Cicada Moving

Chapter 1034: Three party dynamics

Chapter 1034 Three-party dynamics


A blue steel express spewed white smoke as it drove out of Jinling Pukou Railway Station, slowly drove across the railway bridge and headed southeast.

In five hours, this train will arrive at Shanghai North Railway Station. With such a fast speed, the ticket price is naturally high, and only those with status can afford to take this train.

In the second-class carriage, a solemn monk was sitting on his seat with his eyes closed, silently holding rosary beads in his hand. At a glance, he knew that he was an eminent monk.

Passengers passing by consciously lowered their voices when they saw this and walked gently. The carriage gradually became quiet, leaving only the clanging sound of the train.

The passengers each had their own pastimes. Some read newspapers, some imitated the great monk and closed their eyes to meditate, and some looked out the window.

Suddenly, a passenger stood up, pointed at Jinling City on the other side of the river and exclaimed, causing everyone to look up.

I saw multiple smoke pillars rising from the originally peaceful Jinling City, and from time to time I could see flashes of light, and the entire city seemed to be set on fire.

This reminds many people of the war two years ago. Could it be that the Guo army came back?

Without waiting for the passengers to react, dull explosions were heard immediately, and everyone's hearts beat suddenly.

The feeling of being a national slave is not pleasant. If this is really done by the government, does it mean that this nightmare is finally over?

 “Baga, don’t look!”

At this time, the Japanese military police patrolling the car rushed into the car, raised their rifle butts and drove away the people by the window, and issued a warning to the passengers in an arrogant manner.

However, some people found that the other party's expression was more panicked than fierce, which showed that the Japanese had no confidence in their hearts.

 Under the strong intervention of the military police, the chaos on the car slowly subsided. The smoke-filled Jinling City became farther and farther away, and many people began to whisper.

“Is it a bomber from the Guo Army?”

 “It shouldn’t be, I didn’t hear the sound.”

 “Did the guerrillas do that?”

“I’m afraid that’s the case, the underground party is in Ganbei…”

 Various gossips spread quickly in the carriage. Most people looked happy, but a few traitors were in mourning, and their mood was even lower than that of the Japanese military police.

On the seat opposite the great monk, a well-dressed middle-aged man waved, called the passenger next to him, and mysteriously revealed a secret.

“An incident happened in Shanghai two days ago. He Xingjian of the Loyalty Salvation Army was beheaded in the French Concession. Several carloads of agents were killed. The scene was so horrific that even the patrolman vomited.

Everyone in Shanghai knows about this, and the newspapers in the concession clearly wrote about it. It’s just that the Japanese blocked the news, so no one here in Jinling knows about it. I just received the news.

I see that some people are like rabbits whose tails cannot grow long, and grasshoppers cannot jump around for a few days after autumn. But it is more and more dangerous at this time. Are any of you interested in buying insurance? Hey, don't go. "

The middle-aged man was desperate and used every opportunity to sell insurance. Passengers who were originally very interested turned around and left, ignoring the other party's attempts to stay.

 But no one noticed that the great monk, who had remained silent, moved his ears, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the speed of twisting the beads in his hand increased a little.

This person was Gui Youguang who was ordered to rebuild Jinling District. After arranging the revenge plan, he did not stop in Jinling and boarded the train back to Shanghai before the detonation time.

This is not because he is afraid, but once those more than 30 locations are attacked, the Japanese will definitely block surrounding traffic and launch a large-scale investigation.

 together into off together out back out of office to the Deputy Director's—in case he was trapped in Jinling and missed the "Yankee"'s sailing time.

More importantly, Gui Youguang wants to return to Shanghai as soon as possible to protect and assist the deputy director in carrying out other tasks. No one in the Military Command Bureau can do it, and nothing can happen to the deputy director.

Unexpectedly, just a few days after he left Shanghai, the deputy director sanctioned He Xingjian, who the government wanted to deal with but then quickly. Also, with just the few pieces of information No. 76 had, he was no match for the deputy director.

With his worries gone, Gui Youguang breathed a sigh of relief and waited quietly for the train to arrive at the station, while recalling the journey in his mind.

  The train was speeding on the railway track, crossing fields and fields, dragging a long column of smoke and quickly disappearing on the ground line. In the distance, police sirens of Jinling City were blaring, creating chaos.

 Five hours later.

The Linekong Express stopped at the renovated Shanghai-Shanghai North Station. Gui Youguang got off the train first with courtesy from other passengers. After being questioned, he walked out of the train station and blended into the crowd.

Not long after he left, a Japanese military train with a plaster flag slowly drove into a special platform at Shanghai-Shanghai North Station. Several cars were parked on the platform.

Next to the car, several Japanese military officers, the head of the Special Committee on China, Otsuichi Sadada, and the assistant officer, Hase Ryosuke, lined up in a line, as if they were waiting for someone.

With a loud whistle, the train came to a complete stop. Ryosuke Hase took a few steps forward and walked to the door of the special train, bowing his head respectfully. A moment later, the car door opened, and Doihara, dressed in military uniform, suddenly appeared in front of everyone. He walked out of the car with a smile, and raised his hand to pat Hase Ryosuke on the shoulder.

 “Mr. Hase, long time no see.”

 “Welcome, Sir Doihara, Hase is overjoyed to see you again.”

