code book, and spare parts for you immediately when I get back. It won’t take long for Jinling District to receive them, so don’t worry.

 Besides, you can still work without a radio. How many explosives are there in the secret arsenal? Take them out.

We want to make a big splash, and we must let the people in the occupied areas know that the military commander is still fighting and has not surrendered. "

As Gui Youguang spoke, he waved his arms, as if he had been injected with blood.

The members of the Jinling District below are all numb. What is the team leader going to do? Doesn’t he know that there are tens of thousands of elite Japanese soldiers stationed in Jinling?

If you come out to cause sabotage at this time, you will be targeted by the enemy if you are not careful. Not to mention teaching the Japanese a lesson, you will not even be able to guarantee your own safety.

 But the other party was higher than them in terms of military rank and position, and he was also the special commissioner of the headquarters. Even if everyone disagreed, they could only obey the order.

The oldest intelligence team leader couldn't help but smile bitterly, with a look of embarrassment on his wrinkled face. He recalled the inventory and then answered obediently.

“Report to the commander, there are currently 500 kilograms of military explosives and 800 kilograms of raw materials in the arsenal, all of which were allocated by the Jinling Defense War Headquarters.

If raw materials are used to manufacture finished products, the operators in Jinling District have received relevant training, and it only takes ten days if there are sufficient manpower. "


Gui Youguang was overjoyed when he heard this. Military explosives are extremely powerful. The energy released by 1 kilogram of explosives can blast a 100 kilogram object hundreds of meters high.

The charge of a 76mm high-explosive artillery shell is about one kilogram, and its power can turn the two-story building under their feet into rubble. The charge of a standard grenade is only about 50 grams. Even so, there is no possibility of survival within 5 meters after the grenade explodes.

500 kilograms of explosives are equivalent to 500 artillery shells or 10,000 grenades, which is enough for subsequent operations, and there may even be some leftover.

The pleased Gui Youguang spread out a map of Jinling, pointed to the densely packed marks on it, and told everyone about his plan.

“These are the Japanese offices, military camps and pseudo-police stations in the city. There are more than 30 places in total. I decided to give them all a gift.

Whether you and the independent intelligence team infiltrate or use other methods, make sure there are 5 kilograms, no, 10 kilograms of explosives detonated in each place.

 Attention, when there is an explosion, we must try to reduce the casualties of civilians as much as possible. I am not involved in the specifics of how to do it. I just want to see the corpses of Japanese and traitors. "

The heads of those present were buzzing, and two people even stood up and directly expressed their opposition to this order, because it meant that Jinling District agents were sent to die.

Are Japanese offices so easy to sneak into? If so, they would have done it before, not to mention military camps and pseudo-police stations. Many of these places are military management areas.

The people of the Republic of China, let alone getting close, might be caught by the Japanese even if they passed by and tortured. They couldn't rush into the target with bombs in their hands.

And how to detonate the bomb? If a booby trap is used, if it accidentally explodes during inspection, not only will it fail to achieve its purpose, but it will also inadvertently injure people passing by and the personnel who dropped it.

Given the current situation in Jinling District, it is better to remain silent than to move. The top priority is to slowly restore the intelligence network. There is no real meaning in sabotaging it and it will only make the Japanese intensify their search.

 “Don’t be impatient, everyone.”

Gui Youguang didn't get angry after hearing this. He pressed his hand to signal the person who objected to sit down, and then began to explain his intention of doing so.

“Before departure, Deputy Director Zuo gave me the discretionary power to reorganize Jinling District and screen out whether any of you have become traitors.

 The results of the screening are very good. I am very pleased that everyone did not disappoint the expectations of the party, the state and the bureau, let alone become traitors who have betrayed their ancestors. "

The team leaders looked a little better and a little proud. Even though all their superiors were sacrificed, not a single traitor appeared in Jinling District, which is enough to show their loyalty to the party and the country.

But before they could react from their joy and pride, Gui Youguang on the opposite side spoke again, this time with criticism.

"But there are still problems. Some people seem to be frightened by the immeasurable things. They want to be a monk and hit the clock for a day and want to get by. This is absolutely not allowed!"

 Speaking, Gui Youguang slammed the table in front of him, his sharp eyes swept across everyone's faces, and he issued a warning without mercy.

“Why do you think I bombed those places? Is it for merit? I work with Deputy Director Zuo. Even if I don’t do anything, I can still get promoted and make a fortune.

But can you do it? If you fail to complete the tasks assigned by the superior, every one of you will be punished by military law. The detention center in Luojiawan never lacks berths.

Therefore, a major operation must be carried out. Firstly, it can boost the morale of the military. Secondly, it can break the fear of the Japanese in some people's hearts and lay the foundation for future intelligence work.

As for how to send explosives in, you have to learn how to use your brain and give up when you encounter problems. Let me ask a question, do you have spies in each post office? "

              Yuguang said with a look of disgust on his face, as if he was dissatisfied with the slow response of the group leaders.

The team leaders opposite nodded in shame. The post office and telegraph office were related to the transmission and acquisition of intelligence and were the focus of intelligence work. They naturally arranged people.

After getting the answer he wanted, Gui Youguang strode up to a group leader, stared at him until he was panicked, grinned, turned around and asked again.

“In the places I just pointed out, is it difficult to find out which low-level staff members are away from Jinling on official business?”

Everyone shook their heads quickly. Personnel attendance is not a high-level secret. There is no need to deliberately inquire about it. You can find out by spending some money.


Gui Youguang's sudden shout startled the agents, and then he took out a postal parcel and put it on the table with a clang, teaching the team leaders of Jinling District a good lesson.

“Since there is someone at the post office, we can make a batch of time bombs and send them to the target through fake mail. The recipient’s name should be written as a low-level staff member who is not in Jinling for the time being.

There are two reasons for doing this. First, the packages of lower-level staff are generally not checked. In addition, it can delay the opening of the packages and avoid early discovery of the bomb.

 Under normal circumstances, such unaccepted packages will be placed on the other party's desk. All you have to do is set a unified detonation time and wait to watch the fireworks.

  Even if individual targets are strictly managed and all mailed packages are checked, or no suitable mailing recipients can be found, the staff there will always have to go out to do errands and go home.

Their vehicles are also good places to hide bombs. Look, these two methods do not require any risk. At most, they will recall the moles lurking in the post office.

 Let me say it again, lurking in the heart of the enemy, your brain is more effective than weapons, you have to use your brain more, your limbs are well-developed, and your simple mind cannot do intelligence work well. Do you understand? "

The big bald head who was so cruel that he even scolded himself sublimated at this moment. If the situation hadn't been wrong, he really wanted to record it for the deputy director to listen to. He Gui Youguang is a brain-eater.

The team leaders suddenly realized that according to team leader Gui's thinking, the feasibility of dropping bombs was indeed very high. Everyone's eyes gradually brightened at the thought of avenging those brothers who had sacrificed their lives.


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