 Hase Ryosuke bowed deeply and his tone was extremely "excited". He was about to buy another piece of land in South America, and Doihara came. What a coincidence.

As an important figure in Japan's intelligence work on China, the other party has a lot of high-value intelligence, so "Fat Tiger" must be willing to pay a good price for it.

Thinking of this, Chang Gu looked at Doihara as if he were looking at a large gold bar weighing two hundred pounds, and then pointed to the welcoming team to introduce everyone and the schedule.

“Your Excellency Doihara, these imperial officers are from the garrison in Shanghai, and they will be responsible for your safety during your stay in Shanghai. As for the Chief of the Osako Agency, you should be familiar with it.

 You have come all the way from North China, and the journey has been tiring. Director Osako has already booked a room at the best hotel in the public settlement, so you can take a rest later.

The military and the Special Committee on China have prepared a banquet for you in the evening. Several important officials from the new government will also attend, but Mr. Ji is busy with other matters and cannot come in person. "

Doihara nodded with satisfaction after hearing this. The other party arranged it well. Although the special train was luxuriously decorated, the space was narrow after all. He was really tired after riding for such a long time, so he might as well go and rest first.

 The dinner is a good opportunity to understand the situation in Shanghai. After leaving Shanghai for such a long time, there are some things that cannot be grasped from written information.

With things in mind, Doihara walked up to the welcoming crowd, shook hands with everyone one by one, and then got into a car and headed to the hotel accompanied by Ryosuke Hase.

Several cars filed out of the station. Doihara, who was sitting in the back row, opened the curtains and looked outside. He found that there were several heavily armed patrols just a few hundred meters away.

Such a turbulent scene made people feel like they were in a war zone instead of the largest city in Asia. He gently opened the curtains, glanced at Hase Ryosuke next to him, and asked lightly.

“Mr. Changgu, I heard about the French Concession. The death of He Xingjian and Chen Mingchu was a huge mistake on your part, and it also caused the empire to lose the best opportunity to deal with the military commander.

I heard that Dashio believed that Zuo Zhong was responsible for the Anqing prisoner-robbing incident and this incident. After the incident, they jointly conducted a large-scale search in the concession. I wonder what the result of the search was? "

  “Nothing was found.”

Hase Ryosuke immediately replied, saying that he had no intention of hiding anything from his superiors. If the sky falls, a tall man will hold it up. The head of the Special Committee on China is Osako Tsusada. If Tokyo wants to hold him accountable, it is also his responsibility to hold the other party accountable.

Doihara looked at the other party deeply and said nothing. There is a saying in the Republic of China that people who are not in their positions do not seek political power. The arrest of Zuo Shige was Osako Tosada's job, and he could not overstep his duties.

Just like the Jinling bomb attack a few hours ago, which killed and injured hundreds of imperial warriors and new government staff. Even though he had heard about it on the train, he could only treat it as something wrong until he got the order from the military department. Know.

 The officialdom has its own rules. The most taboo thing is to rashly interfere in other people's work, even if he is the former head and founder of the Special Committee on China.

Besides, Zuo Chong is not so easy to catch. He is cunning and may have left Shanghai after completing his mission. He does not think that he can catch the other party with his participation.

 After thinking about it, Doihara showed a smile on his face, stopped discussing this topic, and turned to talk about another matter with Hase Ryosuke.

“Mr. Hase, there will be a guest getting off the train at North Station in ten days. I would like to ask you to greet him and arrange for him to go to the port city as soon as possible.

During the meeting time, someone will tell you the secret code. Remember, this matter is top secret and cannot be disclosed to anyone, including Major General Osako. "


 Hase Ryosuke did not ask about the identity of the visitor, nor the purpose of going to the port city. Doihara would tell him what he should know, but Doihara would not tell what he should not know, even if he asked.

As expected, Doihara pondered for a moment, perhaps to attract Chang Gu’s attention, and finally selectively revealed part of the situation.

“Not long ago, His Excellency Mr. Seishiro Sakagaki, Chief of General Staff of the newly formed Republic of China Expeditionary Forces, decided to focus on intelligence work in Jin Province in order to end the war in the north as soon as possible.

This matter has been approved by His Majesty Tianlu, and the specific work is jointly handled by the North China Expeditionary Army and the Shanxi Provincial Expeditionary Army. The guest is the key person to achieve this goal. "

 After saying that, Dofeiyuan stopped talking and chatted enthusiastically about the magnificent scenery in the northwest of the Republic of China, never forgetting the place during the conversation.

 Hase Ryosuke responded with a smile on the surface, but in his heart he was secretly thinking about the secrets behind Jin Province, the guests, and the port city.

Unconsciously, the car drove into the public concession, and the wheels kicked up a burst of dust. Passers-by covered their mouths and noses and turned sideways to avoid it.

At a teahouse on the side of the road, Kuang Fu'an saw this scene in his eyes. After the car drove away, he glanced around, looked at Ban Jun opposite and asked in a low voice.

"What happened?"

"Don't ask, you arrange the work of the patrol room and leave for the port city immediately. I will tell you the specific content of the task before departure."

Ban Jun’s expression was extremely heavy. This matter is related to the safety of the entire north. If someone really succeeds, the country will be in danger!

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